
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Cómic
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120 Chs

Chapter 28


Sona was disappointed by the enemies durability, they couldn't even handle a small portion of Tsubaki's body. She shook her head as the enemies froze in their spot, they couldn't help but froze because ¼ of their army was wiped out just like that, they started panicking, and wondered whether is this really a easy mission. At first they were happy since they just need to kidnap a young weak devil, though they have strong backings they didn't care since they have Khaos Brigade on their back.

"What was that..Sona?" Rias asked Sona while thinking that Sona really left her behind in terms of strength. "That was the ability that Xander taught Tsubaki, her control of it is strong enough to destroy a part of the town just by swinging her naginata" Sona explained making Rias envy her more, if Xander taught her peerage things like this then, she wouldn't even be worried about being labeled as Gremory and not Rias.

Rias thought that she really used all of her luck after picking Issei, but she still doesn't regret it because she adore her every servant "You really picked the perfect guy huh Sona" Rias sighed while Sona just stood there with a proud smile on her face. Sona thought that she gained a point in this one, Rias would always win in their rivalry but it seems like she already finished the game because she was chose by Xander. She returned her focus on the enemy and ordered the rest of her peerage to use the enemy as a practice grounds for their powers and just capture the leader.

They nodded their head and immediately went action, Tomoe didn't take out her katana since it would do it injustice, using that precious katana to cut these worthless people. She her hand and shaped it as a chop, she swung it horizontally which resulted a aura blade appearing and cutting all of the enemies on her range. She left some for the others as she was already satisfied and already figured out how powerful she is compared to these canon fodders.

Tsubasa went forward and started destroying the enemies with her martial arts, she went to one enemy and made a hole in his body with a jab of her hand, she jumped to another who she chopped the head with her hands. The enemies couldn't even see her so after 5 seconds many of their comrades was already dead. In a blink of an eye, many of them would fall, all they can do is pray that their deaths would be painless.

After half a minute all the enemies were already dead and only the leader was the only one alive, though he is shaking really serious as if meeting death itself. The leader tried to suicide when he saw that the situation turned worse, they didn't have any information about Sona's peerage and their power up, they were merely informed that they were weak devils that didn't experience the cruelty of the world yet. But the moment he tried to suicide, he was sucked of his magic powers, and his body stopped following his mind.

Reya saw the leader's attempt to suicide using her clairvoyance as she informed Sona about it, Sona used the water in the leader's body to absorb his mana and hold him in his place. The current Sona can do it easily, though she admit that she hasn't reached her sister's place yet. She only need practice, experience and more creativity before she can surpass her sister in terms of power.

Sona brought the leader infront of her face and asked a question "Again, who do you work for?" Sona's words made the man sneer. "Heh, I am loyal to the organization, you can't make me talk even if you torture me!" The leader said while grinning at Sona, upon seeing this Sona raised an eyebrow as she started using her powers, the powers inside the man started turning into acid that would melt his insides slowly. "Arrghhh!!" The man started screaming when he suddenly felt a pain he never encountered before. He started fighting the pain so that he wouldn't need to reveal some information to Sona.

After 15 minutes the man finally couldn't take it anymore as he started begging Sona to stop it, he started talking what group he belong to and all the informations he knew, he was just a lower rank member so he never really encountered the big ones in the brigade. After talking for a few minutes "That's enough, I have the information now" the man's face brightened when he heard that, "N-Now that I gave you the information, you're gonna let me li-" the leader couldn't finish his words when his whole body started bloating as it finally pop like a poked balloon.

Rias and her team could only stare at this with wide eye, they never thought that the gap between them would be this large. Their determination to get strong started to grow, even Issei's feelings were heard by the gear as it made his potential grow even more. "Sona, how about the corpses? We can't just leave it at there right?" Rias asked as she pointed at the bloody corpses at the ground. "Oh you're right, then let me take care of it" Sona said as she made a flood using her magic and started making the corpse vanish in the water.

Rias still couldn't get used to Sona's power since as long as she can remember they were always equal in terms of power. She just sighed as she turned around and started walking back to the old building. "You're going back, Rias?" Sona asked as she saw Rias and her peerage walking back. "Sigh, I couldn't stay still knowing that you're stronger than me, I need to do some serious training!" Rias said with conviction on her voice and Sona smiled at her, "You never really changed, Rias" She said as she recalled that Rias was always like this even when they were still young.

Sona saw that everything is finished as she went back to the Student Council Room, she called her sister to relay the informations that she gained from interrogating that man. "Hm? So-tan!? Why did you call your precious big sister~?" Serafall was surprised by her sister's but also equally alarmed, since Sona would never call her unless their is something important going on. "Sigh, nee-sama, someone attacked the school" Sona said while sighing. "What!? Are you okay, So-tan?! Who dares to attack my sister!?" Serafall was angry that someone dares to hunt Sona even knowing that she is the Maou's younger sister.

"I'm fine, they were not a problem, but it seems like they were from a big organization, I heard from that man that it was made from the remnants of the old devils, it was made to oppose the growing alliance of mythologies" Sona relayed to Serafall who attacked her and she was alarmed by what she heard, a organization made from various races? She turned serious as she asked Sona for more informations. After a few minutes of talking, they finally stopped since Sona already relayed all of the informations she gained from the man.

"Thank you for the information, So-tan, I'll inform the other Maou about this, is there anymore you want to inform me?" Serafall thanked Sona for giving her the information immediately. "About that.. it seems the reason they attacked was Xander, they want some information about him and wanted to know how he made the territory core he gave to Father" Sona said with a head ache, her Father protected Xander's information because they don't want to trouble him. "What!? They're targeting Xander too?" Serafall was stunned, she started thinking of weeding the servants in their mansion, how could the information traveled quickly when the thing only happened inside the mansion.

Serafall started thinking whether to assign someone to Xander but immediately throw that idea out of the window. Even Xander is stronger than her, how could she ever thought of assigning a person to protect someone she couldn't even hold a candle to. "I need to inform Xander about this, goodbye nee-sama" after saying that Sona hanged up the call. She was about to call Xander to inform him too when she suddenly heard his voice inside her head, not just her every member heard it too. '(Sona, I know what happened, you don't need to call me)' Sona nodded her head as she listened to her lover's voice.

'(Everyone did a good job in taking care of the enemy, but there are some things that you should remember, if you have the chance immediately kill the enemy don't play with them, though it was fine because you were trying to test your capabilities, next time kill the enemy immediately if you know that he would do nothing but harm also everyone did great)' They were happy to hear Xander's compliment as they kept in mind Xander's words. '(Sona, don't worry about them chasing after me, I'll handle them)' Sona thought about it for a moment and then accepted his words.

Xander voice stopped and they immediately went back to what they were doing before the attack happened, the whole attack only took 30 minutes so not a lot of time has passed. In Xander's side Misaki was also weirded out when he saw Xander staring at the air for many minutes so she just stopped disturbing her and let him be, she thought it was one of his quirks. After 30 minutes Xander finally stopped staring at the air making Misaki sighed in relief, "Geez! You scared me there, I thought you have gone crazy since you were staring at the air for 30 minutes~!" Misaki said while throwing her arms in the air.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just writing in my mind and lost sense of time" Xander lied using some absurd words, that Misaki surprisingly accepted. "I see! You went into trance right!?" Misaki said while nodding her head, she also experience that sometimes. "Ah.. yeah, kind of" Xander said while scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, I'm going back, tell Mashiro that I want to write something since I gained a new inspiration" Misaki accepted his words but protested "Okay! I'll do it, but next time you come here bring some food for me!" Xander just sighed as he nodded his head.
