
It Seems I Truly Am A Necromancer

In 2050 the first totally immersive game "Outside The Simulation" was released, and for unknown reasons, every war and conflict around the world was stopped, which allowed every player to focus fully on the game. Blake, a retired pro player, decided to invest fully to develop the know hardest class to play in the game, the necromancer. Although he used almost all his time and knowledge in the game, he only managed to achieve the rank of 100 on the globe after 5 years of playing. At that time, 2055, suddenly everything around the world, except the people, froze and, one after the other, the world population started to die from heart attacks quickly until only the top 100 from that game remain. A few moments afterward, all those players were teleporters to a new world with their game classes. In truth, they were now in the true world, the real world, not the simulation they found to be before. Blake, together with the other players, wasn't in the game "Outside The Simulation", he truly was outside the simulation and that is his true self. ………. Follow more about the novel: https://www.instagram.com/i_truly_am_a_necromancer/

Bollado · Fantasy
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25 Chs

First Contact With A Foreign Race

When the night descend, in the middle of a jungle, Blake was cooking two capybaras on a campfire.

Around him were four jaguars and a black panther (melanistic jaguar). While the blake panther and one of the jaguars were apparently intact, the other three jaguars were with injuries all over their bodies.

'I've been hunting jaguars to use my 'My Undead Creation' skill all day. I'm exhausted right now.

'Moreover, I noticed that the jaguars with more injuries become weaker after turning into undeads. That is why, I killed the black panther as cleanly as possible since it was my last acquisition of the day.

'But, although the outside looks like it's clean, its skull still is damaged from the inside, so it's weaker than when it was alive.

'I have to think of a method to kill it without damaging its body.

'I can only think of killing it using poison or psychologically. While poison may still cause some damage internally, it is less than physical damage.

'Killing psychologically causes zero damage to the body, but I don't think it would work in a low intelligent specie.'

Blake stopped thinking about it while eating one of the capybaras and tried to relax his mind while letting the jaguars protect him from the surrounding.

After dinner, Blake put out the bonfire and also meditated a little bit to calm his mind from the frenetic day before going to sleep.


In the morning, Blake woke up with some sunbeams, that pass through the trees, on his eyes. He had a relatively good night of sleep and feel much more energetic.

Blake direct turn on the campfire again to cook the second capybara as breakfast.

After eating, he decided to practice more of his ability and develop his class. Since he had already found some bodyguards to himself, he didn't need to be wary too much of his safety while researching.

'This time I need a goal to research in order to be more efficient.

'I believe that, as games, it would be better to have a mastered ability than a lot of abilities with a low percentage.

'However, I don't know how to improve my abilities...

'I think I will start by finding a way to create undead energy from the surrounding directly. It would be much better than holding some undead leaves in the pocket.'

Blake then sat down and concentrated on the surroundings to analyze all the energy present.

He still could just feel the life energy, but as time passed the perception of the life energy was slowly increasing. Before, he could just faintly feel this energy, but now, as he is practicing, it became clearer and clearer.

Time passed and Blake made a few pauses after some time to relax his mind a bit before going back to work.


A few hours later, in the surrounding area of the jungle, there was a group of small and green humanoids. They possess big heads and pointy ears.

They were goblins. There were around four of them. Three of them were holding stone knives in both hands, while the other one was holding an iron sword.

"Where's Gobin?" the only goblin holding an Iron sword asked.

"He should be arriving soon, he went to take a look around to find any human." another goblin answer.

"Commandant. I found him." a goblin holding two stone knives appeared coming stealthily near the group.

"Another human? Where is it?" the commandant asked Gobin.

"He is sitting on the floor with closed eyes a few meters north. There are five jaguars guarding him, but three of them look seriously injured."

"We can take care of some mindless animals, but how is the aura of the human?"

"He looks to be at the second Tier already."

"Great, it looks to be one of their genius, let's kill it before it has time to teleport as the last group."


