
25. Got Nothing To Lose(2)

"I'll get it love," Rick said quickly.

"Thank you," Kate replied before she took the toddler to the living room so they could wait there for him and spend the rest of the afternoon left before school was over for Josephine's sisters.

"How did we not have more than four kids?" Castle asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Beckett replied with a smile as she looked up at him.

Castle shrugged and then said, "That night is coming to mind but…"

"I know," Beckett said, smiling again. She leaned up and allowed herself to kiss his jaw a few times before she lay normally. "Better we get some sleep."

"I love you Kate," Castle said.

"I love you too Rick," Beckett said swiftly. She shared a kiss with him and murmured, "Tomorrow we'll be on our way home."

"I was thinking of that too," Castle said as he knew his wife wanted the distraction. "We are going back after GMA, right?"

"Yes," Beckett said with a smile. "I don't think I could wait anymore. Plus, the McDouglases don't have a hotel for that night in the city."

"Good," Castle said.

Beckett couldn't help laughing and said, "Goodnight love."

"Night," Castle said. "I promise I'll sleep."

"I will too," Beckett said, fighting her smile as her husband was studying her. They shared a kiss and she murmured she loved him again before she settled against his side once he turned off the light on the nightstand to her husband telling her he loved her. She did her best to not dwell on their night in their past life but found herself dreaming of it as they got some rest in preparation for their very eventful next few days.

Laughing in pure delight as she fell back on the bed with her husband on top of her, Kate said, "You're too rough, you big six," though she spoke teasingly.

"Then I should sleep on the couch?" Rick asked her. When his wife pulled him back to her as he was starting to pull away, he allowed her to and they were kissing passionately. "Kate," he said when they had finally parted.

"Here," she said, getting up so he would get out of her way. Kate began unbuttoning her blouse before her husband stopped her and she watched him, running her fingers through his hair.

Rick didn't speak until he had gotten every last stitch of clothing off Kate and he told her, "You should rest."

Kate didn't say anything, as her husband would tell her that every so often when he undressed her first, and merely lay back to watch him. She bit at her lower lip as he undressed and once he was naked she reached for him. Making sure he grabbed protection for them first she then took his hand when he was close enough. She pulled him onto her again and they were immediately kissing, touching each other intimately until they had to breathe. "Oh my love," she moaned when he started suck at her neck.

Pulling away from his wife, Rick studied her for a moment and then moved to slide down her body. He suckled at her breasts then, staying there for some time until Kate was begging him to stop. He knew that request for what it was, and he slid down again before he pleasured her eagerly with his mouth.

Her orgasm striking her soon after, Kate was lost in the pleasure her husband was causing her and she wanted to do the same to him when she heard something familiar. "Oh… Rick…" she breathed, opening her eyes and seeing he had his condom in hand.

"Help me," he begged her. He was pleased when she did and as soon as he could, Rick sank into her body to their exclamations of joy at the sensation. "I love you Kate," he breathed as he was still, letting them feel each other.

"Oh Rick… I-I love you… so much," Kate said.

With the tone of her voice being thick with desire, Rick found he couldn't delay anymore and he proceeded to thrust. He was immensely pleased when she started to move with him as much as she could and they kissed passionately while his right hand was touching her anywhere he could reach.

Kate found herself nearly screaming as things were getting intense some time later and she wanted to feel all of her husband. She just realized what she was thinking before she was struck by a second orgasm. She didn't try to stop it, letting it take over until she realized he had joined her by the way he said her name a few times. Not sure then how long they were so closely involved with one another, she only was aware everything had stopped when she was still, and Rick was breathing heavily. She was about to ask him if he was alright when he was suddenly raising his head.

"My Sheba…" Rick began, kissing around her face, focusing on her lips. "Goddess… Kate…" he groaned. He was trying to continue to do that on her neck when she stopped him. "What is it?" he asked in surprise, thinking she would want him to linger.

"I didn't have my turn," Kate said, pouting a little at him which she knew would drive him wild.

"Then I must let you," Rick said seriously though his desire was raging. He carefully pulled away from her and once he was bare to her he looked on while she was pleasuring him. He thought it was brief before he was climaxing, but Kate assured him she'd been working for some time. "I have to say you're incredible," he told her seriously as they were sitting up and staring at one another. "And I adore you."

"Hmm, I adore you Rick," Kate said before they leaned into one another and kissed hungrily. When they managed to stop she let him lay her down, his hands running all around the front of her body to feel her until he moved. She urged him to hurry until he had protection on once more and with that she grabbed him to get him back onto her. Their bodies coupled once more joyfully, and she and her husband wasted little time in indulging their need for each other for the first of many times the rest of their night together.