

Eden Satire, a boy who has murdered his parents meets face to face with Azrail, a voice inside his head that claimed to be his twin brother. This duo made new friends and were happy until they were forced to become criminals. It was fun while it lasted until that wretched being appeared in Pelirose and decided to wreak havoc. Now, it was up to them and their comrades to defeat the evil force simply called "Sun". Will they be able to stop "Sun"? Or will Pelirose meet the doom that the being desired? (A/N: Sun is a placeholder name!)

EdenSatire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 9: Chaos

Eden woke up in a dull room with bunk beds and two closets. "You're finally awake. Unfortunately, I've been assigned to your room." Raven said, rolling his eyes while sighing. His eyes then focused directly onto Eden's face.

"Whatever," Eden scoffed as Azrail punched Raven in the face but his hand just phased through like a ghost would—at least, in movies. "By the way, your siblings are still asleep from Maki's power." Raven brushed his black hair with his hand and jumped down the bed, landing swiftly on his feet like a cat.

"Well...your family won't remember you because we had someone tamper with their memories." Everything around him froze. Eden was about to faint from shock before he recollected his thoughts.

"W-What?" Eden managed to utter in disbelief.

It couldn't be. The two years that they spent together will just be gone...like that? No, he couldn't let that happen. The two years that filled his empty void of a heart can't end like that.

Only one thing was on his mind at this moment. The organization he agreed to be in had them wrapped around its fingers like puppets on a string, a marionette. Eden's mind right then and there was blank. All he could think of was a black box, floating in a never-ending room.

Raven stared with an uninterested look as his foot tapped the ground nonstop as if he was impatient.

Even though Eden knew that the odds of him escaping this unknown vicinity were astronomical, he had to try it nonetheless. No matter what, he wouldn't give up on the people that brought him joy every day. Who knows? He might escape and Eden was willing to take a gamble.

Eden dashed forward with all his might, at where the door was...where Raven stood. He snatched his hoodie strings and got ready to strike. He dashed forward once more and threw one side of the string. It went around Raven's neck!

Now all he needed to do was to wrap it around and—he was too naive...

Eden's expression broke as soon as he saw Raven's smirk. "You poor soul..." Raven whispered into his ear, sending shivers down his spine as sharp as a diamond blade. A kick sent Eden crashing onto the floor, making him spurt out blood, his stomach hollowed out. Eden's vision began getting blurry as he stared at the puddle of blood.

Raven smiled while putting one hand on his face, digging into his hair as his body shook as a snicker escaped from his pale lips. He looked so fragile yet his physical capabilities were superb to that of 2 humans combined.

"Hah...why did her excellency choose you three again? You're so...predictable..." Raven laughed and placed his hand onto Eden's head, grabbing his hair as hard as possible. Eden gazed into Raven's orange-ish eyes, cowering underneath the look of disgust Raven threw at him. Eden couldn't stop his body from shaking as he smiled lightly, trying to calm his heart as blood dripped down his lips.

Raven pulled Eden's face in and gave him a close-eyed smile. The grip on his hair tightened and the atmosphere became as cold as drowning in an avalanche. Cold sweat trickled down Eden's cheek. His hand went to grasp Eden's lips, wiping the blood off. He then licked the blood off of his finger, still smirking. Raven stuck out his tongue, showing the dried blood.

Raven then dug through his back pocket and whipped out a maple leaf. He bit the leaf, leaving his teeth marks on top of it. Suddenly, the maple leaf became as stiff as a rock. He pressed the leaf against Eden's neck, drawing a small amount of blood from it.

"So tell me, buddy...will you keep your mouth shut and obey us like dogs or not?"

Eden swallowed his saliva. If he does anything that wasn't in Raven's favor, he's as good as dead. He didn't answer, waiting to see his next actions.

"It was so hard pretending to be welcoming back then." Raven places his lone hand on top of his chest as fake tears fell from his eyes.

"Now...will you be my dog?" A grin crawled up to his face, waiting for Eden's answer. Eden had no choice but to swallow his pride.

"I...accept..." he looked away, avoiding eye contact. Instead, he stared at the floor, studying its textures.

"Good doggy," with that, his hair was released from the monstrous grip of death.

"Also my little Edie, you're getting the bottom bunk." He winked at Eden which made him feel like he was about to puke.

He gritted his teeth, stopping the liquid that lay within his mouth from overflowing onto the ground. After taking a few deep breaths in, he lightly punches the concrete wall of the building. He was mad at himself for being so weak.

'Sorry for being useless throughout it all...' he heard Azrail speak up.

"You're right. You've been nothing more than a hindrance." He scoffed and checked his surroundings.

On the right side of the room, laid his siblings, fast asleep from the shock of Maki Gena's powers. He went over to sit in front of Lucifer, his brother.

'Look...I truly am sorry about what happened...I'm sorry for being a coward, Ed...' He walked over—more like float—to his twin. He could feel someone chuckling at him, laughing at how pathetic he's being.

Eden ignored Azrail and continued to observe his siblings sleep. The room was surprisingly clean but the problem with this was the fact that they have no clue where they were

They were unconscious when arriving so this begs the question of their escape. After all, the trio hasn't given up on their morals yet. Eden sighed and got up from his chair, stretching in the process. He walked toward the door with a keypad.

A sticky note can be seen near the keypad. Eden reads through it and wants to die from cringe:

210407 is the code >///<

'Who the hell wrote this?' he asked himself and typed in the code which unlocked the door. As Eden left the room, a sudden thought appeared in his head. 'Since Az is supposed to be my twin...why did he appear on that day...?' He pondered but didn't think much of it since he needed to study his situation first before dwelling in the past. He decided that he had to stay with his unconscious siblings just a little bit longer.

The silence continued as Eden paced back and forth around the room, feeling worried for what will happen next. He then heard the sheets move and walked to the other bunk bed. Anne has woken up. Eden climbed up the bunk bed and quietly told everything that happened to her.

Surprisingly, Anne didn't lose her temper like she always did which made Eden realize how powerless they were in this building located in god knows where. "Eden...no matter how disgusting these jobs can be, you must stay alive." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Her eyes widened as soon as she noticed the blood trickling down his neck. "What happened to you?" And so, his secret had been busted. Eden sighs and recalls what had just happened in this room. Anne stayed quiet, listening while wiping the blood off with a piece of cloth she ripped from her pants.

"Please stay alive. We'll make it out here eventually. We'll...we'll go back to dad and...have a picnic..." Anne rambled until she couldn't handle it anymore. She teared up and covered both her eyes with her hands. Eden pats her on the back. "Who am I fooling...? There's no guarantee they'll let us go in the first place. We're just caged animals at this point...!" Her shoulders shook.

"Eden," She spoke up, startling Eden. "Please stay the same as you are even if the jobs have you murdering people. Don't lose your humanity."

