
Izuku and Eren adventures on the war against Hitler

Eren and Izuku have to fight Hitler's army

OceanPizza99 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Well it's now or never." Eren said.

Izuku and Eren were at the entrance of Mr. Cleans factory as they began to walk into the building as the automatic door slid open for them to go into the bullding. As Eren and Izuku walked in the building the room that they were going in had a black carpet below them with there being light blue color on the walls in the room along with there being paintings of Mr. Clean products on the walls. In front of Izuku and Eren was a front desk that was made of was also a computer that was on the desk with there being the secretary as well.

As Izuku and Eren went to the front desk they noticed that the secretary was a woman that was in a business suit that was black with her wearing a white office clothes being worn under her black business suit and was sitting in a chair at the back of the desk.

Eren then realized something it was the woman that he had just met a few two hours ago

"We would like to meet up with Mr Clean. We are investors that would like to invest in Mr Clean cleaning products." Izuku said.

The women looked at the chocolate cake that was in the cake pan that Izuku was holding.

"Huh well I see that you and your friend are investors, huh guess you were not skipping school but working on making a cake instead, that makes me so proud of the youth of today." The woman said.

"Huh," Izuku said.

"Oh you must not know your friend that is with you there we had just met at the store an hour ago." The woman said, pointing at Eren.

"Now that I think about it I never got your name." Eren said.

"Oh well my name is Stephanie Walsh and your name is?" Stephanie asked.

"Eren Yeager and this is my friend Izuku Midoyria." Eren said.

"So I was wondering if your parents put you up to this, you guys seem too young to be investors." Stephanie said.

"My father told us that we should invest in a company." Izuku said.

"I see well then can I get approval from your father." Stephanie said

"Sure thing in fact here is the number to call." Izuku said, giving the secretary a piece of paper with the phone number on it.

The woman typed in the number on the work phone then proceeded to put the phone to her ear and when she got the call she heard an older male voice.

"Yes, I am the father of the company that is named All Mighty, a food company that wants to invest in Mr. Cleans products as I want my company to have a sanitized work environment." The male voice said on the phone.

There was tension in the air with Eren and Izuku unsure if the plan was going to work.

Meanwhile in the white Lamborghini in the A.I screen Emily was holding a phone to her cat ear and she was also wearing a brown fake mustache talking on the phone.

"I see then ok well thanks I was just making sure." Stephanie said.

Stephanie then put the phone down.

"Well I will set up a meeting for you guys. Actually he is currently on his lunch break right now so I can set up that it will happen in an hour or less so you guys can wait on those seats over there." Stephanie said pointing to the seats that are on the right side of the wall that were plastic and were blue with them being holded by a steel square bar at the bottem on the wall.

Izuku and Eren sat on the seats with Izuku holding the cake on his lap. They waited and waited as Izuku stared at the clock that had Mr. Cleans arms as the clock pointer arms. Izuku's heart was beating as he was unsure if the plan would work and that maybe after they knock out Mr. Clean if it did happen of course then what. Then Izuku began to think if the plan would really work, the plan was that after scoring the place that they would try to go to the back door but there could be employees that see them and call the authorties.

Eren Meanwhile was unsure if he would realease his titan form in this building because now he knows that there are some people that could be working for Mr. Clean that care for other people. Is it possible that the people working here are not all complete selfish monsters? But Mr. Clean is giving Hilter cleaning supplies.

Eren stared at the knife that he took out of his pocket looking at his reflection he imagined killing Mr. Clean with the knife. Eren then looked at the cake Izuku was holding. Eren began to sigh as he realized that maybe he should follow Izuku's plan but he should still be on alert.

"All right guys it is time for you guys to go meet Mr. Clean." Stephanie said

Izuku and Eren walked to the secretary's desk.

"Go straight to the hallway where there is a front Elevator then after getting in, press the 5th floor button. Then head straight down the hallway where you will see double doors that is where Mr. Clean is." The secretary said.

