
Into a Parallel World

Bai Yi Yang is a 26 years old genius who mysteriously transmigrated into a parallel world. While fleeing the organisation to save herself from being killed, Bai Yi Yang was saved by the power of the system and entered a body in a parallel world. Her name is the same and even how she look is similar. Only that, the timeline is 10 years behind and she became a 16 years old high school student again. Luckily she didn’t come to this world alone, she have the most incredible creation of human in her original world, the system that can even help human cheat death. Of course her system is not the kind of cold and unfeeling system, maybe even a bit silly and a little glutton. Turns out, her 26 years of life before cannot be calling as living at all, living the current kind of simple life is much more interesting. She will cook a lot of delicious food, farm fruits and vegetables, catch delicious fish, forage mushrooms and do a lot more things that is possible with the system’s help. With Bai Yi Yang determination and hard work in addition to the incredible system, the Bai siblings will only walk on flowery road from now on. Follow the Bai siblings together with their adorable pets to slowly transform their life from poverty to comfort, from a bitter fate to a life full of sweetness. They will get entangled to new people, make new friends and reunite with their family. NOTES: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Enjoy reading it with light heart :)

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268 Chs

Chapter 220: Grandma Cui’s osteoarthritis and Night walk

After dinner, the driver sent them back home. Bai Yi Yang saw TongTong in the living room, watching TV with the kitchen assistant. This aunt is not only Grandma Cui's kitchen assistant but she basically manage the house.

"You all are back? Old madam, do you need digestive tea?" The old aunt said.

"No need, I didn't eat much. Ask the old man and Yi Yang yatou." Grandma Cui said with a small laugh. The two people basically is the one who eat most of the dishes.

"No need for me too. I will walk around the park with Yi Yang yatou after this." Old man Cui said.

"You two are heading out again?" Grandma Cui ask.

"Yeah." Bai Yi Yang grinned.

"I can't, my knee problem is killing me this few days." Grandma Cui said.

"Grandma, you have a knee pain? Why didn't you tell me at the village." Bai Yi Yang said. When they are at the village, it was fine. Grandma Cui even walk up and down the mountain, why suddenly a knee pain?

"It has always been there, it only didn't flare up then." Grandma Cui chuckled.

"Really?" Bai Yi Yang frown a bit. She come over and start checking Grandma Cui's knee while she is sitting on the sofa.

"Of course. Even if I wanted to endure I can't. It really didn't flare up back then." Grandma Cui said.

"Osteoarthritis?" Bai Yi Yang ask after checking. It's not that bad but it can be painful.

"Yes." Grandma Cui said, a bit amaze that the child know about this old people problem. Even the method of her examination is the same as her attending doctor.

'TongTong, do we have some kind of medication for this? Something that repair the cartilage or something?' Bai Yi Yang ask.

'Have ah, 100 points for slow acting one and 300 points for instant result.' TongTong said.

'Buy the slow acting one.' Bai Yi Yang said.

[Successful. 1 slow-acting Cartilage regenerating medication purchased. Total points:1,485]

The mechanism of osteoarthritis is that the cartilage which cushions the bone at the knee is worn out because of multiple reason, so it cause pain during movement. Osteoarthritis is a non-reversible disease to begin with, once you got it, the treatment can only be done to reduce the pain, surgery is only done as a last resort, she is glad that the system have this kind of medication.

"Grandma, I know some folk remedies for osteoarthritis, do you want to have a try?" Bai Yi Yang said. This is the only way to make people believe, it will be to bizarre if she secretly put the medication into Grandma Cui's drinks and she suddenly recovered later. By taking this so called folk remedy, at least she would have something to say to the doctor.

"Good ah. But just go take a walk first, you can do that later." Grandma Cui smile kindly. Which method she haven't tried before, but at most they will alleviate the pain, taking medication is more affective to reduce the pain. But, she don't want to disappoint Bai Yi Yang sos he agreed.

"No need to wait long. I will be done in a minute." Bai Yi Yang stood up.

"Aunt, do you have ginger and cinnamon in the kitchen?" Bai Yi Yang ask. To make her cover plausible, she is going to use some immune booster and anti inflammatory ingredients.

"We have, we have." The old aunt look at Grandma Cui small nod and bring Bai Yi Yang to the kitchen. She showed Bai Yi Yang the ingredients.

"Alright, I can manage it now, aunt, go and wait outside bah." Bai Yi Yang said as she start cleaning the ginger and chopping it into thin pieces. The old aunt saw that she knows what she is doing and go out to give some privacy.

It's just a simple ginger and cinnamon tea, Bai Yi Yang add a small amount of honey into it. Anyway, the main ingredient is the medication she bought so as long as Grandma Cui finished drinking it.

When Bai Yi Yang came out, Old man Cui already changed into a casual clothes, he is chatting with Grandma Cui now.

"Yatou, only for your grandma?" Old man Cui said when he saw one cup of tea.

