
Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World

In a mystical realm of Eldoria, an extraordinary establishment emerged amidst the bustling streets of the capital city of Luminaire Kingdom. It wasn't long when unusual people visit there to browse grimoires online, engage in epic virtual duels, and ... share magical memes. The owner named Luke— Luke: "System! Stop the narration. This is just a normal internet cafe with a handsome owner. Or rather, you're the unusual one!" System: "..."

Meagerton · Fantasía
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136 Chs

Chapter 10 - Reboot

The duo was taken aback as they saw the innocent face of a child peering at the food.

On the other side of the door, the person panicked and accidentally let go of the knob, causing her to stumble inside the shop. She stood up immediately but her eyes glistened with moisture. She trembled as the duo fix their sight on her.

What appeared before the two is a little girl, approximately 11-12 years old, possessing undeniable cuteness despite the evident cuts and bruises that marred her body. In fact, she appeared to be more injured compared to Lunaria.

Luke was taken aback by the sight before him.

'How could anyone subject a child to such suffering?'

Rage consumed him as he dwelled on this thought.

Having grown up in an orphanage, Luke had become a beloved brother figure among the children, always respectful to the elderly and gentle with the young. His sense of responsibility and brotherly instinct kicked in immediately. Rising from his seat, he approached the trembling figure.

She appeared scared and timid.

As Luke approached her, he extended his right hand toward the little girl. Afraid that the stranger might harm her, the little girl closed her eyes, bracing herself for a potential blow. However, to her surprise, she felt no pain. Instead, she felt a warm and gentle touch caressed her head.

Luke gently patted her, conveying reassurance. Lowering himself to her eye level, he squatted down to meet her gaze.

"Are you lost, little one?"

His words were spoken with utmost tenderness.

Anyone who heard his voice would sense his gentleness.

Even Lunaria, who stood behind the counter, was astonished. It was the first time she heard Luke speak so gently. A sense of unfairness crept into her thoughts, realizing that Luke had never spoken to her with such gentleness. Unconsciously, she pouted, unaware of her own expression.

Finally, the little girl opened her eyes, greeted by the sight of a warm smile on the stranger's face.

Her lips trembled with emotion. The experience of receiving kindness from someone outside the slums was entirely new to her. Overwhelmed, she fought back tears, determined not to let them fall.

While Luke patiently awaited her response, he noticed the moisture in her eyes and the restrained expression on her face, as if she was holding back a flood of emotions.

Thinking that her grimace was a result of pain, Luke's concern and helplessness grew as he observed the girl in such a state.

Then, suddenly, an idea dawned on him.

'I think this just might work.'

Luke contemplated briefly, organizing his thoughts and fixing his gaze upon the little girl with utmost gentleness.

He then whispered a single word, still patting the little girl's head.


As the word left his lips, a magical phenomenon unfolded before the three individuals.

A radiant white light emanated from Luke's hand as he gently patted the girl's head. The light entered her body, and she could sense a foreign energy coursing through her.

To her surprise, the sensation was far from unpleasant. On the contrary, a comforting warmth enveloped her entire being, spreading through every inch of her body.

Closing her eyes in bliss, she sensed a comfortable transformation occurring within her.

Luke felt a surge of joy as his idea succeeded.

Meanwhile, Lunaria was taken aback by the scene unfolding before her. She believed that Luke had performed a high-level healing magic, a skill typically associated with individuals from the holy nation.

However, she sensed that the power at play was distinct from the spells cast by the "freaks" in the holy nation, although she couldn't quite grasp its nature. What astounded her even more was the fact that Luke effortlessly used the healing magic—a power that had been known to be accessible only through the completion of a complex ritual. Lunaria's admiration and respect for Luke soared to new heights.

As the little girl opened her eyes, she sensed a newfound lightness in her body. To her astonishment, the cuts and bruises that once marred her skin had vanished completely, as if they had never existed. Even the scars had been erased.

Overwhelmed by this incredible revelation, she realized that it was the stranger before her who had miraculously healed her body.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, tears streamed down her face, a mixture of relief, gratitude, and overwhelming emotions.

"T-thank you, uncle. *Sniff"

Unconsciously, the little girl found herself associating Luke with the uncles back in the slums who cared for their wounded kin. It was a familiar and heartwarming connection she made in her mind.

For the first time, she found herself shedding tears, despite enduring bullying without shedding a single drop.

"Just call me Boss; I'm not that old."

Luke's discomfort at being called "uncle" was evident.

'Not old my ass, I think you're more like an old monster in disguise.' In contrast, Lunaria believed Luke to be a higher being who had descended upon this mortal realm. 'And why did he heal her and not me? I was the first one here," she couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy.

Luke glanced at Lunaria while continuing to pat the sobbing girl.

Unconsciously, Lunaria stood up straight.

"Ku-hum you should share your food to this girl. In return, I'll tell you some good things and heal your wounds."

Noticing the hunger in the little girl, Luke addressed Lunaria, his gaze shifting between her and the girl. The sight of the girl reminded him of his younger siblings in the orphanage, evoking a deep sense of compassion.

Recognizing the dire circumstances of the poor child, Luke had no intention of scamming her by making her buy food. Instead, he sought to strike a deal with Lunaria, understanding that it was the best solution that didn't involve using credits.

Initially, Lunaria was on the verge of uttering a curse, but as she caught the second half of Luke's statement, her eyes lit up with newfound hope and intrigue.

"Yes, yes. You're right, Boss. Sharing is a good thing. Haha, the food is too much for me, anyway."

Lunaria actually had the means to heal her own wounds by drinking an expensive elixer, so she wasn't particularly bothered by her injuries.

However, her curiosity was piqued about the good thing that Luke promised to share. Based on his actions thus far, she believed it couldn't be anything bad. Such thoughts ran through her mind as she eagerly awaited what the boss had to tell her.

"Okay, I'll heal you first."

Upon hearing Luke's words, Lunaria arched her head and positioned it in front of Luke, expecting him to heal her wounds.

After waiting for a few seconds, during which nothing seemed to happen, Lunaria raised her head and was met with a baffled gaze from Luke. His strange expression left her feeling confused and uncertain.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked her.

"Eh? Aren't you going to heal me."

"Ah! No need to bow your head."

Lunaria tilted her head in confusion, only to hear Luke's voice again.


The same phenomenon that occurred with the little girl happened to Lunaria as well but she didn't get to enjoy the feeling as a surge of conflicting thoughts and emotions swirled within her.


Unable to contain her feelings, Lunaria couldn't help but voice her discontentment. She felt a twinge of jealousy, realizing that the little girl had received Luke's gentle touch, something she had been looking forward to as well.

However, she was unwilling to admit her emotions, as she herself was surprised by how she felt.

Recognizing the impropriety of her behavior, Lunaria felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. Determined to rectify her attitude, she resolved to adjust her mindset immediately.


As Lunaria contemplated the situation, her wounds have miraculously disappeared.

However, she couldn't fully enjoy the sensation, though the lingering warmth provided a sense of comfort.

Deciding to let the matter pass for now, Lunaria shifted her focus to the awaiting food. She chose to prioritize this pressing need by setting aside her earlier concerns.

"Eh? What's unfair?" Luke questioned, his confusion evident.

Choosing to indulge in her small act of revenge, Lunaria ignored him, deliberately not providing an explanation.

Observing Lunaria's behavior, Luke tilted his head in further confusion, reflecting on the complexities of understanding women.

Finally, he stood up and instructed the little girl to join Lunaria in eating, emphasizing the need for the two to share a meal despite the pouting elf's weird demeanor.