
Chapter Fourteen

The normally one-hour drive took me less than 40 minutes. That's how fast I drove to get to my house. When I enter the house I notice nothing seems out of place. There is no sign of any breaking and entering. I am a little scared that the stalker is still in here.


I call out her name. When I don't get a response I run toward her room. I push the door open. I look around her room and I don't find her. Maybe she is in her bathroom. So slowly creep towards her bathroom.

"Lisa? Are you in here?"

I call out. Just in case I'm overreacting and she is in a compromising position. I slowly push her door open. The door is not even fully opened when I feel a wet substance on my shoe. I look down and a gasp escapes from my mouth.

I can feel the sticky substance as I lift my shoe. There is blood on my shoe. The rustic smell filled up my nostrils. I try to open the door wider but something seems to be blocking the door. I push again just wide enough for my body to enter. When I finally see what is inside.

My hand flies to my mouth in an attempt to stop the scream from making its way onto my lips. She is just lying there covered in blood. Her body is lying on the floor. Not moving. The floor tile which is normally white is now scarlet red.


I get down on my knees and try to shake her awake. There is just so much blood. Too much blood. I can smell its metallic smell. Almost making me gag. I have to stop the bleeding. I notice that the bleeding is coming from her left wrist. There is a huge cut on her wrist. A knife cut. That's when I notice that she has a kitchen knife in her right hand. A bloody kitchen knife.

That is when the realization hits me. It looks like Lisa cut herself. The stalker staged this to look like a suicide. Another suicide just like Matt. Silent tears run down my cheeks. I put a cloth on her wound and apply pressure. I also take out my phone and call an ambulance. The call takes longer than it should because I'm in such a panicked state.

This is all my fault. If only I hadn't decided to go against the stalker. When the emergency team finally arrive. Ten minutes after my call. It feels like an hour. I can't see anything past my tears. It's all blurry. They find me on the floor applying pressure to Lisa's wound. I know it's no use. I know it won't help but I still try to stop the bleeding. I have known this since I found her lying there and checked her pulse. Her non-existing pulse. I was too late. I was a little too late.

It has been 10 Days since Lisa died. Eleven days since the killer told me to kill Cameron. That means I have 19 days left. He hasn't contacted me since he killed Lisa. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. As expected the police have ruled Lisa's death as a suicide.

They said the evidence was all there. The knife was in her hand. There were drugs in her system and they found a stash of weed and crystal meth in her room. There was a short suicide note that they found on her laptop.

It said: "I don't want to live anymore."

I know Lisa didn't write that note and I am the only one who knows the truth. I'm the only one who knows that she was killed. That the killer drugged her before cutting her wrist and leaving her to drown in her own pool of blood. He is the one who planted a knife in her hand. He is very smart since he left no evidence.

No fingerprints. Nothing.

I'm the only one who knows that Lisa did not do drugs. Well me and her boyfriend Abe.

I didn't even know she was dating anyone. I didn't know Lisa as well as I thought I did. I was always caught up in my own world that I didn't make time to get to know her. I remember I met him at the crime scene. My home. When he walked up to me and asked me what had happened I could see it in his eyes. I could see the love and fear.

Love for Lisa and fear of what I was about to tell him. He knew deep down that she was gone but he was hoping I was going to tell him that he was panicking for no reason. I told him what happened.

Well, I told him the lie version of what happened. That she killed herself. It killed me to lie but I had no choice. I have no choice. There is a killer out there and he means business. I remember the disbelief he had in his eyes when I told him.

"No Lisa doesn't do drugs. She is not suicidal. She isn't."

He said.

I didn't even have the heart to correct him by saying that

"She WAS not suicidal."

He reminded me of myself when I found out about Matt. I wanted to tell him the truth but I couldn't risk another death. From now on I have to follow the killer's rules.