Back on the spot where Blake is, he continues to increase his perception while trying to find a way to create undead energy from thin air.

He had already developed his perception enough to feel the silhouette of the life forms through the life energy.

However, he suddenly felt the life energy of five different creatures coming from all directions.

'Is it the foreigner race John told us about?'

A knife was thrown by one of those life forms in the jaguar's direction.

When Blake felt the movement from this life form's silhouette, although he did not know what was being thrown, he decisively order the jaguar to dodge.

The knife landed on the floor. Blake direct order the jaguar to go direct in the direction of the life forms and he went straight to take the knife from the floor.

The jaguars weren't attacking to kill, Blake only order them to keep the foreign race busy while he can team up with them later and kill the enemy with the least casualties possible.

Blake noticed that the silhouette of one of the life forms was very different than the other. While the others kept their hands up and separate to fight, this one kept the hand down and together, as holding a sword.

Blake decided to leave this one as the last one and let the Blake panther, his strongest undead, distract it. Then he went to the "intact jaguar" which was his second strongest undead.

Since this jaguar was stronger, he could more easily finish the enemy and support the others.

When he arrived near the fight, Blake noticed that the foreign race was actually goblins.

He direct throw the knife into the goblin's back and ran to its left side.

The goblin saw the knife coming, and the jaguar went to its right as dodging the knife's trajectory if the goblin dodged.

The goblin then jumped to its left in order to dodge the knife and create distance from the jaguar.

But, when it landed, he noticed the human, very close, coming to his back.

The goblin direct threw his other knife backward and dodged in the direction the knife Blake threw landed.

The goblin's knife landed on Blake's left leg and Blake fell on the floor to both excess pain and loss of strength in the leg.

At that point, Blake felt fear for the first time he arrived.

'I was too confident in the beginning, too arrogant.'

At that time, the goblin with a sword appeared holding the black jaguar's head on the left hand and its sword on the right one.

He threw the black panter's head to the side and helped the other goblin to kill the other jaguar.

Afterward, both Goblins looked joyfully at the helpless in Blake's face and prepare to kill him.

Blake took the knife that was in his leg and prepare to defend himself. The adrenalin didn't allow him to feel pain anymore.

The goblin with a sword planned to cut Blake's head with a single swing of its sword to prevent Blake from teleporting. However, when Blake noticed the goblin preparing to swing its sword at its head. He decisively hit himself in the stomach with the knife.

'His fight awareness is much better than mine, if I tried to resist he could easily disarm me before killing me. It's best to force myself to teleport.' Blake thought.

And he disappeared.


Inside the hall of the castle, Blake appeared from thin air. Julia, already prepared, quickly closed his injury in the stomach. John then said the same line he said to all of the others previously.

"Identify yourself, please. Name, rank, and level. Then, say how did you almost die just now."

"My name is Blake, rank 100 and level Starter Tier 2.

"I was ambushed by five goblins. I couldn't resist, so I stabbed myself in the stomach to prevent being decapitated."

John started to laugh crazily before saying:

"Who do you think we are? We are already deities! If you were decapitated would still be safe. Actually, it would be less painful for you.

"But I admire your courage and decisiveness. Also, you already improved. Your future is promising."

"Thank you."

"Now, go back and work hard."

Julia then snap her fingers and Blake disappeared.

"This one is promising, the knife in its stomach was one of the ones we allowed those goblins to use. That boy not only manages to fight back against an ambush of five goblins but also disarm one of them."

"I've already investigated it, the knife was thrown on him."

"He forced the goblin to do so, right? There's still some merit."

"The only merit I give him is the courage by now."

John then took his notebook and note Blake's information on it.


Blake appears in a random part of the same jungle.

'It seems I lost all my undead... what a loss!

'This time I won't be as careless. These foreign races look like a perfect test subject for my "My Undead Creation" ability.'

At that time, anger and thirst for revenge could be seen on Blake's face.