
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
120 Chs

Chapter 49

This is for today's chapter, throw some stones~


Issei did a queen promotion before going Balance Breaker as he boosted himself a few times. He sprinted towards Loki and punched him in the face, Loki raised an eyebrow as he felt an bruise appearing on his cheeks. "Sekiryuutei..? How weak" Loki said while blasting Issei back towards his team. Koneko dashed at Loki and threw a blow on his body, but just like Issei it didn't deal any major damage on Loki. Even Kuroka could fight against Koneko easily, how could she fight against Loki, a real god. Rias got angry that her servants was getting beaten, she made a ball of PoD and pitched it towards Loki who just raised an barrier to block it.

Seeing that Sona took action as she instructed her servants to start attacking. Tsubasa raised her fist and plunged it in the air making the people confuse, 'What is she doing?' most people thought before they got their answers. A loud explosion occured as if an Nuclear Bomb was dropped near the place. Momo immediately put barriers on everyone to stop the radiation from harming them. Only Loki who was burned got damaged, he got enraged that he was damaged just like this. "You brat!" Loki said as he opened another portal calling Fenrir's sons and clones of Midgardsormr.

"Rias, please handle them" Sona said as she don't want to be rude and kill all of them without giving Rias the chance. Rias nodded her head as they started fighting the snakes and the dogs. Sona turned her attention to her servants as she started instructing them to just beat Loki, not kill him. Tomoe nodded her head as she did a battoujutsu stance, she inhaled a large amount of air before saying. "Thunder Breathing, First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!" Tomoe's figure suddenly turned blur to the watcher as they saw Loki being planted in a far mountain, destroying it.

Tomoe was ordered not to kill Loki so she used Kenshin style of using the back of the blade. "Phew~! I almost lost control there" Tomoe said while wiping the sweat on her forehead. The watcher could only gawked at the skill of the girl, she can even make a god flying with just her technique. "Is everyone in her peerage that strong?" Michael asked Serafall who just nodded her head. "That's right~ Xander trained them until they reached this level. They were weaker than this before but it seems like the training they did when they arrived at Underworld did its part~!" Azazel raised an eyebrow at that. "You mean they gained this strength just by training in a few days? Well, I wouldn't doubt it since I myself saw how strong that guy is" Azazel said while nodding his head.

Azazel knew just how strong the inter-dimensional beings are, so when Xander took out one without any trouble, he was in a state of shock that he couldn't think properly for the few days. Azazel already raised the threat level of Xander to the same as those Great Old Ones, like Nameless Mist or Nyarlathotep. Though he considered Xander more like Nyarlathotep since unlike the others who were exiled to the stars, Nyarlathotep was the only one who mingled with human. In other words Azazel already considered Xander as an Eldritch Being, he is not really wrong though.

"What do you mean by that, Azazel?" Odin asked interested to what Xander did that made the other leader acknowledge his strength. "You know about our peace conference right, geezer? At that time, a Eldritch Horror appeared you see. We did everything we could to kill it but it was futile, and based on my study about them, that thing was just a newborn so its powers was still appearing. That guy suddenly appeared and saw that the abomination was destroying the earth so Xander froze the whole earth and tucked it in his pocket. He then... shrunked? The monster out of existence" After explaining Azazel couldn't help but sigh. Even he was having a hard time believing in what he just explained now.

"!? He is that strong? I didn't even notice that I was froze" Odin said in amazement of Xander's powers. "I think that's because his ice magic has reached the level that it can be considered as an concept. Only Shiva escaped his ice as he used his divinity immediately the moment he sensed something was wrong" Sirzechs said making Odin and the others alarmed by what they heard. "You mean that he could just froze everything without everyone knowing?" Ajuka asked as he finally realized why at that time, the location of earth is not on its proper place. Michael nodded his head to confirm Ajuka's thoughts.

They turned their attentions back to the fight where they saw Loki standing up before releasing magics at the girls who just dodged it. They still wouldn't underestimate a power of a god since they were also hit with it when they launched an attack at Olympus. And they gotta say, it hurts so bad that it almost made them stop. "What the hell are you?!" Loki shouted as he was starting to get overwhelmed by the girls, know that they were still playing with him, no proper technique were used. Momo pointed her finger at Loki before saying in a cute voice. "Explosioooon!"


Another explosion hit Loki point blank dealing with a few burns on his body, "Gaah!! You lowborn bitch!" Loki said as Momo just smiled before flashing away, ever since the start of the fight, Reya didn't move on her place. She just entered the Information Dimension and was looking for a way to do something fun, Reya smiled when she saw something, she started destroying the data's before the effect finally arrived. "!? My divine power?!" Loki felt his divinity slipping away from his body, as he tried to gather it. Tsubaki's Naginata was shrouded by a white light before she slashed it towards Loki who is still trying to control his divinity.