"Anne? Eden?" A soft voice called out. A hand reached out to grab ahold of the ladder, only to be stopped by Eden's hand. "Where...are we?" Said Lucifer, tilting his head while yawning.

Anne proceeded to tell Lucifer everything and grimaced at his broken expression. "I..." Lucifer clenched his fists and bit the bottom of his lip, trying his best to hold his fury within him. "I swear...I'll murder them with my own two hands one day." His lips quivered while speaking.

Lucifer was mad but confused. 'Why did they bring us here?' He wondered, placing his hand underneath his chin. At this moment, Anne couldn't think straight as she brought both her legs close to each other, hugging them as a coping mechanism. Meanwhile, Eden couldn't do anything but watch his siblings.

Resentment can be seen in Lucifer's eyes as imaginary fiery flames lit up. Suddenly, a knock on their door was heard. Anne jumped off the bunk bed and answered the door. It was none other than their missing roommate, Raven.

"Yo!" A smile was present on the teen's face. However, it was a shallow smile that betrays all innocence. It looked to be more of a sneer rather than a smile now that Eden looked closer at it. Anne stared at Raven with disgust as a vein popped on her forehead. Oh, how she wishes that she could obliterate this bastard's face.

Raven glanced at Eden and raised his eyebrows, still sneering. It was as if he was asking "what are you looking at, you fool?" which ticked Eden off. "If I'm not mistaken, I have yet to inform you of our schedule." He crosses his arm while clearing his throat.

"Take this tablet. Our company is pretttty rich so they supplied each of us with these~" Raven walked over to them and handed the tablets one by one while keeping eye contact with Eden who only glared in response.

"Excuse me but what time is it right now?" Lucifer asked while folding his blankets. "About 12:30 PM. Why?" He responded after checking his watch. "I feel as if a lot of time had passed by already..." Said Lucifer, playing with the ends of his scarf.

"Oh yeah. You three were asleep for like a day straight. The drunk whore didn't control her power right so yeah." A sudden realization flashed by in Raven's eye. "I almost forgot! We're having an official welcoming party hosted by her excellency herself so you three better not be late, k?"

And with that, he left the room once again. "Fucking hell." Anne paced back and forth around the room. "We can't go back in time now so, please be careful from now onwards. I know I've said this many times before but stay alive for as long as possible." She continued while placing both her hands firmly onto her brothers' shoulders.

"For now, Luci and I will gather our thoughts on how to present ourselves at the party. Eden, you investigate the room."

"Fine fine." Eden got off the bunk bed and checked the room. Apart from two closets opposite from their bedside, there wasn't much to look at. Eden approached it and discovered strange-looking clothing within. Surprisingly, he was enthralled by a uniform of some sort. Its designs were odd, to say the least, as though it was the only one on the market. The uniform consisted of three pieces: a black jacket, a T-shirt, and black slacks. He attempted to put the strange jacket on. It had tubes with strange liquid running through it in its design. The liquids were neon red and blue in color. There were four tubes in total, two on each side.

The T-shirt was a basic white shirt that could be purchased from a retailer. The pants are just black jeans with two additional pockets on the outer side of the leg. Unfortunately, the majority of the bizarre designs were merely for show. A cherry-red collar was also there, with a silver cross inlaid as a motif.

After admiring it, he found an entrance of sorts labeled 'bathroom' and in, he went with the garments. He tried it on and was surprised to find that it suited him perfectly, as if it had been particularly fashioned for him. Azrail who was keeping silent all this time spoke up.

'I've repented by counting to 10, 000. I'll try my best to be useful for I am the greatest—' And low and behold, he was cut off by none other than Eden Satire, himself!

"Being egotistical won't make you useful, y'know."

'I know but cut me some slack! I was forced to watch that video you picked out with the—' A glare was sent Azrail's way.

"Shut up about that video. It was a mistake that I was curious enough to watch it."

After changing his clothes, Eden approached his siblings. "Hey, are we gonna wear our current clothing or the ones provided specifically for us?" He asked while gesturing towards the closet.

"Based on what has happened to you, I'm assuming, yes." Said Lucifer as he stared at the wound on Eden's neck. 'There's a huge problem, Eden...what about our undergarments? I mean, the men here can wear the same boxers and stuff but what about Anne?' Said Azrail as he slowly raised his hand up while floating around the room.

"Fair point..." he murmured a little too loudly that it got Lucifer's attention. "What did you say, Ed? I didn't catch it." Eden was at loss for words. In short, he fucked up. "Uh...well, I was...just—I was wondering what we'll do with our undergarments since...only our uniforms were provided."

Anne was about to say something but no word came out. Lucifer's hands are on his head like he's contemplating why he exists. "We should ask this to our...roommate." She said, stretching before walking over to the closet to get her clothes. "For now, let's change into the new clothes."

Lucifer silently watched as everything unfolded and glanced at his outfit. In the changing room, he went! Without a doubt, he was disappointed that his outfit consisted of only a jacket that didn't even stretch to his butt. The color was also quite plain, black with some white stripes for aesthetic purposes. To Lucifer's dismay, that jacket made him look like a zebra. There was also a collar with glowing neon red liquid flowing through it, dyeing the room a bloody crimson red. A dark expression loomed across his face and puts it on while sighing. It was exceedingly comfy and had the perfect fit, which he found to be too...off.

There was also a shirt underneath it that he was also...not a fan of. It had extra buttons which made it harder to put on. All Lucifer could do was sigh in disbelief at how strange this outfit was. There were also chains that connects from the jacket to his pants, keeping it intact. It was a bit uncomfortable but he had to get used to it somehow. Lucifer then exited the changing area, signaling Anne that it was now her turn.

'Hmm...according to our roommate, we slept and joined a day ago...how did they prepare our clothes so fast?' What hit Lucifer's conscience remained within his head as he's unable to mention his concerns. Anne entered the changing room with her clothes. Her ensemble was surprisingly simple to put together. It was made up of a tank top, leggings that stretched all the way to her feet, and a mask that was attached to the tank top.

The palette was black with white stripes along the neck area. A hair tie came with the clothes with neon blue liquid flowing through it. With a long sigh that fed into the coldness in the room, Anne tied her hair with the hair tie. The dimly lit bathroom was now dipped inside a blue hue as if she were in the ocean...it gave her a sense of peace.

She went outside while her brothers talked about how they were going to avoid being targeted during the party. "Took you long enough." Said Eden while yawning. "Hey...don't you think our outfits match in terms of color?" Lucifer spoke up as his voice became hoarse and breathy. "Damn it," He cursed before searching for some water in the room.

"There's no water here, Luci." Eden's vein popped on his forehead as he was forced out of his body.

