
Izuku and Eren adventures on the war against Hitler

Eren and Izuku have to fight Hitler's army

OceanPizza99 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Mr. Clean drove through the city at top speed and when he made it to a red light he drove past it avoiding the cars that were crossing.

When Eren made it to the red light Eren began to jump above the car that were stopped at the red light. As Eren ran he realized that Mr. Clean was getting away from him Eren looked around while he was running to Mr. Clean's car and saw that there was a street lamp that was on the street.

Eren grabbed the street lamp as he began to rip it off the street as it was torn. Eren then threw the street lamp at Mr. Clean's car. The street lamp went in front of Mr. Clean's car. Mr. Clean began turn the wheel to the left but he hit the streetlamp causing a tire on the left to go out as it had hit the sharp part of the street lamp.

Mr Clean's car began to go out of control as he began to slide he was unable to turn and found himself in a park as he crashed into a tree causing Mr. Clean head to slam on the wheel causing there to be air bags to activate in the car.

Mr. Clean unbuckled his seat belt to open the door but it was too late. Mr. Clean saw that there was a large hand that grabbed the car that he was in.

Mr. Clean's car was lifted up to see that there was a massive beast that had his mouth open ready to eat the car and chomp on it.

Mr. Clean turned a knob to open the window as there was only one thing that he could think of. If he was going to get back his family from Hitler he needed to be diplomatic even if this person was going to try to kill him right now. Mr. Clean had to think of a plan fast then he came up with a plan.

"Ok that's enough you have done a good job for the mascot test you can stop trying to eat me now." Mr Clean screamed.

Mr. Clean's words began to cut off Erens blood lust as he began to look at Mr. Clean smiling and waving at him in the car.

What's up with that? Why was Mr. Clean saying that to him? Eren began to hear sirens looking at the source of the nose. Eren saw that there were police cars that were driving and stopping on eht side of the road. The police were taking out their guns pointed at Eren Yeager's titan form.

"Drop the car if you can still hear us with that power of yours." The police officer said that had a blonde mustache.

Eren did not know what to do at the moment but then Mr. Clean said something to him.

"Don't worry I have a plan." Mr Clean said in a low tone of voice.

Meanwhile Izuku was in the Lamborghini as it was driving across the street.

"Ok I am really going to tell Eren that he needs to stop being so aggressive when we are out doing missions, not even Bakugou would do something like that!" Izuku yelled.

As Izuku was in the with Emily driving in the road Izuku saw that eren's titan form was near a park.

Izuku's eyes widened as he saw that there were police cars that were around with the police pointing their guns at Eren and Eren Yeager that seemed to be in his titan form holding Mr. Clean's car above him near his head.

Izuku was sweated as he began to realize that the mission was over and it was going to end in disaster that was until he saw that Eren began to put Mr. Clean's car down on the ground.

Mr. Clean began to get out of the car smiling.

"That was an incredibles sir are a great actor you will be able to make a great Mascot for our cleaning products." Mr Clean said.

Izuku was unsure of what was happening just now as he could hear what Mr. Clean was saying but he did not want to interfere with what was going on right now as it could lead to Mr. Clean being alive.

Eren's Titan form began to kneel down as steam began to appear out of the titans body as Eren got out of the nap of his titan form.

"You are hired to be the new mascot for Mr. Clean products." Mr .Clean said.

The police began to lower their weapons as they heard what Mr. CLean was saying.

"Wait really that whole chase was that I just saw was about a test to get Mr. Clean product. What in the world Mr. Clean you crazy." The policeman said.

"Dude, are you new here acting like you have never seen someone do something this ridiculous before? This is the Golden City. Crazy stuff happens here on a weekly basis." A citizen said.

"Well ya I just got transported here and this is the first thing tha experience day one here." The police officer said.

"Welp Eren, I think you should turn into a titan and bring back my car to the factory." Mr. Clean said as he pointed his thumb at the car.