Izuku and Eren then went straight down the hallway to the Elevator. Izuku pressed the button of the elevator door that caused the door to open. Izuku went inside the Elevator with Eren following behind.

Izuku was holding the cake that was in his hand.

"Speaking of fathers, I was wondering what your father is like. My father left me when things got tough." Eren said

"Really I never got to see my father at all, he left mom completely." Izuku said.

"Well I guess we both have something in common missing fathers." Eren said laughing.

Izuku smiled as well.

The elevator door opened where they were in a hallway. Izuku signed as he walked in the hallway as they made it to the hallway double door.

Izuku and Eren only thought of one thing, this was it, this was where they would capture Mr. Clean or kill him.

Eren opened the double door with both of his hands and in the room was Mr. Clean in his white shirt just like the hologram Gamer Businessman showed them. Behind Mr. Clean was a window that when looked at showed that there was a parking lot where there were cars that the factory employees owned.

"Hello I heard that you guys are investors." said.

"Yes we are and we are hoping that you can invest in our company called the All Mighty Food Company." Izuku said.

"Interesting." Mr Clean said.

"We also brought a cake for you." Izuku said as he put the cake down on the desk.

"Thanks for the cake. Is there a knife we could use? Maybe we could go to the kitchen." Mr. Clean said

"Oh now worry, I have a knife right here." Eren said with a smile.

"Oh thank you guys now would you like me to cut the cake with the knife." Mr. Clean said.

"No how about I cut the cake for you." Eren said.

"Oh sure thing, thanks." Mr. Clean said.

Eren stuck the knife in the cake. The knife went in the cake as Eren began moving the knife cutting it like the knife was an out of control car.

"You know what, give me the knife and I will cut the cake for me." Mr Clean said.

"Give him the knife Eren." Izuku said as his eyes darted at Eren.

Eren then gave Mr. Clean the knife.

Mr. Clean then began to cut the cake making a squire piece of the chocolate frosted cake.

Tension filled the air again as Izuku waited for Mr. Clean to eat the cake piece.

Mr. Clean moved his right hand holding the cake to his mouth. Mr. Cleans mouth opened as the cake was in his biting range. Mr. Clean bit the cake and began to chew the chocolate cake.

But Mr Clean immediately spitted out the cake.

"What is in this stuff."Mr. Clean said as he looked at the cake he just bit off.

Mr. Clean saw that there was melted blue liquid that was in the cake.

"What is this blue liquid?" Mr. CLean said.

Eren immediately took the knife that was on the table grabbing the knife then immediately swung his arm at Mr. Clean's throat.

However Mr. Clean leaned back falling on the ground dodging the swing causing the knife to stab the window instead.

Mr. Clean fell on the ground and he immediately crawled backward to the right side of the room getting back on his feet onto the wall.

When Mr. CLean eyes went to the door he immediately met the sight of a leg that was going to swing at his head. Mr. Clean ducked, dodging the swing that was attempting to knock him out.

Mr. Clean on instinct began to activate his clean ability.

Mr. Cleans shoes began to glow white light and the glow began to die down to normal as now Mr. CLean had white sponges on the bottom of his shoes this all happened all in one second.

Mr. Clean, using the sponges under his shoes slid across the clean white squared floor as he began to slide like he was rollerblading to the door that would lead outside his room. Izuku after taking back his leg that he used to try to knock out Mr. Clean on the floor began to use full cowl jumping at Mr. Clean painting his left leg about to knock Mr. Clean in the head.

Looking back Mr. Clean began to grab Izuku's leg as the bald man began to make a spinning motion then throwing Izuku at Eren who decided that he was just going to run at Mr. Clean as he gave up on grabbing the knife out of the window.

Izuku slammed on Eren as Eren was trying to get the Knife out. Izuku fell down on the Mr. Clean desk. Izuku got up on his feet on the desk then dropped down back on the floor and began to run to the double door that Mr. Clean just went through. Eren also followed behind him.

