

What happens when you are transported into a fantasy world? What happens when you become friends with the main characters ? What happens when you get the opportunity to change things in it ? Let us find out.

Ayush2605903 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

chapter 5

Talents , such a vague and elusive term for many. No one knew how people gained them. No one knew sure shot way of gaining any. People only thought that it was only on luck or your emotions or both combined that gave one talents.

But 500 years ago , a group of adventurers mistakenly found another way .

The world was full of jungles. Deeper and more richer the jungle, more was the rank of monsters living in it. Monsters according to their danger had been classified into many levels – rank F being the least dangerous , then rank E,D,C,B,

A. There were even higher ranked monsters than A but normal people or adventurers didn't know about them.

This group of adventurers went in one such jungle to kill high rank monsters and gain money by selling their bodies.

For a month no one returned from the jungle and people thought they must have died but then the team leader came out, fully bruised, malnutritioned and weak. He was immediately taken to the hospital.

He there told about how they encountered a rank B silver tiger. They were able to kill it but in the process only their leader was left. After that he kept the bodies of his teammates and the tiger inside his spatial ring and for resting went inside the tiger's cave.

Deep inside the cave he could see something sparkling and when he went there he found a silver fruit growing. He was amazed as in his years of adventuring he hadn't seen anything like it. He reached out for the fruit , but when he touched it , his hunger got control over his body and he ate it .

After eating it his whole body started facing pain and he fainted.

When he woke up , he found that he had gained a talent- talent of skin hardening – skin becomes 5 times tougher than normal human.

The world went into shock after hearing this. Many teams started going inside deep jungles in search of these fruits.

Over the years many fruits were obtained giving different people different talents. Higher the rank of monster protecting it, higher was the talent obtained after eating it.

One more thing that was found was that a person can only eat 3 fruits. Even If he eats more then he won't gain any talent. Thus people had to be careful about the kind of fruit they ate.

The only way to undo this was to eat the talent absorption fruit which were even more rare than the normal fruits.

These fruits were a lot in demand and thus went for millions of rupees(currency) in the market.

Usually lower talent fruits were found many times around Rank C and B monsters. But the real treasure were the fruits obtained from the caves of rank A monsters. Rank A monsters were rare . Further, the skills needed to kill one of it was not something that many possessed. Thus, those who had obtained a fruit or even killed a rank A monster was not something much known to the public.



Turner got down from the train at the last station.

The train only comes till here, I would have to walk from here.

With this thought he started walking towards the junkyard.

The place didn't have any name. All the trash of the entire district was dumped here and thus people called it the junkyard. The people here, living in abject poverty, earned their living by searching for usable items from the trash dumped here and selling it.

I cant believe , I'm seeing Light's birthplace.

Yes, this was the place the Mc of the story took birth and lived initially and this was also the place where he gained the talent to heal after eating the life fruit.



Turner was standing at the cliff. He looked down ….

Yup cant see the end . If I fall I'll definitely die. Damn Light's luck of falling on a tree and finding that cave. I guess he too must have the god's blessing eh ?

Turner took out rope from his spatial rings.

Each student of the academy was given a standard spatial ring of 1m*1m*1m dimension. This was the most basic ring ,but still this was too costly for an average person to buy. The ability to freely give such ring to each student showed the resources the academy had.

Turner tied the rope to one of the thickest tree present on the cliff and tied the other end around his waist. He then slowly started climbimg down the cliff's wall.

"phew… phew … so taxing. My body is so weak. I will have to exercise regularly after going back", Turner mumbled to himself.

Turner could see the solo tree growing out of the cliff. It is on this tree that Light fell which saved his life.

When Turner was about to reach the tree he noticed the whole right above the wall from where the tree was growing.

"The cave.."

Turner reached the cave and climbed inside.



The cave was very long and Turner couldn't see the other end of the cave.

He untied the rope from his waist and tied it to a big rock present near the entrance of the cave and then started moving ahead.

Turner didn't know how much time had passed. He kept moving forward and could just hear the sound of water droplets dropping on the ground and the sound of his footsteps.

Suddenly he saw a withered tree…

Bingo. The tree from which Light plucked the life fruit.

The life fruit is really amazing. Everyone in the story knew that light gained the talent to heal from eating a fruit. But none knew that it was not only limited to just healing his injuries or pain. The talent to heal also gave him the power to quickly strengthen his body.

Hypothetically speaking if a normal person ate food and absorbed x% of its nutrients , or if he exercised regularly and strengthed his body by y%. Then if Light did the same thing he could gain 5x% nutrients from the same food and 5y% strengthening of his body from the same exercise. Simply speaking the fruit of life increased his growth potential by 5 times.

Only Light knew of this and he didn't tell this to anyone. Oh and why should he ? Some secrets , you need to take to your grave…

Turner went to the withered tree and started digging.

Oh I hope its there

Something that Light didn't know was that there was another fruit here. Ofcourse how could he ? the fruit grew at the root of this plant. Why would he start digging here if he didn't know it even existed.

But Turner was digging because he knew that it existed. The author had mentioned about this fruit just in passing and that too just two three times in the story.

Turner reached the middle of the root system. The roots had withered but something black was shining in between them. Turner took the black fruit out.

The fruit of poison….

Hope i get a good response.

Motivation is surely a good source of energy to write more chapters....

Ayush2605903creators' thoughts