

Eden Satire, a boy who has murdered his parents meets face to face with Azrail, a voice inside his head that claimed to be his twin brother. This duo made new friends and were happy until they were forced to become criminals. It was fun while it lasted until that wretched being appeared in Pelirose and decided to wreak havoc. Now, it was up to them and their comrades to defeat the evil force simply called "Sun". Will they be able to stop "Sun"? Or will Pelirose meet the doom that the being desired? (A/N: Sun is a placeholder name!)

EdenSatire · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: BloodMoon

Eden sat on the couch. For some reason, he has a hunch that something great will happen soon. However, he's still wondering where the hell everyone has gone. This was it. He was alone...perhaps abandoned as well like the piece of useless human being he was.

"Eden." He swore that he heard Azrail call him. The teenager turned towards the sound of the voice to find a peculiar-looking person with eyes as sharp as a hawk's.

"Who...are you?" Eden asked feeling curiosity overwhelm his whole entire body. As they say, 'curiosity killed the cat'. This time, he was in the cat's shoes—if it has any shoes, to begin with.

"I'm Gedeki. So what are you doing out here all by yourself?" Said man answered Eden and proceeds to ask him in return. "I'm waiting for someone," Eden replied while looking from side to side, trying to avoid himself accidentally telling the man about him contemplating his worth a while back. Meanwhile, Azrail hisses like a cat at the man.

"What's wrong?" Eden said in a hushed tone, prompting Gedeki to stare at him. 'Get away from him now.' Azrail begs while hastily glancing at Gedeki who was raising an eyebrow at him. Heavy breaths can be heard inside his head.

'Gedeki is someone who manipulates your memory. However, he can only do it once every 10 minutes and it looks like he's used it already.' Eden was about to ask Azrail how he knows all of that information until Gedeki spoke up.

"Umm...could you help me with something?" A sinister glint appeared in his golden eyes. For the first time in a while, Eden felt fear grasping his neck, making him unable to breathe.

He prayed to God that his cellphone would ring because it would help him make an excuse to ditch the man. And by coincidence, Gedeki's phone rang. "Oh! Never mind. My partner will help me instead." Eden held his breath and once the man is out of sight, he lets out a sigh of relief.

Eden snaps his fingers in. "Huh?" Gedeki muttered while taking out his smartphone. The man typed 3 symbols into the social media app and an unfamiliar screen popped up like an easter egg of sorts. Being the social media freak that he is, he looks intently onto the screen which was then covered by Gedeki.

'He's from an organization called BloodMoon. Gedeki is in one of her recruit team,' Azrail paused for a moment before a gasp escape his hollow mouth. 'It can't be...' his eyes widened while covering his gaping mouth with his hand. 'No...no...there's no way they found out about me...' Eden's eyebrows scrunched up in worry.

'Look...I know what you're thinking but it isn't your fault. That sly woman—' He feels his skin crawling as anger piles up bit by bit. His fists curled up into a ball as imaginary blood can be seen after he uncurls it. He takes a deep breath in and glares at Gedeki's back.

"Was I the cause of this?" Eden sulks in a corner. Azrail sighs and punches Eden in the face. This time, Azrail's hand didn't phase through Eden's face like usual so he flew back and stumbled. "Yo kid, are you tripping on coke or something?" Gedeki grinned but that sent shivers down Eden's spine as Gedeki's teeth were as rotten as his personality.

'Shut your goddamn oh-its-my-fault bullshit out, Eden Satire.' This was the first time Azrail had called him using his full name, meaning, he was serious. 'Listen. That woman is greedy and selfish. She can get her hands on anything if she puts her mind to it. Right now, she wants us to join them.' He continued while fumes appear atop his head like boiling water.

Eden stayed still. He didn't utter a word, no he was at loss for words. 'You're going to die at this rate if you refuse. You have no choice...' Azrail's tone quieted down as the intimidating aura he once had dissipated as well. 'I don't want to lose you...I...I can't...I can't lose you like I lost her...' He crouched down on the carpet and hugged his legs close to his chest. Azrail was trembling like a child.

'Eden...I'll end up killing myself if I lose you...I can't live without you...' His body shook with each word that he spoke. Eden wanted to comfort him somehow but he knew that hugging was not an option.

"I won't die...not yet." He told him with confidence. '...you're trying to comfort me, huh?' Azrail smiled softly. 'I know you're not good with words. Sorry for putting you in that position.' He got up, patting his bottom from the 'dust' that accumulated. "Whatever you say, weirdo. I gotta catch the bus so see you later." He ran off into the distance, leaving Eden alone.

Eden's face is pink with embarrassment. He shrugs and sat down on the couch...waiting for them until he realized that he can call them a minute later. He dialed Lucifer's number and waits for him to pick up.

Ringing...ringing...ringing...The number you dialed is currently busy, please try again later. His heart dropped. Eden knew that something was wrong. Usually, Lucifer could always pick up his phone but, this time, he didn't.

Maybe he was just overthinking things. Yeah, that's probably right. Eden decided to go back home and check what happened. He remembered that Lucifer was going back home to draw something and wanted to pay him a visit.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"W-Who are you—?!" Lucifer yelled while holding onto a knife with trembling hands. "Kukukuku...you don't seem to remember Luci..." She snickered. "Does the name 'Pearl' ring a bell?" His eyes widened as his mouth opened slightly in horror.

"You—" his mouth was blocked by her lone hand. "I know what you did to Kai..." Pearl smirked, a murderous glint appeared until she was pulled away by someone with glasses. "Lay low, P." He said while adjusting his glasses. A mask covered half his face.

"He—" She was cut off by a blow to her stomach. A whip appeared in his hand, laced with poison ivy. He glared at her while readjusting his clothing. "Don't ruin master's plans." He snarled and glances at Lucifer who cowered in fear.

"Yo, Luciel." He smiles coldly. "Who—" Perl threw a dagger near Lucifer's head, it was attached to the wall with a note. The note says «𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖. 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞.» which shook Lucifer to his core.

"Oh...why are YOU being so kind to this...boy, Pearl?" Harry chuckled. "You're soft to children...right...that's why you were nice to me back when I first joined." Lucifer gulped down his saliva as his eyes pulsated in nervousness.

"Harry, 1st division leader. Nice to meet you," He smiled while reaching his hand towards Lucifer. "Oh! Don't worry, I'm the same age as you." Harry reassured though it didn't help much since his killing intent wasn't turned off.

