

" You know you can drop the disguise now. I know you're not science dog and that your appearance is different. I've seen different species before."

Mark explained to the giant dog as they flew towards the "dogs" planet.

" I see. You saw through my disguise. Forgive me it was not my intentions to trick you Mark Grayson."

Science dog said to Mark before tearing the disguise away and revealing a bug like woman.

" I must ask though, how you knew I was wearing a disguise?"

The woman asked.

" Because Science Dog is a comic book character. I'd be dumb to think you were real."

Mark said to the bug woman.

' Though that's being quite the hypocrite considering I'm now a comic book character myself.'

Mark thought to himself with a Hisoka face.

" Well, how much longer is this trip going to take?"

Mark suddenly asked.

" Only six more days."

The woman replied.

Mark rolled his eyes and rubbed his face and slowly sat back into his seat, the long trip slowly pushing him to sleep.

A little while later, Mark was awoken by the woman as she shook him awake.

" Huh! Oh, are we here?"

Mark asked as he shot up from his seat.

" Yes, we are."

The woman said to Mark as she opened the hatch for the duo to depart. Mark and the woman walked down the landing ramp and were greeted by the woman's people with open arms and cheers of excitement.

" They're happy to see me."

Mark stated.

" Yes, they are. Most of them have been waiting their whole lives for your arrival."

The woman explained to Mark.

" I see, because you guys' age faster than normal humans right?"

Mark asked the woman.

" Yes, we do. How did you know?"

The woman asked.

" We have a species similar to yours on Earth. Now, point me in the direction of this great threat I don't want to be in space for too long."

Mark explained to the woman.

" Yes of course, but first our monarch has requested an audience with you immediately upon your arrival. It won't take long."

The bug woman explained.

' The monarch. I knew this was coming but I'm still not ready for it.'

Mark thought to himself.

The bug woman pushed on the door and opened it revealing Nolan inside.

" Hello, son. It's been a while. You're looking well."

Nolan said to Mark as the boy walked into the royal chamber.

Mark looked at the man and started walking towards him with purpose.

" Mark?"

Nolan called out to the boy as he approached.

Nolan clenched his fists in preparation for an attack but was caught off guard as Mark hugged him instead.

" It's good to see you again... Dad."

Mark said to his father as he hugged him tightly.

" Mark... My son, I have missed you."

Nolan said to the boy as he returned the hug.

" You look good. How have you been?"

Mark asked the man.

" I've been... Good. I've been using this time away to do some thinking. And I've turned my back on the viltrum ways. When I abandoned my post on earth, I became a fugitive. It's only a matter of time now until they learn of my treachery. That is if they haven't already. I came here in an attempt to hide and if I'm lucky, since this world is similar to earth, they'll accept this world and maybe lessen my punishment. These people this world is in some ways more advanced than earth. They cycle through their lives. They live for roughly nine months because of this handicap they've reached an evolutionary point where everything is learned during the action they are attempting to learn. Their elders are the ruling class. The eldest known member of the species is crowned ruler of the entire planet. Needless to say it was easy to assume control of the planet. When they learned how old I was they elected me ruler immediately. Things move very fast here."

Nolan explained to Mark how and why it was he came to this planet full of bug people.

" They just handed over the whole planet that easily. Damn. How have these people not been conquered before?"

Mark asked his father as they walked through the halls of the planet.

" Yes, they did. Things are different here Mark. After nine months here Mark no one will remember how their planet was before. You outlive an entire generation in half a year."

Nolan explained to the boy.

" I can see how that can be a gift and yet very much a curse. But you're not telling me something dad. You wouldn't call me all the way out here just to explain that you've found a new planet to rule. I'm sure apologizing was apart of it. But there's something else isn't there?"

Mark asked the man.

" Yes. Once again you are right. Viltrum knows I'm here. They are coming for me."

Nolan replied.

" When?"

Mark asked the man.

" I don't know any more than soon. I abandoned my post. To them I am now a... Hold on a second."