Everybody heard a loud crack in the air as Loki's body was hit by the Quake. He can feel his insides getting destroyed, his body was quite vulnerable now that he couldn't use his divinity to protect it. Loki fell into the ground where his body made a huge crater, Sona walked towards Loki as she just raised her hands and froze him. Sona and her peerage were quite busy with their fight that they didn't notice the Vali team was already teaming up with Rias peerage as they captured Fenrir. Eventually Rias and her servants defeated the clones and Fenrir's sons the same time as Sona did with Loki.

Rias saw that they defeated the enemies at the same time with Sona so she was quite happy. She thought that they are closing the gap with Sona since they fought with many opponents while Sona just faced one. "Sona, are you finished?" Rias asked as Sona nodded her head. Xander walked towards Loki and started lifting the ice, usually Sona would just order her servants to do this, but even her servants are not used to the ice. If they grazed the ice then its okay, they would only feel cold but if they touched it literally, they would freeze before they can even comprehend what happened to them. (A/N : they didn't took this fight seriously, so don't ask why they finished it the same time)

They gathered as a green light surrounded them before teleporting them again to the party hall. Everyone saw that they are back so they sighed in relief, it was hard for them(Rias's Peerage). Everyone immediately step backed from Xander who is holding the frozen Loki, "Delivery~ who ordered this guy?" Xander said as their mouths started twitching. Xander placed Loki infront of Odin and Rossweisse. "I apologized for this kid's intervention, I hope you will let this slide" Odin said as he closed his eyes. The other leaders didn't mind it as they just continued with the signing for the alliance.

While the leaders were talking, Sairaorg went to Sona's side, "Sona! That was great!" Sairaorg commended their battle as he turned his gaze towards the only martial artist in their group. "Miss, could I have the honor to challenge you to a duel?" Sairaorg asked which Sona immediately refused. "Tsubasa is tired, let's just wait for the Rating Game, Sairaorg" Sona said as he could only back out since there are still people wanting to talk to her. "Sona-chan~! You did great!" Serafall said while hugging Sona who just sighed. "Xander too~! Thank you for training them!" Serafall thanked Xander who just waved his hand.

Sona went to Xander's side as she held his hand. "What's wrong, Sona?" Xander asked while tilting his head at Sona. "No.. I am happy that I could experience something like this... Thank you Xander" Sona said while showing Xander a grateful smile. "... Geez, I just couldn't help but fall for you, you're too cute you see" Xander said while pinching Sona's nose. While the two were flirting they suddenly felt that the room has gotten quiet, they finally noticed everyone watching them with a sour look on their eyes. "You should get your own lovers too~" Sona said playfully while smirking at them.

Azazel and Ajuka went to Xander, "Xander.. about the city core, can we talk about it?" Azazel asked hoping that Xander wouldn't reject him this time. Ajuka was also looking at him with hoping eyes, Ajuka already saw some of the uses that the city core could do, he would be a fool if he would let a chance like this pass, specially when Xander was still in a good mood. "Hmm.. then let's talk about it" Xander said as he tell Sona that he would be back.

They sat in the meeting table, as Xander started talking. "Then? Are you letting me choose? You would lose a lot if I go first" Xander said making them snap and they immediately started offerings some things that isn't useful to Xander. Seeing that nothing is working, Xander just mentioned something, "Azazel, for you how about the research paper for Reversal?" Xander said making Azazel wide eyed as he kept that project hidden, how could Xander know about it.

"Don't make that face, just answer" Xander said as Azazel immediately nodded his head, that project was still halfway and he still need to improve a lot of things, exchanging it for the infamous city core was a huge harvest for him. Azazel immediately took the papers from somewhere and gave it to Xander. "From now on, this papers are mine, you, Azazel didn't try to making this thing" Xander said as he 'killed' all of Azazel's memories about making this thing. Azazel immediately felt something happening in his memory "What did you do?!" He stood up and got ready to fight.

Xander shook his head at him, "Its simple, since I already owned this thing, I don't want you to meddle with it. I just erased your memories about the informations of Reversal" Xander said as Azazel started calming down. Xander handed a blue box to Azazel who just held it with care on his hands, Ajuka started looking at it with greed on his eyes. As if sensing Ajuka's gaze, Azazel immediately hid the city core as he teleported to his base. Ajuka's lips started twitching, "Now were alone... I want to see the 'King' piece" Xander said alarming Ajuka.