"Okay everyone I need you all to keep away from me I do not want to hurt you." Eren said.

Eren then went to the park that was near the road as he began to bite his hand again. Eren then began to turn into a titan again as the people that were in the city looked at Eren's titan form in aw.

Some civilians were recording this entire incident with their cell phones while others clapped.

Eren grabbed Mr. Clean's car with his right hand and began to walk on the road very right side of the road along with Mr. Clean in his left hand. They then made it to the Mr. Clean factory where Eren put his hand down in his titan form as Mr .Clean got off of his hand and onto the entrance of the factory.

"What is going on?" Stephanie said as she got out of the building's entrance after seeing Mr. Clean get out of the titans hand.

"Let's go inside there things that I have not told you about but I cannot explain here as there are people that are looking at us." Mr. Clean said.

As they began to walk in the building there was an employee that went up to them along with other employees.

"What was that all about and why was there a massive giant that was chasing you." The employee said.

"He is a new recruit in the Mr. Clean Mascot category that I am making." Mr. Clean said.

"Oh well all right then." The employee said.

After the employee left Mr. Clean said something to stephanie.

"I need you to get the vice president along with you as we are going to have a meeting." Mr. Clean said.

Eren, Stephanie and Mr. Clean were all in a room in Mr. Cleans office room.

There came out the vice president who was in a business suit that was black he also wore an eyepatch and a pirate hat. He was asian with white skin and brown eyes along with black hair.. The man was also holding a plate that had smoothies, three of them exactly.

"Hey I was wondering if you could try one of these smoothies. They are strawberry bananas everyone." The man said.

Eren grabbed the smoothie shake as he moved the smoothie to his mouth and began to suck on the straw tasting the strawberry banana smoothie as he felt like he was in paradise tasting the smoothie.

"Guys I would like you to meet this man whose name is Min Walls. He is the Vice president of the company. Mr. Clean said.

"Greetings to you all." Min said as he put the smoothie plate on the Desk of Mr. Clean.

"Now then you guys re the people that I can trust with information that Iam about to tell you guys."Mr. Clen said.

"You see, my Family did not go on a vacation, they have been captured and held hostage by a man named Hitler." Mr. Clean said.

Stephanie, Min, and Eren's eyes widen at this.

"So you are not doing this because you are a monster, you are doing this because of your family." Eren said.

"Yep pretty much when you were about to kill me I came to the conclusion that I may as well try to negotiate my way out now that I am thinking about it I should have done that when you tried to kill me the first time." Mr. Clean said.

"Well how did Hitler get to your family Mr. Clean?" Eren said.

"Well it started out when someone came to my factory to talk. From what I remember the thing that was interesting was that he had armor along with being a mask figure with guns and a sword at his back along with pistols on his waist. His name was Deathstroke he said that he was part of what's known as the Hitler Company he said that he wanted to get cleaning supplies for his Mercenaries for free. I declined as I do not want to give cleaning supplies to Mercenaries. I offered to sell him the products but then he began to leave without a word." Mr. Clean said

"So when did Hitler take your family?" Eren said.

"After I declined a day later when I got back from home after workI I noticed that my wife, son and daughter were missing. I saw on the table that there was a disk on it when I put the disk in I saw that it showed my family in jail where there were guns pointed at them with the words on the bottom simply saying give us cleaning supplies for free." Mr Clean said.

Eren was silent, unsure what to do now but then Eren began to speak.

"Mr. Clean, I will help you. I highly doubt that you will forgive me for trying to kill you. It's just that I came to this realization that not everyone that fights for my enemy is a complete monster. I am sorry." Eren said as he had tears in his eyes.

"Well don't worry Eren. I forgive you. I can see why you would do something like that." Mr. Clean said.

"Why do you forgive what I ever do to repay you? Was it the fact that I let you live." Eren said.

"Well it was because you were willing to listen to me and not kill me now I have hope that I can save my family so thanks for that." Mr. Clean siad.