Nolan explained to Mark before seeing his new mate approaching.

" Good evening my dear."

Nolan said to the woman as he stuck his tongue out. The two started rubbing their tongues against each other.

' Okay I didn't need to see that.'

Mark said to himself as he grimaced at the sight of the two in front of him.

" Dad, do you need to do that in front of me?"

Mark asked the man.

" Yes, I suppose this could seem weird based on your earthly customs. I promise you it's no more odd than the act of kissing was to me when I first came to earth. Oh, and I almost forgot to introduce my new mate. This is Andressa."

Nolan explained Mark before introducing Andressa to him.

" Your mate? What about Mom?"

Mark asked the man.

" This is my home now son. I will never be returning to earth. This probably wasn't the easiest way for you to discover this but I have an entirely new life. I have moved on."

Nolan explained to the boy as Andressa started walking away.

" Oh, is it time? You go ahead. I'll follow in a moment."

Nolan said to Andressa who smiled and waved as she walked away.

Mark hated to admit it, but the woman was certainly well endowed.

' Did I really just think that?'

Mark asked himself as his viltrum genes played with his mind.

" What about mom? I know you still love her dad. Are you sure about this? I mean really sure. Women out in space might not mind the whole harem thing."

Mark asked his father.

" I will not discuss your mother. As I told you already, I have no plans on returning to earth. Now, come there is something else I must show you."

Nolan explained to Mark before opening the door that Andressa had walked through only moments before. Mark walked inside to see the woman playing with a little purple baby.

" Is that?"

Mark asked the man.

" That is your little brother."

Nolan explained to the man.

" My little brother... You know I seem to remember you saying I was a fool to fight for earth. Said I'd watch everything around me die. These people have even shorter lives. What makes them special?"

Mark asked the man

" It's complicated, Mark. I have learned the error of the viltrumite ways. I see the faults in logic I believed in for centuries. I am not the same man from months ago. Just look at your brother, Mark."

Nolan said to Mark.

" I see he's clearly different. Is it because Andressa's people aren't compatible with viltrum DNA as Humans are?"

Mark asked the man.

" Yes, exactly. And his skin color isn't the only difference. He's well only three weeks old. By earth standards he looks to be a year old. He's aging too fast. Now, I suspect the viltrumite DNA will cause his aging to slow down just as it has yours when he reaches puberty. But how much will it slow down is still in question."

Nolan explained to Mark as they watched the boy play.

" I can see how that would be a problem. But even then, he still has a very long life ahead of him, especially in terms of a human lifespan. Hundreds if not thousands of years."

Mark replied.

" But on Vilrtum that would be a whole other story. The modern Viltrum civilization is built around the notion of survival of the fittest. That's how they become the intergalactic superpower they are today. By viltrumite law, once a flaw is detected in an individual they are to be executed at once. It is actually legal to kill the weak on Viltrum. If the loser of a fight is killed, then they were simply too weak and deserved to die. The winner is awarded a medal for strengthening the empire. According to Viltrum law this child, your brother would not be worthy of his life."

Nolan explained to Mark.

" What's his name? You keep referring to him as your son or my brother. But what's his actual name or does he not have one yet?"

Mark asked the man.

" The custom here is for an individual to choose their own name once they reach adulthood. Which would be two weeks from now, if not for his viltrum DNA."

Nolan replied.

" I see. Well, hopefully he makes it long enough to choose a name."

Mark stated in hope to see his brother grow up.

" Son, I hope this talk we've had is showing you that you knew me better than even I would like to have admitted. I'm sorry, son... For everything."

Nolan said to the boy in hopes for his forgiveness.

" Dad, I love you. I know you didn't mean what you said. But I can't just forgive you. Though this is a nice start."

Mark said to the man as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

" Thank you, son. I understand it, I truly, do. But that doesn't change the fat I need your help. The viltrumites are coming for me. They could be here at any moment. You arrived just in time. Once they find your brother, they will kill him. If I am defeated I will be taken back to Viltrum for execution. I need your help defending the planet."

