
26. Feel The Rhythm(1)

Peering over the railing of the Sky Box, Julia bit at her lower lip in her excitement and she murmured to Mari, "Today went too fast."

"I know, we were having too much fun," the girl said.

Julia wanted to say more but the episode was starting and she looked over at the dance floor as it was on the screen. She felt Mari squeezing her hand and did the same to her before they were turning their attention quickly to Tom and Erin.

"Before we start with tonight's Fusion dances," the former was saying. "We have one last performance from The Rambling O'Dells, singing the Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song The Waiting."

As the song was beginning with instrumental, Beckett could just see Eddie off the stage and she smiled. Though Skye and Mary hadn't told them about the performance the night before the pair had filled them in that morning. She knew the pros of the three remaining stars would be dancing and the other two stars would join them. She wondered why the investigator had been vague about the end of the song but had a feeling it was something that had been decided on last minute. But Skye was singing, and she reached for her husband's hand, holding it since they were standing along with the rest of the audience.

Oh, baby don't it feel like heaven right nowDon't it feel like somethin' from a dreamYeah, I've never known nothing quite like thisDon't it feel like tonight might never be againBaby, we know better than to try and pretendBaby no one could have ever told me 'bout thisYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

The waiting is the hardest partEveryday you see one more cardYou take it on faith, you take it to the heartThe waiting is the hardest part

Watching the pros dancing together, Emma and Whitney with Derek, Julia smiled at her friends as the band was starting the next verse.

Well yeah, I might have chased a couple women aroundAll it ever got me was downYeah, then there were those that made me feel goodBut never as good as I feel right nowBaby you're the only one that's ever known howTo make me want to live like I want to live nowYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

The waiting is the hardest partEvery day you see one more cardYou take it on faith, you take it to the heartThe waiting is the hardest part

Watching her friend singing the second verse and chorus again, Beckett wasn't surprised to see her gaze going to her wife next to her. She felt her husband squeezing her hand and glanced at him, seeing he was slightly smiling at her. She wrapped her arm around his left and murmured, "I know," right as Skye was singing again, as she knew he was thinking about the fact that the second verse applied to him very specifically.

Castle wanted to speak back to her but the singing cut him off and he was hoping for an instrumental so he could finally do that.

Oh, don't let it kill you baby, don't let it get to youDon't let 'em kill you baby, don't let 'em get to youI'll be your breathin' heart, I'll be your cryin' foolDon't let this go too far, don't let it get to you

Relieved there was an instrumental there, Castle whispered into his wife's ear, "I'm s-" cut off when she squeezed his hand hard.

Beckett didn't look at him, still looking at the stage, and she said, "Who are you with now?" in Irish.

Suddenly annoyed by the show, Castle wanted to get his wife into his arms and kiss her as passionately as he could. But since he couldn't he merely entwined their fingers before they were looking back to the band since they were singing again.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahThe waiting is the hardest partEvery day you see one more cardYou take it on faith, you take it to the heartThe waiting is the hardest part

Yeah, the waiting is the hardest partOohIs the hardest partOohIs the hardest part

Julia was laughing as Derek rushed up to Skye as soon as the song was nearly over and placed his arm around her shoulder.

Laughing the investigator said, "Hold on," as she took off her guitar. Skye handed it to her wife, thanking her, before she hurried down the steps with her partner in between Jonathon and Whitney and Eddie and Emma. She wasn't surprised when Tom was coming up to them and was smiling before he reached her.

"An appropriate song for tonight," the co-host was saying. "Why don't you announce our first dance tonight?"

"Alright," Skye said before she looked at the prompter. "First up tonight is actor Eddie Izzard and his partner Emma Slater, will their Cha-Cha-Cha Jive Fusion dance earn them the mirrorball trophy?"

"Okay… we're soon," Mari said slightly uncomfortably as they were watching the footage.

"Hey, hey," Skye said, hurrying up to them. "Don't be so worried, you'll be fantastic."

"Yeah… but it's weird where we are," Clive said.

"Don't worry, you'll be after Catalina and Val's Paso and then the Jive that Raul and Sharna will dance," Skye told them.

Nodding Mari looked back over the railing, breathing out a little harder than she wanted to before her friend was holding her hand again.

"We'll be okay," Julia said firmly. "And have fun and then be pirates." She smiled when her friend started to laugh and she gave her a gentle squeeze before they were watching as Eddie and Emma began their dance below.

"Are you comfortable sweetie?" Beckett was saying to Eliza.

"Yep!" the little girl replied. She giggled and then said, "Like my dress?"

