
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Cómic
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120 Chs

Xander vs Serafall.

Enjoy the chapter~


Serafall brought Xander in a battleground, where Xander just followed her while crossing his arms. Serafall started preparing herself as she pointed at Xander and said. "I hope you're ready, Xander-kun~" Xander looked at her and then smiled. "No, I hope 'you' are ready, sister-in-law" Xander said making Serafall's mouth twitch, she still wasn't used to Xander calling her sister-in-law.

Serafall then turned serious as the air around her started turning fogs, she appeared infront of Xander and turned the ground into ice, she was about to follow more ice magic attacks when the Xander infront of her suddenly turned into blur. She got alerted and inspected her surroundings only to see Xander far away from her while waving his hands.

"Grrr!" Serafall clenched her teeth thinking that Xander is playing with her, in her rage she turned the whole ground into ice itself making her gain domain advantage. She made a javelin using ice magic and threw it towards Xander breaking the sound barrier, everything that is in the way of the javelin was destroyed without exception. "Boom!!" A loud noise rang from Xander's place as Serafall turned her gaze into it.

Serafall's eyes shrunk as she saw Xander standing there without any injury. She thought that Xander dodged the javelin last minute before it arrived so she made another one, but this time, there was a magic circle glowing in her hands. She threw it at Xander with full force making the whole battleground shake, the javelin appeared infront of Xander who just raised his hands and slapped it.

Serafall didn't stop as she saw Xander slapping her javelin at ease, she made several huge ice block that is the size of a stadium in the air and dropped them at Xander's spot, she also used wind magic to push the ice quickly dropping it making a loud noise as the ground started to crack. Even though the battleground is much stronger than the real world, it still couldn't hold a power of a Satan.

Serafall might quite be childish but one should never forget that she is one of the strongest person in the devil race, one couldn't simply understimate her because of her bubbly personality, more so when its about her family is being talked about. It is even mentioned that Serafall could destroy a country sized with Japan several times if she just became a little serious.

Serafall narrowed her eyes at the place where the ice blocked dropped, but immediately erected a magic barrier when her instinct started screaming at her. The moment the barrier was formed, a small hand appeared in it, slapping the barrier itself making it vanish, the shockwave of that slap pushed Serafall a hundred of meters away.

She immediately stood up, as she pouted at Xander "That was mean!" Upon seeing that Xander merely laughed as he pointed at her and said, "Then, you should start getting serious, we won't get anywhere with this level" Serafall smiled and immediately used the power she was reserving because she thought that Xander was just a slightly strong human.

Serafall smiled excitedly "Be careful~!" Thousands of weapons made in ice suddenly appeared behind her, they flew towards Xander where many explosions could be heard. Every weapon flew with a speed of mach 7, while Xander just used Bang's martial arts and parried every weapon, of course he could end this duel without raising a finger, but where is the fun in that?

Xander started moving as he took a small stone in his storage and threw it at Serafall, the moment the stone escaped Xander's hands, it turned into a huge meteor immediately arriving at Serafall's place. A huge fortress suddenly appeared infront of Serafall making the meteor collide with it.

Sona and her parents was watching the fight in their mansion. The duo saw that Serafall started to get serious, "Sigh, now I can't help but being worry" Sona said gaining the attention of the two. "Of course, you should be worried about your lover, your sister is starting to get serious" Lord Sitri said making Sona shake her head. "It's quite the opposite, really, I am more concerned about nee-sama since Xander is stronger than even.... Lord Sirzechs" the two was shocked by what Sona said as they turned towards the battlefield to confirm Sona's words.

Serafall floated in the air as she stared at the collapsed fortress, she started analyzing Xander's moves, she noticed that he can change the size of things he touched, can move so fast that it literally looked like teleporting, has a perverted strength that can destroy her barrier without even trying and lastly, a weird martial arts that imitated the flow of a water. Serafall gained all of this just by watching Xander moved, showing that her being a Maou wasn't just for show.

Serafall waved her hand as large ice spikes emerged from the ground trying to put hole on Xander's body, though it shattered the moment it grazed his body. Seeing that, Serafall summoned a large blizzard carrying snow winds that can freeze a person upon touching it, though it seems like it is ineffective since Xander was just walking in the middle of the blizzard.

Serafall used fire magic and summoned a great pillar of fire in Xander's spot, thinking that Xander is immune to ice magic. The fire suddenly shrank out of existence, making Serafall twitch her mouth. "How is that fair☆~!" Serafall pouted when she saw the fire she summoned erased. "Its just one of my main abilities, I can change the size of any matter, look, I can even do this" as soon as those words came out from his mouth, the place where Serafall was standing suddenly sunked as she was having hard time to keep herself standing, so she immediately teleported hundred meters away from that place.

Serafall was panting as sweat started to fall from her face 'He changed the size of the wind pressure in that place..' the realization made Serafall aware that Xander is really a monster. She wiped her sweat and a huge smiled emerged from her face. "Yosh, since you are quite strong, I'll let you taste my strongest spell☆~!" Serafall said while raising her hands. A large magic circle appeared on the ground, it turned bright as Serafall said "Celsius Cross Trigger☆~!"

The whole place suddenly turned into a world of ice. The ground became a deadly thing where just one step on it, a person would immediately die from cold. The air became distorted because of the never ending blizzard, people who came here would lost all of their senses and die without knowing anything. Lastly it was filled with lethal demonic power that can evaporate even ultimate class devils once they entered her territory.

Xander just watched her using the spell since it could never do harm to him, he can even shrank everything in this place until Serafall's magic would be deemed useless, but he just let it be, destroying it while she put all of her effort making it would be too rude for him, specially when she is Sona's sister. He waited until the spell was finally finished and started walking towards her.

Serafall turned every ice in this place into deadly blade making Xander stopped in his place as his clothes was destroyed leaving him in his underwear. "Oh! You're quite bold☆~!" Serafall said while turning every ice in his surroundings into nuclear bomb, which turned into a big explosion that made everything around them a mess. "It's my turn~" Xander voice rang out surprising Serafall since he can still talk after being bombed.

Serafall got alerted by his words as she raised many barriers that could handle at least a punch from Sirzechs that is using PoD. She was about to turn the air into poison when the hairs on her neck suddenly went stiff, as she saw Xander pointing his finger at Serafall's neck. It might just be a finger but to Serafall it was as if a guillotine was hanging on her head, she was scared to move as she just muttered a surrender. "It's my loss, hehe.." She said while slowly raising her hands.

Xander accepted her surrender and immediately supported her falling body, he carried her like a child and started flying towards Sona. "Hey! I'm not a child you know☆~?" Serafall said in indignation opposite of what she is doing. She was having a tantrum making Sona and her parent's have a head ache.
