
Instantaneous Revenge System

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 22:Human Alliance Tournament*

Yi Nuo had already returned from her training with her master, she was now passing her days with Jadhiel. Jahdiel could not help but admire how cute she was while sleeping, not that she was not cute while woken up. He would wake her up like usual. He was glad she agreed with his waking-up technique.

Yi Nuo held back a breakthrough.


He took her clothes off and started to lick her clitoris.

"Ahhhh, good morning, my dear." Yi Nuo said cumming in Jahdiel's mouth, which quickly swallowed it thirstily.

Soon after, Yi Nuo lay on her back, with her hands crossed on her stomach, and her legs were straight, raised, and driven apart. Jadhiel was on top of her, between her legs, his arms were straight and exposing his palms forward, close to her shoulders, laying stress on them. His legs were bent in knees and driven apart. Jahdiel went in and out of her voraciously until she cummed.

Next, Jadhiel lifted his arms, while Yi Nuo bent her legs and put them above his shoulders, her hand was on his back, while his arms were around her back. Jahdiel tenaciously penetrated her until she cummed again.

Next Jadhiel extended his legs, and Yi Nuo put her right leg around Jadhiel's left shoulder. After strongly pounding her insides, both cummed.

"Nothing like morning sex to wake up. Right, my dear?" Jadhiel said

"Yeah." Yi Nuo said all sleepiness was taken away from her.


"My dear, the Human Alliance Tournament is getting close. So it would be a while until we can see each other again." Yi Nuo told Jahdiel.

"What a pity."Jadhiel said."Was there no way for me to accompany you?"

"The invitations were only limited to the participants and their masters. Your cultivation is now too high to participate in the inner disciple category. So the only option would be to join the inner elder category, which was never used because Supreme Elder Ou Fu was too old to participate."Yi Nuo said.

"My dear, had you seen my cultivation?"Jadhiel said.

"You are already at the Heavenly Tribulation Stage V?" Yi Nuo asked surprised.


"Let's see master" Yi Nuo said.

So they went to see her master, and now both would compete in the tournament. After their preparations were complete, both entered the teleportation array, and soon after they were at the tournament location.

"The air here is really different. It practically smells divine qi" Jahdiel commented.

"Yeah" Yi Nuo agreed.

They were now at the current host of the human alliance tournament, the Immortal Damu Forest. They were classified as the most powerful of the human righteous and neutral sects. The ancestor of the sect was named Damu and he was a Dao Cultivator Stage VIII at the Dao of Nature.

The sect also had as a Supreme elder a woman named Abella Amaia, she was a Dao cultivator at Stage V in the Dao of Life and Death. The sect patriarch Dusek was a Dao cultivator at Stage III in the Soul Dao. The other great sects were the Yin Immortal Palace, The Earth Hunters, The Heavenly Gates, and the Eternity Sect.

The Yin Palace ancestress was a woman named Honora, she was a Dao cultivator of the Yin Dao at Stage VIII. The matriarch of the sect was a woman named Cessair, she was a Dao cultivator in Stage IV of the Misfortune Dao. This sect only accepted women.

Yang Yun Shi was once an elder at the Yin Palace after she reached the Dao. Her Dao of Plains was considered too weak to give her a position higher than elder, so with the permission of the matriarch she left the sect, she met her family, which whom she only communicated remotely, and established the Liushangong Sect, which was a vassal sect from the Yin Palace.

The Earth Hunters' ancestor was a man named Dimitry, he was a Dao cultivator at Stage VII in the Earth Dao. The supreme elder of the sect was a woman named Tiatia, at stage V of the Volcano Dao. The sect matriarch was a woman at the Tribulation Stage IX.

The Heavenly Gates' ancestress was a woman named Ai Tian at Stage VII of the Heaven Dao. The supreme elder was another woman named Nysa in stage IV of the Comets Dao. The sect patriarch was at the Tribulation Stage IX.

The Eternity Sect was by far the weakest of them. The sect had two ancestors a man named Atlas, a Space Dao cultivator in Stage V, and a woman named Horatia, a Time Dao cultivator in Stage V. They were married and the patriarch of their sect was their son.

After registering, they both prepared for their fights. The tournament finally began.

"On the left side, we have someone you all know, Mobson Mobilious, a Stage VI heaven and earth god* with the law of daggermanship. On the right, we have Jahdiel, no last name, with the laws of Space-Time, Soul, Vitality, Yin-Yang, Heaven-and-Earth, swordsmanship... Is this accurate? Doesn't matter we will find out the truth soon enough." the narrator of the fights said.

"Boo. Liar!" the ground quickly began to shout at Jadhiel.

'Are all cultivators childlike? No Yi Nuo is not like that or at least I hope not.'

"Down be too proud of yourself because of having a bit of talent. This old bone will not be an easy opponent." his first enemy said.

To Jadhiel's dismay, while stretching his fists, it left a strong wind that blew away his opponent unintentionally. So he won the first round. The second round came and another cannon fodder was defeated. This continued until the round of sixteen.

His enemy was prepared to attack him, with all his might. Darkness attacked his soul trying to make him pass out, but his soul that stood like heaven and earth was persevering and tenacious. The darkness quickly subsided and his enemy passed out.

In the round of eights, Jadhiel fought against a woman who was an elder in the Yin Palace. She attacked first. Jadhiel found her attack fascinating, as he tried to burn the ice, to no avail. He was of course testing the law of fire that he never have used in a fight. The ice combined the laws of ice and snow. It used a fractal system that quickly made melted ice solidify again nearly instantly. Jadhiel nourished his flames with yang and they started to melt the ice that was beginning to encircle him.