Nolan explained to Mark.

" I knew this day would come. You need my help you got it. How many are we looking at here?"

Mark asked.

" They will likely send four or less. Also, they have their most powerful soldiers doing more important things like conquering new worlds... Like me. Also, they won't be expecting you to be here. They don't know you exist. Between the two of us, we might stand a chance."

Nolan explained to Mark.

' Which means, I don't have to worry about conquest, General Kregg, or Anissa. That makes things easier.'

Mark thought to himself as he knew even with the strides in power he's made since his fight with his dad he still wasn't strong enough to reliably beat any of the three in a one-on-one fight.

" Well, then let's prepare ourselves. I don't want to be caught with our pants down."

mark said to his father.

Suddenly however, one of the thraxans ran into the room in a panic.

" Sorry to interrupt sire. But it's urgent!"

The ant man yelled.

" What is it? Out with it!"

Nolan yelled.

" We're under attack Sire!"

The bug yelled signaling the arrival of the Viltrumites.

" Mark! Take them to the caves! Andressa will show you the way. Go! Go Now!"

Nolan yelled to the boy.

" Okay! Andressa come on!"

Mark yelled to the woman.

Andressa scooped baby oliver up in her arms and ran up to Mark.

Mark wrapped his arms around her waist and flew out of the chamber and followed Andressa's directions towards the caves.

" This is it."

Andressa said to Mark as they flew over the caves entrance.

Mark nodded and floated down into the mouth of the cave.

" What is this place?"

Mark asked the woman as they walked through the dark cave.

" These are the caves of roclaine... Once every generation our planet is forced to endure massive lightning storms. It has been this way for all of our recorded history. Roclaine discovered this cave system and led our people here for shelter against the storm many, many ages ago. It was also used as a haven for our people during the wars of times past before my people united under one world ruler."

Andressa explained to Mark the purpose and history behind the cave they were in.

" That's interesting. What are you doing there?"

Mark asked Baby oliver as the boy played with Mark's face.

" This. The caves are no longer used for protection. Our technology has built structures that can withstand the lightning storms. Now, we the caves as a place for gathering, for study, for many things. The engravings will light the way. There are many caverns ahead, many lavishly furnished. We will be quite comfortable here. Follow me."

Andressa explained to Mark.

" So, you've been with my father for?"

Mark asked the woman.

" Most of my life. As your father described your time keeping methods to us, three months."

Andressa explained to Mark.

" Three months. Man, he doesn't waste any time, does he?"

Mark asked the woman.

" It is an honor to be coupled with your father. He is a great leader and has done many things to help my people. From what I have seen you are very much his son."

Andressa explained to Mark.

" Yeah, I am. In some ways anyway."

Mark replied.

" You are just as if not faster than him, yes. These caves are a day's travel from the city and yet you have gotten us here in moments just like him."

Andressa said to Mark.

" So, it is true. The great Nolan has sired an offspring."

A voice from the cave suddenly said to the two.

Andressa and Mark turned to see a viltrumite by the name of Lucan standing right behind them.

Mark took Oliver and handed him to Andressa and stepped in front of them both.

" If you are strong enough to withstand my assault, you will be allowed to live. You will be worthy to stand by my side a soldier of the viltrum empire. If you are not, you will die."

Lucan said to Mark as the boy prepared himself to fight.

" I see you've prepared yourself for battle. I'm here to give you either glory or death. I am anxious to see which it will be."

Lucan continued.

" We'll see about that won't we. Andressa head for the mouth of the cave quickly."

Mark said to the woman.

" You're protecting these two? Why? Nolan couldn't have... That's just... There's no way. He did. He abandoned your world and came here... And created another offspring with these creatures. I'm just stunned. This is just unbelievable."

Lucan said to himself as he was shocked by Nolan's actions.

Mark seeing the man was distracted suddenly rushed in front of lucan. Lucan surprised by the boy's speed was unprepared and was punched in his chin by Mark and sent flying. Mark then grabbed Andressa and Oliver and flew out of the cave.

