
Infernium Eternium

Edis, finding himself in a peciluar situation hopes to live by uploading his mind and self to a highly-advanced robot called Infernium. After updating is over, he finds out that he is on a desolate moon.

Krizantem · Ciencia y ficción
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - Stranger - Dangerous - Iron Rod

Edis was taking a stroll around, observing his surroundings. He could sense the passage of time not only through conversations with Infer but also through the holographic display provided by his mechanical body if he wished.

Truly, not having a clear idea of his situation was starting to bother him.

"Well, regardless of what it is, I suppose I have no choice but to move forward," he thought, glancing down at his hand and smiling.

"At least I have a power that nobody else possesses," he whispered to himself.

Occasionally, he would enter and exit the Life Hub. The Life Hub contained everything necessary for a human to live, but for Edis, it was merely a confined space.

"My energy and mass levels are at 10.0 points. My main focus should be increasing energy and mass production levels, and once we have enough technology, I can escape from this moon," he strategized.

Edis chuckled to himself as he thought about his plans. "At least I'm not in a hurry."

Now, he no longer had to worry about aging, getting tired, or other human needs. Thanks to the emotional simulator, he could simulate feelings of confinement if he wanted to, but he could also block them out whenever he pleased.


"Now, all I have to do is wait," he thought, entering the Life Hub and taking a seat.

2 weeks later

Edis stood in front of the Life Hub, observing the mole and lizards at work. Two weeks had passed, and they had successfully produced 10.0 mass and 10.0 energy.

After some contemplation, Edis gave an order to Infer. "Infer, create, and activate one more lizard and one more mole," he said. Infer understood his command, and two new machines started operating. This increased the production to six energy and mass levels per week.


"Having 6 moles and 6 lizards increased my production to 24 energy and 24 mass per month," Edis thought, a smile forming on his face.

As Edis looked around thoughtfully, he received an unexpected warning from Infer.

Turning his gaze to Infer's communication screen opening in front of his eyes, he asked,

"What's going on, Infer?" Infer replied solemnly,

"Host, our current star system is currently designated as 'ED-1."

"I have taken liberty to give it a name deriving from your name."

"However, based on my observations, I've detected two entries in the system. These entries are most likely spaceships."

Edis listened attentively and paused for a moment.

"Two spaceships? That's quite intriguing. We'll need to keep an eye on developments," he said. Then, he asked Infer for more information.

"What type of ships are they?"

After conducting a thorough analysis, Infer responded,

"I mentioned earlier that the entries are most likely spaceships. However, I couldn't determine the exact type of ship.

As for their purpose, I don't have enough data yet. Nevertheless, the presence of these entries indicates that we need to be cautious."

Edis replied thoughtfully,

"I see. Rest assured, we'll take these findings into consideration."

Then, as he reviewed Infer's observations regarding the presence of the ships, he began to contemplate his next steps.

Edis paused, deep in thought.

"Two weeks have passed, and already two spacecraft have entered this star system. Is this a coincidence, or have my actions been discovered?"

Edis glanced slightly at the T1-Teardrop fighter ships.

"These two ships will provide some level of security for me. However, if the two incoming spacecraft are of the fighter type and possess advanced technology, it could pose a problem."

At that moment, Infer began to speak again.

"Host, there's no need for you to be hesitant or worried about this."

Edis smiled and asked, "Why is that?"

Infer responded promptly, "Host, although I may not have all the necessary historical data, I am confident that our technology and capabilities far surpass those of other civilizations. Your existence is a testament to that."

Edis wanted to laugh, but it wasn't possible. Infer's words made sense to him. Nevertheless, he still wanted to inquire further.

"Infer, aside from the T1-Teardrop, do we have the capability to produce something more active, larger, and more secure in terms of a spaceship or military vessel?"

In response to Edis's question, Infer took a moment before replying.

"The energy we possess is insufficient for larger vessels. The T1-Teardrop, at 15 meters, serves most of our security needs.

"Beyond the T1-Teardrop, you could consider options like the T1-Exter (100 meters) or the T1-Starfall (350 meters), both of which require significant energy and mass."

As Edis contemplated, he received an answer to his unspoken question.

"The T1-Exter requires 100 energy points and 100 mass per unit, while the T1-Starfall demands 300 energy and mass."

"Infer, do you have any other suggestions?" Edis inquired.

"Certainly, may I propose another option?" Infer responded.

"Of course, please go ahead," Edis replied.

"The T1-Iron Rod Swarm could be a powerful option," Infer suggested.