
Into the SCP Universe as The Lich.

After being transported to the SCP Universe, he is left confused and struggling to adapt with his new body and powers. As The Lich from Adventure Time, how will he overcome the obstacles and have a peaceful life? through power of course. He later learns this as time goes on, and as time goes on, threats emerge and his peaceful times would eventually end. disclaimer; I do not own anything, Adventure Time or any properties of the SCP Wiki. Warning: I am a young writer, and I am sometimes not aware of my mistakes and grammatical errors as well as any awkward sentencing. Feel free to give criticism, I will appreciate it.

DaoistCKto8n · Otras
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26 Chs


There was a truck ready to pick them up, outside the tent, one of Delta-4's agents went to the front and Omega-7 operatives climbed in from the back.

The Lich was the first to enter as others followed, he was taller and larger, so he occupied more space. Team Able didn't enter as they went in to another truck. Last member entered was a Delta-4 agent, slammed shut the door and banged the wall.

The engine roared to life as they finally moved out. The Lich watched in silence as everyone was quiet except the occasional bumps and roaring engine. Half of the people were staring at him.

"Is staring considered polite in your MTF?" The Lich said, looking at one of the Agents.

He looked away, everyone else did too. It was awkwardly quiet now.

One of the Delta-4 agents broke the silence.

"So uh… since we're all going to be working together, why don't we introduce ourselves?"

Nobody answered, everyone just looked at him.

The agent cleared his throat, then spoke: "My names, Agent Evans. And my partner here, is Agent Black… and you sir are?"

He pointed to Thomas, he wanted to stay quiet. But Renard told him instead.

"He's, Agent Thomas. And I'm, Agent Renard."

Thomas looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"You're a killjoy you know."

"What? We're gonna be working together anyway." He said.

"I'm, Agent Maddox." Said the beautiful woman.

"Agent Kennedy. Call me, Agent Ken."

"Agent Justin."

"Agent Olives. Nothing special."

"Im- uh, Agent Martin."

"And what about you, uh, miss?" Evans looked at SCP 105.

She just looked at him, and then at her squad. She was hesitating, after all, everyone would always call her by number except her squad.

"Oh, uh, I'm Iris. Iris Thompson."

"Nice to meet you, Iris."

"Watch your skipnaming, Evans." Black retorted.

The whole truck begins to quiet down again. Eventually Thomas broke the silence with a hostile tone.

"With all due respect, sir. She's an Agent, part of us."

Black looked at Thomas's rank on his chest, he was below him. He leaned in.

"It's an 'asset, not an 'agent', Sergeant. And I'm pretty sure that's violating MTF protocols."

"Sir," Thomas rubbed his temples in frustration, "She's gonna be working with us, you might as well treat her as one."

Black shook his head, "I can't reinforce it to you or your squad, but I can with Evans."

He looked at The Lich, It was looking out into the window of the truck. Its green eyes turned at him when he spoke.

"I have no human name. Lich is fine, or scp 7000. Whatever your protocol wishes to call me."

Black held the stare. None of them seemed to break it until Evans chimed in causing them to look at him.

"So, uh, Lic- er, SCP 7000, what's your ability?"

"… I can fly, cast fire, and use power words. Did the Major not inform you of my abilities?" He didn't want to explain his other abilities.

"No. So you can fly? That's cool."

The truck suddenly stops, they were here. Black opened the door and jumped out. Everyone followed. The driver went out from the front seat and waited for the command.

Black was the leader at this point since he has the highest rank.

"Kennedy and his team will stay here, SCP 7000 will follow with us."

Kennedy nodded. The cave entrance was big, an MTF of mole rats was waiting outside, one if them walked up and saluted to Black.

"We've mapped out the cave, is your team ready to move in?" He asked.

"We'll leave a few of us up here in case things go bad."

The mole rat looked at The Lich behind the group. Half of his face was covered by some kind of metallic mask and a metallic collar on his neck. His horns pointed at the sky, and his empty sockets with a green eyes burned to look at him.

'I hate being stared at.' Hassu thought.

The mole rats gestured for them follow, two of his team joined In. Only Kennedy, Justin, Martin, and Olives were left behind.

As they entered the cave, the darkness was becoming harder to see the end.

