
Infernal Spark - A Fire Force Fanfiction

Genre:➡️Action, Romance, Harem⬅️ Main Characters: * Genos (from One-Punch Man): A powerful cyborg seeking to combat Infernals and uncover the secrets of his past. * Hibana (from Fire Force): A fiery Lieutenant captivated by Genos' unique abilities. * Iris (from Fire Force): A compassionate Evangelist sympathizer torn between her beliefs and her feelings for Genos. * Maki Oze (Original Character): A brilliant inventor and Fire Force Captain mentoring Genos. * Akira (Original Character): A shy yet strong-willed recruit in Genos' company with a hidden past. SYNOPSIS:⤵️⤵️ Genos, on a mission to eradicate all evil, stumbles upon a dimensional rift that transports him to the world of Fire Force. Here, he encounters Infernals and the special firefighting force combating them. With his unmatched cyborg strength and a mysterious fire ability awakened by the rift, Genos joins Special Fire Company 8 under Captain Maki Oze. As he hones his skills and unravels the secrets of this new world, Genos attracts the attention of several women, including the passionate Hibana, the enigmatic Iris, and the kindhearted Akira. However, navigating the complexities of love and human connection proves just as challenging as battling Infernals. Meanwhile, a looming threat from the Evangelist and hidden forces within the Fire Force itself threaten to consume everything.

Lil_Maxey · Cómic
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25 Chs

Episode 20:Unexpected Help

But something was different about her. Her eyes, usually filled with a gentle compassion, now blazed with an unsettling intensity, the same unnatural yellow glow as the Evangelist agent.

My processors whirred in confusion. Iris? Here? Cloaked in the garb of the very enemy we were fighting? My charge faltered, the Evangelist agent seizing the opportunity to launch themselves forward. Their fist, wreathed in white flames, slammed into my chest, sending a jolt of searing pain through my circuits.

I stumbled back, momentary disorientation blurring my vision. Through the haze, I saw Iris land gracefully beside the Evangelist agent, their movements coordinated and practiced.

"Genos," Iris spoke, her voice devoid of its usual warmth, replaced by a chilling authority. "Stand down."

My confusion deepened. Was this some elaborate Evangelist illusion? Or had Iris truly defected to their cause? The answer came in the form of a white-hot wave of energy that erupted from her outstretched hand, incinerating a nearby water tower in an instant.

This was no illusion. This was Iris, wielding the same devastating fire manipulation as the Evangelist agent. Disbelief warred with a cold fury within me. How could the kind, compassionate woman I had come to know align herself with such a destructive force?

"Iris... what is this?" I boomed, my voice laced with a mixture of anger and sorrow. "Why are you with them?"

A flicker of emotion crossed her face, a fleeting glimpse of the Iris I knew. But it was quickly extinguished, replaced by the same unsettling yellow glow in her eyes.

"There is a greater truth, Genos," she said, her voice echoing with a strange conviction. "The Evangelist seeks to cleanse the world, to usher in a new era. And I stand with them."

Her words were a betrayal, a knife twisting in my circuits. The woman who had shown me kindness, who had offered a tentative friendship, now stood on the opposite side of the battlefield.

The Evangelist agent chuckled, a harsh, grating sound. "An excellent addition to our cause, wouldn't you agree, Genos? A weapon honed by the very organization you fight against."

Rage surged through me, a primal heat that rivaled the flames wielded by my adversaries. But it was a different kind of heat, fueled not just by the threat they posed, but by the personal betrayal I felt.

"You've made a grave mistake, Iris," I growled, electricity crackling around my amplified arm. "This path leads only to destruction."

A steely glint hardened her gaze. "Then perhaps it's time for a lesson," she said, raising a hand, white flames gathering at her fingertips. "A lesson in the true power of the Evangelist."

I braced myself, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. Not only was I facing a formidable opponent in the Evangelist agent, but now I had to contend with a former friend, someone who knew my strengths and weaknesses perhaps better than anyone.

This was a fight unlike any I had faced before. It was a battle not just against fire and fanaticism, but against the sting of betrayal and the unsettling realization that the lines between good and evil were not always so clear. 

With a renewed determination, I charged forward.

The atmosphere reverberated with a tumultuous symphony of roaring flames and the clash of metal.My amplified arm, crackling with electricity, met the Evangelist agent's white-hot fist in a bone-jarring impact. The force of the blow sent a shockwave through the plaza, kicking up debris and smoke that momentarily obscured the battlefield.

Through the haze, I spotted Iris, her white flames dancing menacingly around her outstretched hand. Her gaze, once filled with warmth and understanding, now held only a chilling emptiness. The woman I thought I knew, the woman who challenged my rigid worldview, was gone. Replaced by a fanatic consumed by a twisted ideology.

