
In The Multiverse With Essence of Ideal Growth

I never really liked Hiei in the anime: Yu Yu Hakusho. my sentiment is proven even more so, when I realize my perfectly normal second life was interrupted by being turned into a thrall for Hiei's stupid spirit sword that showed up in the beginning of the anime! I thought this was a normal world! Why was I reincarnated into Yu Yu Hakusho just to die like a bitch in the very beginning of the story! [Would You like to try again?] Is the last thing I hear as my vision goes dark and I die, my body being puppeted by a demon! "YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE I WANT TO TRY AGAIN!"

InterPlanarGod · Cómic
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31 Chs

Cultivation. A small history lesson. group mission.

I haven't really gotten the chance to try to cultivate since I got the 2nd essence. I decide to try it out. shrugging, I examine my spirit and am surprised to see 4 pillars of chi rising from the ground of my spirit sea. They all seem to rise 13 feet into the air, I then notice a small 5th pillar starting to take shape. I shrug at the weird view and start cultivating. the 5th pillar forms in about a few seconds and I am astonished when all of my attributes seem to multiply by three.

Grinning, I am knocked out of my trance by a knock at my door.

"It's dinner time. Quit meditating like a monk and go downstairs newbie!" Mine shouts her usual abrasive shout.

I guess i was meditating for 5 hours even though it felt like 5 seconds.

I shrug and shout. "Lemme get a shirt on and I'll be right there.

Putting my shirt back on I exit the room and start moving downstairs.

I am then face to face with a very hungry looking Akane, as she is still snacking on some blueberries or their Belzergian/Imperial counterparts are I don't even know what this kingdom or empire is called now. It's so confusing due to this being a crossover world.

"You have a very confused looking expression." Akame states, looking like a stoic person of stoicism.

I shrug, "So, when I was reincarnated here That goddess, you know, aqua, only explained about the demon king and the kingdom of belzerg, she never said anything about a corrupt as hell empire or how it has taken over this kingdom."

Akame frowns, "Are the gods incompetent or just out of date?" She gives a tiny shrug, and Leone starts speaking in a grave tone.

"3 years ago the Empire took over the kingdom of Belzerg in a surgical strike that killed the entire monarchy. Honest, the prime minister, installed his brother to the throne in order to maintain a strangle hold on the people of belzerg."

Darkness then spoke up. "My family, who were a duke's family. immediately decided to bend the knee to Prime minister Honest's brother, Worths." she gripped her arms with her gauntlets tightly. "When I spoke up about it, my sister drugged me. Made sure I could feel everything, and then plucked out my eyes with a spoon." She shuddered in revulsion, "she was a monster." She took a deep breath. "I was only thirteen at the time." She looked straight into my eyes with her leather mask.

"I screamed for hours no one came to rescue me. I then bought blind sight with my adventurer card, made my way to the vault, and stole this teigu." she tapped on the leather mask over her eyes.

"It allows me to have a three dimensional map in my mind along with 360 degree perfect vision all around me in every direction for miles. as well as internal sight if I wish it." She lets out a deep breath.

"I don't think losing my eyes was worth it, but the family i found along the way was." she smiled and went back to her meal.

There was silence for a while, but then Leone said, "Okay, that went from history lesson, to way off topic and went straight to life history real fast Darky, weren't we telling him about Belzerg's fate?"

Darkness just shrugged and kept eating.

"okay, I'll continue then. The kingdom of Belzerg just got worse and worse before it just seceded into the empire and became history. Although the nobles of Belzerg are now nobles of the empire."

I nod, then I start eating again. I notice sheele and chris being silent.

Sheele is reading a book titled, 'How to stop being an airhead for dummies' while dripping fruit juice on the pages, and Chris just seems to be in a bad mood.

Najenda then walks in and says, "Tomorrow we infiltrate the city and kill Worths and his entire entourage. The list of targets and non-targets can be found in your rooms, study it and then we'll handle it tomorrow. Mine, Lubbock, Bulat, and chris, you are staying here with me to guard the base. Everyone else is going."


Arriving at the city, we Jump over the wall stealthily, and enter an alley wearing cloaks.

The night before, I had imparted Yunyun the ability to cultivate She quickly made it to the first level of chi condensation and made it to the 3rd in the same night. She easily reaches half way up, and uses fly to get the other half way up.

we quickly make it to the palace just as it reaches 9 PM, and we see Worths at his balcony, looking incredibly smug for someone who's about to die.

We enter quietly and stealthily my enhanced stealth skill upgraded to the max like everyone else.

We arrive behind him and I break his neck with my bare hands, and push him over the ledge afterwards.

An alarm starts to blare, and we begin to execute everyone who's on the list.

"I SEE YOU!" shouts a voice as I block a fist with the blade of my scythe. I then pump fire and Lightning elements into the scythe, mimicking a teigu.

"I see you have an unkown teigu. My name is-,"

I interrupt him. "You're on the list." mimicking Akame's usual target and not a target declaration with my own spin on it

I move forward in a flash with flash step, using my perception at the limit, I cut his head off mid-movement.

I appear on the other side of him and his stunned face is still twirling in the air, his eyes go dim a second later, and I keep moving.

A path of slaughter continues as bells and klaxons ring across the city. A screaming maid passes me by and I ignore her. "You're not on the list. Leave." she screams, and then bolts in another direction.

I scoff and continue towards the archive where another target is.

That's right, Darkness has a teigu byakugan.

Since worths isnt in an estate situated in a forest in this version, it went a bit differently.

Remember the power stones. and the reviews.

InterPlanarGodcreators' thoughts