

What happens when you are transported into a fantasy world? What happens when you become friends with the main characters ? What happens when you get the opportunity to change things in it ? Let us find out.

Ayush2605903 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

chapter 6

The fruit of life that Light had consumed was full of life energy. But on this planet all type of energies were mixed with impurities. Thus to make the fruit of life, the plant removed the impurities from the energy and stored in near root. This formed the fruit of poison.

In this world no other plant did this because there was just one plant of life on this planet….. And Light's luck to find it and eat it…. Ahhh MCs always have this kind of luck.

Turner looked at the fruit from all sides, cleaned any mud on it, and then ate it in one big bite. The fruit melted in his mouth and went to his stomach and then PAIN.. unimaginable pain got hold of Turner. He fell on his knees. The pain travelled from his stomach to the rest of the body and when it reached his brain ,he fainted.



Turner opened his eyes. He was lying on the ground .

He stood up and felt really refreshed. He looked at his clothes and they were soiled with black blood. Rather there was black blood around his whole body.


Host gained the talent of poison

Talent of poison-

- full immunity from all type of poisons

-the body's strength , speed, flexibility, dexterity, defence will increase when Host consumes different poisons. The more deadlier the poison, the more gain for the body. After drinking 5ml of any poison , host's body wont gain further from it .

-Host can absorb poison completely from anything just by touching it*

Ughh…. Why am I covered in blood?


Host ate the fruit of poison which itself was a poison. The black blood is the impurities removed from the host's body.

Currently Host's body is 5 times stronger than it originally was*

5 times ? Just by eating it ? The author didn't mention about this talent of the fruit. The book had just mentioned about poison immunity….

But really this is just an added advantage. Now I even have a way to strengthen my body really quickly. 5 times just by eating it. Haha now itll be so easy.


Now everytime Host consumes poison, the system will alert him about it.

Further please remember that the more dangerous the poison the better. Drinking weak and normal poison wont make the host gain much.

Further, Host's body was very weak since the start. 5 times may look good but please remember 0*5=0 only. Similarly, Host is still too weak compared to Light and the others. Host still needs to put in efforts and exercise.*


*Ding ........*

...…..F*** you system. Not even letting me be happy , you ********



The journey back was a little tough for Turner. He did find a stream to clean his body and clothes but no matter for how much time did he remain in the water, his body and clothes still smelled.

Before entering the railway station, he was about to be thrown out by the guards because of this. Only after he showed them his ID and all was he allowed to board the train.

Everyone in the train were maintaining a 5m distance from Turner.

The whole journey , Turner's cheeks were red and he was cursing himself for eating the fruit there.

Then again he was stopped outside the academy gates. He had to take out his ID card because his uniform's color had changed because of the black blood.

The guards were holding their noses while checking all this.

After coming to his dorm, he took a bath 5 times and then only did the smell come off.



Turner was lying on his bed and thinking about all the things that had happened till now.

"System show my status"


Name – turner vision


Talent to memorise – information once read cannot be forgotten( retrospective – information read on earth cannot be forgotten too)

Thought acceleration – ability to think 50 times faster than a human

Talent of poison-

- full immunity from all type of poisons

-the body's strength , speed, flexibility, dexterity, defence will increase when Host consumes different poisons. The more deadlier the poison, the more gain for the body. After drinking 5ml of any poison , host's body wont gain further from it .

-Host can absorb poison completely from anything just by touching it

(Linked to system – system will tell host when his body consumes any poison)

(hidden talent – god's blessing – has very high luck)

Points left- 800*

"Tommorow marks the start of this journey I'd say. I've already met Scarlet but I still have to meet Light, Chrome, Emilia and others… Well it's better to sleep now as our classes start early tomorrow.

Here's to the start of a good journey."

With this Turner slept



At the same time in the girl's dorm one read haired and one golden haired girl were sitting in the cafeteria. The whole cafeteria was empty as it was 11 in the night.

"Heh , Emilia tomorrow you'll get to sit with your boyfriend in class. I'm so jealous because I'm still single but really happy for you and Chrome ahh….." said the red haired girl.

"Oh come on Scarlet , I've always told you to hang out with me and Chrome more. Chrome also brings his guy friends. You may find someone attractive no ? But your only attraction are those fat books in the library… You know one of these days , one of those books will fall on your head and it'll be your end. May your soul rest in peace ah….hahahaha" replied Emilia.

"Shut up Emilia, oh but I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I checked and along with you and Chrome we also have Light in our class. Oh , and that obnoxious guy too, you know ?" , Scarlet said to her best friend.

"Well Light being in our class is obvious. But your new crush too ? Damn youre lucky."

"Emilia he is not my crush. Such an average looking guy, with so much attitude."

To this Emilia said,"Well lets see. You've mentioned about Turner to me so many times. About how you'll beat him and do this and that ... Thinking about a guy so much, yup he is your crush xD"

Scarlet lightly punched Emilia on her head

"Ouch. Oh comeon I was just teasing you. No need to be physical. Anyways it's late. Let's go and sleep. Classes start early tomorrow. Good night", Emilia said and then stood up from her seat.

"Good night. I'll leave in a while. You go."

With this Emilia left and Scarlet was all alone in the cafeteria.

"My crush ? heh, My foot. Emilia has always teased me like this since childhood. "

Scarlet then yawned, "Oh looks like I'm sleepy too. Well gotta go, tomorrow marks the start of a new phase of my life."

With this Scarlet also went, not realizing how true her words were. Tommorow did mark the start of a new phase of her life , Emilia's life, Chrome's life and Light's life and the start of a better future of all of them and that too because of the average looking guy whom she hated so much.