"Yeah ah. Grandpa, do you have osteoarthritis too? This is a precious medication okay." Bai Yi Yang said, this is worth 100 points ah. Everyone laugh when they saw this, they thought she is just saying it.

"Let me have a taste." Grandma Cui took the teacup from Bai Yi Yang and blow on it before taking a sip.

"En, it's slightly sweet." Grandma Cui said.

"I added a small amount of honey in it. Grandma, you must finish it." Bai Yi Yang said, staring at Grandma Cui as she drink it.

"Alright, you two go for your walk." Grandma Cui said.

"I will wait until you finish it. What if you don't like the taste of it and throw it away secretly. This is really good, I promise." Bai Yi Yang said. This invite a laugh from Grandma Cui again.

"Silly child, I won't. I know you mean well, how can I bear to throw it away." Grandma Cui said. Bai Yi Yang finally agree after the persuasion, even the old aunt agree to keep watch.

"That young girl has a kind heart." The old aunt said when the two people with a kitten leave the house.

"En, it's a blessing that me and the old man meet these children. Talking about it, if not because of how crazy the old man with fishing, we won't be able to meet. Everything is all fated." Grandma Cui laugh.

As promised, she also finished the tea, only a cup of these weird tasting drink, she can finish even 2-3 cups. Maybe, she is also affected psychologically, her knee doesn't feel that painful anymore and she can feel some tingling and a comfortable warm sensation. Because of this, she also feels a bit sleepy so she went in to sleep first.

At the park near the neighbourhood, Bai Yi Yang and Old man Cui is taking a walk. TongTong also followed, sitting on Bai Yi Yang's shoulder.

"The interior designer you talked about, is she good?" Old man Cui ask.

"En. I have worked with her before so I know how she is. What more, her style match mine very well." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good. Brand HN is very good, their products is good too. Are you making some of the furniture this time too?" Old man Cui said. When they visited their house, he thought Bai Yi Yang spent a lot of money on the furniture, who know that Bai Yi Yang is the one who made it. He knows that Bai Yi Yang know woodworking, but when he saw the product did he finally understand that Bai Yi Yang is not playing around when she said that she knows.

"En. That's why I wanted to discuss this as soon as possible with the interior designer so that I can start working." Bai Yi Yang said. Next month, she will have the final examination, she won't be able to work then, Bai Yi Chen won't allow it.

"You are too diligent." Old man Cui laugh.

"I don't want to disturb my holiday later. The whole month, I will just play and not work, that's why I need to finish it before that." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"Good. Work hard and play hard!" Old man Cui said, liking Bai Yi Yang more and more.

"Seems like you have a big plan for your upcoming holiday." Old man Cui ask.

"Yeah, a road trip, I am planning to head to City Shan then City Zhou maybe or may not go north from City Zhou, if we are going north then have to skip City Qing this time. But, most probably we will head north another time, we will tour the southern area first." Bai Yi Yang said. The biggest City Zhou also take up some area at the east of the country but still considered a southern area.

"Good plan." Old man Cui said.

"Not going overseas?" He ask.

"Not yet. My siblings don't have the passport yet." Bai Yi Yang said. Well, they haven't even tour the whole country, there are still a lot of time.

"En, go around the country first. Are you going with Miss Zhou?"

"Yeah. Zhu Yao jie is a good driver." Bai Yi Yang grinned.

"Then plan carefully." Old man Cui said. Bai Yi Yang nod.

"Right, the Zhang lad doesn't know you are here? If he knew, I don't think it will be this quiet." Old man Cui suddenly mentioned Zhang Yong.

"Ah..that..I didn't tell him." Bai Yi Yang said. She didn't tell Zhang Yong purposely, if not he must have wanted her to stay until Sunday to play for a bit more in City Nan. She just come here for business, after she settled the matter she will leave. She didn't come to play.

"Why? Had a fight?" Old man Cui ask, he have a small smile on, a meaningful smile.

"So that he won't come and disturb my work." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"Yatou, if you two are a couple, then he must be on the lesser side. Of course you are still young so don't be cheated by grown up man like him. Man are all the same, it will be troublesome if you two got involved when you are still this young." Old man Cui said.

"Grandpa, I am not a naïve young girl. You know that." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"I know, I know. This old man is just worried, young girl often got cheated by white faced man like that Zhang lad. What more, you are this good and adorable, a more youthful lad is better no? He is a good lad but the age is too far, not suitable. Or, wait until you are 18." Old man Cui pat her on her head.

"Grandpa!" Bai Yi Yang explode. How can Old man Cui think that they have that kind of relationship?

"What? I am just reminding you." Old man Cui laugh loudly.

Bai Yi Yang then quickly brush it off, she don't want to talk about this anymore, instead she try to distract Old man Cui and ask him about fishing. When it comes to that, he immediately forgot about the other topic, Bai Yi Yang even got to hear about his first fishing experience.