
Into the dungeon

System does the dungeon have a time dilation mechanic?

Yes there is. 12 hours is 12 minutes in a dungeon. Though there are some dungeons where this rule is different.

Hm, good to know. Where is the dungeon in my house?

Which one? Specification is necessary when your father was the horniest bastard in the underworld. Do you know how many sex dungeons your house has?

My god- ow! You are really bitchy.


Level: 4

Health points: 600

Magical power: 800

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 14

Agility: 13

Endurance: 28

Intelligence: 120

Luck: 40

Charisma: 80

Status points: 35

First order of business is to find out how strong the average enemy is.

No, first order of business is actually entering the dungeon.

I'll give you that one. Am I not able to just go into it from here?

Since this is your mansion, yes. This will not be the case with other dungeons.

I see. Well, send me in.

I waited for a few moments. Nothing happened. System?


...you really are good at pissing me off. Please, may you send me to the dungeon.

Yes, I may.

The space around me began to shift and distort, the colours blurred into green and lush forests.

Quite the transition. Anyways, I threw on my cloak and began to climb through the trees. It's important I get a vantage point to see where to go.

Let's see, a dark night. Straight ahead, there's a town. Can't tell how busy it is, but any other direction is just forest as far as I can see. Personally, I'm curious, typically you would receive a task as soon as you enter the dungeon.

Yes, typically. Did you ever think that I wouldn't meet your expectations out of spite?

Well, can't say I expected you to be a massive asshole in general, so no. Can't say I expected you to do that.

Well you'd be fucking right. I can't. I'm required to help you or he will erase me. I'm interested in existing further, so I am forced to comply with you.

Good. Nice. Subarashi as the Japanese may say. You want to live, good to know. Very good.

I can already tell you have something planned for me. And not something good... that only makes me more hesitant to give you this quest.

Oh, that's interesting. So very interesting.

The conqueror

This dungeon consists of two kingdoms. The elven and dark elven kingdom.

Objective: conquer a nation

Rewards: ???

Hmm, that quest is far too vague to be just that. Secret objectives are, possible.

No response? Hm.

Well, let's head forward. I climbed back down from the tree and brushed myself off a bit.

Then, I walked.





It didn't take long to get into the town. But an issue became very clear to me.

Elves. They're all elves. That isn't the issue itself. The issue is their androgynous appearances.

I'm, a man who knows what he wants.


I'm not a good man, but why should I care about morality? I'll do what I want. Whether that includes a bit of coercing is entirely up to them.

"Get... get off... ahn~" someone sounds like they're having fun. Following the sounds, I saw two people behind what I guessed was a bar.

One was a man, judging from his chest that clearly showed his gender. He wore only light green trousers with no shoes.

Long blonde hair.

There he was, left hand under a female elfs skirt. Light green hair with the attire of a ranger. I see, the high elf archer from goblin slayer. Her name was never revealed, at least not in the anime.

As much as I don't care, the woman is attractive. Saving her would leave a good impression. Not only that, but he seems like a typical drunkard.

Her attire stands out.

"That's enough for now, my good man. The lady wants to be left alone." The drunkard sent an irritated gaze my way.

"Get lost, you fucking lowborn." Well, I can't do that. System, put all free points into Agility.

In a moment, I closed the distance. Yes, there's definitely a noticeable increase.

"What?!" I don't like to take risks, but in a situation like this, I want to use it.

A spearhand jab dug straight into his head, pulling out a disk. Amazing. Wonderful.

(Memory preservation has reached level 2)

The male elf collapsed to the floor, eyes vacant of life.

(-15 affection with yousei yunde)

There was a bow and arrow aimed straight at my head.

"Jumping to conclusions?" Yousei was horrified at my nonchalance.

"He's dead!"

"But he isn't." That caused a double take.

"You shoved your entire hand into his skull! How would that not kill him?" I showed the disc held in my hand.

"Because an opening was made upon contact allowing me to grab this. He is now, an amnesiac."

The confused look on her face told me everything.

She doesn't know what that means.

"He won't remember anything." The understanding shifted instantly.

"That's good... especially... yeah..."


Yousei yunde

Race: high elf

Level: 40

Health points: 6000

Magical power: 1600

Strength: 43

Dexterity: 157

Agility: 53

Endurance: 30

Intelligence: 100

Luck: 52

Charisma: 47

Affection: -15

Fairly weak. But, at least stronger than me.

"So what are you doing here. You very clearly don't belong here." The woman crossed her arms and stared at me.

"Neither do you. Wearing a cloak that covers your face. You look more out of place than I do." I actually laughed a bit at that.

"Yes, but you're native to this country." There was no rebuttal to that line, just a very serious look.

"So are you from the underdark? If so, it is my duty to eliminate you. Even if I am a disgraced noble."

Intriguing, a disgraced noble. High status for what seems to be a remote town.

Meaning she doesn't live here. And I see no reason for a noble to be in this town. Therefore, this may be jumping to conclusions, but I believe...

