
It Seems I Truly Am A Necromancer

In 2050 the first totally immersive game "Outside The Simulation" was released, and for unknown reasons, every war and conflict around the world was stopped, which allowed every player to focus fully on the game. Blake, a retired pro player, decided to invest fully to develop the know hardest class to play in the game, the necromancer. Although he used almost all his time and knowledge in the game, he only managed to achieve the rank of 100 on the globe after 5 years of playing. At that time, 2055, suddenly everything around the world, except the people, froze and, one after the other, the world population started to die from heart attacks quickly until only the top 100 from that game remain. A few moments afterward, all those players were teleporters to a new world with their game classes. In truth, they were now in the true world, the real world, not the simulation they found to be before. Blake, together with the other players, wasn't in the game "Outside The Simulation", he truly was outside the simulation and that is his true self. ………. Follow more about the novel: https://www.instagram.com/i_truly_am_a_necromancer/

Bollado · Fantasía
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25 Chs

My Undead Creation

Then the transformation occurred! The energies mixed and formed undead Energy.

Blake was in ecstasies. He was very happy for figuring it out and could feel the little improvement in his spiritual energy.

However, he noticed the undead energy acting strange. the little undead energy he made started absorbing the death energy from the leaf, once the leaf was completely dead.

All the death energy turned into undead, the energy stopped leaking out and remains inside the leaf.

'Is it how to transform an undead? Is this leaf an undead leaf now?'

Blake then started to feel a very small amount of his own life energy being absorbed by the leaf.

From the shock, he instinctively threw it away, stand up, and stepped on it as hard as he could. Killing the undead leaf.

He then noticed the undead energy being leaking out of the leaf and disappeared mixing with the air.

'Is it dead? Did I just kill my first undead?

'But why was my life energy being absorbed? Was it natural for the undead energy, or was the undead leaf direct attacking me?

'At the beginning, it wasn't absorbing my life energy. Something changed. What was it?

'I have to test again.'

Blake then took one more leaf from the tree and transformed it into an undead. The same thing happened.

But this time put the leaf near the capybara to see if it would absorb the death energy, and it didn't.

'Before the transformation, the undead energy absorbed all the death energy from the leaf, but it stopped absorbing death energy after the transformation.

'What if undead creatures instinctively absorb life energy to strengthen themselves? But why is it attacking its creator?

'Do I have to make a contract with it, as summoners?

'But How do I make that?'

Blake then took one more leaf and, this time, while transforming it into an undead, he input some spiritual energy inside the body of the leaf during the transformation.

The undead energy absorbed the spiritual energy along with the energy.

What surprised Blake, was that once the transformation finished, the total spiritual energy absorbed was the same as death energy. Moreover, the undead leaf wasn't absorbing his life energy anymore.

Blake, to test it out, put the undead leaf on top of a tree, and noticed that a very small amount of the life energy of the tree was being absorbed.

'That's crazy! But this undead leaf is just too small...

'I think I know how to solve it!'

Blake then took the leaf back and put it near the capybara.

After a few moments of preparing his state of mind and focus to its fullest, he then stepped on the leaf again.

Blake quickly used his spiritual energy to guide the undead energy to the capybara and injected his own spiritual energy inside the capybara.

The undead energy started to absorb the capybara's death energy and Blake's spiritual energy.

A few moments later, the capybara stand up again.

'I got it!!'

Blake then felt his spiritual energy grow again, but much more than last time, and felt as if a barrier was broken inside his body.

Blake quickly open his system and smile.

[ System Window:

Name & Level: Blake - Starter Tier 2

Class: Necromancer

Passive skills:

Life and Death Energy perception (5%)

Undead Energy Manipulation (1%)

Death Energy Manipulation (1%)

Active skills:

Undead Creation (5%)

My Undead Creation (2%)]

'It seems I'm Tier 2 now.

'But the percentage just increased by a little bit. Does it mean that those abilities are considered 'high level'?

'Besides, there is two active skill 'Undead Creation' and 'My Undead Creation'. The latter should refer to the one I inject my spiritual power.'

Blake then decides to don't think too much about it and test the undead capybara he just create.

After a few experiments, he discover that it could just follow simple orders. Moreover, he could order it telepathically. He concludes that it was probably due to his spiritual energy being absorbed.

It has already been around two to three hours since he arrived and Blake has already advanced a tier.

Blake then decided to Hunt some more animals to protect himself.

He knew that since he found a capybara, there should be a river nearby, and the moment an animal stopped to drink water would be the best moment to ambush it.

Blake searched around with the capybara and found the river.

The moment he found it, there was already a jaguar drinking water.

Blake froze.

A Jaguar should be one of the most dangerous animals in the jungle.

However, greed flashed in his eyes.

He knew that he wouldn't be killed because of the token, and if he get that jaguar as his undead, he would be safer than he is right now.

Therefore, he orders the capybara to go near the river and attract the jaguar's attention, while he hides behind a tree with a stick that he had sharpened before.

Then, he made the Capibara run in the direction of the tree he was hiding.

The Jaguar ran at full speed to catch the capybara.

When the capybara passed the tree, Blake turned to the jaguar direction using the stick as a spear.

The jaguar was already too fast and even though the sudden appearance of an animal bigger than it scared it, the jaguar couldn't stop in time and decided to attack it.

Blake took the opportunity of the jaguar's carless and stick his stick inside the jaguar's mouth. Killing it.

Blake was overjoyed with his achievement, and since he still didn't know how to create undead energy from nothing, he made use of another leaf in a tree around him.

When turning the jaguar into an undead, he noticed that a large amount of spiritual energy was needed. Much larger than when turning the capybara.

The best part was that since the injury that killed the jaguar was from inside its mouth, it did not look like an undead at all. The capybara, on the other hand, has a small in its head.

Blake was already starting to feel hungry for using too many calories in thinking and the adrenaline for ambushing a capybara and a jaguar.

Since he wanted to gain strength, not only by developing his class but physically, he needed protein.

So, Blake decided to use the jaguar to hunt another capybara to eat.

At the same time, in the hall of the castle, a girl with blond hair and dark skin appears from thin air with a hole of the size of a fist in her stomach.

Julia, who was still supervising the situation with John, direct snap her finger and the hole in the girl's stomach closed.

Then John took the opportunity to ask:

"Identify yourself, please. Name, rank, and level. Then, say how did you almost die just now."

"Sophia, rank 6 and Starter Tier 2.

"I was ambushed with Liam, the rank 9, by a foreigner race. They looked like goblins of the game."

"Already Tier 2? Congratulations. What happened to Liam since he was with you?"

"Thank you. Liam is also Tier 2 and I saw him killing the goblins before I was teleported here."

"Good, now you can go back."

Julia snap her finger again and Sophia disappeared.

John then commented:

"She's the twentieth to come and they have just teleported to the wilderness. How were they qualified in the simulation?"

"At least this girl is already Tier 2, and her friend has also advanced, that shows that they are improving."

Julia responded.

"I guess you are right, let us see if it continues."

John took a note from thin air and wrote Sophia's identity with a one at the end.

Just above Sophia's name and rank, in the notebook, was Jaccobe's name and rank, also with a number one in the end.