
Invincible: Beerus, Son of Thragg

Beerus was born into a world of chaos and conflict, inheriting the bloodline of Thragg, one of the most fearsome Viltrumites to have ever lived in the Invincible Universe. Raised in the shadow of his father's legacy, he grew up with the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. The Viltrumite society, known for its strict hierarchy and warrior ethos, demanded nothing less than perfection from its offspring, especially those directly descended from legendary figures like Thragg. Disclaimer: I don't own Invincible or any other associated properties.

aka_jarrett · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 9: Aftermath

Welcome to the 9th chapter. If you have any suggestions for ideas for stories related to Naruto, PJO, MCU, DC, or the Invincible series, feel free to let me know. I created a discord server for ideas and things you want to see in my stories.

/muUEeBep (code to join my server, I think)

"You can accomplish anything when you recognize those lower than you are fodder to be used as you please!" -Thragg


The door to the Grayson household swung open, and a dirt-covered alien stepped inside. "I need a shower," Nolan announced.

"Dad!" Mark exclaimed, rushing to hug him. Debbie quickly joined, embracing both.

As they pulled apart, Mark looked around. "Where's Beerus?"

"Oh, he's near Venus right now," Nolan replied casually.

"Venus?" Debbie echoed, puzzled.

"Yeah," Nolan said with a shrug. "He wanted to soak up some of the sun's radiation or something."

Debbie raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Soaking up the sun's radiation? Is that safe for him?"

Nolan shrugged, heading towards the hallway. "Safe enough, I guess. Beerus knows what he's doing."

Mark laughed, shaking his head. "Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. He always did things his own way."

Debbie sighed, moving towards the kitchen. "I'll make some dinner. Nolan, you go get cleaned up. You look like you fought a war."

Nolan paused, a somber look crossing his face for a brief moment. "Something like that," he muttered, almost too quietly for anyone to hear.

Mark caught the tone, his brow furrowing with concern. "Dad, is everything okay?"

Nolan forced a smile, trying to shake off the weight. "Yeah, son. Just tired. It's been a long trip."

Debbie's voice called out from the kitchen, breaking the tension. "Mark, why don't you help me with dinner? We can catch up while your dad showers."

Mark nodded, glancing one last time at his father before following his mother. In the kitchen, Debbie was already pulling out ingredients from the fridge. Mark grabbed a cutting board and a knife, ready to help.

"So," Debbie began, her voice casual but her eyes sharp. "How was the mission? Your father seemed... different."

Mark sliced a carrot, his movements methodical. "It was tough. We ran into some unexpected trouble. But we handled it. Dad's just tired."

Debbie nodded, her gaze softening. "I worry about him, you know. Both of you."

Mark smiled, reaching over to squeeze her hand. "I know, Mom. But we're a good team. We look out for each other."

A comfortable silence settled between them as they worked. Outside, the last rays of the setting sun bathed the house in a warm glow. Mark glanced out the window, a thought crossing his mind.

"Do you think Beerus will be okay out there by himself?" he asked, his tone light but with an undercurrent of genuine concern.

Debbie chuckled, shaking her head. "If there's one thing I've learned, it's that boy can take care of himself. He'll be back when he's ready."

As they continued preparing dinner, the sounds of the shower running in the background added a sense of normalcy to the scene. For a moment, it felt like any other evening, despite the extraordinary circumstances that surrounded their lives.

A sudden knock on the front door interrupted their routine. Mark wiped his hands on a towel and headed to answer it. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey, Beerus, back from Venus?" Mark said, surprise evident in his voice.

"Yes," Beerus replied, a serene expression on his face. "It was quite relaxing."

Debbie leaned out from the kitchen, a smile spreading across her face. "Beerus! Perfect timing. We're just about to have dinner."

"Is that so?" Beerus's eyes twinkled. "I must say, Earthly meals are always a delight. I'd be honored to join."

"Come on in," Mark said, stepping aside to let the alien enter. Beerus's presence always added a unique touch to their gatherings.

As they moved to the dining area, Debbie glanced at Mark, who was setting the table. "Beerus, do you need to... you know, clean up? You've been out there for a while."

Beerus chuckled, a low, rumbling sound. "No need, Debbie. The cosmic radiation does wonders for my complexion."

Mark and Debbie exchanged amused glances as they finished preparing the meal. Nolan emerged from the hallway, freshly showered and looking more relaxed. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of Beerus. "Back already? Thought you'd be out there longer."

Beerus settled into a chair, looking content. "The sun's radiation was invigorating, but I missed the company here. And I didn't want to miss Debbie's cooking."