"You're homeless." Yousei froze. How could he have known? That's probably what's going through her head.

"What can you tell me, about this kingdom. Mrs former noble." Status.

Level: 4

Health points: 600

Magical power: 800

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 14

Agility: 48

Endurance: 28

Intelligence: 120

Luck: 40

Charisma: 80

Stat points: 0

"Well, this is a kingdom where the hierarchy is interlinked with noble status. Personally, I hate it. This whole kingdom is a piece of shit." Far too much hatred. Personal experience? Most definitely, likely a familial one.

"That is usually how it goes with feudal societies. Democratic societies are dull though. Nothing much gets done." Yousei sent me a harsh glare.

"What's the monarch like?" Her face was one of distaste.

"He's nothing but a disgraceful bastard who'll use woman as tools to satiate his lust!" Well, this may be troublesome. That description lines up with myself.

I may have to use the collar sooner than expected.

[Collar of obedience]

This collar can only be used on someone within the same strength class as you and will raise the individuals obedience to 100. In case they are able to resist, the collar will tighten as a punishment.

Hmm. Yes, this'll work.

"Where are you going to stay?" Currency is an issue that can very easily be fixed.

By taking the drunkards money.

He didn't have much. Around 100 copper coins.

Though I don't know anything about this countries economy.

"I... don't know. I don't have money. My family kept it all when I was removed from my position." A pity. But she can still be useful. Disgraced or not, she's still a former noble.

A useful pawn.

"Have you considered staying in the forest?" She slowly turned to me.

"Are you mad? You want me, a high elf of the country greenwood, to stay in the holy forest that splits the underdark empire from greenwood?"

"If the forest is that infamous, chances are that its barren of any opposition. Especially with how you consider it sacred." Yousei bit her thumb.

"You are right... but the forest may reject me." Ah, the annoying issue of sentient nature.

If the forest does reject her, I'll have to figure out another way. A secluded forest works for a perfect disappearance location after all.

"Well, where's the issue in trying?" The high elfs eyes were still filled with distrust.

She won't be trusting me anytime soon.

The collar is the only way that I forsee.

"There isn't an issue. At least with going to the forest." An observatory gaze filled her eyes, remaining planted at my figure. She's suspicious.

Rightfully so.


After a light amount of coercion and heavy amounts of persuasion, yousei allowed me to take first watch.

It took much lying, but eventually, she went to sleep.

Or so one would think.

Yousei was definitely not asleep. Merely faking it. It wasn't hard to tell, she wasn't exactly good at faking her slumber.

However, elves have managed to impress me. Throughout my entire conversation with yousei, presence concealment was active. Yet she didn't have any trouble noticing me.

[Presence concealment lvl 24]

It's nice, but I need yousei to go to sleep. To pass the time, the book of martial potential.

I stored it before entering the dungeon. It's only logical. After all, with the time dilation inside the dungeon it makes sense to take the book.

More time means more training.

Page 2. The path to enlightenment.

One thing that all masters of martial arts seek, is enlightenment. Meditation is the conduit.

Assume a lotus position and close your eyes. The path to enlightenment cannot be seen with just ones eyes, or they will become over reliant on them.

Focus on your surroundings, meld yourself into them. Become one with nature and use its energy to strengthen yourself.

Refine your internal energy.

Unlock your potential.

An interesting read. Yes. The lotus position is almost identical to sitting cross legged.

Its not very comfortable at first, but you get used to the discomfort after a bit. Close my eyes. So I have to sense without my eyes?

This sounds eerily similar to senjutsu.

I'd guess its because internal energy and touki are very similar concepts.

Anyway, enough thinking. Time to focus. It'll be my first time doing something like this, but I read several books like this.

Though that doesn't mean anything. I'm simply familiar with the concepts.

I took a deep breath of the energy in the air. Nice. I think I was able to do it properly this time.

My mansion must have lacked the natural energy to attempt it properly. Well, I'm learning more.

Now, close my eyes and focus on the surroundings. Key in on the natural energy that I've felt.

It's... strange. The feeling of natural energy is foreign to me. I'd guess its because I'm not a youkai.

Everything became clear. I could... see, for lack of a better word.

The energy in the ground.

The energy in the trees.

The energy in myself.

This definitely isn't senjutsu as I can't sense emotion. I'd have to guess it could lead to senjutsu.

I need to focus. Stop getting sidetracked.

Focus. Feel my own energy. It's chaotic, mulching around. I took hold of it. This is far more malleable than I thought it would be.

Like... dough. It shifts around my insides so easily.

What would happen if I was to pull it out? This... could go terribly.

Well, progression is not without risks. Time to risk it all. I took hold of the energy inside me.

While I am possibly risking my life, I'm not just going to rip what could potentially be my own soul out. Carefully, I pulled on it.

Not much resistance.