"What are we going to do now Izuku?" Eren said.

"What was that all about Eren? Why did you just take the knife and kill him? We could have knocked him out!" Izuku yelled.

"The plan was going to go downhill the moment Mr. Clean decided that he was not going to eat the cake that we gave him!" Eren yelled.

"No, don't try to follow me, try to get the knife out of the window you can turn into your titan from outside when you jump out of the window so that Mr. Clean cannot escape from his car but make sure to catch him by surprise." Izuku said.

Izuku began to run out of the room as Eren went back to the window to take out the knife that was stabbed in the window.

Izuku activated his One for All quirk, immediately began running at Mr. Clean trying to stop him as he was sliding towards the Elevator.

When Mr. Clean got to the elivator he began to press the up button on the Elevator door two times then pressed the down Elevator button one time.

The Elevator door then opened immediately with Mr. Clean immediately going in the Elevator door.

Mr Clean went in the Elevator pressing the down button causing the Elevator door to slam shut.

Izuku meanwhile was running straight ahead to the elevator as the Elevator door began to slam shut.

Izuku looked up to see that there was a fire exit that had an arrow that was pointing to the left side of the hallway.

This caused Izuku to take a left turn to the hallway as he would crash at the elevator door if he tried to stop right there with his running momentum being fast. Izuku then slid on the carpet breaking it by peeling it with his new business shoes as he slid across the floor as it stopped Izuku's momentum.

Izuku then looked around and saw that there was a staircase with a fire exit arrow pointing at it. Izuku began to immediately jump at the staircase wall begging to jump on another wall then another wall he kept doing this as went down jumping to the walls going down to the building to the first floor.

was in the Elevator as it was going down to the first floor.. He pressed the 1st floor button two times and the second floor button one time. When the elevator got to the first floor the door at the back of the elevator opened to the outside parking lot.

While this was happening Erenhad then took out the knife that was stuck in the glass. Eren realized that he could jump out of the window and activate his titan form in the parking lot so that Mr. Clean could not use his car to ecape.

As Eren looked outside of the window he saw Mr. Clean go out of the building running to one of the cars. Eren realizing that he had it act fast began to punch the window and kept punching the window causing his fist to bleed as crack on the window began to show. Eren kept punching as his fists that he was throwing pounded at the window with each punch causing the window to crack more with each punch causing more cracks.

"Ahhhh!" Eren screamed as he threw the mightiest punch that he had thrown in his entire life.

The window shattered with the shattered glass falling on the ground from the high spot in the building.

Eren saw that Mr. Clean was about to go in his car that had Mr. Cleans face painted on it.

Eren with no hesitation jumped out of the window while slitting his hand with the knife that he had causing a slice sound as blood dripped and flew from his left hand.

Eren began to glow as a lightning bolt struck him soon large bones were created as then flash began to go on those bones and last but not least skin. Eren Yeagur had just turned into his titan form and he began to roar which caused Mr. Clean in his car to put his hands on his ears.

Mr. Clean had no idea what was going on but he knew that he had to get out of here he had no idea on how it was that those kids knew that he was working for Hitler why did this happen to him why did he get so much bad luck.

Mr. Clean put the keys in the car starter turning the keys starting his car.

Mr. Clean began to step on the gas pedal moving out of the parking space as he turned the wheel to the left to get to the street of the city.

As Mr. Clean began to move the car to the street road. Mr. Clean looked at his Mirror to see that there was a massive humanoid monster that was in the parking lot looking at the car as it began to run towards him. Mr. CLean slammed the gas moving his car to the road immediately turning to the right lane.

Eren began to go on the road as well as there were cars that were driving there that had to stop as they did not want to get crushed by the titans foot.

Eren began to run faster than he ever did in his titan form chasing Mr. Cleans car.

Mr. Clean was being chased by Eren Yeagure in the Golden City road the chase was on.