'Why do I not test this?'Jahdiel thought. He stopped melting the ice surprising the audience, he used his yin law and tried to turn the attack into yin, which he partially succeeded, as it became a yin ice-ans-snow-like energy that he absorbed. This would have damaged him a bit, but the yin became nourishment to his yang body, and the ice and snow connected to it were partially absorbed, it caused damage so small that his owen vitality healed.

'Frozen Soul Attack.' the woman thought, using her soul attack technique. She felt like she was trying to freeze heaven and earth as her divine qi exhausted and she passed out. Her technique that was supposed to slow down Jahdiel's response speed fell and she lost.

His opponent in the quarterfinals was the patriarch of the Eternity Sect.

"Given up while you still can!" Shouted the prideful patriarch.

Jahdiel ignored the young master. Without any more delay, the young master attacked him with a spacetime attack, which covered the whole arena.' ...is the only of our son, which masters the combination of the time and space law, this no-name nobody is down to be defeated by a real genius.' Atlas though, his wife was thinking something along that lines.

Combining his fists with the spacetime law, Jadhiel was able to easily break his enemy's domain. Using the formation law combined with the space law, Jahdiel turned the space around him into a formation and sealed his enemy.

'My son got seriously hurt during his last tribulation, he recovered only now, so we plan to wait a long time for his final tribulation, to make sure he is safe. Although the chances are slim, if this man, which is abnormally young for his age, risks it all, he can reach the Dao realm with spacetime law first. If there is a cultivator that reaches a certain Dao, reaching the same Dao becomes much more difficult for a later initiate. I cannot control all the world to eliminate threats to my son's future, but this daring man I can eliminate.' Honora thought.

"You thought the same as me right?" Honora asked her husband.

"Yes" answered Atlas. Without any words, these two, which were dual cultivation partners that reached perfect harmony, understood each other.

They directed all their Dao pressure with the intent to kill Jahdiel. It was just too fast for Yang Hi Yun to react, and with her cultivation in the Dao Stage II, there was no way she could defeat both of them or even protect Jadhiel. The scene of Jahdiel exploding like a blood mist did not happen as they expected. Because of his body cultivation level combined with the absurd amount of laws he mastered, Jahdiel's body was much stronger than a normal cultivator, but he coughed blood heavily. His law of space-time exploded with the Dao pressure of both the Dao of Space and Time. The same happened to his law of formations and his other law got damaged.

'What happened? Who?' Jahdiel asked himself, as he remembered what happened he saw that he felt something like the Space-Time Dao, but more like two incomplete pieces.

'The Eternity Sect? Oh, right I fought the patriarch of that sect and defeated him, so his parents are bullying me.'

Without any hesitation, Jahdiel clicked on the revenge button. As their Dao was torn out of their bodies both Honora and Atlas exploded as a blood mist.

All of Jadhiel's laws got healed and his crippled laws were recovered. Both Daos were turned into divine qi that helped recover the laws and the lost laws were extracted from the Dao. The daos were combined and merged into Jadhiel's body, his physic evolved again and Jadhiel decided to call it Dao Yang Vitality Space-Time Physique. The two Daos had basically made his body completely immune to attacks with the space-time law and very resistant to ones with the Space and Time Dao.

All the experts were surprised, by both of their deaths as it would surely weaken the alliance, crazy theories were starting to brew about the bow of their deaths, which were an assassination in the eyes of all. The event was interrupted as the leaders of the four main sects got together to discuss what to do next. After a quick discussion, they concluded that whatever killed them may have limited use, as no one else was attacked, if this was done by the evil faction. If not, it may have been an attack targetting the Eternity Sect in specific.

They concluded that they should be careful and investigate further, but that they should not interrupt the event for too long to not show weakness to the other two great factions.

Meanwhile, Jadhiel that felt much stronger with his better physic passed through another four Heavenly Tribulations, reaching the Heavenly Tribulation Realm Stage IX, while his physic reached the eighth realm Stage IX.

Jadhiel did not even try to increase his cultivation further, as he knew the last heavenly tribulation would be much harder and maybe even dangerous. What if he was vaporized before he could click on revenge? Jahdiel did not want to even think about it. So he concluded that better late them sorry. He would train in the tournament to prepare himself.

Later came the semifinals, in which Jadhiel fought against the patriarch of the Heavenly Gates Sect. He used a sun technique that had a dismissive effect on Jahdiel, because of his yang physic, as he absorbed it. His enemy strengthened it by using the law of stars. Jadhiel countered it by using the law of sea and rivers, and the absurd happened a superpowerful star had its power balanced by these laws.

This happens because in a mystical sense heaven and earth are in balance so the seas and rivers can palace something as powerful as a very strong sun star. The sun was unable to evaporate the water, and the water could not put out the star after all it was not fire. Both were evenly matched.

In theory, his adversary with a higher cultivation level should have more divine qi reserves than Jahdiel, but because of Jahdiel's body cultivation at the same level, this was not the case. Jahdiel yawned and used the water law, the wave became much stronger and the sun dissolved in the water. The strength of the water pushed his opponent out of the arena and Jadhiel got another victory.

In the finals, he fought against the matriarch of the Earth Hunters Sect. She attacked him with the law of lava, nourished by earth(soil) law, with the good intent law to boost further. She concluded that as he had the Yin law, the good intent law, may have some impact on him, although little. Jadhiel to give a grand finale changed the whole arena. Above his opponent was a yang heaven and below a ying earth, in this melting pot her attack was quickly destroyed. She admitted defeat.

So Jadhiel became the victor of the human alliance tournament in the elder category.

*Someone in the Heavenly Tribulation