" Yo what's going on little bro?"
Mark asked his brother as he continued doing push-ups.
" Mom, said I could come see you and Eve today."
Oliver replied.
" Oh, yeah? You should have told me ahead of time little man. I would have planned the day out for ya."
Mark replied as he got to his feet. He walked over to the gravity machine and turned it off.
' Finally at sixty. I can definitely feel the difference. My body feels even lighter than before, almost like I'm walking on a cloud.'
Mark thought to himself as he looked down at the number on the machine, a great sense of pride welling up on the inside. Mark turned around to speak to his brother and jumped.
" Whoa! Damn, you've gotten bigger again little bro. You might be older than I am in no time."
Mark said in surprise as he looked at how big Oliver had become.
" So, tell me Oliver how's things going? Did your powers come in yet?"
Mark asked the boy.
" No, not yet. When do you think I should get them?"
Oliver asked.
" Any day now buddy. Until then how about we go out and play a game, huh?"
Mark asked the boy.
" Alright, let's go." Oliver replied.
Mark nodded and walked towards the exit of the base with Oliver but suddenly stopped.
" Hey, wait a minute, how did you get in here without powers?"
Mark asked the boy
Oliver looked up at Mark and struggled to hide his smile.
" You little buger, you tricked me. I can't believe I fell for that. How long have you had your powers?"
Mark asked the boy.
" I got them today."
Oliver replied.
" And you're already flying. You're definitely my little brother. Come on let's go home and get the gloves."
Mark said to the boy.
Oliver nodded and the two brothers began their flight back home.
" So, have you thought about a name for yourself? Cuz I've been doing some thinking. See at first, I thought incredi-boy. But then I remembered that's copyright. Then I thought Kid invincible. We could be the invinci-bros."
Mark explained to Oliver as the two walked into the house.
" What are you boys talking about?"
Debbie asked as the two entered into the kitchen.
" Well, Oliver's powers came in and I was asking him what his name would be if he became a hero. I was thinking Kid Invincible."
Mark explained to the woman.
" What?! No way is he going to be a hero right now. He's still a kid and it's too dangerous."
Debbie stated.
" Dangerous? Dangerous how?"
Oliver asked the woman.
" You could accidently hurt me or yourself. There's just too many things that could happen."
Debbie explained to the boy.
" Oh, mom don't worry about it. I'm here for him. I can guide him and train him properly."
Mark explained to the woman.
" You've got school."
Debbie replied.
" I could quit school."
Mark replied.
" Mark."
Debbie chided the boy.
" What's the big deal? I'm away saving the earth more than I am in class. I'm falling nearly all of them simply because I've missed so many days. I'm wasting my time. With my powers I can do anything. And besides I've been working on a little gig to make money. Just need to iron out a few more kinks and I'll be set."
Mark explained to the woman.
" You're not quitting school."
Debbie stated bluntly.
" I'll tell ya what, you give me one good reason. You tell me why I need school. And I'll consider staying. Go on."
Mark explained to the woman
Debbie looked at the boy's smug face in silence as she couldn't think of a real reason for the boy to continue staying in school. Her finances are already taken care of, and Mark really could do anything.
" Looks like I win."
Mark said proudly.
" Hey, kid. We need you in space."
Cecil suddenly radioed to Mark.
" Why? What is it?"
Mark asked.
" Lifeform approaching fast. The immortal went up to deal with it. But I think you should help."
Cecil replied.
" All right. Got nothing else to do today."
Mark said as he got to his feet.
" It's hero time."
Mark exclaimed as he flew out of his house and into the air. As he approached the earth's atmosphere his clothes burned off revealing his suit underneath. Mark spotted the Immortal and Allen fighting and flew right up to them getting in between the both of them and shoving them back hard.
' Whoa! Invincible? Dude you're bigger.'
Allen said to the man.
' So are you.'
Mark said to the man impressed by his new hulking size.
' Hey, Allen do me a favor and don't hurt this guy okay? I know he's a dick and all but he's one of mine and I'm the only allowed to reprimand him.'
Mark explained to Allen.
' Oh, I see. Sorry about that then man. I hope I didn't hurt you.'
Allen said to the Immortal.
' Eh, don't worry about him even if you were to tear his head off. All I have to do is put it back on and he'd be fine.'
Mark explained to the man.
' Wow! That's impressive.'
Allen stated.
' I know right? Anyway, what's up man?'
Mark asked.
' Your dad, Mark. You got a place we can talk? I'd really like to get out of space.'
Allen told the man.
' Yeah, follow me.'
Mark said to Allen as he turned to fly back to earth with Allen right behind him.
a few moments later
" All right man, take a seat. And fill me in."
Mark told Allen as they sat down
" Okay, uh well, a lot has transpired since we last saw each other. I brought news of your rebellion against the viltrum empire to the coalition of planets. You've been inspiration to our cause, frankly. After I told them your story I was attacked. Three viltrumites questioned me on your father's whereabouts. They would have killed me but... Apparently, I've got more powers than I knew. Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger. And after what they did to me, I don't know what can kill me. Thaddeus, the leader of the coalition of planets, suspects there's a mole within the group. Someone who tipped off the viltrumites about my report, sent them after me. I'm working exclusively for him now."
Allen explained to Mark.
" Thaddeus, he's in charge huh? Why did he send you?"
Mark asked.
" For you. He wants me to bring you back to talescria, to meet with him. If you'd like to pack some things we could."
" Look, Allen, I like you buddy. But I'm going. There's too much going on, on earth right now for me to leave. My brother just got his powers and needs to be properly trained or else he's going to end up hurting somebody. Not to mention leaving now would leave earth defenseless. I'm sorry man, can't do it. But if you can find a way for me and him to speak from across space then I'd be happy to."
Mark explained to Allen sternly, giving him no room for argument.
" All right. I see your dead set on this."
Allen stated.
" I'm sorry man. I want to help but now's not the right time. My dad was captured and taken prisoner, my brothers growing every day, and I have to find time to juggle being a hero and actually training."
Mark explained.
" I can see how that's rough. But tell me about this brother of yours. Is the earth woman taking care of him?"
Allen asked.
" Oliver? Yeah, my mom is."
Mark replied.
" And he already has powers like you?"
Allen asked.
" No, he's way weaker than me. He wouldn't stand a chance against an average viltrumite."
Mark answered.
One long conversation later.
" Well, that's all of them man, enjoy."
Mark said to Allen after letting the man scan his books for his records.
" Thanks. It was good seeing you again. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again so until then take care."
Allen said to Mark before flying back into space.
' So, much to do in so little time. Oh, boy things are about to get bumpy.'
Mark thought to himself. He grabbed a few things from his room and flew straight Eve's house to turn in for the night.