'You asshole! Ask for permission first before kicking me out like this.' Azrail can't help but roll his eyes as he walked to the toilet, excusing himself.

"It's been two years since I last possessed your body, cut me some slack, buddy old pal."

'This is still my body.' Eden insinuated while crossing his arms.

"Fine fine I'll ask for permission next time," A smirk crawled up to Azrail's face. "Can I be in this body for like a day or something?"


"Oh come on, Edennnn, it's only a day...pretty please?" A few classic eyelash flicks commenced and Eden could only exhale in disapproval. 'Only if you tell me about how you knew those people...as well as that memory I saw of the burning house.'

"Nevermind~" Azrail avoided eye contact with his brother and whistled awkwardly before grabbing Eden's hand and switching places again. "Why won't you tell me anything about yourself anyways?"

'There are some things that you shouldn't find out about others, Eden,' While washing his hands, he eyed Azrail who floated around the room like he always did. "There you go again, always being mysterious and shit," A small frown appeared on Eden's face. "You're so...childish despite us being the same age..." Echoes of his hush tone can be heard.

"Are you even real in the first place?" Eden's eyes squinted while he clenched his fists. His eyebrows scrunched up as he stared at Azrail who silently stood there. "Are you just...a split personality that I made up to cope with after...murdering my parents?" He took a few steps forward and stopped centimeters in front of Azrail.

He lifted up his hand and press it against what was supposed to be Azrail's face but it only phased through and touched the bathroom wall. He bit the inside of his cheeks and lightly punched the wall...where Azrail stood.

"Am I just going insane at this point?" A small laugh emerged from Azrail's mouth. 'Pfttt—do you really think I don't exist? How ridiculous!' Eden's eyes lit up and noticed that the black liquid that surrounded his mouth and eyeballs were now gone.

'Are you serious...? You just noticed that...it's been 2 years, Eden...' Azrail slumped down onto the cold floor and hugged both his legs as oceans of tears flowed out of his eyes, turning the room into an aquarium—at least, in Azrail's mind.

"Sorry, dude but I'm a tad bit forgetful." Azrail's eye twitched and he got up. 'Forgetful...? You even forgot that I even existed for the past year!' Eden could only smile sheepishly in response. A knock on the bathroom door can be heard, interrupting them. "Ed, are you ready? Let's go." Lucifer exclaimed.

Eden turned the doorknob and met face to face with Lucifer who was leaning against the wall, hugging his scarf. "Let's go, Luce." Eden placed a hand onto his shoulder and gave a small smile of reassurance.

"Took you, boys, long enough." Anne grinned while putting both of them in a headlock, rubbing their hairs, making it as messy as possible.

"Aren't we supposed to be presentable?!" Eden hissed while trying to fix his now-destroyed hair. Lucifer chuckled at Eden's behavior while doing the same thing. A small smile worked its way up to Lucifer's face as he followed behind his siblings.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Did you find any clues?!" Adrain yelled. "Sorry, sir but there have been no sightings of them whatsoever." A policeman answered while typing into the holographic screen. "Shit!" Adrain cursed while trying to think of when they were suddenly gone.

"We found something, Addy," Jacob spoke up as Rosemary rearranged some documents. "They were seen being carried by two people into an alleyway." He continued while adjusting his reading glasses. Rosemary took a deep breath in and projected her watch's contents onto the air.

Adrain sipped his coffee as dark circles were can be seen, present under his emerald eyes. He buried his face with his hands after watching the security camera footage. There was no doubt about it. There was nobody else that wore a scarf during summer except for Lucifer!

"Did you find anything else, Rose?"

"Yes," She paused while mentally preparing herself for the onslaught of questions that will be thrown her way as soon as she showed him the documents. "Take a look at their necks," Rosemary pointed. "The tattoos are that of a moon with sakura petals circling around it," Jacob spoke up on behalf of Rosemary. "This symbol here is definitely BloodMoon's." His glasses glinted in the light.

Adrain's mouth went agape. Jacob patted him on the back. "Why...why would they want anything to do with my children?" a gloomy aura emitted from him as he sat down on his chair, with his hand covering his lone eye. "Fucking hell..." He cursed while breaking the empty cup of coffee into pieces.

"I know how you feel Addy but we need to collect our thoughts and form a proper plan," said Jacob, placing both his hands onto Adrain's shoulders without breaking eye contact. His children can't get involved with a criminal organization whatsoever. No matter what, even if it costs him, his life, he needs to get them out of there.

He clenched his fists. It was finally his time to redeem himself and fulfill her wishes yet he failed once again. A brute that could only think with his blades can't accomplish anything. How useless can he be?

"This is killing two birds with one stone so continue our operation with searching for their hideout." Said Adrain removing his hand from his face. He scooted his chair towards the table and began writing notes about all the clues they've gathered about the organization. He bit the bottom of his lips. Everything was going so well too...until they scouted his children to do heinous things.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

They arrived at the party with their uniforms, looking as nervous as a mouse can be when it's in front of a cat. Eyes that seemed to pierce through their skulls like bullets were now on the trio. Lucifer hugged his scarf while glancing left and right only to meet Harry's eyes who only mouthed the words "Luciel".

He could only scowl at him in response which evoked an amused expression on Harry. Pearl was also with him, staring at his scarf as if it were a national treasure. This only made Lucifer more inclined to protect his gift from Alice, his beloved childhood friend.

Anne patted Lucifer's back, effectively calming him down. "We need to stay calm in front of...our boss," Anne whispered, warning him. Eden glanced around the room that was relatively big. It looked just like any other banquet...just like the movies they've seen.

Many unfamiliar faces stretched far and wide across the room. There was food on one side of the room with a dance floor. Azrail's eyebrows raised. 'Aye, buddy...this place looks like one of those imperial comics, girls like to read.' He spoke up, glancing at Anne's glittering eyes.

"How rich can this organization be to afford such an establishment?" Eden asked while meeting eyes with a woman with...cat ears? A vial with glowing yellow liquid can be seen as she gulped it down. Her feline ears slowly disappeared as she threw away the vial. Gabriel, the so-called 'future best assassin' was next to her, wolfing down on a sandwich.

The tomboy woman can be seen, glancing at Anne while Zion was fixing Aristotle's hair with Aiden scolding in the background. Other strange people they've never met have sent glares their way. Whispers laced with poisonous words echoed in the hall as they walked to the throne where the boss sat.

"Why did her excellency host such a grand party for squirts like them?"

"Are they even worthy of being greeted like this by her excellency?"

"Ordinary-looking kids can still join huh..."

Eden could only place his right hand onto his left arm, rubbing it to past time. They arrived at the throne and Maki was next to the boss. "Kneel before, Mizuki." She ordered and kneel, they did. Mizuki raised her hand, effectively shutting everyone up, and muttered some chants underneath her breath.