It feels like I'm pulling dough apart with my bare hands. Oddly enough, this isn't as dangerous as I thought. The energy coils in me like chain. It's like I'm pulling it out, link by link.

Its a slow process. Going too fast could have drastic consequences. Therefore, bit by bit, I will remove this energy and externalise it.

This is merely a single step. A single step on my path. I do not know where my path ends, but I will not let it end so easily. So close, one last pull before it fully externalises.

[Skill unlocked]


Touki is the raw energy of life that allows for increased physical capabilities alongside the ability to physically interact with magic. Consumes 200 hp per minute.

200 a minute? A minute is 60 seconds, 200 divided by 60 is 3.3. I think. So 3.3 health per second. I have 600 hp, so 3 minutes is the longest I can keep it up.

Not taking into account my rejuvenating breaths.

Let see how much it increases my stats. I activated touki. Observe.

[Zetian Asmodeus]

Health points: 597 / 600

Magical power: 800

Strength: 60 (40)

Dexterity: 14

Agility: 72 (48)

Endurance: 42 (28)

Intelligence: 120

Luck: 40

Charisma: 80

Stat points: 5

Alright. That is not a great increase at this level, but it's a 50% increase. At higher levels, that's going to be incredible. But the cost will probably scale with my level.

Nonetheless, it's still a boost.

Is yousei asleep? Her internal energy seems calm and... dormant?

[Skill unlocked]

[Life force sensing]

Allows for the user to sense and analyse a beings internal energy.

That may be useful. Well, it's collar time.

I pulled the collar of obedience out of my inventory, odd design. Its a pink collar, the word slave written on the middle with hearts of either side.

What is this design?

No point asking, so long as it works, I will not question it.

What level is presence concealment?

[Presence concealment lvl 24]

34.6% / 100%

That's good progress. Onto the task at hand, yousei is asleep but I don't know whether she's a light or heavy sleeper.

How funny, one minor fact like that will be the deciding factor in whether she gets collared. Well, here I stand. Towering above her sleeping figure.

The moment of truth.

My Agility and strength are superior to hers, so if a struggle ensues, I should still be able to put the collar on.

It's honestly ironic. Jin so han was a good, honorable man.

And I'm about to enslave someone.

Well it's not like I care, yousei will just be my servant. A means to an end if you will, while also being... stress relief.

I crouched down to yousei, such a cute face. You'll be mine.

I placed the collar carefully on the front of her neck, now, to clip it on. I carefully lifted her head up, and grabbed the two hanging ends of the collar.


It was done. I watched with glee as the collar melded into her skin, leaving only her bare neck.

Ah, this is an amazing feeling. Truly, the greatest high is the feeling of binding someone under you.

Somethings running down my chest. Could it be tears of joy?

Oh... no.

That's blood. When did an arrow get through my chest?

System, take me back to my house...

Here we go, visions... all... blurry...

"Sebastian... is that... you..."












Everything went black.


"No no no! My lord, I, Sebastian michaelis, your loyal servant, refuse to let you die! I vow that on my soul!" The loyal servant could only panic.

He'd never been able to use healing magic, that was one of his few flaws, luckily for him...

Among the many women that had found their ways into the bed of the original asmodeus. Few were special, most were attractive human women, low class devils and the like.

However, the few special ones were special for a reason.

They were high class devils.

Sebastian felt something draining from him. It wasn't like he was bleeding, no. It was much more akin to exhaustion.

But he could go days without sleeping. So how in the underworld could he be tired? The answer?


Zetian was the reason. Zetian was no half-breed. He, was a pure-blooded devil.

Now of course, Sebastian did not know who the mother was. Do you count every ant that you see? Sebastian did not care for every woman that his late lord slept with.

There were only two that he remembered.

The original gremory, Vivian and grace servus-libidinis.

Vivian was one to remember as his late lord always bragged about that conquest. As for the servus-libidinis family...

How could he not forget a family of servants created to serve his lord?

No no. Back onto the topic, his late Lords heir was draining life from him. He watched at the wound slowly healed, but the wound couldn't close completely as a result of the arrow.

"This will hurt, but it is the only way for you to fully recover." A careful grip of the front of the arrow and a violent yank was all it took to remove said arrow.

"How did this happen to you, my lord... nothing is broken which rules out a break in. But if there was no break in, how did this woman get here?" He looked at the women.

Light green hair, pointy ears, the attire of a ranger.

Is this the fabled, elf? Lord asmodeus always went on about what he'd do to one.

My lord is healing fine, but you've made your father proud.

Truly an asmodeus. Not like creusery the traitor.

You are the one true heir, unlike your foul brother and his son.

He slowly began to stir as the wound fully healed, I cannot tell him of his ability.

If he somehow let's it slip to serafall leviathan... there may be serious complications depending on which pillar his mother is from.

Devils have many enemies. Just because my Lord was strong doesn't mean he had none.

It simply means they were too scared to face him.


A man's trust is a very easy thing to break.