
Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World

In a mystical realm of Eldoria, an extraordinary establishment emerged amidst the bustling streets of the capital city of Luminaire Kingdom. It wasn't long when unusual people visit there to browse grimoires online, engage in epic virtual duels, and ... share magical memes. The owner named Luke— Luke: "System! Stop the narration. This is just a normal internet cafe with a handsome owner. Or rather, you're the unusual one!" System: "..."

Meagerton · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Chapter 11 - Lilith

Lunaria and the little girl enjoyed a hearty meal together.

The little girl was astounded by its remarkable taste and eagerly devoured everything with delight. It was her inaugural experience of such extraordinary flavors, leaving her utterly astonished.

Observing this, the elf couldn't help but emit a snort, seemingly amused by the child's reaction. She carried an air of pride, akin to a teacher unveiling the gateway to a new world to her student.

The flavor was undeniably irresistible, captivating their palates in such a way that they doubted they would ever derive the same level of joy from ordinary food again.

In contrast to the grace that Lunaria imagined herself possessing, Luke thought that she looked like a kid as he gazed at the them with an amused expression. He watched in astonishment as the two of them appeared to engage in a friendly competition, eagerly vying to outeat each other.

As he looked at the two ravenous individuals, he couldn't help but think that he had gotten his money's worth—perhaps even a little more. *Ku-hum, ku-hum.

Patiently, he waited for them to finish.

Once they had finished their meal and no food remained on the table, the elf and the child locked eyes and exchanged smiles, as if sharing an unspoken understanding between them.

As the remnants of the feast vanished through magical means, Luke took the opportunity to engage in conversation with them.

"Was it good?"

They realized that Luke had been observing them the entire time, which made them feel slightly embarrassed about their ungraceful way of eating.

Lunaria decided to brush off the awkwardness by acting as if nothing had happened.

"Y-yes Boss, I can eat your food everyday. By the way, what is the good thing you want to tell me?"

She changed the topic about food, and Luke who found this amusing, decided to tease her.

"Easy there, you've just eaten, Would you like a dessert?"

"N-no, that's fine."

"Okay then, what about you, little one?"

The little girl nodded cutely. Luke patted her head and retrieved a box of chocolates from the system storage. He took one and placed it in the child's hands.

He then glanced at the elf who was surprisingly salivating.

"Alas! This premium chocolate is truly delectable. I didn't realize you had a weakness for desserts."

Lunaria's nervousness caused her to gulp, and she mustered the courage to set aside her pride.

"Umm... Boss? I-is it okay if I have some?" she asked, her words stumbling slightly as she spoke. She felt a twinge of annoyance, frustrated by her tendency to stumble over her words whenever she spoke to Boss.

Luke, noticing her pleading eyes and sensing her earnestness, decided not to continue teasing her.

"Haha, you can have some, just one though. And of course, you can have one more, little one."

Lunaria felt irritated by this clear display of favoritism.

The little girl, with eyes gleaming and cheeks filled with food, leaped with joy upon hearing Luke's words. Witnessing this exuberant display reminded Luke of his younger siblings back at the orphanage. He couldn't help but recall their similar reactions whenever he indulged them with sweets and treats.

"Oh right."

Luke's expression became serious as he focused his gaze on Lunaria.

"If you ever have a problem, you can watch a video to relieve stress. Try using MartialTube on the computer; you might find something interesting."

Luke offered Lunaria advice, believing that she might be facing some challenges or issues. He suggested watching videos as a means of finding entertainment and relieving stress, understanding that even brief moments of distraction could help alleviate her worries.

Misinterpreting Luke's intention, Lunaria attributed a profound meaning to his words. With a nod of understanding, she proceeded to make her way towards PC1, assuming that there was a deeper significance behind his suggestion.

Meanwhile, the child had yet to finish chewing the chocolates, savoring each bite with great delight.

Once she had consumed the last morsel, a peculiar sensation surged through her body, reminiscent of the phenomenon Lunaria had experienced when she ate the food provided by Luke.

However, the child's reaction was not as exaggerated as Lunaria's, possibly due to her lower rank and her body's inability to fully process the effects of the food.

Nonetheless, to her, it held significant meaning and was a noteworthy occurrence.

She could sense something inside her undergoing a transformation.

In shock, she realized what was happening within her body.

Luke, sensing that something was amiss with the child, noticed that she had been standing in a daze for a few seconds.

He approached her, and in that moment, the little girl's face broke into a wide smile as she jumped with joy.

"I'm finally Rank 2!"

She exclaimed in delight, hugging Luke out of sheer happiness.

Luke wasn't sure what she meant, but if it brought such joy to the little girl, it must have been something remarkable.