Eden couldn't help himself and glanced upwards. A sword can be seen strapped to the boss's waist. "Edie...can you believe your eyes?" Lucifer whispered while grinning. "Believe what?" He asked while raising a singular eyebrow. "Hehe...I never expected we'd meet a boss of the underworld..." Lucifer whispered as sweat trickled down his face.

'Be careful from now on, Eden. I don't wanna lose you.' said Azrail with cloudy eyes as if he's in deep thought about a memory he buried. Mizuki got up from her throne and unsheaths her blade. She went over to Anne and places the blade onto Anne's shoulder. Both Eden and Lucifer glances at what was happening only for them to be shocked later on.

"What the—" The tip of the blade carved inside of her neck. All she could do was wince in pain as Eden tried to jump in but was stopped by Lucifer. "Trust the process..." Said Zion who walked up to them with a medical kit. Eden looked over to the side while Lucifer glared at Mizuki who only stared with no interest in her eyes whatsoever.

As Anne's blood continued to flow, a crescent moon was carved across her skin. Zion dashed up to her side and put alcohol to the cut as quickly as he could. He then led her to his office, where he could better treat her wounds. Before Lucifer and Eden, a couple more unknown faces appeared. They were dressed in a doctor's uniform.

Sweat dripped from his forehead down his chin as his heart beat louder while Mizuki's heels clicked closer to him. Then she was in front of him. He rolled his head up to meet her dead face. He took off his collar and his jacket. Mizuki kneeled and began carving their mark. "Shit." He muttered under his breath while trying his best to be calm.

'You wanna know why they mark each of their members, Eden?' Azrail asked while placing his hand on top of his brother's neck, trying to stop the blood but to no avail, his hand only phased through just like before. Eden slightly nodded and waited for Azrail's answers. 'Well too bad, I don't know either.' He said while shrugging his shoulders. Oh, how Eden wishes he can smack the living shit out of the bastard floating next to him right now.

"I see..." He replied. Mizuki glanced at him for a moment before finishing up the mark. "I'll wait for you, Luci," Eden mumbled before getting up and was dragged to the office by a doctor. Mizuki went up to Lucifer and repeated the process once again.

"Does your name mean 'Moon'?" He decided to ask while keeping his field of vision directly onto her eyes that were as blue as the ocean.

"Don't be so casual with Mizuki, newbie," Maki exclaimed while chugging down some alcohol.

The blue-eyed beauty raised her hand and Maki covered her mouth. "Yes." She answered firmly and finished carving the mark. Lucifer got up and stared at Mizuki's back. There was something that made him feel familiar with this woman. But he can't grasp what made him feel this way. For now, he'll obey their orders.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Anne laid on the bed and touched her neck...where the mark was. She sighed and sat down. "So Zion..." She began while awkwardly staring at him. Zion didn't seem to budge as he wrote some notes down in a folder. "Uhhh, Zion?" Anne called out again but this time, he heard her.

"What's up?" He asked while running his hand through his silver hair while adjusting his glasses.

"A-About our...change of undergarments..." Her face reddened as her body felt like it shrunk down as Zion stared. His cheeks flushed a light pink shade. Zion took his tablet out and called Gabriel.

"Gab, come to my office in about a few more minutes."

"What why?"

"Some personal matters...we can use your power to help."

"Fine fine but you better pay me for the errand in seeds."

"How much do you want?"

"Double the amount you usually give me."

"Alright, that settles the matter." With that, Zion hung up the call. "We'll be visiting your house if you're wondering." He said, turning back his chair to continue writing. Eden and Lucifer finally arrived at Zion's office. "Anne!" Lucifer called out and sat down next to her. Eden followed suit.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, checking her bandaged neck.

"I'm fine, Luce! Also, I have some great news." She exclaimed as her grey eyes sparkled. Eden raises his eyebrows in confusion. "We're gonna be going back home to get our clothes..." she whispered.

'We can try exploiting it...though it won't be easy, we need to leave a sign that we're in the organization.' Said Azrail, jotting down some notes in his imaginary notebook. "Nice!" Lucifer and Anne high-fived each other and grinned.

"We need a duffle bag to get all those clothes." Eden rubbed the back of his neck...where the syringe mark was at. Anne glances at Eden and was about to ask Eden until he cut her off. "Syringe marks." He said and yawned. Eden then got up and stretched his body.

"We should get some food. I'm pretty hungry right now." Growls conveniently emitted from his stomach as he said this. Anne chuckled and got up as well with Lucifer following behind.

'Aw yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about.' Azrail exclaimed while flexing his shark-like teeth.

And so, they left the office after grouping up, and the aroma of roasted beef hit their noses like a truck. Of course...there were some...unpleasant smells as well...and it's alcohol. There was only 1 woman in the vicinity that drank alcohol like it's water and it's none other than Maki.

"Come on! How can you faint from only a bottle of vodka!" The woman laughed while 'lightly' punching the back of Nana.

"That hurts, bitch..." They heard Nana grumble as she struggled to even get up from the table.

"Sorry sorry, geez." A giggle escaped her mouth as she chugged in more alcohol.

Anne was about to say something but her brothers were already gone. "These idiots—!" She cussed while shaking her head. A hand was placed on her shoulder. "Just let 'em be, they're only teens after all." Anne's soul jumped out of her body while she glances at the owner of the voice.

"Don't be so scared. We've met before." Anne only tilted her head, trying to remember who that is. "If it helps, I'm Oleander." She said, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Oleander?!" Oleander smiled while patting her head.

"Decided that I wanna be a lil' bit girly tonight so, yeah. Didn't know it'd be such a surprise."A bitter expression was present on her face. That was when Anne glanced at her outfit which was a dress that stretched until her knees. "I'm sorry about that, miss!" Oleander only giggled at her response and patted her head.

"You know...you're a nice change to our new life from...someone..." Said Anne while looking down at the carpet.

"You mean Raven?" She asked while drinking what seemed to be a cocktail.

"Y-Yeah...how did you know, miss?" She took a sip from brooding red, sex on the beach.

"He's always been that way, girly. You'll be fine...plus, you weren't the one he personally picked." Oleander answered and placed down the glass. "Your brother...Eden was it? You should look out for him." And with that, she left Anne's side and asked Aiden to a dance.

'Eden...' she wondered and went over to where her precious brothers were. Turns out, they were with Aristotle. However, she didn't approach them. She decided to let them have some fun making friends for now.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Wanna see something cool?" Said Aristotle giving the two boys a wink. His bright red eyes glistened as he extended his hand. And with a snap, a small flame burst on the palm of his hand.

"ARISTOTLE!" Aiden screamed, excusing himself from Oleander. "W-What's up, Ai?" He asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as sweat trickled down his cheek. "What did I tell you not to do?" Said Aiden, tapping his foot on the ground. "N-Not to show off..."

