ATTENTION ALL READERS ! The most handsome author in the world is currently editing this novel. I must warn you, dear reader, that during this process, the story may seem to be lacking in coherence and may leave you feeling a bit disconnected. However, I promise that by the end of this editing process, the story will be so good that you'll forget that it was ever subpar to begin with! Read at your own risk!
"Where is your brother currently located?", she inquired.
As she spoke, I realized that I hadn't considered my response beforehand.
"I'm not certain of his whereabouts. It's possible he's in a predicament," I admitted.
"He could be with someone else. Why do you suspect he's in trouble?" she queried.
"Well, he's only fourteen years old and typically returns home by evening," I explained.
"How do you know he's not at home?" she probed.
"The neighbours keep an eye on him when I'm away," I replied.
"Are there any specific locations that come to mind where he may have gone?" she inquired.
"I don't have any particular places in mind. Perhaps we should search busy areas nearby," I suggested.
"Could you tell me your place of residence?" she asked.
"I live in Paradise Valley, Phoenix," I replied, providing the address on my ID card.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," she remarked.