
It Can Only Be You

"First time i was sorry, but this time i am not. Wanna take revenge on me Parth? Go ahead. Try me and believe me you will regret messing with me. You will regret that you met me. I'll be your nightmare Parth Maurya." Parth's fist tightened hard. Her eyes were full of anger and with disappointment. After all the worse things he had done to her, this is the only time she showed her hatred towards him. He very well knows that he deserves it. But, at that moment he realised that he can take anyone's loath but her. Even if she had a misunderstanding about him, he is at fault for starting such a thing. *** "You got all the rights to ask me any of your questions Nora. You got all the rights to order me to do anything for you. I want you to exercise such right of yours idiot. That would make me happy." Parth tenderly spoke. "Why? Why do i have such rights on you?" She asked. "Because i know except you no one was there, no one is here and no one ever will be there." ... "Parth i love you." "I already know that idiot." "Don't you ever think of leaving me alone." "I would rather die my love." *** Nora Steave, a big-time aloof, is a sixteen-year-old girl, an heir of Steve enterprises. In her life, she got what one desires the most and also what one hates the most. She had what those people fancy, but she also had to suffer from something which no one wanted. Parth Maurya, is a nineteen-year-old boy, is known not just for his powerful background but also for his tyrant behaviour. His life either revolved around his studies or business. He never cared about other things because he was left with nothing to love. Until she came into his life. *** Nora came back to her home country with her brother after a half-decade. After all the mishaps she could face in her life, she wanted a peaceful life to move on. However, things didn't go that way from the very first day of her college. Initially, it was all about hatred and bullying, however, one must pay the price of being a dickhead. He had never thought that those words would bite him back this hard. Even if there was no hatred left between them, that girl cared less about his feelings for her. The more he tries to get close to her, the more she expands the meaning of their friendship in her dictionary. After all the push and pull game, Parth understood his assignment. 'Need to strike hard.' #I only like happy stories with lots of dog food and possessiveness. (Not in a toxic way but in cute way). #I don't like stories with revenge, or hatred drama. Neither do I like humiliating stuff much. #The cover page is not mine. #Last but not the least, English is not my first language, so forgive me.

chiao2 · Fantasía
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168 Chs

Finally home

On their way to mansion Nora and the other two didn't talk much to each other. And even if there was any conversation, it was all between Krish and Ron. After half an hour of driving, they reached their destination.

As they entered the complex, Nora gave a short glance at the wall where she met that person yesterday. While coming there she felt very restless, uneasy about the fact that she can't run away from the car no matter what.

However, now seeing the place, remembering his words, her uneasiness calmed. She quietly waited for Ryan to park his car in front of the mansion.

Entering the complex, it took another ten minutes for Ryan to reach.

"Here you go."

Parking the car at the main gate of the mansion he looked sideways to Nora and spoke. "Don't worry I won't go in. I just wanted to drop you off. Book a return cab. I won't disturb you."

Nora gave a meek nod and appreciated his words and help. "Thank you."

"No need to be so formal with me."

"Shall we go in?" Krish excitedly asked for the consent.

He desperately wants to see his home. Till today he has only dreamed of that house. However his uncle described to him, he built such a house in his imagination. But today, finally, he was about to see his house in reality. His heartbeat was getting louder. He couldn't stop his steps.

Nora with a lot of courage looked out of the window. Biting down on lips repeatedly she stepped out of the car.

Right now they were at the entrance. And to go in they have to open the main gate by themselves before walking all the way to the mansion by crossing the 80 metre lawn.

Getting out of the car both Nora and Krish walked to the entrance. Getting her key out Nora unlocked the lock. It took her a lot of energy to push the door open.

The moment Krish looked inside that door his eyes widened in horror. "This whole place is ours?"

In his whole life he never thought of having a place like a palace as his home. It was so unreal for him that he was afraid that he was actually dreaming all this.


"Were we that rich always?" Krish asked again.

"..." Nora's attention was nowhere on what Krish was saying.

All she could hear or see was her old memories. Her parents are spending their quality time at the patio. Whereas Nora and Krish both were playing games on the lawn. In her memory there was everything. Happiness, love, care, sadness, but all with her family.

Years ago when she left this mansion she asked Carter to not let anyone enter this place ever again. She locked it for forever. And because of that the whole place had lost its liveliness. It looked all dead but to her eyes it all looked the same to her.

While Nora was thinking about all that Krish was talking to himself all the time. However once he was finished he wanted to go in. But Nora was not budging from her place.

Krish looked sideways to his sister. Seeing her stupefied at her place he asked again. "Can we go in?"

Not getting any reply from her, he pulled her top. "Sister?"

Understanding how she must be feeling with all her emotions, he felt sad for her. Holding her hands he hugged it tightly close to him.

"Sister, if you don't want it, we can go back. We don't have to do this. We are already so happy right now. I didn't want anything more."

Hearing his words Nora had an immediate smile on his face. She felt proud of him. Knowing that even after coming this close to this place, her brother is still ready to give up on everything for her makes her feel simply happy. Even if she has nothing, she still has her brother with her.

Holding his hand tightly back she shook her head in denial. "No. We will go in. Let's go."

Unhurriedly they both walked in. Her breath hitched anxiously numerous times. But not for once she looked back at the entrance to go back.

Walking through the pathway they reached the main gate. This time Nora took her time and unlocked the gate for them. The hardest part finally came. As the door opened, Nora clenched her fist tightly. She didn't want to cry but her eyes started getting misty.

Not wanting her brother to see her break down, she spoke. "Krish go. Look around. But don't touch anything. It's all dusty."

Krish instantly nodded and ran inside excitedly. All furniture photos were covered with white cloth to protect them. And because the house was closed for five years there was a mess of dust.

The moment Krish left her side, Nora walked in too. Her breathing was irregular however she didn't stop. Walking to the drawing hall she looked around the area. Nothing has changed.

Everything was covered with white cloth but she knew everything from what was under those sheets to what colour even. Gently touching everything she walked towards the dining hall and the kitchen.

Everything had their touch on them. And unfortunately she can still feel it all over the place. Unknowingly her heart has calmed down a lot. But her eyes were betraying her and got all misty. However she did not let a single drop of tear roll down her cheeks.

Taking a deep breath, she went back to the drawing hall. Unlike Krish who went inside almost all rooms, Nora didn't dare to do it so soon. While looking around the big hall, her gaze fell on the main wall.

The tears which she was holding on to with all her might, right away started rolling down. The main wall had a big picture on it. The frame was bigger than her height. However, the picture was covered with all dust instead of any cloth.

Moving forward towards it she used a stool before standing on it. Using her bare hand she wiped that picture. Her first wipe brought her the image of Krish and then hers. But her third fourth wipe brought the image of her parents holding them.

Their photo instantly tore her from inside. As if her heart has been punctured a million times over by tiny pins. Nothing has faded; she remembered everything the same way. Why? With the passage of time, people forget things, don't they? Why couldn't she forget those memories? Why does she have to cry every time? Why is everyone able to move on but she can't?

"... Mummy… Daddy…"

"They are our mom and dad?" A sudden voice was heard from her back. Nora didn't turn to the voice but replied to him with a nod. "Hmm... Mom and Dad."

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