"It looks like you'll get a visit to Pearl's office soon." A gloomy and threatening aura emitted from Aiden as he adjusted his glasses. He then turned to the new recruits and bowed. "I apologize for the inconvenience that my pathetic brother had caused. Now if you'll excuse us, Aris, follow me."

Lucifer's mouth was agape. 'It can't be...' He thought as his pupils pulsated.

"Luci, what's wrong?" Lucifer turned to Eden who had a worried expression on his face.

"Nothing, Ed...it's just that...things are getting a little bit...entertaining." A smirk crawled up to his feminine face.

"That look doesn't suit you," Eden commented and quickly dug into some more pastries. A chuckle escaped from Lucifer's mouth as he stared at Eden's back.

'The ability to control elements—'

"Want some donuts?" Eden asked, shoving a donut in front of Lucifer's face as his mouth was filled with all sorts of pastries ranging from baguettes to cake.

"Pfttt...you look like a squirrel right now—!" He was cut off with Eden shoving the donut into his mouth.

Eden clicked his tongue. "You should eat more." He said and handed Lucifer a bunch of fried rice and donuts.

"T-Thanks..." Lucifer now held a big plate of food.

"Aight, have fun dude. I'm gonna go to the toilet." Lucifer could only nod in response as his brother fled to the toiletries.

"What a nice brother you have. I'm quite jealous." Gabriel said, approaching the frail boy. "I'm not sure how to respond to that..." He said, shoving rice into his mouth. "Me neither. Say, what ability do you have anyway?"

"O-Oh...I'm just an ordinary human with an aptitude for guns..." Lucifer spoke up meekly like a mouse.

"Holy moly! Another ability-less human! Jackpot." A grin made its way up to Gabriel's face. "Pleased to meet you, fellow human."

All Lucifer could do was look to the side in embarrassment.

"Oh sorry! Uhh—we can talk later after you finish eating." He rubbed the back of his neck feeling excited as ever. Today was truly a miraculous day. There was finally someone who was like him in this organization! His heart can't help but speed up its beats. A stupid-looking grin was still present on his face as he tried distracting his racing heart by chewing on more sandwiches.

"Umm...if you don't mind, could you do me a favor?" He asked, shoving some donuts into his mouth with a rather grim look.

"Suwe, what ist irt (sure what is it)?" Gabriel responded while finishing his sandwich with a bite.

"I want to find out more about Aristotle and Aiden." Lucifer sipped some orange juice and set an empty plate down onto the long banquet-like table.

The dirty-blonde-haired Gabriel choked on his spit as he quickly looked for some water to wet his throat. His pink eyes narrowed.

"Ahem...may I ask why you'd like to know?" Said Gabriel giving Lucifer a close-eyed smile, tilting his head a bit.

"They stand out a lot." Doubt was still present in Gabriel's eyes. All Lucifer could do was click his tongue mentally in frustration.

"To be honest, I don't know much about them. They just appeared one day." Gabriel turned to stare, looking at Lucifer's expression with an incredulous look.

"I see, thanks for the favor. I'm not indebted to you, sir Gabriel." Said Lucifer, bowing down with a noble's etiquette.

"Did you learn that from How To Survive As The Villain After I Transmigrated Into A Novel?"

Lucifer's eyes widened as a grin made its way to his face. "You watch that show as well?" He asked feeling sure that this was the start of their friendship.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Meanwhile, Eden was wandering aimlessly consuming food...that was until he was approached by none other than Raven himself. "Yo!" He greeted Eden with a meticulous smile while simultaneously excusing himself from someone he's talking to a moment ago.

"So are you having fun?" Raven asked while taking one of Eden's donuts and eating it for himself. No response came and he clicked his tongue. Raven inched closer to Eden's ears and whispered, "Answer me, my little doggy. Are you having fun?"

'DO YOU THINK WE'RE HAVING FUN HERE YOU DIMWIT?! WE WOULD IF YOU WEREN'T HERE YOU &^%(#@#*^#**##¥&&*#' After a string of curses, Azrail huffed and glared at Raven as if he (raven) had wrong his entire lineage...I mean, it wasn't too far-fetched considering their situation now so...

Anyway, Eden, feeling disgusted as ever, grumbled in response.

"Aww...I guess not." Said Raven with a frown. "Well chap, you should go meet Zion now." He patted his back and walked to another victim of his—in Eden's opinion, that is. Nevertheless, he listened to Raven's advice and searched for his siblings.

He saw a...not-so-welcoming familiar face and decided to ask them for help. "Excuse mE." Damn it. His voice had cracked just when he talked to Harry, their captor. Azrail threw his head back in a bray of laughter.

Harry's eyes avoided Eden as he bit the inside of his cheeks, trying to regain control of his calming demeanor. He cleared his throat. "What?" Harry managed to reply.

'He's totally trying to hold in his laugh.' Azrail raised one of his eyebrows while he pushes his non-existent glasses closer to the bridge of his nose. Eden could only sigh at his brother's behavior. Little did he know, he sighed in real life as well.


Harry clapped slowly while maintaining his classic stoic expression. 'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit...' Eden's mind was now filled with cursing. "A-Ahem, uh...have you seen my...uh, siblings anywhere...?" He asked as small droplets of sweat rolled down his cheek. His eyes diverted to a random food stand.

"No." And boy...the atmosphere was extremely awkward now. Horizontal wrinkles were still present on Harry's forehead. That was when Eden skedaddled and asked some other...nicer member. 'What an amusing kid.' He thought while grabbing some croissants.

Eden was still asking around until he spotted bright green hair within the crowd of people he's never met in his life. "ANNE?" He called out, spotting her talking with the strange cat girl he saw before.


"Excuse me, please move...!"

After a few more squeezing into tiny spaces that people let out, he finally found his sister. "Anne." He called out but no reaction came from them. They were too engrossed with their conversation to notice the teen circling around them and flailing his arms around.

Anne can't help herself but chuckle at her brother's antics while trying her very best to pretend as if he didn't existed in the first place. "Your brother's like a duck quacking at its mom." The cat girl with purple hair as dark as the night spoke up as her cat ears twitched. Her dirty-pink eyes studied Eden's behavior.

"You're right, Vanatra." Her eyes crinkled at the edges, and the corners of her mouth slid upwards. Anne's eyes sparkled as she patted Eden's hair. "That's enough goofing off, Eden." She said, still holding up her smile.

"Did you eat yet?" Eden asked, already carrying a batch of food in his hands.

Suffice to say, Vanatra was quite envious. She looked away as her bangs draped down to cover her eyes that were slowly brimming with hot tears. "Vana...? What's wrong?" Anne asked moving closer only to be gently shoved away.