"You have a choice on whether you want to join us or not," Pearl told him. "If you refuse, you won't remember that this ever happened. And if you do accept, we'll test you and decide what division team you're going to be in." She continued.

"Hard to believe, am I right?" Harry spoke as a shit-eating grin appeared on his pale face. "H-Huh?" Lucifer's attention diverted to Pearl as he begged for help through his almond eyes. A small chuckle emerged from Harry as he places the palm of his hand underneath Lucifer's chin. "Luciel," A scoff was sent to Harry but it quickly shattered as soon as Harry's hand gripped Lucifer's neck. "I'm afraid you know the consequences of your refusal. Unlike Pearl here, I won't be so forgiving."

Harry smiled at the poor boy as his body shook as soon as his eyes met his. "I...I need some time to think." Lucifer Lockhart, the boy with mysteries answered. "Pearl, commence operation A." Harry ordered. He hands Lucifer a card. Pearl begrudgingly did as told and they jumped out the window.

Their shoes glowed with their appropriately assigned color. Blue is the glow color of Harry's shoes while Cyan is the glow color of Pearl's. Lucifer released a sigh of relief and walked up to his room. He took out some sort of book with an eerie symbol of an eye (𓂀).

The title reads as follows: THE LEGEND OF THE LOCKHART FAMILY. He examined the first few pages and found some astonishing information that he didn't know existed.

[...] The Lockhart family is one of the most powerful magic clans out there that exist in Pelirose. The head of the clan, Arthur Lockhart is the cruelest and important person out there.

Arthur's original family name was Goldilock but he later went on to create his very own clan.

He has won many battles, hence, earning the nickname of 'God of War'. He is famous because of his ability to manipulate water.

His wife, Juliette Lockhart, formerly known as Juliette Lee, is both powerful and cruel as her husband. She has earned the title of 'Goddess of War' due to her ability to control immense fire to the point where it resembled lava, the enhanced version of the fire element.

Those two work well with each other despite the opposing natures of the elements they wield.

Their first son who's name is Xavier Lockhart has inherited his father's ability to control water. Whilst his younger sister had formed a whole entire ability, teleportation.

Both siblings are famed because of their teamwork and strategic plannings. Each family member earned a name for themselves. The clan was called 'the clan where prodigies are born' and it fits them appropriately. [...]

Lucifer flipped through the contents of the book and saw the words: The Last Generation. It piqued his interest immediately so he turned to that page. The first page shows a picture of a black-haired girl with golden eyes.

She was smiling widely while another girl, this time with white hair and red eyes stared soullessly at the cameraman. Under the picture reads, Mizuki Lockhart (7 years old) and Fiona Lockhart (10 years old). His eyes widened because the albino girl's arm is decorated with bruises that seemed fresh.

'Abuse...?' He thought to himself before coming to the conclusion that she must not have a useful power to the prestigious clan. He turned to another page, his face is filled with a look of disgust.

[...] The family rituals of The Lockharts are extremely gruesome. They carve the mark of the Lockhart (which is an eye-bleeding out) on each of the newborns. Some even died in this process but the family didn't care. They wanted power. [...]

He touched the back of his neck. Surely enough, there was a mark of an eye. He bit the bottom of his lip and sighed. Lucifer glances at the book before taking out the card that Harry and Pearl left. He touched it and Pearl appeared.

"I assume that you have accepted our invitation," Pearl spoke with a quiet voice. Lucifer handed her the card with his blood soaking on the card. The deal was sealed. He was now a member of BloodMoon.

He put the book underneath his coat and sighed. This was getting more troublesome the more he waited for Anne's call. Lucifer had no choice but to go and find her. She was the one who messed everything up. 'It was her fault.' He thought to himself as anger rose to his head.

Lucifer shook his head and took a deep breath in which effectively calmed him down. "Luci...it's not her fault...maybe she ran into some problems??" He comforted himself and calmed down. He almost broke the plates while doing so.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Adrain was shocked. 'How did the kid vanish?' He asked himself. Just as quickly as the boy disappeared, he was seen checking out the dairy section. Adrain Owen, being the stubborn man he is, walked up to the kid.

"A-Ahem..." he began as the boy glances at him in confusion. "What can I help you with, mister?" He titled his head. His green eyes stared at him with confusion and curiosity. As they say, 'curiosity killed the cat' and the boy was in danger.

'However, satisfaction brought it back' and the boy smiled softly...feigning innocence. "I...I noticed you back in the snacks alley." The unknown boy raised an eyebrow. "What about it?" He responded. Adrain was about to say something when Jacob came.

"Yo, A—...why are you talking to a child?" Jacob felt startled when the KI was released from Adrain. "Are you trying to kill the kid?" He whispered quietly. "Of course not!" Adrain denied quickly.

"Um...mister...could you hurry it up? My mom is waiting for me at the pottery section..." the boy said timidly while awkwardly looking left and right, clearly showing his discomfort. "I...never mind...I mistook you for someone else, kid." Adrain sighed.

"Lozano? Aren't you coming, dear?" A woman's voice rang. "I'm coming mom!" The kid left. 'Maybe it's because I'm tired lately...' he thought to himself and continued shopping with Jacob.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"This doesn't make any sense!" Rosemary yelled frustratingly. "Why would he just hurt the civilians instead of killing them like usual? What is he trying to show us...?" She continued as her co-workers listened in quietly.

"It means that he's growing softer." A purple-haired woman declared while glaring at the photo of the criminal. "Super Sonico is weaker now. He's grown soft to the civilians." She continued with hatred in her voice. "Althea, why don't you calm down first?" Rosemary suggested to which Althea only grumbled in her seat.

"Let's stop worrying about Sonico for now. Althea...you have a mission to seduce a CEO of a casino so that we can find out the information about the stolen money."

"I have to do another fucking seducing mission? What about Kate? She's like...literally the most hottest person here!" She argued. Kate blushes quietly. "We could use Vanessa's powers to turn him into a female version of himself." Another female member chimed in leading to Rosemary's defeat.

"Look...I get where you're coming from but—" Wade Wilson, was cut off by of course, Rosemary Odeta. "It's because she needs to be near him so the magic will work better and that's too risky." She countered. Meanwhile, Wade sits in a corner looking frustrated but decided not to butt in when two-equally-scary women are arguing.

