

What happens when you are transported into a fantasy world? What happens when you become friends with the main characters ? What happens when you get the opportunity to change things in it ? Let us find out.

Ayush2605903 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

chapter 9

"An adventurer's best friend is his weapon. While fighting a monster, an adventurer cannot depend on his teammates , but can only depend on himself. Thus, the only thing that can increase his survival rate is his weapon. Hence weapon is an adventurer's best friend."

The adventurer's guidebook – the holy book of all adventurers – which is taught in all schools of the world starts with this paragraph.

If one has to fight barehanded with a monster which may have claws, big teeth, unparalleled strength there is a 100% chance of his or her death. Humans since the start have known this and thus developed weapons.

Initially what humans made were hand axes and spears.

With the rise in intelligence, came the invention of the bow.

The knowledge of mining and metallurgy led to development of swords, knives and other such weapons.

And finally there was the development of guns.

Over the years humans mastered the art of using swords, spears etc.

One may imagine that there would have been different sword schools, spear schools etc teaching its students its super secret manuals like lotus sword manual or dragon spear manual but that happened in xianxia and novels not real life.

In real life humans had made just one method of using any weapon – the method that will kill your opponent in the least amount of time.

For example, all sword users were taught the quickest way to cut, quickest way to parry, quickest way to thrust, quickest way to kill.

Similarly the spear users were taught the quickest way to pierce , quickest way to block and the like.

One might think that why didn't the humans create different styles then ?

It's simple. The humans were the weakest race on the planet. The only strength humans had over the monsters were their intelligence and their numbers.

Thus formed the adventurers teams.

A team could have had 5 people, 10 people ,15 people, 30 people etc totally upto the need.

Different missions needed different numbers. A normal fruit exploration team may consist of 5-10 members. But missions to defeat a monster wave which may have 50-100 monsters at the least needed cooperation of atleast 100-200 people.

Thus humans had to device a way that they can work normally individually or May join a team of 5 and cooperate or may join a group of 500 to cooperate and fight the monsters.

If there were different styles of using weapons , There could not be cooperation of a team of 5 or 500 because the team wont know about what technique his teammates may use or how effective it would be or how much damage it would do.

This would lead to no proper cooperation and no proper cooperation means being killed by a monster.

Thus all humans decided that only 1 technique of each weapon would be developed and taught to all.

This ensured the whole populace to be in their individual teams and come together to fight as and when the need arose.

And this is what helped humans come at the top of the food chain.

This didn't mean all had the same proficiency in using a weapon. A person who had better talents, experience would ofcourse use the same technique in a better fashion.

Each weapons required years to master and depended on the potential of the person using it.

Yes sword ,spear, knives, whip and the like needed a lot of practice even if one had potential or a talent to support it.

But two weapons could be mastered almost instantly if one had very good potential in it. They didn't need repeated practice if one had the specific talent that was needed to use them.

It didn't mean that one could not use them with practice. Practicing any weapon for a long time will surely give you mastery over it, but if you had a talent for these 2 weapons, you didn't need practice and you could become really good without needing any time.

One of them was the bow. Now people may say that one does need practice with a bow and its true. You need practice for maintaining a perfect posture. Then you need practice to increase strength in your arms to constantly pluck the bowstrings to fire arrows.

Finally , the most important thing – developing hand eye coordination to shoot where you are looking - needed immense practice.

But what if a person had the talent of accuracy ? What if this talent of accuracy directly gave him perfect hand eye coordination ?

Would he still a lot of practice ? Obviously no.

The person would still need to build his posture and his strength but the toughest thing needed for using bow ? Well the talent gave it to him and thus if a person had talent of accuracy he could become a bowmaster in very less time.

The current greatest bow user of the world had the talent to accuracy. He could shoot targets 10 km away from him with precision. All because of his talent. Thus if one had the talent for bow he didn't need too much practice.

The 2nd weapon...


Ashley was looking at her students gathered in the weapon training room.

"Yes, everyone we would register the weapon that you want to learn today. This would enable us to segregate you and give you teachers that will help you in your learning process.

As I call your name please say the weapon you want to learn. After registering each of you would be supplied with the practice weapon of your choice. This weapon would become your property and you may do whatever you want with it. But please know this, the weapons we will give will be of lower quality. They may help you in fighting upto class E monsters but not above that. "

The students started murmuring among each other.

"I'll learn the sword"...… "With this I'll show that Chrome"...."hmm I am going to pick the bow. I am too scared of seeing blood too close to me"...….

"Quiet down everyone. You can register at the only 1 weapon. Further over the course of time if you think you want to change your weapon you may come and return the one we gave and reregister for a new one.

Remember it's not the weapon that makes you strong but how good you are at using it. I've seen people defeat sword and spear users with nothing but wooden sticks.

Hence, you should try to find the weapon that you can use to the full potential.

Now, I will call your name. Please state the weapon you want to register"

"Light" "Sword, please"

"Chrome" "Sword"




After Ashley called her name , there was no sound.

"SCARLET" "Bow….."

Emilia patted Scarlet on the back. Light sighed.

Even Ashley had pity in her eyes, "Are you sure miss Scarlet?"

"Yes Miss Ashley…"

Yeah….Scarlet must still be thinking about all that. But I will definitely try to help her overcome it…. thought Turner



"Emilia" "Dual knives"





"Turner" "Gun, Please"

There was a pin drop silence in the room. Everyone was staring at Turner blankly.