
Into DC

God_Of_stupidity · Película
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1 Chs

part 1

POV 3rd person

Jason was a otaku and a collector, he liked too watch anime, manga, novels and usually buy replicates of said weapons and maintain them. Most of them of the replicates are from fate as fate being one of his favorite anime, and some from akame ga kill. So when he was offered was offered too be reincarnated with 2 wishes into an unknown world after he died he took it and wished for having magic potential greater than merlin from fate and having a costume Noble phantasm which summons a library full of books about magic and having book from different universe, it is called the Library Of The Gods since it can make someone a god of magic with enough time. After he wished for that he was transported into a world of heroes and villains filled with demons, devils, and gods, a world called DC but you see the god an ass so he transported him into Mesozoic era.

POC Jason

That goddamn god he teleported me in the wrong FUCKING ERA how, how can you mess that up, I swear once I'm strong enough I'm going too fucking torture you. But enough of that talk what I need too do is figure out magic too survive, food, water, then shelter. But how do I activate my NP? damn should've asked that shitty god whatever the past is the past nothing too do about that.

I started thinking of multiple things too make my NP come out until I said " Library Of The Gods" when I found myself in a building that had aura of royalty. Then I saw the endless rows of bookshelf's and books, I was awed at the sheer number of books when I came out of my stupor and walked up too a bookshelf that had a tag on it and it said basic, which I assumed that is was basic about magic. I took a seat in one of the library's tables and started reading. After awhile I started practicing moving the mana in the air and adsorbing it in me and it started changing my body but it wasn't massive change just enough change for me too be able too use mana. I just now realized that I never learned what I looked like, I started looking around the library until I found a new room with a bed, bathroom, kitchen, etc stuff in the bathroom there was a mirror, I found my new look kind of looked like merlin with white hair purple tips and purple eyes but I was short like a kid maybe 10 or 11 and I had a smaller size robe that he usually wears on, I started feeling tired maybe because of the use of mana when I'm new too magic so I went to bed.

A/N- Sorry for the short chapter and also I making my own magic system so it wont be like the fate one. Also if you have a chant for our mc's Np tell me since I'm not creative at all and also a name since I want too change jason because well cause I can.