Vanatra looked to the left and bit the bottom of her lip. 'Stop it, Vana. Stop. She doesn't remember you anymore so stop it.' With that thought in mind, she wiped her eyes and smiled. "Nothing is wrong, Anne." She replied feeling her chest tighten with pain.

"If you say so," Anne turned her attention to her brother who was still holding a plate full of food. "I didn't eat yet so why don't we share this together?" She grabbed some fries and chewed on it. Vanatra's mouth was watering and she coughed, gaining the attention of both siblings.

Anne laughed aloud. "You can join in too, Vana." With that reply, the tightness of her chest that she felt back then was now completely gone. 'This is good enough for me...' Vanatra smiled while chewing on some skewers. 'I'll remember the memories you've forgotten.'

"Eden! Anne!" A few heads turned to the source of the voice. It was none other than the loudmouth, Gabriel Pola. A tomato-looking Lucifer can be seen hiding his face with his scarf covering half his face. 'Goddamnit. He's so loud...the people are looking too...' He cursed as the redness of his face quickly darkened.

Oh, how he wants to disappear right at this moment! Lucifer can't help but cry internally feeling many eyes on him right now. "Could you quiet down a bit?" His eye twitched as Gabriel was still calling for his siblings.

'Gabriel loves attention.' Azrail jots down some notes in his imaginary notebook. "What are you doing?" He asked while walking into the crowd, trying to locate his brother. 'In order to get used to this shit hole, we need to find out their weaknesses, Eden. Thought you were smarter than this.'

Eden scoffed, feeling dejected. "Are you still salty about me forgetting you?"

'Maybe~' He said whistling away. Azrail floated around to the top of the chandelier and sat there, looking down at those below him. Everything was starting to become more chaotic now that they've been scouted. 'Hmm...odd behavior from Vanatra...check.'

'...I wonder how long they'll be able to survive in this place.' He looked down on his notes of all the potential threats. Azrail bit the bottom of his lips and finally sighed. 'Will this information be enough?' He looked down and spotted Eden talking to Lucifer. A bitter taste was in his mouth. He needs to investigate more.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"It's time to go get your clothes, dudes." Said Gabriel while turning on his device. "Zion, we're ready." and with a click, the phone call was finished. "Oh yeah, here are some duffle bags." He threw said bags at them.

With that, the journey to Zion's office began. After a few minutes of talking, they arrived and Zion was already dressed in what they can assume was his battlesuit. "Let's go." With a hushed whisper, their body felt woozy as if some sort of goo was on them but there was no goo in sight.

"Since we're working as a team, I'll explain Zion's power," Said Gabriel while twirling a butterfly knife. The group nodded and waited for Gabriel's explanation. "His power allows us to temporarily be invisible 'cause of the goo he can produce from his hands." Eden couldn't help but gag at the description.

What kind of goo was he talking about?!

'It's not that goo, Eden. Get your head out of the gutter.' A tired exhale escaped Azrail's now-normal lips earning a small glare from Eden. Lucifer's face can be seen blushing as Anne lightly punched the boy's arm. They walked to the exit of the organization.

Looks like Eden wasn't the only one with...that thought in mind. "Are we just going to walk there or...?" Anne asked looking around as pillars of marble decorated the exit with no sunlight whatsoever.

"Nope! We got custom-made shoes so we can fly and stuff." Said Gabriel handing them spares of said shoes. It looked like any normal shoes besides the fact that there was liquid flowing through some parts (the heels specifically) of the shoes.

"How do...uh...we operate this?" Eden fumbled around after putting the weird shoes on. "You just need to hit the bottom of the heels with your foot to get the engine running." Said Zion and Eden did as told, only he flew upwards and nearly died.

Luckily, Zion was there to get ahold of Eden's body just in time, right before a tragedy could befall the young teenager. "You didn't have to hit it so hard...!" He spoke up as he frantically scrambled through his bag for a medical kit.

'MAN! You should've seen your face! Hilarious.' Azrail guffawed, while pointing his finger at Eden.

"A-Are you hurt anywhere?" Zion asked while holding some bandages and some alcohol. Eden shook his head and dusted himself.

Anne studied the equipment present in the comically small bag. Despite the size, this bag can fit a ton of medical equipments. Maybe she can get her hands on one of those when they get back.

"Let's go, buds!" and with that, they set off to the trio's former house.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

After a few minutes of drifting in the air, they finally arrived.

Eden broke out in a cold sweat. His heart hammered, and his hand grew clammy as it pressed against his arm. He started pacing back and forth, impatiently pounding his feet at each end of the entrance. His eyes were straining from just watching that house. Eden's heart was still on the verge of bursting through his ribcage.

Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes. He could see his house directly in front of him. It was right in front of Eden...but he couldn't even stay in it since he was tethered to this shit-hole of an organization.

Oh, how he wished for that good for nothing company to perish right then and there. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath in. He'll eventually come back to this house even if it meant that he'll have to kill.

This was the only reminder that his life could've been normal after all.

Meanwhile, Lucifer could only gaze at it blankly. He wasn't sure how he should feel viewing his home, which he would never be able to visit. For him, it was perplexing. Nonetheless, he groaned as he accepted his predicament. A creak can be heard when Lucifer reaches the doorknob.

Anne held her breath as she tip-toed inside of the vicinity, afraid of alerting their...father. Her breath suddenly stopped as if someone was deliberately choking her. Why was she feeling this way? Could it be the fear of never returning home?

Her mouth stretched as her upper eyelids pulled up. She couldn't help herself. She was scared. Anne could only tremble while walking inside. A gasp nearly escaped her lips but it was quickly covered by Eden's hand. "I know what you're thinking but..." He stopped himself from continuing as he whispered into her ear. Anne nodded weakly and sighed.

Inside, the team found a very peculiar scene. Gabriel couldn't help but laugh internally. This was surely a sight to behold! Adrien Owen, the renowned detective, was slouched at his desk, surrounded by documents chronicling his children's disappearance!

They walked upstairs with Lucifer leading the way. Unease gripped Eden tightly with its cold knuckles, latching onto the shackles of his neck, making every breath hard labour. His heart was hurting.

What will happen if he rushed to Adrien now? Would his siblings be taken hostage?

HE WANTED TO RUN TO HIS FATHER AND ASK FOR HIM TO SAVE THEM BUT—but...Eden was a coward. He was a self-centered son of a bitch who was more concerned with his personal survival than with the greater good. Eden strolled into his and Lucifer's chamber, biting the bottom of his lips.

One of the duffle bags was tossed to Eden, and they began packing their belongings. They (Lucifer and Eden) were focused on their work in silence, but the fear of Zion observing them made them work automatically faster.