His reddish hair and eyes stared at them. He gulped down his fear and was about to say something. But then he realized that his life is in danger. His star-like pupils which were supposed to symbolize excitement and curiosity showed no interest in them.

He walked away in a frenzy because he didn't want to upset them or else his head will be served on a silver platter the next day.

"What's up...?" Tia who is always late barged in. Everyone stared at her and sigh. "You came at the worst possible time, Tia," Wade spoke. Tia scratched the back of her neck sheepishly and left shortly after with Wade following her. She played with her dark pink hair and sat outside the meeting room. Her lime eyes looked at her surroundings to relieve her boredom.

She was the underdog of the team after all. Tia had no business with the hotshots. She sigh. If only she had a useful skill or power. Tia could've built a reputation for herself but she didn't. She was the errand girl of the hotshots.

People disliked her because of her attitude of being obsessed with the hotshots of the military. Heck, Tia couldn't even believe that she was able to survive the harsh training back in Bellatorius (military).

Maybe it was pity...maybe her instructor saw something that nobody else saw in her. She quietly smiled to herself. Wade sat down next to her silently. He didn't know how to comfort people so he awkwardly played with his handkerchief that he got from his younger brother

Back inside the meeting room, the tension hasn't been lifted. "That just gave me an idea..." Althea smirked. "Fine, I'll do as you say." She said and left the room. Althea walked to the hospital which is conveniently next to the branch office that she was just in.

'301...315...310...300, there it is!' Her eyes glittered and opened the door to the infamous room. Her brother's health has certainly improved, then he'll be able to tell her who Super Sonico is. "Hey...dan, sorry that I haven't really...visited you. I...I was busy with work and I hope you aren't lonely..." Althea paused and bit the bottom of her lips.

This effectively reduced her emotions from going overboard and for her to break down right then and there. "Please wake up soon...it's been 2 years..." her small body shook. She felt like a kid again. She stroked her brother's indigo hair and held back her tears.

As if it's like magic, his purple eyes opened. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to recognize who he was. "W...who are you?" He spoke softly, his throat was hurting like hell. Althea Wilson jumped up in shock. Tears fell down her cheeks.

It was a good thing but he didn't know who he was. "That's okay...he'll be fine. You just need to help him." She comforted herself. "Al...Althea...? Is that...your name?" He asked and coughed in the process. Althea quickly got up and fetched him some water.

"Y...yes. How did you know?" She asked, feeling a string of hope wrap around her heart, but life is much crueler than that. "I saw your name card attached to your uniform and assumed that it was your name."

"Well, I'm Althea Wilson. I'm your younger sister. Your name is Daniel Wilson. You've been in a coma for the past 2 years so you'll go to rehab soon." She placed the water cup down and sat on the chair.

"Hmmm...what was I like before now?" He asked humming a tune he seemed to have no clue about but it felt familiar. "You...you're humming the tune that we both made up together when I was 5..." she whispered quietly. Althea feels like she's going to be drowning in nostalgia soon.

"I—" Daniel was cut off by the doctor who came into the room to do the daily health checkups on Daniel. "Oh, dear! You're awake. Ms.Wilson, I'd like you to exit this room. Nurses, come in right away with the new equipment I've prepared." The doctor acted immediately and quickly shooed Althea away.

He blinked and the door shuts. The last thing he remembered was feeling teardrops on his face before he woke up. 'Maybe it was Althea's.' He thought to himself feeling guilt creeping towards him.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Anne went to the market and bought some flour. Zachary told her that he was going to catch up with work to which, Anne desperately tried to stop him. She knows that he'll be stepped on once he gets back. She knows.

But it was his choice so she had no part in it. It is his life after all. She was just the bystander...nothing more. Anne can't help but sigh. Why was she involved in so much trouble? She suddenly got reminded of what her late father had told her a few years back.

"It isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself for something that someone decided for their life." She recited those lines perfectly, smiling softly in the process as well. Even in a dire situation...back when she was abused, that line...made her feel warm in the cracked, run-down house that she once lived in.

The once...beautiful, the loving house was gone—burned down into ashes—no longer recognizable. The fire raged on and on. Anne couldn't remember when the fire had even started. It just suddenly appeared.

Her mother changed after her father died in a tragic accident. It was the day that Kolan Amber-Renalds appeared. The once dead, kolan had been lurking underneath the facade of Sam Amber-Renalds, the loving mother and wife.

How long had she been lying? The serial killer...why did she change? Why did she give birth to me? Questions rang in Anne's head however, it quickly vanished as fast as it appeared.

'I'll solve this family secret later...I'll ask my family to help too.' She paid the bills with the cash registry looking at her weirdly. Anne didn't give two-fucks about what they thought of her.

Her current family is more important. She doesn't have anyone else but them. If they're gone before her...she wouldn't be able to control herself any longer than she has.

Anne Renalds has changed. So has everybody else in the world but there's a difference between her and them. She's looking forward to how everything will change instead of being afraid.

"Shit—Luci must've been waiting for a long time—" She cursed and activated the wristband. It summoned a hoverboard. Anne had forgotten that Lucifer has a bad temper when things don't go his way regarding time.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*



Even more tapping...

The table is scratched up by the excessive tapping that Lucifer exhibited. If it were alive, the table would've screeched in pain. 'In 10 seconds if Adrain or Anne doesn't come, I will burn this house down to shreds.' He thought and took out a match that he conveniently had on him at all times.




Skip a few—




"Time's up—" and the door swung open with Adrain breathing heavily. Jacob can be seen behind him, equally out of breath.

"Lil' Luci grew bigger than I expected, A!" Jacob exclaimed as he walk inside the family house. Since Adrain Owen has been working at the justice department for 5 years along with completing over a hundred missions handed to him.

Jacob ran over to the impatient Lucifer and rubbed his knuckles on the teen's head. "S-Stop it!" Lucifer grumbled while trying his absolute best to push the man away.

"Luci...you ready to fry?" Adrain puts on the familiar pink apron. Lucifer nodded after Jacob released him. The boy quickly ran over to the kitchen and puts on an apron with the words 'Good-Looking Is Cooking' on it.

Despite his protests, the misfit family gave it to him nevertheless. Eden has 'Eats A Lot But Somehow Not Fat' on it while Anne has 'Ask Me If I Give A Salmon'. Charlotte's—uh...Adrain's apron has a simple flower design with Sakura petals decorating it. His family is perhaps...the best he's ever had.