" That guy's a fool. My father and I might be equals in strength, but I am faster."

Mark stated as he soared through the air with the woman and her baby.

Mark looked back to see Lucan trying to catch up.

' He's no slouch himself. Gonna have to play ball then.'

" I'm gonna need to place you down for a few moments scream if you need help."

Mark told Andressa, who nodded in response.

Mark flew to ground as fast as he could and placed the woman down. He then turned and flew back into the air.

" You want a fight? Let's see what you got!"

Mark said to Lucan as he punched him in his chin once again. Mark continued punching Lucan in his face before punching him hard towards the ground.

" Mark!"

Nolan called out to the boy as he flew towards him.

" Where's Andressa?"

Nolan asked.

" Down here come on."

Mark said to the man as he flew towards the bug woman and her baby.

" What do we do now? That guy knew about the caves."

Mark asked his father.

" He was the only one. You take her back to the caves, I'll handle him. Stay low and out of sight!"

Nolan yelled to Mark before flying off to finish Lucan.

Mark grabbed Andressa and oliver and quickly made his way back towards the cave, flying as low as possible as to avoid detection from the other viltrumites.

" Okay, we're here. You guys hide and stay safe."

mark said to the woman before turning to leave.

" Be careful, Mark. Keep Nolan safe."

Andressa said to Mark.

" I don't think that's necessary. But I'll certainly try."

Mark said to the woman before flying out of the cave.

Mark flew as fast as he could to find his dad, eventually spotting the man in the city.

" Dad? What do we do... Oh no."

Mark was asking Nolan until he saw what had happened to a large portion of the planet's population.

Mark placed his hand on his fathers back as the man cried over the loss of so many of his people.

" Dad?"

Mark called out to the man.

" They were inferior to us. They were lesser beings. Their deaths are inconsequential. These are all things I am aware of. I should not care that they are dead. I've had blood on my hands before. Far more than this. And yet. I care. I am enraged."

Nolan explained in anger.

" That's okay, dad. It's Normal to feel pain and anger of the slaughter of those you call your own people. You and I both know you aren't the same person you once were."

Mark explained to his father.

Nolan turned around and grabbed Mark in anger at his words.

" What makes you think you know what Normal is?! How can you presume your ways are right?! How can you think it wouldn't be better to feel nothing at times like these?! How?!"

Nolan asked the boy in anger.

" Because it shows you have a heart."

Mark replied.

The two men sat there floating in the air in silence until another voice broke them from their quiet.

" There's the Nolan we've heard stories of. I must admit, You had me worried for a little while there."

One of the viltrumite men said as he and his partner approached Nolan and Mark.

Nolan let go of Mark and quickly flew into the man. The force pushed him and his part away.

Nolan and the man continued fighting, however in his rage Nolan let his guard down and was suddenly overpowered by the man.

" Get off him!"

Mark yelled as he punched the man off his dad.

" Get up dad!"

Mark yelled to his dad.

" Pay attention boy! Your fight is with me!"

The other older viltrumite yelled as he tackled Mark away from his father.

" You know some of us Viltrumites actually prefer to dismember our victims. They think it sends a better message. When it gets down to it, I think they just like making a mess. Me? I prefer to avoid a mess. I like to see the look in a victim's eyes the second they die. I want to experience the moment their body goes limp and their life ends. You can't do that if their eyes are alredy lying on the ground at their feet. I prefer things to be more personal."

The older man explained to Mark as he slammed Mark into the ground.

Mark looked up at the man and started crushing his wrist. The older man grunted as he felt Mark suddenly break his wrist.

" You talk too much."

Mark said to the man. Mark slammed his fist into the man's jaw and sent him flying into the air. Mark pushed off the ground with enough force to crater it and flew right into the man and began punching him the face over and over again as they ascended into the air. The sound of his fists bashing against the man's face could be clearly heard by those below them.

" Tell me, did you know the empire was sending you all to your deaths when you came here? Or are you just realizing that now?