Ajuka know just how dangerous that topic is since even the former governor of Kuoh Town was killed just because she knew about the King Piece. "...what would you do with it?" Ajuka said narrowing his eyes, the power that a King Piece contain is huge, he needs to be careful for the sake of his whole race. "Don't worry, I'll just study it and see if I can give its effects to Sona and her peerage without consuming it" Xander said as Ajuka made another condition for it. Xander would only use it for Sona and her peerage, no one else. Xander accepted that condition as they exchanged items.

Xander was satisfied with his harvest, he gained two important things by exchanging a defective city core. Defective doesn't mean that it would not work, instead the capabilities of it was limited and the growth is slower, much slower than the real city core. It also doesn't have the potential to grow endlessly like the one in Sitri Clan, the two still didn't know that as the first effects was just the same as the Sitri Clan city core. Xander went back to Sona's side who is already waiting for him, they returned to the Sitri mansion where they were received by the bunch of maids waiting in the entrance.

They immediately went to their own perspective room, they changed their clothes before sleeping. The next morning, Xander woke up early. He has an agenda today, and that is to make weapons. Xander warped to the Dimensional Gap where he saw Ophis and Great Red staring at each other. "Oi, if you want to fight, don't do it here. Your powers are already strong that it would immediately destroy this world if you fight" Xander said as the two stared at him. The power of the two were equivalent to the being that Xander killed, so even if they just thought about it, the world would immediately collapse.

"Why are you here, 'Death'?" Ophis asked while tilting her head at Xander, she already quitted playing Leader for the Khaos Brigade as she already has an quiet place to relax. Xander didn't answer Ophis's question as he went to Great Red's face, he touched one of his fangs before breaking it making the dragon cried in pain. "Shut up! It was just a scratch! Why are you screaming" Xander said as Great Red's body glitched before returning to his former health returned. Xander turned around and stared at Ophis who already vanished. "Damn, she learn fast!" Xander said as a portal appeared before him. He pushed his arm inside before taking it out with the loli on it.

Xander raised his eyebrow at Ophis who just looked away. Beings like Ophis and Great Red are already immune to pain, its just... Xander's attacks were quite lethal to them, since his body is different from normals. Xander's powers were the same as theirs so if he overdid something then it might break this reality. Xander isn't worried about breaking this reality because Great Red was always there to fix it. Xander made his nails grow bigger before slashing at the loli's arms. Blood spurted out as Ophis grimaced at the pain, but just like Great Red, her body became a broken record before her arms became fine again.

Xander saw the two of them sulking so he called Sona and said that he would return at night. He took something from his storage. Great Red and Ophis saw Xander holding a table with the infinite concept imbued on it, Xander enlargen the table until its size occupied a large amount of the Dimensional Gap. Xander flipped the table and placed it above them, he made their bodies grow to the size of the sun before foods started raining from the plate. The two were excited about this as they started eating without caring about the surroundings. Xander also joined them as he wanted to know if the food made from the plate is more tasty than his cooking.


Vali and his team were planning to take the golems from the Dimensional Gap to use them, they teleported to the Dimensional Gap where Arthur used his sword to shield them from being destroyed. Their eyes shrunk when they saw huge beings floating in the nothingness while eating. "What the fuck am I seeing?" Bikou said as he couldn't believe that people are having party in this place. They turned their heads to one of the beings, "Huh..? Isn't that Xander-sama?" Le Fay said making Kuroka's ears twitch, she stared at the person and was surprised that it is indeed Xander.

"Albion.. is that?" Vali asked his trusted partner who just replied. "Yes that is indeed Great Red but... He is stronger than before.. unimaginable so" Albion said as he couldn't even feel Great Red's power anymore. They were weirded out by the three beings having a party before they froze as the three of them stared at their place. It is horrific scene, 3 beings the size of a Sun staring at you. "Hm? Kuroka? Vali? What are you doing here?" Xander asked as he saw who they are. Xander voice reached their heads as they stared at him, sound doesn't travel in Dimensional Gap so they need to communicate in telepathy.

Only Xander, Ophis and Great Red could communicate in this place, though only Xander talk because one of them rarely talk and the other doesn't even speak. "Xander, we were just passing by when we suddenly saw a huge food almost dropping at us" Vali replied to Xander who just smiled. "Isn't it amazing?" Xander asked while munching a chicken on his mouth. "Anyway, can we go there?" Vali asked permission to enter the banquet of the strongest beings in the world.