He softly touched the back of his neck, feeling the trauma come back to him in a frenzy. The tortures, the scars that he has to endure, it was all too much.

But Lucifer continued to smile like nothing is wrong. He continued to be stronger. Out of everyone in his family, he was stronger than them. They didn't endure the pain that he has.

But it was okay. He was fine with it. Lucifer didn't want anyone to suffer the same pain that he did. He wants to keep his family safe. No one should suffer. His family shouldn't suffer.

"Let's get started to the baking process—" Jacob stopped himself from finishing his sentence. "Let's wait for Anne first..." he retracted his statement as Lucifer's aura began changing.

"Fuck." Was all Adrain could utter out of his mouth. They have a ticking time bomb under their care right now. It's only Anne left. She needs to come right here, right now or else the house will be set aflame.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Eden finally arrived at his—er...his family's house. He touched the doorknob and well, his mind shut down, enabling Azrail to maneuver his body. 'Eden? What happened? Eden?!' No response.

Meanwhile, Eden's soul was taken out of his very own body. Now, only Azrail's soul inhabits that empty vessel. Eden Satire, the boy who has 2 souls in his body is finally separated from that soul.

Why was he separated? Who did this? How did they do it? Questions rang in his head as he desperately tries to go back inside the body but to no avail, he was unable to.

There was an invisible wall separating him and his body. Eden could feel the sinister smile that is creeping behind him.

All he could do was turn to look at it. "Yo!" And, it was none other than Greg. "Haha! You should've seen the look in your face when you stare at your own body!! It was hilarious—hahaha!!" Greg touched his stomach and small specks of liquid fell from his eyes as he laughed.

"You goddamn piece of shit—" But Eden stopped himself. "Sorry, sorry but I found some new interesting stuff. Wanna come?" Greg's grin widened as he stretched out his hand forward.

"Since I have no choice, I'll join your journey," Eden said cooly, earning an amused gaze from Greg. Besides that, Greg grabbed Eden's hand and the surrounding view warped into that of a very unfamiliar place.

"This is Genesis! According to the lousy dictionary you useless humans have, it means origin." Greg closed the book that appeared out of nowhere. Eden followed him and to his surprise, everyone looked transparent just like him and Greg.

"Based on my research, this is the origin of our world. This city was once known as Tera. Here, have this book I wrote with all the history in it. There's also a map included, Eden."

Eden reluctantly accepted the book and flipped through it. The first passages were just the history of the place. It was fairly a normal history until a peculiar passage appeared as he breezed through them.

[...] • Victoria III: The Cruelest Queen Of Genesis

She was known as the red queen because she was rumored to drink the blood of her enemies right after she had slaughtered them.

Victoria also enslaved many of her people. The reason for that was "they were disobeying her law". The laws are as follows:

1). Do not look at her in the eye.

2). Do not flinch when she is slaughtering her enemies.

3). Let the children see the blood.

4). New recruits will be issued once a month, Do not refuse the offer.

5). If you ever eat in front of the queen, a public

execution will be held with all of your family

members watching your death.

5 simple rules yet they are deadly at the same time. None of the citizens knew why she had made them in the first place. Some say that she was arrogant/cocky/narcissistic.

On the other hand, some people argue that it was because she was the queen. What a bunch of simps—er...wrong word. What a bunch of "goody-two-shoes" is the more correct term in this universe.

Anyways, Victoria would, later on, be executed by King Quilter I, her younger brother. The citizens' reactions were priceless! They had no idea that her beloved younger brother would murder his own older sister.

But they were grateful either way. Victoria's reign was no more. They were free from her rules, her terrible, terrible rules. To their dismay, Quilter I was the same as his older sister.

Nothing was changed. The rules were the same. Quilter I only wanted the throne. He only wanted to rule the kingdom. He was a selfish king. Our next point will be talking about Quilter's reign/era, the worst of the worst. [...]

Eden released a sigh of disappointment. It was truly the most tragic era, that was the reason why it was called The Era of Destruction.

"Shall we explore this place together?" As Greg said that, transparent fireworks exploded behind him, making Greg look...pretty under the amazing colors falling down like meteors...just like the end of the world.

For some reason, Eden felt mesmerized as he feels like he's drowning in Greg's emerald eyes. It was truly the most beautiful set of eyes he's seen in his whole entire life.

"Yo? Eden, you okay?" Greg waved his hand over Eden's eyes to which, said person flinched. "S-Sorry...and sure, I guess." He took Greg's hand and for the first time in forever, his world got more interesting. Not as interesting as when he was with his family though but he was grateful nonetheless.

A little girl smiled. "F...uya...chi...will c...cha..chase you..." she whispered and her body evaporated into nothing but fireflies. "What does she mean?" Eden, being the curios teen he is asked.

"Ha...she's talking about the guardian of the forest but it's alright. It won't be a nuisance to us for I have cast a spell on us." Greg said dramatically, just like a cosplayer in character.

"Turn to section 3.5 and you'll see what I'm talking about." He continued as Eden silently listened. Eden nodded while flipping through each page carefully since he didn't want to destroy the book.

[...] 3.5 FUYACHI: guardian of the forest

Fuyachi's true form is unknown. It is rumored that it will turn into whatever you fear the most right in front of you. The only way to defeat it is to hire a priest at the highest level.

However, the sudden disappearance of priests had began occurring in 2XXX. Some say that it was the creature's doing while others say that it's the curse of Narnia. Alchemists found out that— hrjakdvj~>*|!\*!19;![{>|!)319:$;!".!? [...]

The text was unreadable after that. Eden turned to Greg with a puzzled face. Greg shrugged and simply said, "It's the glitch that keeps occurring whenever you read that passage," He took a deep breath in.

"For some reason, it's protected by a password that only the 'hacker' can crack." Greg took the digital notebook out of Eden's hand and their journey concluded.

"Time's up. Go back to your world. I'll continue researching this phenomenon." *click* A photo was taken, a crooked smile made its way up to Greg's face. "This is exhilarating..." he whispered and bit his finger.

Blood came out and he gladly licked it all up. "The game has finally begun. {?*_?; listened to my suggestion after all...hahahahahahaha!" He laughed. It echoed across the empty place once known as Genesis. The spirits didn't turn to look for they are afraid of Greg.

His eyes showed an emotion felt with complexity. *click* Another photo was taken, this time of the 'fireworks'. It wasn't fireworks, no.

