
Inherent Malice

Lewd_Enjoyer · Others
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12 Chs


The void. Such a boring place. All that happens here is that souls fizzle out and die. Dissipating into nothing.

But why was he still here? Logic dictates that he should be gone as well.

Every now and then, he swears that he sees an eye. A massive eye. Thousands of times larger than his insignificant self.

What was it? He didn't know how long he pondered for.








All sense of time was foggy in the abyss of the void. But one day, a booming voice called out

"You interest me. A human beings soul has lasted this long within the abyss. Therefore, i shall give you a chance to entertain me."

How cruel. This powerful being sees me as nothing more than a toy. Though, its not much different to my own viewpoint. Everyone is a tool to someone.

Referring to Kenny ackerman, everyone spends their life drunk on something. You find their tastes and indulge them enough, they dance to your tune so easily.

It's a simple matter.

A blue window appeared directly in front of me. Much like... the gamer system.

Well, who knew that this enigma of a being was such a relatable... creature.

Welcome gamer. You have been given a second chance by a much greater being.

I will accompany you on your journey in this new life of yours.

This is your character sheet

[Zetian Asmodeus]

[Lvl: 1 0% - 100%]

Health points: 150

Magical power: 400

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 7

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 120

Luck: 40

Charisma: 80

My stats don't seem very high. System, what is the average for a person?

In terms of physical stats, it would be around 10. You're above average in Intelligence, luck and have very high charisma.

Does this by chance have something to do with my family name?

Why no. Its not like asmodeus was an incredibly charming devil who dicked down thousands of women. That couldn't possibly be reason.

At least you have some personality.

Moving on, now we can roll for some random things. They could be good, bad, I don't know!

Huh, this feels like it's going to go horribly wrong. But, roll.

[Family heirloom]

Inside of your home, there is a random family heirloom. This could be a powerful weapon or a potted plant. The possibilities are endless.

Hmm, not great especially with the randomness. Roll again.

[Poison immunity]

As the heir to a prestigious devil family, this skill will be quite handy.

The heir to a prestigious devil family? My last name is asmodeus. Couple that with my strange first name, could it be possible that I'm going to dxd?

Congrats on guessing right! You get... absolutely nothing! Don't tell me you expected something for an easy guess like that.

Can't say I did. But I do not like you being an asshole. Roll again.

[Assassin class]

Congrats, you're now locked into the assassin class! You can swap once you max it out.

This is problematic. Considering my physical stats are worse than the average humans, this is very problematic. But, roll again.

[Sin of greed]

You often take action to suit your own greedy desires. Although considering how many times you've rolled, I think you may have already had this.

Well... shit. I didn't know that it could alter my personality. But, roll again.

[Master of drugs]

You innately know the recipes for hundreds and thousands of various drugs. Either medicinal, strengthening or harmful.

This... is good. It will definitely work well, especially with how I'm most likely not going to be a juggernaut in combat. Considering the monsters in dxd. Roll again.

[Book of martial potential]

A book filled with various martial techniques and ways to strengthen one's body and spirit for greater hand to hand combat potential.

This is a very big plus considering my weak body. The only foreseeable issue is time. With how dxd is, the possibility of being randomly attacked or forced to fight when I'm not ready is high.

Correct! And you'll get your shit wrecked! Which is why there are classes! Though you're locked in as assassin.

So you receive these!

[Presence concealment][lvl 1 /1% - 100%]

With this, your footsteps will be lighter than a feather and you'll be like a fly on the wall.

[Silent strike]

Your blows are far harder to detect or percept. Double damage if the attack is from behind.

Two very useful skills. The only issue are my base stats. Ultimately, that martial potential book will be incredibly useful so long as I understand it.

Now, you're going to dxd! See ya there!

A piercing scream ran through my head as so many memories were forced into my brain. This is so painful! Probably more than the torture I've inflicted before.

I blinked.

What is this prestigious room? It looks so incredibly fancy. The walls are a soft pink colour and very high. The floor is covered in a particularly smooth looking carpet and this bed is massive. There's a mirror on the left side of the room.

This must be the asmodeus family castle.

The large doors to my room opened revealing a very handsome and familiar butler.

"My lord! You're finally awake! My apologies, you likely don't remember this humble servant. I am Sebastian michaelis, head butler of the asmodeus family. You have been asleep for around 600 years. The only member of your family who is left would be cerusery asmodeus. The traitor..."

I see. That explains my presence, I've been under the devil sleeping disease.

"Sebastian. Keep me a secret for the time being. I would like time to gather my bearings before being reintroduced to noble society." The man in the butler outfit bowed.

"Certainly my lord. You're study is the room on the right of this one. I shall bring up the books on noble society alongside your breakfast." Sebastian courteously closed the door allowing me to sigh.

