
In The Town Without Me (I’m Free)

Dabi watched the gears turning in her head, finding it quite amusing, “Well, Touya… what’s wrong?” The question surprised him, forgetting that was her original approach, “People.” It seemed she knew what he meant, “They call you a filthy rat, too?” “Something along those lines, yeah.” Monster. Hideous. Unsightly. Disgusting. Deformed. Repulsive. Horrid. A Freak- just to name a few. Her expression turned contemplative, “Don’t you wish they’d go away sometimes?” She asked, sitting down crisscrossed in front of him. “I wish I lived in a world where I’d never existed.” He replied flippantly. She nodded, “I can grant your wish if you’d like.” Dabi only scoffed, “Sure, kid. Go ahead.” OR Dabi sulks in an alleyway about how Hawks never loved him, being separated from his reality by a little girl while doing so. Could he be who he wants to be, now? [BEST READ ON APP. FORMATS FUNNY ON THE WEBSITE]

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Cómic
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17 Chs

You Aren’t SURE?!

Keishin sat at the edge of a skyscraper enjoying the soft breeze as it massaged his feathers, watching the sun setting in the west; painting a mirage of golden stars dancing along the northern lights. Gold on the horizon fading to soft mint green to ocean blue to denim, sprinkled in white stars.

Oh, how he wished he could view this sunset with Dabi as he so often did. It didn't do anything for him to watch it by himself. He felt like a piece of him was missing- a piece barely frayed at the edges suddenly ripped right out of him far too soon. Like picking at a scab that hadn't fully healed underneath, drawing blood.

He hadn't found any leads on Dabi's whereabouts yet, but it'd barely been four days since his own arrival and he knew he'd need to be patient. With a sorrowful sigh, he didn't notice as Spinner sat next to him, his lizard tail draped by his side at the edge as he joined him.

"Hey," The blonde acknowledged the lizard, albeit sounding quite crestfallen.

"Hey," Spinner replied, turning his gaze from the sunset to the man huddled next to him, "Can I ask you something- I mean, if you're done with your Menty B-...?"

Kei turned to look at him slightly, the scarcest hint of confusion on his face, "Ah- yeah, sure, what's up?"

"Why did you join the League-? I won't tell anybody, I'd just like to know. 'Cause, we're all like family here, y'know? Each of us is tossed aside by our society in one way or another, and not given a second chance. So, what's your story?" The lizard man shifted back to the sunset, his chin resting upon the forearm he had folded over the foot he hadn't dangled.

The blonde hummed, his wings sagging lazily behind him, completely lax; "There's a lot of reasons, honestly, which one are you most interested in hearing?"

"I have time." He replied.

With a heavy sigh, Keishin chose to reveal all of it. Unload all of his baggage. It wouldn't affect him anymore because here he wasn't the commission's pet; he was just Tadami Keishin, the guy no one knows. The League was a welcoming place, he knew that much. He'd be safe.

"My father was a murderer, my mother his accomplice, and I; the accidental burden. I wasn't allowed to leave the house as a kid because my father was so paranoid that his three-year-old son would rat him out. I grew up in a hoarder's home; beer bottles and plastic bags were the main decors. My parent's ignored me unless they needed something from me, never showing me any love or affection, and beating me when I spoke out of turn."

"At the age of four, I went outside one time and managed to catch someone's eye, I was bought from my mother and haven't seen her since. I was put in some kind of intensive training program- it sucked. Though I can confidently say I am immune to torture and know how to utilize my quirk to its utmost ability. I escaped, though." He fibbed a few parts. It wasn't information they needed to know.

Spinner looked at him in meager bewilderment, "...Dude, are you okay?"

Kei laughed at that, "Yes, I'm okay. That isn't even why I'm here, though maybe it's one of the driving factors."

The lizard nodded, though still side-eying him like he'd fall to a million pieces at any moment.

"In all honesty, I joined the League to look for somebody." He admitted softly.

"Oh? What's their name? I mean- if you want to tell me, that is-" Spinner gushed the last bit, worried he'd overstayed his welcome.

"It's okay, I'll tell you. I don't know his legal name, but he went by the name Dabi."

Spinner nodded his head in thought, "Instead of telling me, how about we ask Shiggy and the others? The more the merrier, after all-, if you're okay sharing?"

"Yeah, you're right, let's tell them."


"So, you're telling me, that we're looking for a man covered in large, purple burns, stapled together with healthy skin, whose a hundred and seventy-six centimeters tall exactly, twenty-four years old, a powerful blue flame quirk, blue eyes, black hair, and his initials are To.To?" Shigaraki repeated back to him, his eyes squinted in sheer disbelief and irritation.

He nodded, "Yes."

Shigaraki sighed, lowering his head as he shook it, facing downward to the table he was leaning into with both hands, "Have you thought to check the Todoroki family? The initial, eye color, height, and flame quirk line up."

The blonde squinted, "No, but they're a hero family- Dabs is a serial arsonist."

"Of course he is," Shigaraki whispered under his breath, anxiously scratching his neck, "Well, that makes this so much easier, because tracking down serial arsonists is something I do all the time."

Kei stood rigidly, pressing his pointer fingers together in nervous repetition.

With a sigh, the leader of the LoV resumed his questioning, "Are you sure this is all the information you have? What do you even need this guy for, anyway?"

"...That's all the information I have. Actually- I'm not sure he even looks the same, honestly. And… about my reasons for looking for him, he's- we used to be involved, per se- I haven't seen him since we broke up and he's been avoiding me like the plague-"

Shigaraki's eye twitched, "Okay- when was the last time you even saw this guy? We could be tracking a dead body, for all we know."

"We broke up a week ago…" Keishin trailed off, avoiding Shigaraki's harsh gaze.

"Let me get this straight- your ex-boyfriend has avoided you for a mere week and you're so bent out of shape from it that you decided within that time period to become a highly wanted criminal in hopes of winning him back, DESPITE the fact that he didn't trust you enough to even give you his surname let alone his first name. Not to mention you aren't even sure if he looks the same."

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds a little unhinged." The blonde mumbled while fidgeting with his hands.

"That's because it is! It is unhinged! What's wrong with you?!" Shigaraki asked, disintegrating a nearby glass.

Before he could reply, Toga piped up, "I think we should help! This sounds interesting! I'd like to meet this Dabi guy!"

"Yeah, he sounds fun!" Twice smiled before banging his hand on the table, "I bet this guy is awful! I hope he burns in hell!"

"I agree; Tadami-San has proven to be a great ally and friend in the few days we've known him, as his ally we should pay it forward." Mr. Compress said and Spinner nodded in agreement.

It touched his heart that these people who didn't know him well were willing to go this far for him. He'd never intended of letting them know but when Spinner offered it, he'd been so focused on getting his lover back he'd forgotten all about his previous silence.

Shigaraki groaned, "Ugh! You guys suck! Making me take on a side quest like this right as we've reached the boss fight!"

Toga smiled widely at him, her canines sharp against her lower lip, "You know you love us, Shiggy!"

"You're making me question my life's choices!" He snapped back, angrily scratching his neck to which Toga giggled.

Kei smiled as they bickered; he'd never regret joining this family- ulterior motives or not, they loved each other unconditionally no matter what and he couldn't ask for more.