"Well how about this we team up to take down this Hitler guy together." Stephani said she raised her fist in the air.

"Sure thing." Eren said with a smile.

Mr. Clean then began to look at Min.

"Min if something ever happens to me I want you to take over the company." Mr. Clean said.

Min simply nodded his head.

Eren got a call from his Iphone.

"Eren what is going on? I saw that Mr. CLean was talking to you so I assumed that there must have been some sort of deal made between you and Me. Clean" Izuku said.

"Oh well you see the thing is that Me and Mr. Clean have become friends as we have a common goal to stop Hitler this is because Hitler has Mr. Cleans family. But I think that GBM is going to need proof that he is going to help us take down Hitler." Eren said.

"I see well then I will contact Gamer business man so that we can find a way to prove Mr. Clean is working for us but I will stay hidden as I saw that there were people that were raising their Iphones at you and I do not want any of Hitlers men to know that I am with you. I don't want our enemy to see us online as this country seems to be in the information age." Izuku said.

"Well bye." Eren said.

"Just make sure you think of a plan, bye." Izuku said the phone then was cut off by Izuku.

Eren put his Iphone in his pocket.

"Well then it's time we think of a plan." Eren said to Mr. Clean

"Yep now all I have to do is think of a plan to prove that I am working for you guys." Mr. Clean said.

A few minutes later

"So what is your plan to help us take down Hitler." Eren said as he was on the chair staring at the ceiling for a couple of minutes.

Min was consuming the smoothie with a straw while Stephani was on her phone playing a puzzle game.

"Well I have an idea how to put bugs in my cleaning products so when I give them my cleaning supplies we will be able to listen to what they are saying." Mr. Clean said.

"Ok I am not sure what you are talking about because what do you mean by bugs exactly? Are you going to put bugs that can leave bug bites on their skin? What do you mean by listing exactly?" Eren said.

"Oh man, well it seems that you do not know what I mean by bugs, exactly what I mean is that there is a technology that can let you hear stuff when you put them in a spot then you can hear what the other people that are near it are saying." Mr. Clean said

"Oh, I think I know what you're talking about." Eren said.

"Ok then now I just have to go to another location as I need to find someone that will keep quiet on this whole bug business that we have going here.Then again maybe we could just lie to them about that we are just giving the bugs to the military and they would be none the wiser." Mr. Clean said.

"I see then how we are going to find a person like that ." Eren said.

"Well first let's go on the computer as we need to find out where the person that can create the bugs for our cleaning supplies." Mr. Clean said he opened his laptop that was on his desk.

Eren got up and grabbed his chair next to Mr. Clean where he could see the laptop Eren then sat on the chair seeing the screen that Mr. CLean was also seeing. Min and Stephanie also did the same thing that Eren did.

Mr. Clean grabbed the mouse that was connected on his computer as the screen that was black went bright showing his computer background to be a picture of his own products.

After Mr. Clean minimized a tab of solitaire Mr. Clean typed in Searchy on where he could find a mechanic or an inventor then he looked up on the locations this led to many of them reading different locations on where to find a mechanic they then came across a location what would seem to be a good place.

"This guy is proficient and would seem like the type of guy to fool easily." Mr. Clean siad.

It was a place called Soda's repair and Machine Creation Shop.

"All right however we need to make sure that no one sees us so that they don't try to ask for questions. There could be a Hitler spy that is spying on us right now so we need someone that could go to that place without looking suspicious." Mr. Clean said.

"Don't worry I got someone that could do just that ." Eren said.

Eren took out his phone and began to call Izuku after his epic struggle with the touch screen which lasted for about three minutes.

"Okay, so what is the plan on how we are going to make sure that Mr. Clean is not lying to us.?" Izuku said.

"You need to go to Soda's Repair and Machine creation shop." Eren said.

"I see well I will be going then." Izuku said as he put the phone down.

