
infinite god system

boy in orphanage who’s abandoned by his parent and has no abilities in this world were abilities are strength and strength is all in this world the weak perish the strong thrive but one day this boy name Theo Anderson gone from the weakest to the strongest and become the god of all and the creator and destroy and control of the omniverse

Muscab_Ahmed_3624 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

the infinite god system is op

~Hero city~

~Earth 999~

In the year 2025 gate's start to appear releasing mass amount of monster's causing huge amount of death humanity was on the brink of destruction but when humanity lost hope there they came.

Awaken's people who awakened ability some ability can range from gaining extra strength to fantasy abilities like hypnosis,fire control,healing…

And so on this was cause by the gate's as they released Ton of mana into the earth but human could not awaken until now

Humanity fought back against the monsters

Then humanity drove monster into the brink of extinction but there no way to get rid of monster completely as gate respawn in different location but humanity cope and they survive and builded countries up again and it has been 20 year's seen then

In hero city alleyway's

This were we meet our main character

"Look at this kid who's not awaken hahha it so funny how weak unawaken are"

One of the four boy's said as he laughed

But the one that look like the leader of the group spoke out

"Right Patrick but I don't like seeing his handsome face every day he think he's more better then us" as he said this flame came of his hand covering it

"Hey what you doing" one of the boy's said as he saw kain activating his power's

"What you think burning his face"

As kain said this all the boy's look scared there all kid from the orphanage what can they do if they got arrest or even worst but in jail

"Shut up am the boss and you follow me alright"

As he said this he start to burning Theo's face


Theo screaming in pain

"Let dip before anybody see us"

He start to run away

Theo still on the ground scream in anger and agony


[initializing infinite god system]

[Connecting the infinite god system to host's soul]

[connection complete]

[Character information]

[Name:Theo anderson]

[age: 15 ]



[Speed: infinite



"What who are you are play trick on me"

As Theo was scream the system activated

Skill absolute healing: can heal any injury nothing can't be healed by this skill

"Wow I actually got heal from that"

"Are you actually the system in novel's"

[yes I am but am a more then host you became absolute god that can do anything you became the one who control,create,

destroy all the one being that stand at the top of all you control the omniverse and everything beyond]

"Is that true really true am a god"

[yes an absolute god]

A woman with a robotic voice kept responding to all of Theo's question

Theo was an orphan who's abandoned by his parents so becoming a god is a big deal for him he's acting calm but his really excited

[does host want to create god's domain]

"What is a god domain"

[a god domain is a place you and other subordinate god's stay]

"Ok then how do I create god's domain

[think about and then it will be made]

As Theo thinks about this mysterious god's domain he think of a majestic floating city that as big as the earth it has other platforms size of Asia around it float and circle it these place

[god's domain has been created do you wanna create other god's to help you in this adventure]

"Not for now teleport me to god's domain"

As he said this he teleported to the city he imagined it exactly how he imagined it beautiful and there even a a castle in the middle just for me

"System it really boring to just call you system how about Erica yes that good name right"

[name change to erica…name is change to erica]

"Good now activate absolute omniscient and make it active"

Theo start to see all thing that are happening in the omniverse it so much information

"The infinite god system is op"

author note:guy this my first time writing so please don’t take too hard thank you

Muscab_Ahmed_3624creators' thoughts