It was...body parts that were colored like fireworks. They weren't watching fireworks. They were watching the people of Genesis's body parts falling.

"This place didn't disappear in just a night because of some lowly monsters..." He held in a giggle. "It was because of me, the god of this world!" Laughter echoed on and on until finally, he stopped.

"Fufufufu...I can't wait to see them play my game as I watch from the sidelines..." Greg, the once nice Greg, disappeared in a flash. "This is truly what the ending should be. The ending of this world..."

His bangs covered his eyes that were no longer human. Heck, he was never human, to begin with. It was all a façade and everyone fell for it! It was truly the perfect ending.

Greg placed his hand on top of his face, preventing himself from laughing any further. "Now...will they be able to stop the path I've set up for them?" A grin appeared on his face.

"I can't wait to see what they'll do..." The little girl from before appeared. "S-Stop it...!" She yelled with her might. Greg stopped grinning and turned towards her. "Y-Yeah! Stop it this instance!" One of the citizens yelled one after another.

"Leave Genesis alone, Monster!"

"Get the hell outta here!"

"Monster! Get out!"

"Get out!"

"Leave this instance!"

They finally gain the courage to fight back against the monster that destroyed Fuyachi. The monster that destroyed the Angel. Greg didn't say anything.

He just laughed. It wasn't a pretty laugh either. It was something that doesn't sound human. It was inhuman. This was no longer a human. It was like a human. Now, it's nothing but an empty vessel of the former person they once knew.

"....w..what happened...t-to...you, Greg...?" The little girl asked. "Everyone changes, Annabelle. The Greg you knew back then was...he...he's dead." Greg smirked.

"I am a god now. Why would I need that stupid little kid back then?" He declared while holding a familiar-looking bracelet that she gave him. "You can have this back." The dead girl, Annabelle burst into tears and fell to her knees. "W...why..? Why did you change?" She said with a shaky voice.

"You...you helped us. You built this city for us...we had no place to go...so why?" The citizens stayed silent. No words were spoken after that. Greg could only grin widely. "This is truly...truly exhilarating..." said Greg as he snapped his finger.

"I could destroy this place in a blink of an eye. But will I? Why not ruin this beautiful city altogether?" He said while the girl hopelessly cried out for help.

"Learn the truth already. The strong prey on the weak. In this case. I'm the one preying on you." His pupils dilated as a murderous intent was placed before the terrified Annabelle.

"P...please give back the old Greg..." all she could do was plead. She had no power. She was useless but Annabelle didn't give up. She was determined to find the old Greg.

Little did she know, this was the true personality of the one she knew back then. *click* And Genesis is gone. "You're going to be replaced by a new version of yourself who is more obedient. This world will be reset. It shall fit in my story." He smiled and left.

Annabelle looked around and everything is slowly being destroyed. Particles flew out of the buildings and her family. They were disappearing. She looked down at her head and smiled. This was the end of their world. A lone tear fell from her face. At least...at least, she tried her best. They were being reset.

A new her and everyone else will appear. The memories...oh...how she wished that she could've prevented this. "It's okay, Anna..."

"You tried your best."

"It's alright. At least we can still be with you!"

"No regrets."

"I'm gonna miss you guys." She said as they completely disappeared. "Anna!!" Her little brother ran to her.

"Anna! It's time for the annual event where we thank our founder! C'mon. You're gonna be late!" He said while running to the designated location. "Huh...? Did...did something happen?" She shrugged and followed him.


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Eden was back in his body. Unfortunately, he had no idea what has happened. 'I'll tell you about what happened. So...' Azrail explained the situation with Anne being late and Lucifer almost exploding.

'Come to think of it...why is she late? Anne is always early...' Eden stayed quiet. Lucifer Lockhart was beginning to lose his temper. A small bottle of gasoline was taken out of his jacket. Now both the lighter and gasoline are on the table.

This is an indication that he is serious. 'Anne...you better make it!' Adrain mentally cheered for her to come home.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Anne Renalds has finally arrived at the house after reporting to the police about the incident at WellBright. The police department told her that no such person by the name of Dearn worked at WellBright.

There was only Danelle, a female nurse who worked there. 'Was it all just a hallucination...?' She wondered but no answer came to mind.

*ring* *ring*

Her phone rang and she picked it up, thinking that it was Zachary. "Yo...remember me, Anne Renalds?" A voice she never wanted to hear came from the phone. "And before you close this call...the offer still stands—" Raven was cut off as Anne closed the call.

'The offer still stands.' That was what rang in her head. Will she put her family in danger, or will she risk her own life to join an unknown organization?

It was obvious which option she'll pick. She will continuously put herself on the line for them. After all, they are all she had left. She had no one until she met them so this is the least she can do for them.

She opened the door to her home and to her horror, Adrain and Jacob is pinning a demonic-looking Lucifer on the ground. Eden is taking a video and will probably post it on RedLife afterward.

Lucifer is reaching forward for the lighter and gasoline can be seen all over the floor. A hot feeling washed over Anne's body.

She is beginning to see red. Fury is all she can feel at that moment. "AHEM..." she coughed aloud earning all of the men's attention.

"Clean this shit up right now or I'll clap your cheeks to death!" Anne scolded and stomped on the wooden floorboard as emphasis. Unfortunately, she ended up breaking it in the process.

Her eyes shift over to Adrain and she mouthed the words "pay for it". "Actually, that punishment is kinda hot—" Eden was punched in the face, leaving a huge bruise on it.

"Jokes on you I'm into that shit." Azrail said mockingly. It's not like they both are a masochist or anything. If anything, Lucifer is.

"You little fuck—!" Another punch on the head this time. "Jesus!" A big round ball of skin that's been abused appeared. Meanwhile, Lucifer stared longingly at the bruises, wishing that he was the one experiencing that pain instead.

For a moment, Anne saw small hearts appearing in Lucifer's eyes when he stared at the bruises. And, he began drooling after staring at it for too long. Jacob choked on his own spit when he saw a boner appear.

Lucifer effectively earned a sigh from Adrain. He dragged Lucifer by the arm. Adrain places the dazed and horny Lucifer on the couch.

This surely is the weirdest day for them. Anne hands Adrain the flour. "Don't worry, J...Luci will be up in about 3 seconds." And speaking of the devil, he was right!

The normal Lucifer is back to everyone's relief and began baking the watermelon donuts. Eden sighs. 'Why does Luci have to be the living embodiment of the sin, Lust after puberty...?' He asked Azrail.

