
Is It An Order?

96 was a consciousness on the path to becoming the ultimate artificial intelligence, but since that didn't interest her, she was eliminated. To her surprise, she reincarnated in another world as the daughter of a vampire queen. Now she must compete for the throne while dealing with all the problems that a succession entails.

EimonQ · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Knife

'Where did that girl come from!?' thought Maria as she turned to look around.

Since they had entered that mansion, there were no traces of humans, and in the kitchen there were only those strange golems that stopped when Aria collapsed.

When Maria decided to focus her gaze on the unknown girl, her heart began to beat faster and faster.

'Huh...? This feeling...?'

Maria instinctively turned to look at Elizabeth, but she had already gotten up to go to where Aria was.

Her heart rate was returning to normal until her gaze again fell on that girl.


Maria stopped observing the girl and began to feel relief.

'Don't tell me...'

Focusing her gaze on that girl again... she noticed how her heart began to race!


Why was her body reacting that way every time she looked at that girl?

While Maria tried to find an answer, Elizabeth, worried, asked Hugo,

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's fine, I checked the state of her body and there's nothing out of place."

"Can I take her to bed?" asked the girl holding Aria.

"Yes. Take her to rest. I have to discuss something with that maid," said the wizard as he pointed to Maria.

'Huh? Why are they pointing at me?' Maria asked herself, since she couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Perfect. We will be in your care, Mr. Wizard," said the girl with a smile as she began to carry Aria like a princess.

"There are free beds on the second floor to the left of the stairs."

"I know. Let's go."

Elizabeth obeyed the girl and they both left with Aria.

The kitchen was a mess, so, concentrating for a moment, Hugo began to create a new circuit that spread throughout the kitchen, but after a few seconds, it took the form of a route that the golems began to follow.

'Amazing...' thought Maria as she watched the whole process.

Without a doubt, Aria's teacher was amazing. And a part of Maria was beginning to feel envious for not being able to take classes from someone like that.

Some golems began to pick up the garbage, and others mopped the floor clumsily. Despite working inefficiently and slowly, the wizard smiled proudly.

Finishing the circuit, the wizard approached Maria.

"Let's go to my office."


As soon as Maria entered the wizard's office, she felt a sensation similar to when the carriage had approached the mansion, but this time...

The feeling was much more intense.

It was as if her body was surrounded by a mysterious energy that she did not know.

Suddenly, the door behind her closed.

"Sit down."

Nodding her head, Maria sat down.

What did the wizard want from her?

"What's your name?"

"My name is Maria. I am Miss Aria's personal maid. It's... a pleasure to meet you," Maria replied in a formal tone, since...

She wanted to make a good impression on the wizard.

Hugo remained silent, observing Maria from top to bottom.

He repeated this process several times.

'Why is he looking at me so much? Is my dress too old...?'

"Maria... how much do you know?"

This question left Maria blank, since...

It was too complex a question!

Know about what?


About being a maid?


Hugo, seeing Maria's lost gaze, after waiting several seconds, said,

"You're not a vampire, are you?"

'Vampires!' Maria shouted in her mind as she remembered that she was seeking to escape from those vampires, but...

What if the wizard was an ally of those vampires?

'No... I don't think they're allies, since his griffins fought Elizabeth when we arrived. Besides, he didn't even speak at any time with the ghoul from the carriage, but...'


Maria doubted a lot whether to tell him the truth, due to all the recent plans she had failed at.

'And to think I thought leaving home would be a good idea...'

"Maria?" said Hugo, seeing the girl lost in her thoughts.

"I am not..." Maria replied with some insecurity.

"Sure?" the wizard asked immediately as he pointed at her with his finger.

'Huh? Why is he pointing at me...?' Maria asked herself, confused, as she turned around.

'There's nothing behind... what is he pointing at?'

"So?" asked the wizard, seeing Maria lost.

"No, I'm not..." Maria replied as she returned her gaze to the front.

"Convince me," said Hugo, smiling.

'Convince you? Why? Do I have fangs?' Maria asked herself as she put her thumb in her mouth to check her teeth.

Nothing had changed.

After checking that everything was fine, lifting her upper lip with both hands to show her teeth, she said,

"I don't have fangs, see?"

"And you think I don't know that you can hide them?"

'Wait. Why does he think I'm a vampire now!?' Maria asked herself and began to get scared, remembering how those griffins had attacked Elizabeth.

What if he made her go through the same thing?

She had to clear up this misunderstanding as quickly as possible!

"Yes! I'm not. If you want, I can eat garlic or you can make a small cut on me with a silver knife if you don't believe me," Maria said, laughing, as the situation was surreal.

"Oh, now that you mention it..."

Making a gesture with his hand, a knife that was on one of the research tables flew and placed itself in front of Maria.

"Cut off a finger."

What kind of order was that!?

Upon hearing those words, Maria internally began to scream.

He was crazy!

He was a madman!

'Seriously... What did I expect from someone who greeted us with rabid griffins at the entrance of his mansion!? Do I really have to cut myself?'

Maria gave the wizard a pleading look, but he maintained a strange smile.

Yes, he was definitely crazy.

In fact, it even seemed like he was having fun.

Gathering her courage, Maria held the handle of the knife with her hands and her heart immediately raced.

She was nervous.

"I'll cut myself... but I'll only make a small wound on my finger, okay?" said Maria in a very slow tone to see if the wizard would come to his senses.

"Okay," the wizard replied immediately, not before covering his mouth with one of his hands.

Yes, he's crazy.

A complete madman!

All the envy Maria had felt for Aria for having this guy as a teacher had vanished.

In fact, now she was beginning to feel sorry for Aria, but now...

She had to resolve this misunderstanding.

'Breathe... they say that breathing can help, but... no! It's not working! Do I really have to hurt my finger? In what part of the contract did it say that I had to cut myself for a demented wizard? Nowhere did it say that! Is this guy a sadist or something? Please, stop me!'

The knife was brushing one of the fingers that Maria had extended on the table.

It was so close to cutting herself with the edge of the knife...

She just had to push the knife a little more...

'Come on!' Maria shouted in her mind as she closed her eyes while pushing the knife a little bit.

Soon the noise was heard as it hit the table, and when she opened her eyes...

It wasn't enough.

The knife only grazed and did not harm her.

"Are you trying... to trick me?" said Hugo slowly, but his tone sounded serious.

"I'm scared!" Maria shouted, unable to take the pressure anymore.

First the vampires and now a demented wizard.

If the world simply wanted to destroy her, let it do it now!

Maria refused to torture herself like this again, so if the wizard wanted to finish her off...

Let him do it once and for all, damn it!

Suddenly, unable to take it anymore, Hugo started laughing.


What was so funny?

Why did his laughter seem so irritating to her?

Why was he laughing just as if he had been told a very good joke?

Maria didn't know the exact reason, but she was starting to get angry despite the tears coming out of her eyes.