"Night vision on." Said one of the mole rats.

Black, Evans, and Rigby didn't have any Night vision goggles, and when they looked at Team Iris and mole rats, they were jealous.

Delta-4 and zeta-9's budget had been cut in half after a meeting with the 05 council last month, the one who suggested it was the leader of Omega-1. It was lucky zeta-9 still had access to night vision because of their role. But delta-4 would have to buy their own equipment back at the site if they needed night vision.

Iris didn't had any of those, she only had a torch and turned it on. A beam of light illuminated the front. The Lich, well, he had nothing.

"uh, Miss, Iris, is it okay if I stay by your side? I can cast a fire but I don't think I'll be able to see much." He asked politely.

Iris was surprised, she was a little anxious around him because of his appearance but since he had no light, she nodded.

The Lich stayed near her as all of them started to trod in the cave. Rigby would pull up a small device, like a phone, and a mole rat would look over.

"What are you looking at, Rigby?" Asked Black. Their rifles ready to shoot down any anomaly.

"Map. There's a bunch of intersections ahead."

"There." A mole rat pointed at his screen. A glowing red dot appeared at the bottom of the map. "That's our destination."

"How did you guys even map out this cave?" Rigby asked.

"We've sent out a group to explore this cave with a gpr. They must've already reached it." the mole rat replied.

"How long ago were they sent?"

"Twenty minutes."

Rigby was silent, the cave wasn't that deep, and most likely the guys sent down were already dead. It was lucky the signal reached their device.

They came across an intersection and Rigby led them to the right side.

"Wait. Do you hear that?" Black said, all of them stopped moving.

"No, what is it?" Evans replied.


There was an echo, a low hissing sound drifted to their ears.

"Iris, turn off your light." Thomas whispered.

She turned it off and everyone could see a faint glowing green light ahead, a series of tapping and unfamiliar sound floated to their ears.

"I think we're here." Said Evans.

"Let's go." Black ordered.

All of them moved and arrived at the entrance of another huge cave room. There they could see a green liquid Pool in the middle.

Iris took a photo from her camera.

"What the hell is that?" Said Rigby.

"No idea. Contact the command, weve-" Black's words were cut off.

In the green liquid pool, a giant spider came out. It's head rose from the pool and got out, it didn't have any of that green liquid on it.

They looked closely and it had a very hairy black skin. It produced a low hissing sound, and they finally knew where that sound earlier came from.

The spider moved to the side like a crab and stopped. Everyone watched closely, which Evans regretted because the spider turned around and gave birth to a beetle-like creature.

"Holy shit, I'm gonna throw up-" Evans emptied his stomach on the ground. The mole rats and team iris were disgusted.

During this time, Iris had already taken 9 different photos of the pool including the spider rising from the pool.

"You think that's a portal?" Asked Thomas.

"Could be. This is probably where those instances keep coming from." Replied Renard.

"Let's go back. You got the pictures, 105?" Said Black.

Iris nodded.

They were all about to head back to the entrance and wait for team able to arrive and terminate the spiders. It was stated in their reports there were a few of these in the cave.

"What the hell's that?"

A vibration suddenly rose from their feet, spreading in the floor like an earthquake as a giant worm suddenly emerged from the ground.

Everyone stumbled back. Its body was long and brown, when its head bent to look at them, they saw many sharp teeths swirling within its mouth.

By instinct or habit, Evans shouted and shot the worm.

Bullets pierced through as the worm screeches and leaves by eating its way into the ceiling of the cave, it had no problem eating rocks or stalagmites.

"Get cover!" Black yelled.

The entire underground shook from the worm's departure, stalagmites and huge chunks of rocks began falling. They hid on a small corner with little ceiling. But it was enough to avoid getting killed.

Eventually the shaking stopped.

Everyone looked at the entrance of the cave that would have let them out, it was covered by rocks and chunks of stalagmites.

A hissing sound floated to their ears, as Evans turned around. Everyone froze, a giant spider was right in front of them. Its eyes are looking at them, scanning who to take first.

"Fire!" Black eventually ordered.

The sound of gunshots reverberated the cave as the bullets ricocheted. The spider backed off in surprise and fear because of the sudden sounds and feeling of slight pain.

