
Chapter Thirteen

I can't help it. I can't help myself. I start laughing hysterically. I just don't believe what my ears have just heard. Surely he is joking. He can't honestly believe that I will kill anyone. Even if it's Cameron. It's a prank, it has to be.

"I'm glad you find this funny."

"You are crazy. I'm not a killer."

"Not yet, but you will be. I don't care how you do it I just want Cameron Cahill dead by the end of the month."

I am now starting to realize that this psycho is serious. This isn't some badly produced action movie. This is my life he is trying to mess with.

"And if I don't?"

"Well, let's just say the last person that asked me that question is six feet under."

He hangs up after saying that but the warning in his voice is still echoing in my brain. He honestly expects me to kill someone.

To end a life.

Something like that is not easy. Especially since it's someone as high profile as Cameron. His father is the richest man in the world. So if Cameron dies surely he will do everything in his power to find his killer. Probably why the caller wants me to do his dirty work. Well, I refuse to be used like a pawn. I've put up with this creep for long enough. Surely my parents can protect me.

I think it's time I went to the police. My mom can have me out of here before the killer can do anything. I will have to warn my friends and Cameron too. They can get bodyguards or evacuate to a safe house before this guy can try anything funny.

The next morning I try to look for that card the police officer left me. I must have lost it somewhere. It's a good thing that today is Sunday and I don't have to go to any classes. I decide to just go to the nearest police station. Well, technically the only police station on the island.

It's an hour's drive away from my house since it's on the other side of the island. It is also near the airport. I get into my car and start driving. An hour later I park my car at the police parking lot. I sit in my car for a second.

Do I really want to do this?


Should I be doing this?

Probably not.

The caller did warn me that he will hurt my friends if I go to the police but I'm sure the police will protect us and I can finally prove that Matt's death is not a suicide. With that thought in mind, I get out of the car and walk up to the station. When I walk in I head straight for the front counter. A policewoman is sitting there reading some sort of novel. I clear my throat to get her attention.

"Oh hey, honey. How can I help you?"

She says with a warm smile when she notices me. She has the same accent that most locals have.

"Um...I... I need to speak to the officer investigating Matthew Trevor's death."

I say nervously.

"Trevor? Isn't that the kid that died in a fire?"

I nod in agreement.

"Oh, honey that investigation has been closed. It was a suicide."

She tells me with a sad tone to her voice.

"I have new evidence. Listen can you just direct me to the person I need to see."

I see her getting annoyed. She probably doesn't like being told what to do.

"Okay. If you are sure I will call officer Ronald to come and see you. Just go wait over by the waiting area."

I nod my head and do as she says. I go take a sit. My palms are sweating rapidly. I hope officer what's his name can get here fast. I am trying to distract myself when it happens. My phone vibrates. Shit. Let me not panic. It's probably just Luke checking up on me. I reluctantly pull out my phone.

Oh, Fuck.

Unknown caller.


I whisper.

"You really didn't think I wouldn't find out did you?"

Oh, my word he knows. How did he know? I don't say anything. I just let him continue.

"Oh, sweet Ria. I did anticipate this move. That's why I needed to have a backup plan."

He says with a laugh.

"What are you talking about?"

I'm starting to regret my decision to come here.

"Guess where I am right now?"

He says in a sing-song voice.


I ask looking around me. What if he is here right now? What if is watching me right now? I start looking around. Looking for anyone suspicious.

"I'm walking around a pretty little beach house. I absolutely love the purple walls and the pictures on your wall really do make the place feel homey."

He is in my house! The bastard is in my house.

"How did you get in? Get out of my house!"

"You know I have always found it ridiculous that your parents bought you a house that you are probably going to leave when you finish school. No wonder you are a spoiled brat."

I can feel the anger behind those words.

"So you are angry because my parents are rich?"

"It's part of the reason, but I'm mad at the fact that you are a lying self-centered little bitch. You think the world revolves around your rich ass. It's always about you. You and your rich self-pampered ass. You thought you had problems? Well, think again because I'm about to make your life very interesting."

He practically spits his words at me. I don't understand who could personally hate me this much.

"I'm about to tell the police." I'm sick of these mind games.

"No, you won't. Remember what I said last night? If you open your mouth consider your friends dead."

He is bluffing. He can't hurt us.

"The police will catch you and protect us," I tell him confidently.

"Really? Like they are protecting your roommate Lisa right now?"

I freeze.

"What have you done to Lisa?"

I ask a tightness forming in my dry throat. Please let her be okay.

"I have always been fascinated by The flow of blood. It's consistency. The fact that a little blood lost can determine life or death."

He has hurt her.

"Please don't hurt her. I haven't said anything to the cops yet and I won't please just don't hurt her."

I am now pleading with him.

"Ria you sealed her fate the minute you entered that police station. Now if you tell the cops anything and Cameron Cahill is not dead in the next 30 days your friend Kim is next."

He says that and hangs up the phone. I need to go home. I need to check on Lisa. I dial her number. It's ringing. No answer

"Miss Brown? I'm officer Ronald. We have met before."

I look up and see the older policeman who came to my house to tell me that Matt killed himself.

"Are you okay miss? You said you have new evidence for this case."

Oh no! I can't tell them why I'm here. He said I can't say a word.

"Um no. I wanted to know if you have any new evidence regarding Matt's death."

I lie. Hopefully, he believes me. The frown on his face tells me that he either doesn't believe me or he thinks I'm crazy. Probably both.

"Miss that case is closed. I thought you knew that."

He says slowly. Probably to make my crazy mind gets it.

"Yeah, I know. Listen sorry to disturb you. I have to go now. Bye."

I mumble all this while heading toward the door. I practically run to my car. I try calling Lisa again and still no answer. I really hope that she is okay but my gut feeling tells me otherwise.