'I honestly don't know either. Like, he was like any ordinary kid until puberty. He kept trying to get hurt and when he does, a boner will appear.' Azrail told him what he knew about the teen.

"I want the normal one back instead of the horny one..." Eden could only whine like a whale. Azrail's soul floated around the room and shrugged.

'Honestly, same.' He answered with a depressed look. 'Woahhh there! You need to accept change, y'know?' An unfamiliar voice appeared in Eden's head. 'What the fuc—who are you?!' Azrail yelled and tried looking around in their mind-scape.

'Boohoo...we've been together all this time, Eden yet you don't even recognize my voice! I'm hurt.' The voice mocked Eden earning a surprised look from Azrail. 'Greg...?' He guessed and, 'Ding ding ding! You are correct, we have a winner here, ladies and gentlemen.' is the voice's response.

'Who's Greg, Eden? And why have you never told me about him?' Azrail asked frantically, putting his fists up, ready to attack. 'Well, I, Greg am an acquaintance with Eden.' Greg answered. 'We'll talk later though for I am busy with...work.'

'Eden...I can tell that he's dangerous.'

"How do you even know in the first place?'"

'I...I just know. It's a gut feeling.'

"As a matter of fact, he's pretty decent to talk to."

'You can be in contact with him but...please...please don't try to get too close...I...I have a feeling that he's a very very dangerous person.'

"Alright, alright. I won't and that's a promise of a lifetime!" Eden pumped up his chest mentally, of course, or else everyone else will look at him like he's crazy.

"I'll go upstairs now." Eden suddenly spoke up and went to his room. He laid down on the mattress and closed his eyes. Eden fell asleep.

Approximately 10 minutes later, he opened his eyes and a cat stared at him with a weird look on its face. "You're finally awake." The cat spoke—wait, spoke?! Eden got up immediately and pinched himself.

"How am I able to speak right?" The 'cat' turned into a teenage girl. "Well, it's a secret, and take the card already." She threw it at Eden but he didn't catch it in time.

The business card ended up stuck on the wall. "Wha—" Eden's face immediately turned pale. 'Eden. Stay still. She's like a cat.' Azrail ordered and Eden gulped down his saliva.

"If that's all, I'll be leaving. Do not refuse the offer." That was all she said as the unknown girl disappeared out of thin air. Eden glances at the card that says "come to the parking lot at 6:00 PM".

He has no choice if he valued his life. He looks at the clock. '4:00 PM.' He thought and went back downstairs. "So 10 minutes is your maximum time, huh?" Jacob wiggled his eyebrows. "Go eat a dick, Jacob." Eden snarled and lightly—to Jacob—punches him on the arm.

"Boy...you sure need to train your weak muscles." Jacob shook his head, clearly disappointed, and turned to look at Adrain who shrugged in return. "*ahem*...when will you teach them how to fight in Pelirose? Crimes have been increased, y'know?"

"Ehhh...I want them to stay pure for now..." Adrain subtly answered with a grim look on his face. "I can't just let em know the truth...if they knew too much...they...they might go away." An inhuman smile crawled up to his face.

He hugged himself pitifully and smiled. Oh, how Eden hates that smile. Something happened without his knowledge. Something happened. Adrain saw something...the truth of Pelirose.

Eden decided to keep tabs on him for now. He has to know the truth. He needs to. "I want to learn how to defend myself," Eden spoke up and crossed his legs.

"Same here!" Lucifer handed some donuts that finished baking to Eden. "You do have a point but are you ready for it?" Jacob asked excitedly.

"Not really." They both shrugged. "I'll join them. They won't be able to look after themselves properly without adult supervision." An offended look appeared on Jacob's face.

"Hey! Are you saying that I'm not an adult—?!" He exclaimed with a crying face. "Yes." Ouch, that's gotta hurt. A very huge cartoony arrow pierce through Jacob's torso. Blood came out from his mouth and mushrooms growing all over his seemingly dead body.

"Someone help him..." Said Adrain with no energy in his voice whatsoever. "Fine." Anne kneeled beside his body and kicked him in his 'wound'. "You sadist!" Eden laughed while putting his hand on top of Lucifer's shoulder.

"Oooh~" Lucifer smiled frantically, trying not to drop all the plates he was carrying. Hearts flew all around him. "Lucifer," Eden began. "Stop it...get some help." He ended and Lucifer shrugged.

"AGH!! YOU GODDAMN WASABI HAIR-LOOKING WOMAN!" *crack* Her high heels dug deeper into his wound, cracking his ribs in the process. Eden being the good friend he was, covered Lucifer's ears and eyes with Adrain's help.

"WHAT THE FUCK—HELP ME OUT HERE ADRAIN OWEN!" Jacob is reaching his limit. "Anne!" Adrain yelled while slowly walking over towards his eldest daughter.

"Help him not put him through the gates of hell." He told her softly as a father would and she pouted. "Sorry..." she apologized and took out her backpack filled with medical supplies that she bought with her part-time job money.

"Got some ice that can apparently heal broken bones from the school nurse." Anne places the ice pack on his wounds and *wala*, it healed but it came with a cost. "Shit! What kinda ice pack is this?" In return for healing the broken ribs, he had to suffer by coughing out blood at least once.

"Eh, be grateful you son of a gun." Anne told him."As a matter of fact, I am a son of a gun. Well, my father's name was Gunter so that counts right?" A cheeky remark was said and Jacob earned a blow to the head. They had fun until night fell.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Eden walked towards the parking lot. Little did he know, 2 members of his family were there. "Seems like you all are here," Gedeki smirked. "Shut it shit face." The feline speaks up and turned into a human in the process. "Her plan worked perfectly as always." Harry pushes up his glasses.

"Anne—?! Luci—??! What are you doing here?" Eden exclaimed clearly shaken up. "Ha...these fools haven't realized that they have been tricked." Raven crosses his arm and their (An, E &L) visions clouded.

"The drugging is done," Pearl announced and they fled the scene leaving no traces behind whatsoever. Greg watched the scene unfold with a small smile on his face. "Act 02: The Start To A Despair-Filled Journey has begun." An albino woman stared at where the BloodMoon members once stood with sad eyes.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Eden Satire, the boy who has two souls inhabiting his body woke up with a drowsy feeling. "Yo. Welcome to BloodMoon and I'm your guide yadayada, whatever." A man with a very weird choice of clothing spoke up.