Debbie smiled warmly, bringing a steaming dish to the table. "Well, you're just in time. Everyone, sit down."

As they began to eat, the conversation flowed easily. Stories of their latest adventures were shared, laughter echoing around the table. The familiar warmth of family and friends provided a comforting backdrop to their meal.

Mark looked at his father, noting the relaxed lines on his face. "So, Dad, about that dimension. Anything you can share with us?"

Nolan paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. He glanced at Debbie and then at Mark. "It was... challenging. We faced a new enemy, one we didn't expect. They were stronger, more organized. But we managed to get them to take their attention off Earth."

Beerus nodded solemnly. "Yes, it was quite intriguing."

Debbie's expression grew serious. "But you're back now. Safe."

Nolan reached across the table, taking her hand. "Yes, and that's what matters. We'll deal with whatever comes next. Together."

A comfortable silence followed, filled only by the clinking of utensils and the occasional murmur of appreciation for the meal. After a while, Debbie broke the silence.

"So, Beerus, tell us more about Venus. What was it like?"

Beerus leaned back. "It's quite breathtaking. The atmosphere is harsh, but the views are unmatched. I found a serene spot where the sunlight filters through the clouds, creating a spectacular display."

Mark listened intently, fascinated. "Do you think we could visit sometime? It sounds like it could be a fun trip."

Beerus nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps. With the right preparations, it could be a rewarding experience."

Nolan chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for another off-world trip just yet. I'd like to enjoy some peace and quiet for a while."

Debbie smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Well, you've earned it. We all have."

As the evening wore on, the conversation meandered through various topics, from mundane household matters to grand cosmic wonders. The bonds between them strengthened with each shared word, each laugh, each comforting silence.

Later, as they cleared the table and prepared for bed, Mark stood by the window, gazing out at the stars. Beerus joined him, the two standing in comfortable silence.

"You did well today," Beerus said quietly. "You and your father. You make a good team."

Mark smiled, feeling a deep sense of pride and gratitude. "Thanks, Beerus. That means a lot coming from you."

Beerus nodded, his gaze fixed on the distant stars. "Rest well, Mark. Tomorrow is another day, with its own challenges and rewards."

Mark nodded, feeling the weight of the day lift from his shoulders. "Goodnight, man. See you in the morning."

*GDA Headquarters*

In a dimly lit conference room at the Global Defense Agency, Cecil Stedman sat at the head of the table, his steely gaze fixed on the holographic displays in front of him. Donald, his right-hand man, stood beside him, a tablet in hand.

"Sir, I've compiled the latest reports on the Guardians' murder," Donald began, his voice steady but tinged with unease. "We still don't have any definitive leads on who could have done it."

Cecil rubbed his temples, the weight of recent events evident on his face. "Damn it, Donald. How does a whole team of the world's most powerful heroes get taken out, and we have nothing? No trace evidence, no witnesses, nothing."

Donald nodded grimly. "It's almost as if whoever did this knew exactly how to avoid all our surveillance. It's... unsettling."

Cecil's eyes narrowed. "Unsettling doesn't begin to cover it. We need answers, and we need them fast. Keep pushing. I want every resource we have on this."

Donald made a note on his tablet. "Understood. There's also the matter of the recent Flaxan invasion. Omni-Man and Atlas handled it efficiently, but..."

"But?" Cecil prompted, sensing there was more to the story.

"But there's something off about Atlas," Donald continued. "He appeared out of nowhere, fought alongside Omni-Man, and then vanished just as quickly. We don't know anything about him—his origins, his motivations, nothing."

Cecil leaned back in his chair, contemplating. "And his performance?"

"Impressive," Donald admitted. "He fought with skill and power comparable to Omni-Man. The Teen Team and Invincible also performed admirably. They managed to hold their own until Omni-Man and Atlas showed up. Invincible is showing a lot of promise."

Cecil nodded. "Good. We need more heroes we can rely on. As for Atlas, we can't afford to take any chances. Start digging into any records we can find—old myths, sightings, anything that might give us a clue about who or what he is."

Donald hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Do you think Atlas can be trusted?"

Cecil's expression hardened. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford right now. Not with the Guardians dead and the world more vulnerable than ever. Keep an eye on him. If he steps out of line, I want to know about it."

"Understood," Donald said, his tone resolute. "There's one more thing. The Flaxans—this isn't their first attempt. They're getting more persistent, more coordinated. We need to be prepared for their next move."

Cecil sighed, the burden of his role weighing heavily. "I know. Increase our defenses, and get the word out to the remaining heroes. We need to be ready for anything."