I see, he's my butler. Around the age of 6 was when I fell under the sleeping disease. So right now, I'm about 606.

I slowly got out of bed, I'm not wearing pants. Well, at least I'm more well endowed than my previous life. It likely has something to do with my heritage.

Long black hair ran down my back, a bit hung in front of my face.

The mirror wasn't too far away, a simple calm and methodical walk. I looked into the mirror.

My body was quite muscular, not to the level of a bodybuilder, more of a marathon runners body.

The appearance of jin so han? At least the man is attractive. I don't seem to have any bobbles though. Unfortunate. I glanced around the room once more, ah, there's a wardrobe. It was adjacent from the mirror.

Another calm walk and I opened the wardrobe. Several identical outfits of the same origin. Chinese noble attire.

All white as well. This is quite convenient since its what he wore in the manhwa. I opened the draws below, i found some bobbles in the seventh draw down.

Its not the same as what was used in the manhwa but it'll have to do.

I slowly put on the outfit, making absolutely sure that I put it on right. I've never wore something like this before.

It was smooth and comfortable on the skin. No boxers but oh well.

Leaving my room, I noticed how empty the halls are. Shouldn't there be more servants? I shook my head and walked into my study.

It was a very spacious room with bookshelves on either side of the room spanning the entirety of the walls. A brown desk in the middle with two large vertical windows behind it.

A comfy leather chair was slotted into the desk. But the two most important things were the book on the table and the blades hung on the wall behind the chair.

The book of martial potential

And those blades, he'd recognise them at a glance. The dual crescent blades hung on the wall, a slot from which poison could be released on either side.

"I see that you've noticed your father's blades. I was barely able to retrieve them, Michael himself almost bisected me. If not for lady leviathan, i would never have managed it. I wanted his son to have something when he eventually woke up. Finally, you have!" I turned to Sebastian, tears streamed down his eyes.

Such loyalty. Such fervent devotion. I truly couldn't have a better butler.

"You truly are loyal Sebastian. I only have one question. Why are there no other servants here?" His face turned to one not expected of a humble butler.

A face portraying pure rage.

"Those whelps. Those pathetic fuckers... they betrayed you. My lord. Those... filth... tried to kill you in your sleep. I couldn't stand it. After his grace took them in, gave them a better life. THEY DARED TO TRY AND END HIS LINE!" Sebastian was screwing in pure rage by the end.

"So you killed them. Thank you, Sebastian. I am grateful that you have saved my life more times than I know. Continue to serve me well, Sebastian."

"There is no greater joy for someone such as I." I took my rightful seat at the desk where the book sat and moved it aside so that Sebastian could place my breakfast.

"This is what humans call, a Sunday dinner. Since you have just awoken, it's vital for you to eat well." What a lovely day for a Sunday dinner.

"After I'm done with dinner, I would like for you to create me a training regiment. I wish to be strong. Strong enough that the manipulation of the older devils will be fruitless should they try." The manipulation of devils like zekram will be a troublesome manner as reputation is heavily important.

"As you wish my lord. It shall be done, however, as to the matter of hiding your existence... serafall leviathan visits the castle every month to check if you have awakened in order to return the asmodeus family to the pillars."

Well, that is trouble. I essentially am on quite the short time limit.

"She will arrive in approximately 13 days." Yes, quite the short time limit.

System, how long until the Canon starts and second, are there dungeons?

I'm not your calendar. But canon starts in 4 months and you can find dungeons in various places around the world. However, there is one that you can access inside of your study. But after leaving a dungeon, it cannot be entered again for another 12 hours.

Restrictions are to be expected. Is there no starter kit for my class?

Yes, there is. You gain the assassins blade and the wanderers cloak.

[Assassins blade]

A simple combat knife that has spilled the blood of many. Deals 80 damage, triple critical modifier.

[Wanderer's cloak]

This plain black cloak has a tendency to blow in the wind but obscures the users face and defining features. Even at close range.

Two very useful objects. But now that i think about it, I recall gamer stories where people gained skills via levels of mastery.

I glanced around the room, observing every feature of the most important parts.

Congratulations on being a smartass! You've gained the ability [observe].

I see. Good. I was right.


It seems my lord is lost in thought. Ah, he's just like his father, always getting lost deeply in thought.


Could he possibly be thinking of seducing serafall leviathan? Oh, if so, my young lord is quite ambitious. To seduce one of the Satan's.

Although, it's to be expected, every asmodeus is born lustful. That lust only grows and each time it is satiated, it returns stronger.

I'm so proud!


I lost track of time. I hadn't even realised that I'd eaten my breakfast so fast.

"I think we should get on with your training now. For a start, we will do simple workouts." I got up from my desk and steadied my gaze on him.