Mark asked the man as he effortlessly overpowered him.

" You arrogant brat!"

The man hissed.

Mark smiled and ducked just in time for Nolan to throw the man he was fighting into the other.

Mark and Nolan flew after their opponents and grabbed them both by their heads and slammed them into each other again before chucking them into the ground again.

" Not bad son, but don't take your time with them. Attack fast. You can't give them time to anticipate your attack."

Nolan explained to Mark in the brief moment they had before the two men got back to their feet.

" Got it. You ready?"

Mark asked as he saw the two men flying towards them.

" Let's finish this."

Nolan said to Mark.

Mark nodded and the two straight towards their opponents, meeting them head on.

Mark grunted and tackled the older looking viltrumite into the ground.

He held one of the man's hands in his hand and squeezed as hard as he could, trying to break it, while he held the man's other arm down. The man grit his teeth and headbutted Mark in his nose, knocking him off him, and got to his feet. As Mark stumbled the other Viltrumite appeared behind mark and punched him in his back. Mark grunted in pain and turned to the man and backhanded him hard. He slammed both of his fists into the man's ears and kneed him in his nose.

The older viltrumite tried to attack Mark from behind once again but was stopped Nolan.

The four men proceeded to beat each other bloody, with Mark and Nolan trading off opponents in an attempt to keep them off balance.

" Do you regret what you've done now?!"

Nolan asked as he held the older viltrumites bloody body in his hands.

" DO YOU?!"

Nolan yelled in anger.

" So, have you got things under control?"

Mark asked the boy.

Mark was off to the side and had his opponent pinned under his foot as he pulled on his arms.

Mark grunted and with one hard pull dislocated both of the man's arms.

" Under contr-Arg!"

Mark was saying before General Kreg appeared and slammed his foot into Mark's back.

" Mark!"

Nolan yelled as he dropped the older Viltrumites body.

However, he was soon dispatched by Lucan who had survived Nolan's earlier assault. With his intestines hanging out, Lucan slammed his foot into Knolan's back shattering his spine and knocking him out.

" Next time you kill someone. Make sure they're dead."

Lucan said to the man before passing out himself.

Having been notified earlier, General Kreg had arrived with his fleet and helped take down the father and son duo.

However, having seen Mark's strength Kreg decided to mend to the boy's wounds.

Sometime later Mark began waking.

" What happened?"

Mark asked as he looked around.

He saw his dad being carted away by viltrumite soldiers and that his wounds had been patched up.

" Mark... My books. Read my books."

Nolan told Mark as he was being carried away.

Mark looked at his dad and nodded.

" We tended your wounds."

Kreg suddenly said to Mark as he stood in front of him.

" Didn't need it."

Mark said to the man.

" Don't piss me off boy. You should count yourself lucky to be alive. By all accounts you have proven yourself a worthy member of the empire. You are to be temporarily designated Viltrumite agent of earth. You will take your fathers place and prepare for our eventual takeover of the planet. We are aware that your retaliation against us was due to your father. You will have one hundred years to put things in order. If you do not complete this task, you will be detained and executed upon your arrival."

General Kreg explained to Mark exactly what his position was.

Mark looked up at the man scowled.

" I'd like to see you try..."

Mark said to the man before passing out once again.

Kreg wanted nothing more than to kill Mark for his clear disobedience of orders, but Kreg did not disobey an order when given one. And Thragg had made it clear what the boy's role would be. As such Kreg grit his teeth and flew back to his ship, leaving Mark to tend to his own wounds.

Mark would sleep for hours until he reawoke. When he got up his first instinct was to make sure Andressa, and Oliver were okay. He flew straight to the cave he left them in just as Andressa was coming out.

" Mark!"

Andressa yelled out as she saw the boy's bruised face and the dried-up blood on his suit.

" Where is Nolan? Where is my husband?"

Andressa asked.

" He's gone. They took him."

mark said to the woman who became consumed with grief over the loss of her husband.