"You're outmatched, Genos," the Evangelist agent taunted, their voice distorted by the mechanical filter. "Embrace the flames, and join the cause!"

"Never," I roared, pushing back against their relentless assault. My enhanced vision scanned for an opening, a weakness to exploit in their fiery defenses. But they fought with a practiced precision, their movements echoing Iris's own fighting style – a chilling realization that sent a pang of betrayal through my core.

Suddenly, a searing pain erupted in my shoulder. Glancing down, I saw a white-hot gash burned into my metallic armor. Iris had capitalized on my momentary distraction, her flames burning with an intensity that rivaled the Evangelist agent's.

A wave of despair threatened to engulf me. Was this truly the end? Was there no way to reach the Iris buried beneath the Evangelist's indoctrination?

Just as I braced myself for another blow, a new figure slammed into the Evangelist agent, sending them flying across the plaza. It was Iris, her white flames flickering wildly around her, but this time, they were directed not at me, but at her supposed ally.

Confusion warred with the dull ache of betrayal within my processors. What was Iris doing? Had she finally seen the error of her ways?

The Evangelist agent, momentarily stunned, scrambled to their feet. "What treachery is this?!" they roared, their voice laced with fury.

Iris, her form trembling with what appeared to be internal conflict, turned towards them, her voice barely a whisper. "There... there's another way," she rasped. "A way to end the cycle of violence."

The agent lunged at her, white flames forming a deadly blade in their hand. But before they could strike, a figure materialized between them, a shimmering barrier of blue energy deflecting the blow. It was Arthur Boyle, his face etched with a determined seriousness.

"Leave her alone!" Arthur roared, his voice echoing across the plaza. "She's no longer one of you!"

The Evangelist agent snarled, their gaze flickering between Iris and the other firefighters who had joined the fray. Their initial arrogance seemed to falter, replaced by a sense of frustrated urgency.

"This isn't over," they growled, turning and launching themselves into the sky, a white blur disappearing into the smoke-filled night.

Silence descended upon the plaza, broken only by the crackling embers of the inferno. Exhausted and battered, I stood amidst the wreckage, my gaze locked on Iris. Her white flames had subsided, leaving only a flickering ember in her hand. Tears streamed down her face, a stark contrast to the chilling fire manipulation she had displayed moments ago.

"Genos," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I... I don't know what came over me. They promised me a way to help people, to heal the world."

A wave of conflicting emotions churned within me. Anger at her betrayal, relief at her apparent defection, and a sliver of… pity? Witnessing her struggle, the confusion etched on her face, it was hard to reconcile the compassionate Iris I knew with the fanatic she had become.

"We need to talk, Iris," I said finally, my voice gruff but laced with a hint of concern. "Tell us what happened, what the Evangelist promised you."

Arthur, his expression guarded, lowered his defensive stance but remained vigilant. The other firefighters, weary but unharmed, gathered around, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Iris, her shoulders slumped in defeat, nodded slowly. As dawn painted the sky with streaks of pink and orange, she recounted her tale. A tale of a charismatic Evangelist leader who preyed on her desire to help, who twisted her empathy and fear into a weapon.

As she spoke, a sliver of understanding chipped away at the wall of anger I had built around my emotions. It was a reminder that the lines between good and evil were not always so clear-cut, that even the most well-intentioned could be manipulated by those who wielded power.

When she finished, a heavy silence settled over the group. The weight of her confession hung in the air, a testament to the insidious nature of the Evangelist's reach.

Captain Obi, his weathered face etched with a grim sort of understanding, stepped forward. "We'll get you the help you need, Iris," he said, his voice gruff but kind. "But first, we need to secure the area and make sure the Evangelist threat is neutralized."

Iris, her expression filled with a mix of gratitude and shame, nodded silently. The ordeal had left her drained, both physically and emotionally.

Looking around at the weary faces of my fellow firefighters, I knew this wasn't over. The Evangelist's attack had been a chilling reminder of the growing threat they posed. But amidst the destruction and betrayal, there was a flicker of hope. Iris's defection, however hesitant, provided a crucial piece of information – a glimpse into the Evangelist's manipulative tactics.

"We need to report this back to headquarters immediately," Hibana said, stepping forward, her fiery hair momentarily obscured by the smoke rising from a nearby building. "Let them know what we've learned, what the Evangelist is truly capable of."

Arthur, his blue flames extinguished but a determined glint in his eyes, chimed in. "And we need to tighten security. They won't stop here. They'll come back, and we have to be ready.