
Chapter Twenty Three

When Cameron and I finally get back to the others, we find they have already started packing up. Great. I want to go home now. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you see the world the queen bitch did not drown. We help them get all the stuff back in the cars. This time I get into Cameron's car along with Jessica.

Chidi, Tanya, and Emily get into Jared's car.

We wave goodbyes because everyone is going back to their places. When Cameron's car is about to go Emily rushes up to my window and knocks. Signaling for me to roll the window down. I oblige.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I had fun today. You should join us more often."

She says as she leans her body to get a better look at everyone in the car.

Jessica is already passed out in the back seat. I hesitate before I answer her

"Sure. Maybe."

I lie. I will only willingly hang out with them again if Tanya is not around. Emily must have seen my hesitation.