Quest generated

Brilliant butlers brutal training

Sebastian michaelis is going to put you through your first challenge in this world, grueling training.

Rewards: 20 stats points, a gacha spin, collar of obedience.

20 stat points? Seems like a lot, but first, observe.

[Sebastian michaelis]

Title: the lustful demons loyal butler

Level: 764

Health points: 80,000

Magical power: 2,000

Strength: 5792

Dexterity: 8164

Agility: 9423

Endurance: 10000

Intelligence: 4107

Luck: 2000

Charisma: 60

Dear God- ow! Fuck me, he's powerful. If he's only a servant, how strong was my father? Wait, the Charisma is only 60?

Charisma caps out at 100. Would you like for the system to display affection and obedience?

Like a dating sim?

Of fucking course you'd liken it to a dating sim. But yes. Like a dating sim.

Nice, but it seems like 20 stat points aren't as much as I thought. How many do I gain per level?

5 stat points a level. And since I can already guess what you're going to ask, here are the class stats.

Average human- 20

Average devil- 40

Low class= 30 - 700

Middle class= 700 - 2000

High class= 2000 - 5000

Ultimate class= 5000 - 10000

Satan/seraphim/god= 10000 - 30000

Super devil= 30000 - 50000

Heavenly dragon= 50000 - 100000

Concepts= unquantifiable

So Sebastian falls into the ultimate class. Interesting. It seems I have a lot of work ahead of me. How do I activate presence concealment?

It's active whenever you activate it.

How vague.

"My lord, why are you attempting to hide your presence?" He noticed it seems.

"If things are ever too difficult, I want to at least be able to run away." He smiled.

"A fair assessment. But if you want to hide your presence, it's far better to blend your presence in with the surroundings than just making it disappear completely. It would work on low to middle class opponents if you fully erased your presence, but blending your presence is far more effective."

[Presence concealment lvl 14]

You unconsciously began doing this as a result of your butlers words. Note: skills and the levels of your first class grow at twice the normal rate.

Well, let's get on with the training then.

"First we begin with 40 push-ups." I got into position.








I can't do any more. Fuck this is going to be hell.

"It's to be expected. As a result of your state, your body matured but your muscles did not. You have 5 minutes of rest, we will continue until you reach 40." This is going to be hell.












After 5 minutes, I found myself back to my peak. It seems I have gamers body and likely gamers mind.
















I fell to my chest again.

"Sebastian, pass me the book on my desk." He did as I asked and I opened the book to the first page.

Breathing regulation. Control over one's breath is important for staying energised. Deep breaths of life energy can revitalise a normal human in seconds.

Considering I'm weaker than a normal human, this should be useful. But how does one breath life energy? I suppose the closest thing I could manage is magical energy.

I have been able to sense what I assume is Magical energy, if I try and force it into my breaths...

I tried, and it worked.

+3 strength

That's useful. I put the book to the side and continued my push ups.










My strength increased less and less with each breath until it stopped altogether. My Endurance also increased as a result of this.

"Good job. Now, follow me." I did as Sebastian asked and we stood in the hallway.

"Now, I want you to run back and forth through this hallway 3 times. It's around 75 metres long so around 225 metres in length for the total run."


Level: 4

Health points: 600

Magical power: 800

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 14

Agility: 13

Endurance: 28

Intelligence: 120

Luck: 40

Charisma: 80

Status points: 15

It seems that for each level, my stats go up by +2. I'll save my stat points for now.

It's time to run.


I forgot how much I hate hard work. My Endurance has increased which made it easier, but I'm still lazy.

God, I hate hard work.

"We're done for today." Eh? I thought there was going to be more.

"I would continue but I've verified. You are slothful and lustful. The first step of training is to verify what sins you have. You are not prideful as you wouldn't have asked for help. You are not envious of my abilities. Greed is hard to verify through just training. Lust is a given for an asmodeus. Sloth is clear as you asked for your book of martial potential to make it easier. You are far too calm to be wrathful. Therefore, at the least, you are slothful and lustful."

I zoned out after that as a blue window appeared in front of me.

Quest complete!

Rewards received are: 20 stat points, a gacha spin, obedience collar have been sent to your inventory.

That wasn't as grueling as I thought. Now, may as well spin the gacha.

[Random ability received]

[Memory preservation]

Allows for one to turn an aspect of a person like magic, memories or bloodline aspect to be sealed away into a disc. Usable once per day.

This... this is amazing. I just got budget white snake!

This will be my trump card. The ultimate way to take someone out if I'm outclassed.

A safety net.

Now, if I somehow piss off serafall, I will have a way out.






If I don't get frozen in an instant.

Yeah, it's not the greatest as it's range is lacking.

But it's something that I will use whenever I can. Especially if abilities can evolve.


Inspired by the dark wolf shiro