"Emily, before we go to Soda' Repair and Machine creation shop I need you to take me somewhere." Izuku said

"Sure thing Meow." Emily said as the Lamborghini began to drive in the city road the car was not near Mr. Clean's factory.

A couple minutes later.

The lamborghini began to go into the parking lot of the building of the Soda's shop.

When Izuku got to the building he that the sign that said Soda's Repair and Machine creation shope was made out of scrap metal also when reading the sign the title of the shop was a mouthful. Maybe that's why people know about this shop. Maybe this guy is a genius marketer.

When Izuku opened the door to get inside the building he saw that there was a man that was under a car and seemed to be repairing it while on his wheel thing that they used to when fixing the underpart of the cars.

"Hey I am Izuku and I was wondering if you could help me with something." Izuku said.

The man that was under the car moved his roller so that he was out of the under part of the car. He stood up and looking at him now Izuku saw that the person was a teenager that had a yellow jumpsuit with a black electrical symbol of the right part of his chest from Izku's right point of view along with pink hair.

"So I heard that you are a machine creator and a repairer." Izuku said.

"Yep my name is Kazuichi Soda so what could I create for you exactly." Kazuichi said.

"Ok but first I have to tell you that you must keep this a secret." Izuku said.

"All right I am listening." Kazuichi said with a smile.

"I would like you to help us create a sponge that can help spies get information when they are a janitor infiltrating another army." Izuku said.

"Really are you sure about that because there has been peace between the Golden Country and the Kingdom of Gaming for a while now do you really think that is necessary." Kazuchi said with a frown.

"Well you see you never know if a country is planning to go to war with you, you must always be prepared." Izuku said.

"Ok but is it really a good idea like what if they find out about the bugs and then that create heat between countries the two countries' Kazuichi said

"You got me, the thing is that we are not going to use the bugs for infiltration of the army, we are using them for an undercover mission. Our spy is going undercover to get info on a drug ring that is taking place." Izuku said.

"Well if it is to protect people, sure but I don't know if I will become a target." Kazuchi said.

"We will put you on the face of Mr. Clean product so you could promote your store.' Izuku said.

"Really well you know to hell with it sure thing if it gets people to my store I will create the bugs for you." Kazuichi said.

Kazuchi then raised his hand to Izuku. Izuku grabbed Kazuichi's hand and they shook in agreement. After the shake Izuku began to tell Kazuchi to follow him.

"Wow you have a Lamborghini." Kazuichi said.

"Yep pretty much now then I will need you to bring your mechanical stuff as we are going to bring it to a place where you can help us create the bugs. Also I am going to need you to wear something different like a mask when you get upfront and say that you are here to apply to be Mr. Cleans mascot. '' Izuku said.

"What do you mean?" Kazuichi said.

A few minutes later.

"Are you sure this is going to work I feel like a dork." Kazuichi said as he was wearing a custom that had a clown mask along with a full clown suit that he was wearing.

"We need to make sure that the mafia thinks that you are trying out for a mascot at Mr. Cleans office." Izuku said.

"All right then just give me a minute I need to get my mechanical stuff to build the bugs along with closing the shop early." Kazuichi said as he went back to get the stuff to build the bugs.

Izuku followed Kazuichi in the mechanic building after he got suitcase that he had bought recently so that Kazuchi could bring his stuff with our suspicion of course it could be suspicious on why clown was carrying a suitcase to the Mr. Cleans factory.

Izuku told Kazuichi that he helped him move the stuff in the back seat of the car.

Izuku and Kazuichi were in the front seat of the car.

"All right Emily now take us to Mr. Cleans factory." Izuku said.

They then both went to the factory.

"All right so now we are here." Kazuichi said as they were in a spot where Mr. Cleans factory was only two blocks apart from the car.

Meanwhile someone in a room that was a Gold mini figure with a gold top hat and a golden monocle was doing paperwork on his desk. A man came to his desk. That person was Deathstroke.

"Mr. Gold I think I found a traitor." Deathstroke said.