The little girl suddenly became aware of her actions and quickly retreated from Luke's embrace.

Luke then engaged in conversation with the girl to pass the time. With his brotherly charm and warm smile, it didn't take long for the little girl to open up.


— Lilith's PoV —

The kind and handsome brother treated me with boundless kindness, surpassing anyone I had encountered.

The food he graciously provided was not only super delicious but also enabled me to achieve a breakthrough to Rank 2. The immense power resonating in me is super strong, and I can still sense the lingering effects of the food he shared.

Becoming Rank 2 is not a simple feat. It needs a big amount of resources that are typically controlled by the silly nobles.

There is another way which is seeking assistance from the academy. However, I am aware that the other noble children would disturb my progress. Their hate for commoners perplexes me, as we are fundamentally no different.

Normally, it takes the average 'human' mage around two years to achieve Rank 2, and the journey begins at the age of ten when they reach Rank 1. Age ten is when the mana vessels in the body fully developed and one can finally start their journey to be a mage. I heard that there are some cases where the mana vessels developed earlier than ten years old, and in that case, they would be called genius.

It was when I was ten years old that I entered the school, lacking knowledge and guidance in the process of breaking through to Rank 1. However, through unwavering dedication and hard work, I managed to attain Rank 1 in just four months.

To my surprise, Brother Boss provided me with a super delicious meal, and miraculously, I achieved a breakthrough to Rank 2 with surprising ease.

I am well aware of the expensive cost associated with acquiring the necessary resources for breaking through, but he generously provided them to me free of charge.

Furthermore, it is highly unusual for a breakthrough to occur this fast. I'm not even twelve years old yet. It led me to think if he had given me some sort of super strong elixir. The food he offered, including the delightful sweet chocolates, was super delicious too.

Brother Boss talked to me in long conversation, and it was the first time I had spoken so openly to a stranger.

His warmth was both comforting and intimidating, giving me a sense of fear that maybe he had ulterior motives and would eventually leave once he achieved his desires.

However, his genuine and affectionate smile led me to believe otherwise. It was evident that he truly cared for me, despite the absence of a blood relation.

In fact, despite looking like a noble or even a prince, he surpassed the nobles I saw by far. He was super cool!

Maybe I am downgrading him because the best word that I know is 'super'. It would be good for me to visit the library and expand my vocabulary, allowing me to express my admiration for Brother Boss more accurately.

I yearned for him to be a part of my family as well.

Finally, he asked about my life, and I told him everything, as his caring eyes assured me that he genuinely cared.

First, I introduced myself as Lilith, but he could call me Lily, just like my 'family' in the slums.

I shared how I lived in the slums and how the inhabitants there had aided me since my parents abandoned me.

Upon hearing this, Brother Boss appeared sad. He patted me on the head and revealed that he understood the pain of abandonment. He spoke of a strange sense of camaraderie between us.

Maybe our meeting is the work of fate hehe. If that's true, I'm super thankful to you sister fate.

I continued recounting my life.

I told him about being admitted to the Celestia Academy as a scholarship student due to my affinity for magic. I also mentioned how I helped my brothers and sisters in the slums whenever possible.

After hearing this, Brother Boss looked at me with pride.

He patted my head once more. Although frequent, his gestures were far from uncomfortable. Each time he did so, warmth enveloped me. I nuzzled my head in happiness in response to his pats.

When I told him that I often get bullied, that's when he finally made a scary expression.


I wasn't scared at all. I felt like crying when I saw how he cares this much for someone like me.

He comforted me and urged me to return to him immediately should anything unfortunate occur.

When I expressed my hesitation to burden Brother Boss with my concerns, he lightly knocked my head and scolded me. He firmly stated that he wouldn't talk to me again unless I ask for his help the next time I get bullied.

But no, I didn't want that. I didn't want him to distance himself from me. I still want to come back here and talk with brother Boss with super lots of topics.

He then assured me that I could rely on him.

I know that brother Boss is strong. I could sense his strength not only through the incredible food he gave but also through his extraordinary magical abilities that healed my wounds.

With this experience, I wholeheartedly believe in his capabilities. If it's Brother Boss, then perhaps he possesses the power to intervene in the issue of bullying.

However, there is a secret that I have been keeping hidden. I am fearful of revealing it to Brother Boss or anyone else, as I worry that they may view him negatively if they discover our relationship.

No! I lied.

It's not that I believe Brother Boss is a bad person. It's just that I'm terrified of how he might treat me differently once he learns the truth. It's also the same reason why my parents abandoned me.

I was afraid he would learn that... I am... a Witch.