
Chapter Twenty Four

I am already standing at the end of the driveway when Cameron's car comes back after a minute. He hasn't even fully stopped when I jump into his car.

"What's wrong?" He asks turning in his seat and looking at me.

"Just drive."

I tell him while looking out my window. I am really scared. I'm scared that the killer will change his mind and just kill us both right now. I know he wants Cameron dead and I'm scared that he is going to decide that he is tired of waiting for me to kill Cameron and he is just going to do it himself.

"I am not going anywhere until you tell me what is wrong."

He says in a calm voice but I can see in his eyes that he is distraught

"Just shut up and fucken drive!"

I yell while pointing at the steering wheel.

"I will drive only if you promise to tell me the truth later."

He says. I debate it for a second but the urge to get out of this place decides my answer.

"Okay! Just go."