"Are you done?" Zion asked in a hushed whisper while scanning the corridor. Both of them nodded and left their room. It was now only Anne who remained. Gabriel stood outside the door, waiting for her. After a few more minutes, Anne left the room with the duffel bag in hand.T hey were presently finished with everything until strides that weren't theirs reverberated inside the quiet lobby of the Owen family.

"Who's here?" With a gun in hand, Adrien pointed it at arbitrary spots, looking for the obscure whispers he had heard. All five of them held their breath as Adrien walked past them. Zion began moving as they both tip-toed towards the entrance only to freeze in place when Gabriel felt his neck being pulled back.

"What the—?!" Gabriel was screaming silently, gasping for air as he fought to pry the fingers away with outstretched palms, but he was slowly losing consciousness. Zion began searching his bag for a tranquilizer. "How did you even know—" Zion cut himself off after seeing Gabriel struggling.

The trio (Eden, Anne and Lucifer) stayed silent, watching it all unfold. They didn't know what to do. 'What the fuck is this chaotic and shitty scenario?!' Azrail exclaimed while frantically trying to calm Eden down.

Anne dashed forward, hiding behind Adrien, and Lucifer trailed close behind. 'Eden?! Pay attention to what I'm saying. Follow your siblings; this could be your only chance to get home!' Azrail pleaded, attempting to communicate with his twin. 'You're going to force me to...' He sighed and possessed Eden.

He bolted now that he was in command. Adrien turned around to view his children, who were suddenly visible again. While watching the three teenagers, a small smile developed on the redhead's face.

The sound of glass shattering can be heard. "Ho...I knew I should've come here with you guys." Pearl jumped down from the windowsill and twirled her baseball bat around. She dragged the metallic object across the wooden floor. Their ears were assaulted by the shrieking sounds of the two things colliding.

"Wake up already, Eden." Azrail whispered while looking at Pearl. A grin crawled up to her face as soon as her eyes met Eden's (Azrail). Azrail glared and earned an amused smile from the woman.

"What a nasty glare," She said, pointing to her neck. "Remember that you're ours now, punk." Pearl cackled and proceeded to throw her baseball bat that was quickly deflected by Adrain's kick.

"Who are you?" Adrien demanded, pointing his gun to Gabriel's head but he (Gabriel) didn't budge. Everyone swore they heard a small but faint cackle in the distance as Adrien tightened his hold around the boy's neck.

While he was distracted, Gabriel lunges a kick to the man's stomach, making him stumble. "Now!" He ordered and Zion shot a dart. Of course, luck wasn't on their side today and he missed, leading to a gun shot being fired in return for their attack.









A groan escaping Gabriel's lips can be heard. "Fucking idiots." They heard Pearl mutter, picking up Gabriel's trembling body. A string of curses was running through his head right at this moment. He glanced at Lucifer and to his horror, the boy's expression was not what he was expecting. His vision was growing dimmer the more he tried to focus on Lucifer's face.

Lucifer's shoulders were trembling as he tried to hide his laughter. His mouth twitched upwards but he quickly hid it with his hand. To no avail, a sardonic laughter erupted from Lucifer as he gripped his scarf before being silent once again.

He turned to stare at Gabriel who was on top of Pearl's shoulders. Lucifer smiled and mouthed the words: "Idiot". A smug grin appeared on his pale face.

Gabriel turned to his right and saw Zion treating his injured shoulder. He heard Pearl click her tongue on his left while sighing. "Never thought I'll be using it here of all places." Pearl murmured and dropped Gabriel onto Zion, making them both lose balance.

She stretched her arms and snapped her fingers, making Adrien lose consciousness. 'Shit.' Lucifer cursed while preparing for their punishment. "Luci, what's wrong?" Anne placed her hand around his stiff shoulders.

"We might be killed, dear sister."


"This can be seen as..." he paused glancing at the ever quiet Eden. "An act of betrayal so...be prepared." Lucifer finished while looking at his wrist. A mark of some sort of clock was on it, counting down.

'Oh? What happened? I could've sworn I saw some cows flying?' Eden grumbled looking around the tense atmosphere. 'Huh—' a raised eyebrow can be seen on Eden's face...that is if they can even see him at all.

"Took you long enough, bud." Said Azrail glaring at Eden while cutting him off. "Brace yourself, we might be knocked out." He continued and pushed his soul out of Eden's body making Eden's soul get sucked inside the empty void of the body. Eden stumbled and his knees buckled.

"Fuck you." Said Eden trying to get back up only for him to be knocked out by Pearl's baseball bat. "Eden!" Lucifer screamed and tried rushing in to protect his brother only for him to be shot with a tranquilizer.

"Fucking great." Anne cursed and her vision turned blurry. "Sorry...dad..." she whispered. Before fainting completely, she heard the words: "Don't kill him."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Haaaa...you troublemakers." Raven ran his fingers through his black hair while pacing around the room. The trio was being tied as of now and Raven was in charge of watching over them. 'How troublesome.' He clicked his tongue and climbed up the bunk bed, laying on it.

Lucifer was the first to wake up after being knocked out. He tried getting up only to realize that he's been chained. He tried moving around a bit but the rope didn't budge. Trying to see if he could wiggle out, Lucifer took a deep breath to suck in his chest and stomach. To his dismay, it only made the bed creak and Raven jumping down to check up on him.

"You're awake, little birdie!"

'Crazy bastard.' Lucifer inwardly clicked his tongue, trying to adjust his position. Raven approached him and picked Lucifer's tied body and made him sit upright. He made a snapping motion with his finger, indicating that Lucifer can speak his mind. "What happened to our...father?" He asked, staring into Raven's eyes...it was that ugly orange color.

Lucifer's body couldn't help but shiver as his consciousness was drowning in those apricot pools. He clutched his hand so tightly that his nails dug into his palm, nearly causing it to bleed. Those ugly eyes...they have stared at his brother with such ill intentions. It disgusted Lucifer.

Oh, how he wished that he can poke out those condescending pearls right out of its eye sockets. He could already see the blood oozing out of Raven's pitiful face as he screamed in pain. Lucifer would stab those disgusting eyeballs over and over, making them turn to mushy slime. He'd then remove those obnoxious fingers that had touched his brother. Perhaps he should first remove the nails before slicing the fingers off?

Chopping this disgusting creature's legs off didn't sound like a bad idea at al—

"You can see him after my dog and your sister is awake." His trance was broken off by Raven's response. Lucifer scowled after the mention of 'my dog', still fiddling with the rope. "You can do whatever you want here, of course, escaping isn't an option." Raven continued and left the room, successfully locking the door with a new passcode.

'Looks like I'll have to use that.' He sighed and kneeled on the ground. As the rope suffocated Lucifer, he winced in pain. Even if he were a masochist, the situation was so dire that his masochistic impulses vanished. He twisted his arms and reached his left foot, trying to pull out the tip of an object that was sheathed.

