
infinite god system

boy in orphanage who’s abandoned by his parent and has no abilities in this world were abilities are strength and strength is all in this world the weak perish the strong thrive but one day this boy name Theo Anderson gone from the weakest to the strongest and become the god of all and the creator and destroy and control of the omniverse

Muscab_Ahmed_3624 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

the first created god’s

"So much information"

As Theo see every thing he goten a idea

"Why don't I create god's to help" it was already

Obvious this place it call the god domain's so there supposed to many god's here

"Now let's create our first god or goddess"

"Let me see I can of want a god who has the ability to control life and death and judges the soul like hades kinda god"

Theo teleport to inside the castle and sat on the massive throne

"hell come forth"

As Theo said this a whole another plain existence was made outside of the omniverse it was hellish existence with 7 level the first level was typical hell with fires's and was a guardian entity that server me named gluttony this hell for fat people who'd never listen to those that tryed to help them.

Second hell there was no light and the flame's burn black this hell was over seen by an entity guardian name wrath this hell was for poeple who were blinded by there anger

Third hell was a working prison that kill you if you don't do your job of building for eternity working like a slave this hell was over seen by pride this hell was for prideful people who's pride hurted other's

Fourth hell was a hell whole a place we're they watch there live if they didn't take from other's and now they watch the person they stole from get very thing they want this hell is over seen by envy these people are envious people who did wrong

The fifth hell for lustful people who were lust over sexual desire now they will watch their partners dance I front of them as they get whipped for eternity this hell is run by lust

The sixth hell is for greedy people who can't control there desire for material things and not focusing and hurting there love one for there desire this hell is run by greed

The seventh and final he'll run by sloth this is for lazy people who's can't even try and lose the once he love for video games and other entertainment

These are the seven hell's

Now to create god those are entity not god's

Now for the creation of death

"Erica create death"

Giving him infinite speed and infinite clones and giving invisibility and giving him infinite life span and giving him the ability death when creature living reach there death they will be now chance for them to fight back

[creating death]

As Erica said this a man start to appear infront of Theo this man was look cold and handsome like vampire with his red eyes but short hair and wearing dark clothes


As Theo said this he saw death status


[strength:100 quintillion]




Death: can defeat anyone who's about to die or close to there death

Judgement: can judge some one soul to see if they go do haven

Absolute death:any one who's stand in his way of his mission will die

"Erica he has infinite mana and speed does that mean that he has the same speed as me"

[no it might say infinite but that only when it can't comprehend the number but that does not make the same so he infinitely time slow then you making him look like he's standing still compared to your speed]


"Are you my father"

"Well am your father"

Theo felt weird saying that as he is only 15 he's appearance might have change but that doe's not make him not be 15

Death stand there for a second I need to make other's as well

"Yes father"

"Erica created the goddess of life isis

then create the god of light aether

Then the goddess of earth gaia

Then the god of war ares then the god the dark erebus then the god of air vayu

The goddes of fire hestia the goddess of water salacia the 9 main gods of the omniverse

guy’s am really like that not good but I can have a goal here so if you ge me to 1200 view then 2 more chapter before 30 April I kniw it hard for you guy but give me power

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