
Get out

What could you give for power?

This question has been on my mind since that day, however, it wasn't the right question.

The real question would be.

What could you afford to lose for power.


My body feels hot. So hot. I feel like I am melting. However, I don't have the time to think about that right now, because the knife that was in slow motion until now was approaching faster.

"Evade it!" I thought

My body moves on his own, I roll over to the side, the knife just missed me, after that I jumped and throw a punch to the man on his chin, just like my sister did before.


The man took a few steps back, I could tell that my punch shook the ground for him, I didn't stop there, once again I threw myself to the man and punched as fast as I could.

"YOU LITTLE RAT!" The man shout while stabbing my leg with its knife.

But I didn't feel it.

My mind was only focus on punching this guy, after some time I heard a voice coming from the Van.

"Hey dude!, why are you taking so long!"

I turned around and found the man looking at me with horror when I react, I saw the other guy below me, his face was so disfigured that you would hardly believe that he was a human.

I notice that my vision was changing, the man from before had some points on his body, red ones. I didn't know what those points were, but something inside me told me that I should aim for those points.

I stopped my punching and slowly walked towards the other man. Maybe because he was afraid, the man tried to retreat to the van, I run with all my force to stop him.

"Damn it!" The man shout while grabbing his gun.


He shot.

I wasn't afraid, I knew I could evade it, something was telling me that, I just run towards him, sometimes moving to the right, sometimes to the left, I couldn't see the bullets, but I could see everything else, the movement of the hand, the recoil of the gun ,etc…

With this, my mind choose the best path to evade the bullets.

I took a big step and grabbed the man's head.


I throw him to the ground and began my frenzy of punches, this time however, I punched on those points.


I heard the guy scream, however, I didn't care, I keep punching and punching, even when the guy stopped struggling, I didn't stop, my body didn't want to stop. I just had one thought on my mind.


I keep repeating the same sentence on my mind.

My vision went red. I didn't know what I was doing anymore.


I heard a voice calling me, however, it wasn't the voice of Lara, it was another voice.

A familiar voice.


But I don't wanna stop.


The voice was getting further and further away.

"Stop him!"

Another voice came in, I feel a heavy hand grabbing my arm.

And then another one, and another one.


I snapped, that voice, how could I not recognized it.

"Sis…?" I asked in a low voice.

When I open my eyes, the scene I saw stunned me.

Four cops were surrounding me, my sister was yelling while another cop restrain her.

I looked at one side, two "things" where thrown at one side, I couldn't tell what were those things, however, I knew what were they.

"The two men"

One could hardly recognize it thought. But….. but if those guy were where there then…..

"What is the thing below me"

I saw another "thing" below me.

It was red, red and grotesque.

"Mom?" I murmured

"DON'T LOOK NOAH!" Shout my sister.

I didn't know what was happening.

All I could remember were Lara's words.

"Don't regret it later"


"Noah Wegner, correct, Do you mind recalling everything that happen that day?"

"I already told you everything what else do you want?"

I reply to the man in front of me, It has been two days since then, I haven't seen my sister since then, the police took me in and I have been in a jail since, the police has asked me the same questions over and over again.

"I know that, but you must understand our position. How can we believe that you heard a voice on your head and suddenly gain the ability to beat up a grow up man? I mean….stop messing with us already, you seem to not understand the situation you are in, kid….. you are going to a reformatory, do you understand what that means?" Said the man.

"My sister.."


"My sister… Is she fine?" I asked.

"…Sister…" Said the man while grabbing a document from the desk.

"Eva Wagner, 19 years old, witness of the accident she told us that you acted in order to save her and your mother, currently on investigation " Said the man while reading the file.

I made a sigh of relieve

"As long as she is fine" I thought.

"Anyway, back to the topic, are you sure you don't want to tell us anything else? Is now or never" Said the man.

"No" I said.

"Then….. I cant do more for you, sorry kid" Said the man while grabbing his file.


"They are coming"

"Shut up"

"Did you say something?!" Said the guard.

"No, I am sorry" I said

"Hmph! Fucking punk, killing your own mother, is for ungrateful kids like you that the world is as rotten as it is!"


I feel dizzy, I look up and saw the guard laughing while wielding his pole.

"Keep going little bastard… a little white kid like you with purple eyes, je,je, you will be food here" Said the guard while laughing.

I couldn't care less about this, in fact, I wasn't even listening.

"They are coming"

Lara hasn't said anything else beside this since the accident, I tried asking her what was that power, but she never answered, so I gave up. I wasn't that interested anyway.

Its strange but I feel like this is all just a bad dream.

A nightmare.

Because every time I close my eyes, I can still see the same grotesque scene before my eyes.


My sister came to visit me every month, and every month I rejected her visit. I couldn't look her to the eyes, not anymore.

"I am satisfied, as long as she is fine" I thought.

The days went by as I adapted to my new life, the people here were just as one would expect.


"Repeat that, you freak?" Said one tall kid to me.

"Shut up" I said


Another punch.

"You motherfucker now you have done it, Hey Rene, Leo!, come here lets teach this little fucker some manners"

"As you say Willy"

"Yeah, lets give this pretty boy a good beating"

I think they were saying something, however, I didn't pay much attention to it.


"They are coming."




"I told you are already, they are they"

"If you don't want to say, can you shut up for a bit"

I felt someone grabbing my collar.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!?" Shout the tall kid.

"They are coming"

I snapped.


I grabbed the kid throw him to the floor, after that I punch him right into the face.



"Hey, stop him!" Shout one of them




"Wait!" Shout the other one.



"Hey, Stop right there, call reinforcement we have a situation here!" A voice came from behind me.

However, I just wasn't aware of anything outside of my head.


I shout with all my force.