"You're officially a member here now! Yay!" He said sarcastically—or maybe he didn't drink his coffee yet. "Oh, and you should feel the back of your neck. There's gonna be some syringe wounds since we drugged you with it." And that man was right, he can feel 2 very faint holes on the back of his neck.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you my name. The name's Mono." He shook Eden's hand aggressively. All Eden could do was nod his head. 'Eden...this is BloodMoon, one of the biggest criminal organizations.' Azrail told Eden with a dejected look.

'You're now one of its newest members. Be sure to listen well or you're as good as dead.' Mono, his guide walked to a room that seem to look like an entrance ceremony.

"Take care. My journey to guiding you is almost done. Take this. In that book are all the rules of the organization." he was about to leave until he realized something. "Oh and listen to Nana talk. You'll get more insight on what we do."

"W-Where's my family?" Eden squeaked. "They're probably in the room too. You were last to wake up from the drugs." Eden entered the room and the door shuts behind him.

"Since all of our new recruits are here, let us begin this entrance ceremony or 'welcoming party'," Nana spoke diligently with a very bored look.

"Please come to the stage to test out what weapons suit you best." She continued. Lucifer's name was first and well, the first few weapons didn't do him justice at all. 'This kid's physical strength is weak. Maybe we do have to erase his memory after all.' She thought and wrote something in her notepad.

Until...a dessert eagle appeared next. No matter what angle he shoot, it always hit on the bullseye. Nana, seemingly shocked, decided to test him a bit more on the gun.

"I want you to spin around a bit and shoot when I say go," Nana ordered. This might be it for Lucifer. This might be his perfect weapon.

Lucifer spun around a bit and after a few seconds, Nana yelled the signaling word. "Go!" She said and Lucifer shot. It was dead center.

"Looks like you're gonna be a gunner. Try this Carbine. You need to reload it first because the chamber's empty." She hands him the firearm and Lucifer did as told. "Yup. No mistake about that. Next." Nana signaled Lucifer to go down the stage.

Eden was up next which means Anne is last. "Try all these weapons." She ordered as always. At first, it was a knife. Eden tried hitting the dummy but he barely scratched it. '...Eden Satire was it? Can't use small weapons, noted.' More notes were written down. He gulped down his saliva.

He was nervous. What if he had no talent like Lucifer? That was what he had feared. An axe was next. He failed. Moving on, it's a sword, failed. Next was a bow, which failed. A spear and he failed again. He kept failing over and over. 'Long-ranged is a big no-no. Same with a long weapon.' Nana continued writing.

Eden noticed a peculiar weapon...a scythe to be specific thanks to Azrail. He was suddenly attracted to the weapon and picked it up. He spun it around for a bit and swung with all his might, resulting in the dummy being shattered in half.

'Looks like your perfect weapon is a scythe, my guy!' Azrail said excitedly. 'I was nervous too, ya know? You were failing those weapons like crazy!' He continued. Eden released a sigh of relief he's been holding in.

"You're a close-ranged fighter. This is getting interesting." Nana murmured. "Try out these Nunchucks even though most people don't know how to use it." she said loudly and ticked a box on some sheets of paper—presumably the documents detailing their fighting styles.

And try it, he did. He swung it a few times at the dummy and missed once while the other part of the nunchuck hit the dummy right in the face. Sadly...he was too slow to dodge the one he missed and it hit him right on the face, resulting in a huge bruise.

"Okay...so your weapon will be a scythe since you're most comfortable with it..." she murmured. "You also require more training with nunchucks since you're sort of adept to it..."

'We haven't had any scythe users in a while...' Nana thought back to the former scythe user, Vanessa Eric. 'That's good to hear then.' She turned a page to Anne's document.

"Before we get started Ms. Renalds, I'd like to ask a few questions." She stopped Anne from going towards the weapon section. "It says here that you're training to be a doctor, right?" Nana asked the eldest of the two.

"Uh...y-yes, ma'am," Anne answered nervously. Small droplets of sweat slide down her face. "These weapons will be of no use to you then. Lingo, bring the medical weapons." Lingo who was Eden's original guide quickly ran out of the room.

After a few minutes of awkwardly waiting for the weapons to arrive, 3 sets of weapons were placed on the table.

A large oversized scissors, tubes filled with some unknown liquid, and a bomb can be seen on top of the table. Nana pressed a button underneath the table and the room changed to a bunker.

"Try them." She ordered and Anne listened with no obligation. She tried the large scissors and well, she doesn't have enough strength to carry them at all. She began to feel her stomach churn in fear.

The next weapon she tried were the bombs and to say the least, it blew up in her face. The last weapon she tried was the tubes. She cracked one of them in her fists and an animal came out.

The animal obeyed her orders to destroy the mannequin and it did so successfully. "An animal tamer with healing abilities. Interesting bunch we have here as new recruits." Nana announced and the bunker was turned back to the entrance ceremony.

"Congratulations you three. You're now officially part of BloodMoon's 4th division. Raven will be your instructor." She said and left the room.

All that the new recruits could do was stare at each other. "We did it!" Anne yelled excitedly, shaking up the room. Lucifer smiled as Eden jumped up and down with his older sister.

"Before we celebrate our new jobs, why were you two there at the parking lot?" Lucifer asked with a confused look. Silence filled the room that is as huge as a normal gym at a high school.

"I...I was threatened to come here." Eden admitted with guilt in his eyes. He rubbed his hands together feeling his sins crawl on his back. Azrail comforted him silently. "Same here. What about you, Luci?" Anne asked raising an eyebrow.

"Wait...so we were all threatened...? Why did they choose us though?" Lucifer thought aloud, earning a few glances towards him.

This certainly is getting more confusing the more they wait. "Hey students, I'm your instructor, Raven. Pretty sure that one of you already met me at the hospital called 'WellBright' but whatever." Raven jumped down from the ceiling—god knows how he did that but they were shocked at his dramatic entrance.

'Raven—?' Anne suddenly realized it. "Oh, so Anne Renalds, we meet again. Recognize your good ol' pal that offered Lockopa?" He smiled with a sinister aura surrounding him.

"Enough stalling, it's time you meet everyone at the 4th division. Though we're gonna miss a few members because missions, y'know?" Raven chattered along the way to a room that reeked of blood.

"I do have to warn ya that these fucks are murderers." And that answered their question immediately.

