
Chapter Twenty Five

Cameron and I ate our breakfast in comfortable silence, but I know we can both feel the elephant in the room waiting to be addressed. When we are done eating I begin to clean up the place.

"No stop. You cooked so I should clean up."

He says while taking the plates away from me. I let him and I watch him as he buzzes around the kitchen cleaning up.

"I didn't know the son of the richest man in the world knew how to do the dishes."

I tease again.

"There is a lot you still have to know about me."

He says his voice however does not match my teasing one. He has grown serious.

"Are we going to talk about last night or not?"

He suddenly blurts out. Okay, I was waiting for him to say that. I am about to tell him yes when a thought suddenly occurs to me.

"Get dressed we are leaving," I tell him getting up from the chair.

"What? No. Is this another trick so you don't have to tell me what's going on?"

He says while folding his arms across his chest stubbornly.