Iris hid behind one of the rocks that fell, and The Lich stayed behind Thomas.

They continued firing and they all stopped. They had to reload, and fast.

Everyone panicked as the spider noticed they stopped. It rushed forward with it's long hair legs and mouth wide open to devour an unfortunate MTF.

"Shit SHIITT!" One of the mole rats screamed as it went for him.

Before the spider could grab him between his jaws, or whatever you call it for a spider, the entire cave suddenly turned black.

"Cease." The Lich spoke, his voice drifting to everyone's ears.

The spider was an inch close to mauling the mole rat, and he let out a heavy sigh of relief.

The Lich walked up to the spider, it wasn't moving as it was floating, it tried to move it's head or legs in vain, but they only forced itself to stay in it's original position.

The Lich stood near it, pushed the mole rat away as it floated like it was in space. Something was starting to drain him, not physically, but something weird like a water leaking out from a container.

"7000, can you kill it?" Black asked. He was floating like everybody else.

Everyone watched at The Lich, waiting what to do.

Without responding, his raised his hand and a green fire enveloped his bony hands. The spider saw this and knew what he would do. It trembled, struggling trying to free itself, but it couldn't.

'This spider is definitely bullet proof, strong skin maybe. I'll just cook him from the inside.'

He strengthened his fire as they grew in horrible size, touched the skin of the spider and spread them all over the body of the spider. The hairs burned and produced a horrible smell that everyone, except The Lich creased their eyebrows in disgust, they couldn't cover their nose because they were frozen in mid air.

"7000, please hurry killing it. The smell is too much!" Black said.

Iris felt like she was having the worse day of her life, the smell was so horrible she would never forget this day. Even as she would grow old.

The spider screeched in agony, he could feel his organs boiling from the inside. The spiders screaming was becoming more and more louder and high pitched as the fire continued to burn it from the inside.

Eventually it melted its vocal cords and finally cooking it's brain.

The entire area turned back to the cave before as everyone dropped on their butt.

"Ow.." Iris said. She checked her polaroid camera and it was still intact.

The spider dropped dead on the floor, smoking hot and a rough smell coming out from its mouth.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something, wait…' Hassu thought.

Just as he turned around, he was met with a horrible face of a creature that suddenly slammed him further into the liquid pool.

He managed to grab to a rock to hold on to avoid falling into the pool.

Everyone saw it and fired at the Beetle, it ricocheted the bullets in its shell in the air like the spider earlier.

The Lich looked behind them, the green pool was close to him. He didn't want to know what would happen if he fell in, he stood up, ready to use another power word

"Cease." The Lich spoke, "Huh? Cease! What? Why isn't this working. Stop! Fall! What the hell."

Nothing happened. No darkness no movements stopping. They continued firing as the beetle turned around and flew into Evans.

"Evans get cover!" Rigby spoke. But it was too late.

"Shit, shit, sh-" Evans panicked.

The speed of the beetle was fast, and before he could cover to avoid being eaten, the beetle took a huge chunk off of his face. He fell flat on the ground and splattering blood.

The mole rats ran to hide in some of the rocks that had fallen, but it noticed them and raced at them. The unfortunate mole rat behind fired in desperation before getting half of his face eaten by the beetle.

There was a struggle of muffled scream and crunching as the beetle took it's time to eat the mole rat's unfortunate head.

"Shit. Rigby call for back up now!" Black said.

"I am! Just wait!" he replied, pulling out a radio trying to get a signal.

Iris ran towards them. Thomas and his team hid behind a rock far away from the beetle.

The Lich stood near the pool, questioning why his power didn't work. The beetle was munching off the mole rat's neck at this point, it ate both flesh and bones, it was faster than the spider and terrifying.

He watched in silence as it consumed the unfortunate man. The beetle suddenly looked at him.

"What? You mad I cooked your mother?!" He yelled across the cave. The spider's dead body was deflating and making a weird sound like a balloon releasing a small air.

The Lich chuckled in a provoking manner.

If the beetle was angry or could form an expression with it's face, it didn't show it. It suddenly flew in the air with great speed at him.

"Predictable insect."

The Lich dodged as the beetle made a wheezing sound as it flew past his face. It crashed into the wall and dropped to the ground with its back facing the floor.