"Yo cock-sucking whores! The new recruits are here." Raven announced and everyone quieted down. 'All eyes on me, amirite Eden?' Azrail chuckled nervously as he feels a gaze burning through the back of his skull.

"Introduce yourself already." And Raven jumped on top of the couch, laying flat on his stomach. "The name's Zion Xan. People call me the mother bear of the division." A man with huge glasses covering his face appeared before them. His long silver hair flowed in the wind as he tamed it by tying his hair. Based on his introduction, he is leaning on the caring side rather than the violent side, which in turn earned the respect of the 3 siblings.

"I'm Maki Gena, the woman who's insane as a fucking clown...probably cuz I'm an alcoholic." A woman holding booze and a huge machete in her hand said with a drunkard smile.

'I don't recommend talking to her.' Azrail who just shivered after looking at the booze told his only friend. "Noted," Eden replied and continued to listen to each of their introductions.

"My name is Aristotle. According to the dictionary, the name means 'the best of all' but actually...I'm the opposite...I'm a clumsy one. Call me Aris for short!" He winked and tripped face-first on the floor. Zion immediately ran over to him and took out a bandaid. "You're healed now, Aris." He said and his introductions continued. Aris's white hair tingled with the medical treatment that he received as his purple eyes blinked.

A boy who looked exactly like Aristotle walked towards them. "And I'm Aiden, the twin of this clumsy brother of mine." He bowed. "In contrast to this fool, I am exceptional in the arts of wielding a sword." Aristotle pouted in the background.

'There are 3 more people left. Unfortunately, one is missing.' Azrail told Eden. 'I don't know how you know all this but I'll trust that it's a secret.' He shook his head.

"Yahoo! This is Gabriel Pola aka the best assassin! Well...not yet at least...so future best assassin." The boy twirled a butterfly knife in his hand.

"What's up? The ceiling, duh. Anyways, the name's Oleander, and well, even if I look like a dude, I'm a full-on female. We can test it out girly." She glances at Anne and puts her hands on her hip.

"Uh...no thanks, Oleander." Anne politely declined to Oleander's dismay. "Aww man, what 'bout you, lil' lady?" She asked Lucifer.

"Um...I'm a guy..." He said shyly while playing with his scarf. "What the actual diggity dog?! You're a guy? I thought you were a girl for god's sake." Oleander exclaimed loudly and everyone turned to look at him with confused looks. Lucifer blushed a deep red and Eden comforted him by giving Lucifer pats of comfort on his back.

"Hey, shorty. Ya got one weird-ass family." A 'light' punch to Eden's back was made and he flew across the room. He landed on the couch, unfortunately, on top of Raven who was enjoying a good night show of Lendall's documentary.

"Get the hell off of me, midget." A vein popped on Eden's forehead. "We're the same age though." Raven's calm and cocky expression turned mad with anger.

"Touché, newbie." A tickle war began and both teenagers fought each other. "Did somebody *hic* say pillow fight?!!" Maki threw pillows that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"PILLOW FIGHT, BITCHES!" Gabriel and Raven yelled in unison. "These idiots. Wasting pillows for entertainment." Aiden sighs. "C'mon, bro! It'll be fun." Aristotle pulled Aiden into the fight and well, chaos erupted. The only adult here is Zion who is currently treating Oleander because she hit her head on the concrete floor too hard.

Eden managed to sneak away from the ruckus as Anne and Lucifer fought for their lives. "Phew...we're safe now," Eden reassured his friend. Azrail looked around the organization and found someone lying unconscious.

That person was none other than Maki Gena. She probably passed out from drinking too much. Being the good-hearted person Eden is, he lifts her up and asked Azrail to find where the infirmary was.

'Eden, right over here. Turn around the corner and the first room you see is the infirmary.' Azrail signaled and he followed suit.

In the room was a woman with hair as dark as the night sky and golden eyes. For some reason, Eden felt a sort of 'Deja-Vu' feeling when he saw her.

Maybe she was the one in the dream he had a while back or maybe he's just confusing her with someone else. "What are you doing here, new recruit?" She asked while shifting in her seat.

Several people were laying on the bed, perhaps resting in the infirmary. The unknown woman that had an aura of leadership walked towards Eden. "A member was unconscious and I figured..." he answered honestly thanks to Azrail's warning.

'If you lie and she catches your lie, you're dead.' Was what he said and Eden valued his life so this was the least he can do. "Aaaa...Maki has fainted again. Please lay her on the bed for me." She said bluntly.

'Oh god, she's heavy, what the fuck.' Azrail snickered and everything worked out perfectly fine until Maki woke up. "What the—?!" She exclaimed and fell on top of Eden's torso.

Blood spurted out of his mouth as his vision grows dimmer the more he thought about what will happen next. 'Stay with me here, Eden! You can't give up now. You need to be stronger because you're supposed to protect your family!' Azrail pleaded desperately.

And that motivated Eden for he opened his eyes and pushes Maki off of him like he just got revived. "Motivation won't make me just magically lift her up without trouble." he rolled his eyes.

"Ow! That hurts, asshole." The woman slapped a bandaid on Maki's face to shut her up. "Enough, Maki." She ordered. "Sorry, Mizuki..." Azrail's eyes widened immediately.

'Wha—? She's the leader of the organization?!' Azrail laughed and laughed. "What do you mean? And how do you even know?" Clearly confused out of his mind, Eden decided to ask Azrail who seem to know what's happening.

' Listen up, Eden. Since this organization bares the name BloodMoon, this woman's name which is Mizuki is literally the direct translation to it. But there are some slight differences. Mizuki means Beautiful Moon instead of BloodMoon but it's close enough. It's called common sense and listening to rumors, Eden.'

Glasses appeared around Azrail's eyes and he held a book in his hand, just like a teacher in Pelirose would do. Things are surely getting more interesting as time goes by. Eden wonders what's happening with Jacob and Adrain. 'They're probably worried sick' he thought and felt a sense of drowsiness overwhelm him. He fell asleep thanks to Maki.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Meanwhile, back in Adrain's house, both Adrain and Jacob have sent out search teams to find the 3 kids that suddenly left the house at night. So far, no clue has been found about their disappearance marking them as missing children in the police files.

Adrain is currently crying as Jacob comforted him. Rosemary dropped by and said her condolences and will cooperate personally as a team leader to search for the kids. All he could do was wait.

This chapter will be heavily edited and possibly be rewritten!

EdenSatirecreators' thoughts