
The Aftermath

The current time was 5:30 AM, and the sun was about to rise in a few moments, the instructor slowly regained his consciousness while the rest of the group was still unconscious. He groaned in pain as he attempted to sit up. 

"Morning," I greeted him, hoping that he wouldn't notice the rest of the group still unconscious on the ground around us.

"What happened?" he asked, confusion and pain etched on his features.

"I'm not entirely sure," I admitted, gesturing at the destruction surrounding us. "There was a blinding flash of light and an explosion, and the next thing I knew, this was the scene." 

The instructor's eyes widened in shock as he took in the carnage around us. Trees had been ripped from their roots, and the ground was littered with craters and debris. It was a miracle that we had all survived.

"When did you wake up?" he asked, his voice strained with pain.

"About an hour ago, I think," I replied.