It was making a weird high pitch sounds that irritated The Lich. It tried to get back up with its tiny feet, it's wings couldn't retract yet because it was dizzy after hitting it's head on the walls with great force.

The Lich circled the pool and arrived at the beetle who was still trying to get up.

"Struggling so hard I see. Ah, what a low life."

He grabbed the beetle by its tiny legs and pulled out a wing. The beetle screeched in pain as it snapped off from its dizziness. It tried to bite The Lich's finger off, but he was held tightly in his right hand where the wing had been torn.

Next he pulled out the other wing, as it flapped violently trying to get out from its grip.

The Lich pulled it out with great strength, other ordinary humans might not be able to, but he wasn't a human.

He watched as the beetle screeched and tried to move out from his grip.

Somehow, he felt a little joy making the insect's life miserable. He chuckles weirdly as Black, Rigby, and Iris who were near look at him with strange expressions.

"Is he okay?" Asked Rigby looking at Iris.

"Huh? I don't know… he's uh, creepy." She replied.

The radio on Black's hand boomed with Kennedy's voice.

"You guys okay there? Team Able just arrived, you guys can come up. We'll secure the rest."

Black looked at The Lich. Everything seems to be taken care of, except the blocked entrance.

"I might have to explain what happened down here later on. But we're trapped in the cave. Any way to get us out?" He replied.

There was silence on the other side for a brief moment. "I'm not sure. But I think scp 076-2 can break through it. He's quite tough from the file report I've read about him. Why not SCP 7000 though?"

Just as he was about to reply, the ground began to shake once more, everyone in the cave looked around and realized what it was.

The worm suddenly emerged near the pool behind The Lich. The Lich turned around and he was greeted with a sudden set of sharp teeth that swallowed him.

"Shit! Fire at the worm!" Rigby yelled.

They fired at the worm, as it felt the pain and swayed to the back causing The Lich to be thrown into the pool after opening its mouth to screech.

"WHAT THE F-" The Lich's voice disappeared as he fell into the pool.

"It got SCP 7000!" Black added, "We need back up now! Asap!" He replied to the radio.

"Team Able is on the way, just hold on."

The radio slipped from his finger as another worm appeared beside him that pushed him to the side. It dug deep back into the earth, as another appeared near the mole rats. They fired at it as it retreated back into the earth.

Iris was starting to get really afraid, the ground was shaking violently this time as more worms bursted out from the earth, they looked around with their eyeless heads and mouth with sharp teeth drooling of saliva.

"Shit, I guess we won't survive this." Black said, as he looked at his last magazine.

"Good working with you, sir. Guess we're joining Evans on the other side." Rigby replied. He still had two magazines.

Iris was hiding behind them, and looked at the pool that was creating small waves from the movements of the worm.

'Should I go? I have no choice..' she thought.

Suddenly a group of worms began rushing at Black and Rigby, The last mole rats had been eaten after they were ambushed.

Thomas and his team was still hiding somewhere, not even the worm's would be able to find out.

"Shouldn't we help, Iris?!" Said Mr. Gustav quietly.

"We have no choice, we're going to report everything here." He replied sternly.

He wanted to save Iris and not the douche bag Black or his friend. But he had a wife and child, the same age as her. He could only save his life for his own and for the future of his family.

'I'm so sorry, Iris…' he thought.

Black and Rigby began shooting at the oncoming worms fiercely, they took the bullets in their skin and screeched but didn't fall back like the first worm.

"Sir, sir, I think we should run!" Advised Rigby.

"Hell yes, we should! Run!" He yelled.

Iris began running straight into the pool, Black followed, he could only bet his life on the hypothesis that the pool was a portal. He wanted to live. Rigby ran to other side, but the worm's only chased at Iris and Black.

They wriggled like a fast snake on the ground. And before they could catch up to them, they jumped in the pool.

Swirling. Swirling. Swirling. All Iris and Black could see is an endless drift and falling. It was all green, they felt sick just looking at it. So they closed their eyes.

Falling.. falling…

'I escaped. But am I going to die like this? Falling forever..?' he thought.

His mind drifts into darkness as he passes out from the extreme headache that suddenly rushed at him.

Iris wasn't looking too well, they kept falling and both of them were unconscious.