Donald nodded and turned to leave, but Cecil's voice stopped him.

"And Donald, keep this under wraps. The last thing we need is a public panic. We handle this quietly, efficiently, and decisively."

"Of course, sir," Donald replied before exiting the room, leaving Cecil alone with his thoughts.

As Donald left the office to carry out his tasks, Cecil stared at the screen displaying the images of the fallen Guardians. The weight of responsibility pressed down on him, but he knew they had to find answers. The safety of the world depended on it.

*Random Field*

On a bright, sunny afternoon, Atom Eve stood in an open field, her eyes closed and her expression focused. The lush greenery around her contrasted sharply with the intense concentration etched on her face. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, creating a serene backdrop for her training.

Beerus floated slightly above her, his tall, imposing figure casting a long shadow. Slightly below him, Atom Eve adjusted her stance, her eyes filled with determination and curiosity.

"Why do I feel like I'm being lectured by an old man?" Eve teased, a playful smile on her lips.

Beerus's stoic expression didn't waver. "Because you are," he replied evenly. "Your powers are extraordinary, Eve. But you're not utilizing them to their full potential."

Eve's smile faded, replaced by a serious nod. "I know. That's why you offered to help."

Beerus nodded approvingly. "Good. Then let's begin."

He gestured for her to create a simple construct. Eve extended her hands, and a glowing pink sphere formed in front of her. Beerus studied it for a moment, then shook his head.

"Too much energy wasted on form," he said, stepping closer. "You need to focus on efficiency. Every bit of energy should serve a purpose."

Eve frowned, concentrating harder. The sphere began to shrink, its surface becoming smoother, more defined. Beerus watched with a keen eye, his years of battle experience guiding his critique.

"Better," he said. "But you're still thinking too much. Feel the energy, let it flow through you. Don't force it."

Eve closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She felt the energy within her, a vibrant current waiting to be shaped. Slowly, she let it flow, shaping it with her mind rather than her hands. The sphere transformed into a sleek, streamlined shape.

Beerus nodded approvingly. "Excellent. Now, let's test its strength."

With a swift motion, he launched a small energy blast from his eyes at the construct. Eve's creation absorbed the impact, holding firm. She widened her eyes, a look of triumph on her face.

"You did it," Beerus said, his tone even but with a hint of pride. "You're improving."

Eve's smile returned, brighter this time. "Thanks, Beerus. Your advice really helps."

The viltrumite crossed his arms, his expression softening just a fraction. "You're welcome, Eve. Remember, power is not just about strength. It's about control, precision, and understanding your limits."

Eve nodded, absorbing his words. "I get it. I've been so focused on what I can do that I didn't think about how I actually do it."

Beerus flew back, giving her space to practice on her own. "Exactly. Now, try something more complex. Use your imagination, but remember what you've learned about efficiency."

Eve nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. She extended her hands again, this time forming a series of intricate geometric shapes, each one more refined and efficient than the last. Beerus watched silently, his stoic presence a calming influence.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the training grounds in twilight, Eve finally lowered her hands, breathing heavily but smiling.

"That was incredible," she said, looking at Beerus. "I feel like I've learned so much in just one session."

Beerus gave a rare, small smile. "You've made great progress, Eve. But remember, this is only the beginning. Mastery comes with time and practice."

Eve nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "I won't forget. Thank you, Beerus."

He nodded, his expression returning to its usual stoic demeanor. "You're welcome, Eve. We'll continue tomorrow. For now, rest and reflect on what you've learned."

As they flew out, a comfortable silence settled between them. Eve glanced at Beerus, a newfound respect in her eyes.

"Beerus," she began hesitantly, "can I ask you something?"

He looked at her, his gaze steady. "Of course."

"You've been through so much, seen so many battles. How do you stay so calm and focused?"

Beerus paused, considering his answer. "Experience teaches you many things, Eve. But the most important lesson is to understand yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses, and never let fear control you. Stay true to your purpose, and the rest will follow."

Eve nodded thoughtfully. "I'll remember that."

Beerus gave her a final nod. "Good. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow, we will go over simple martial arts to compliment your powers."

And with that, he disappeared into the sky, a faint smile played on his lips. Teaching Eve had stirred something in him—an appreciation for her potential and a subtle, growing bond that he hadn't expected.

Eve watched him fly away, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and respect. She knew she had a lot to learn, but with Beerus's guidance, she felt more confident than ever.

(AN: just to be clear, he won't join the side of Earth, he's just slowly turning Eve towards his way of thinking)