It was a small dagger. He drew the dagger and began grinding it against the rope. Saliva was running down the tip of his chin, the tightening of the rope wasn't doing him any good. He was able to free his arms after a few minutes. He continued chopping the rope and successfully cleared his throat. His little form breathed a sigh of relief while cupping his neck, soothing the mark that spread around like a ring of sorts.

Lucifer began searching the room, hoping to find his missing collar. On the cabinet next to his bed, lie said collar. He picked it up and wore it back, feeling a sense of safety. He took a deep breath in and grabbed the dagger, cutting the ropes that tied his siblings.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, dearest brother." He whispered after approaching Eden. The palm of his hand moved on its own without much thought and landed on Eden's cheek. He caressed it with a fond smile on his face. "I'll protect you...for a while..." Lucifer continued while playing with his dagger.

"Filō Se, Eden." He walked away from the bedside and sat down on his bed, contemplating what to do next. 'Now how do I carve his eyeballs out without anyone knowing?' He thought imagining scenario after scenario while playing with his scarf.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Anne walked around what seemed to be a garden. A small smile crept up to her face as she saw her best friend, Zachary watering the plants. She approached him, placing a hand on his shoulders. He turned back and gave her a bouquet of white carnations.

He reached his hand and places a single red rose on the left side of her ear. Zach muttered something under his breath as his cheeks were dusted with the familiar color of pink. "Happy birthday, Anne..."

A sudden flicker of emotion washed over Anne's body like a tsunami, and her tears streamed ceaselessly. Today was May 5th...her birthday. She had almost forgotten about it. Anne opened her mouth to speak but words couldn't come out. It felt as though something was choking her deliberately.

"Anne...? What's wrong?" he approached her with a worried expression. She brought a hand and waved it, signaling him that she was fine and that there was no need to approach her. "D-Do you not like the gift?" He twiddled with his fingers and looked down at his shoes.

Of course, I love it!

"I...I know it's not much but...I also...b-baked you your favorite, melon b-bread!" He said, cheeks still flushed while handing . Zach gave her a small smile and handed a bag full of bread to her while holding a handkerchief that he pulled out of nowhere and wiping her tears with it.

Anne smiled but would later realize that their face was just inches apart. A reddish hue spread across her face, dyeing it red. "Oh, sorry!" Zach who was in a trance just a moment ago jumped up in surprise. "O-Open it and give a t-taste..."

And open it, she did. Inside was a note, wishing her for a good life ahead and to be as happy as possible. Anne really wanted to say thank you but her throat was blocked so all she could do was grin. "Is it not e-enough?" Zach continued asking with wide eyes.

Anne could only grumble and walked towards the white haired young adult. "A-Anne?" Zach took a step back, startled, as Anne approached from behind. Anne was still smiling, but it was a little too vicious for him, so he turned around, only to realize that there wasn't much room left.

But this motion only made Anne more happy as she closed in the distance by grabbing Zach's face. As Zach's face got closer to hers, her heart began to race. She was well aware that if she kissed this man, everything about their relationship could burn into ashes like the splendor of a Morning Glory. So she took a long breath in and waited, peering into his shimmering viridescent pools. She took a step forward and planted her lips on his, circulating a shocking feeling inside of Zach. At her lips' touch, he blossomed like a Morning Glory, lovely and exquisite.

Badump Badump Badump

Everything was silent except for their heartbeats ringing in their ears. Zach who was still shocked could only stare in disbelief but he didn't pull away which made Anne smile. After what seemed like eternity, she pulled back with a small smile on her face.

Zach was still frozen trying to keep his mouth from being agape. His cheeks were still in her grasp and so she brought both their foreheads close together, feeling the warmth seep into her head.

I Love You, Zach.

She could only whisper the words silently to herself as the invisible chains tugged her neck. Suddenly, white ribbons bursted through space and time, causing a rift. Said ribbons circled around their bodies, enveloping them into its embrace. After a few minutes of circling around the two, the ribbons stopped and their clothes have somehow changed into a matching outfit.

Zach finally awoke from his stupor and looked at Anne. She was stunning—no, there were no words to describe her beauty. He felt as if she were a being that he wasn't supposed to see...a goddess if you will. "You're beautiful." He uttered out as his hand moved to scratched the back of his neck, trying to calm down his poor heart.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Eden woke up in a frenzy but felt something tugging onto his body. When he looked around, he saw himself lying on a bed, shackled by what appeared to be familiar golden chains. "Fuck." He cursed and flailed his arms in an attempt to free himself from the chains.

A silhouette of his twin brother was there, walking toward him. "A...zrail?" He muttered as his eyes felt like it was being screwed shut. The silhouette walked closer and closer to him until their faces was only inches apart. Eden could feel Azrail's breath on top of his face.

"Shhh..." Eden blinked in confusion. What was he talking about?

"Don't say anything...you should rest..." Said Azrail bringing his fingers and gently closing his eyes. Just like a switch, Eden's vision turned blurry and the darkness of the night consumed him inviting him for a slumber.

"We've broken the surly bonds of the gravity and are ascending deep into the starless sky, Zach!" Of course...life decided to fuck with him again and the sudden yelp of Anne's sleep shenanigans woke him up. Eden could already feel a migraine coming up if he heard any more of this nonsense.

"Shut up..." He said, trying to go back to sleep. Lucifer's eyes opened and he quickly went to his brother's side, sitting on the chair next to his bedside. "Wake up, Ed." He poked Eden's face multiple times. After a few more pokes, Eden woke up with one of—or maybe the worse—expression a human could have after waking up.

His eyes were narrowed while his hair was disheveled to the point of resembling an afro rather than his normal hairstyle. Lucifer chuckled while brushing Eden's hair with his hands. "Thanks." He murmured while yawning.

"You should wake Anne up."

"She's gonna murder my face with her banshee fists if I disturb her fantasy of Zachary." Despite his words, Lucifer urged him on and in the end, he just couldn't say no to his older brother. "You're paying for my hospital fees." Eden continued and climbed the ladder.

Eden straddled Anne and shook her shoulders, making her punch him in the face. "Shit!" He cursed, rubbing his injured nose. Anne's eyes were wide open as she apologized over and over while Lucifer stifled a chuckle and patted Eden on the back.

As if on cue, Raven reentered their room with a bag full of leftover bread from last night's welcoming ceremony. "Oh wow! How did ya get rid of the ropes?" Raven, with a Swiss army knife, inquired. 'You were tied up until your brother released you.' Azrail answered nonchalantly while floating around the room.

"Training is tomorrow so you imbeciles better get used to life here."

This truly was a hectic first day. May tomorrow be less of a hassle for the poor children.

This story was called INSANITY with no period but that title has already been taken so I'm forced to add a period...

EdenSatirecreators' thoughts