"I do, I'm just wondering how all of this is going to work," Beckett commented watching her. Her daughters were both wearing dark grey Victorian era dresses, complete with stockings. "And why these?"

"You'll see Mom," Julia told her with a smile. "Come on Lizzy," she said, holding her hand out to her. "See you afterwards!"

"Bye," Beckett said in amusement as the two left after Julia had opened the door. She left in a hurry, to get back to her seat with her husband for the kids' Freestyle.

"Everything okay?" Castle asked her; the show on commercial.

"Yeah, I'm still wondering but they didn't say word," Beckett said. "Even Eliza didn't say anything."

"Her sister taught her well," Castle commented while they were looking up at the Sky Box they knew their daughters were in.

"Good, that's perfect and I think you will all be amazing staying together," Derek assured the kids in front of them. "Now let's head down before they film us running down the stairs."

Julia was laughing with her friends as they went down the staircase and she waved at her family with her sister before she went up to Paul. "Hi," she said with a smile at the singer though she was directing that to Ringo as well since he was walking up to them.

"Are you ready lass?" Paul asked her with a smile.

"Yeah, do you like the costumes?" Julia asked both singers.

"It's a bit… fussy," Ringo said as he was wearing a Victorian suit.

"Just for this dance," Eliza said, taking her sister's hand.

"Oh, get ready," Julia said when she heard one of the crew members calling they were a minute from returning on air. She and her sister sat on the floor, looking at the antique couch in front of them where Paul and Ringo were sitting together.

"Welcome back," Tom said once the show was on again. "We have a special Freestyle tonight. Put on by the Hamptons troupe and overseen by the kids, this is also a live performance by Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr with assistance from The Rambling O'Dells."

There was some rehearsal footage at that point, but it was brief, just showing the kids the night before practicing all together and Derek joking about how many there were of them before the music played and the logo appeared.

"Alright children," Mary said as she and Skye; dressed in clothing from the same era as the kids and singers; walked over with their two youngest daughters. "Everyone's here and ready, please show us what you found on your travels," she said to the singer.

"This is a mandolin," Paul said, showing them the one he had in his hands. "Skye," he told her, handing it over. "I bought myself two."

Taking it, the investigator ran her fingers over the strings and then smiled before saying, "That's quite a sound."

"Here, try this," Paul said before he played the opening to the song. Ringo next to him was picking up a drum, playing the beat with one hand as they were standing up.

Skye walked alongside Paul, going around with the children following them as they were allowing some crew members to get the couch off the floor. By the time it was she called to the kids, "Dance!" in time for Paul to start singing the first verse.

The kids were dancing in pairs as they had been for the Lady Madonna Jazz dance, taking turns jumping up and down in turn for the first lyric. For the second they were leap frogging one time over each before one part of the pair was spinning for the other.

Everybody gonna dance tonightEverybody gonna feel alrightEverybody gonna dance around tonight

With the second verse the taller kid was helping the shorter into a leap in the air and helping them down. On the second lyric they were holding hands and skipping so they formed a circle around the singers and with the last lyric they started to run.

Everybody gonna dance aroundEverybody gonna hit the groundEverybody gonna dance around tonight

On the very short next verse, the taller kids of each pair were spinning the others before they were switching partners suddenly with who was on their right.

Well you can come on to my place if you want toYou can do anything you want to do

Repeating their same moves for the verse that was next since it was the same as the first, they then went back to their original partners at the end.

Everybody gonna dance tonightEverybody gonna feel alrightEverybody gonna dance around tonight

During the short instrumental, the kids parted from their partners and danced different steps for a while until they went back together for the short verse that was sung again.

At the first lyric the kids were standing side by side with their partners and moving in a way that had been done in the music video for the song. On the second the shorter of the pair was doing the splits while their partner was helping them.

Well you can come on to my place if you want toYou can do anything you want to do

On the next verse the kids were dancing with the beat together before they were going over to the singers, moving into a circle around them. That took them through the second lyric and on the third before the pairs broke apart to make a fuller circle. There they were jumping up and down and spinning at the same time, to the rhythm of the song again.

Castle wanted to ask his wife if they were going to take any kind of break; since he felt they'd been dancing for too long; when she was squeezing his hand to stop him as he watched her move to whisper into his ear.

"She said Eliza wouldn't be the entire song," Beckett managed to say.

Everybody gonna stamp their feetEverybody's gonna feel the beatEverybody gonna dance around tonight

At the instrumental, Castle and Beckett had the explanation about why just Eliza wouldn't be dancing the whole song. At that point the kids, except for the four dancers, sat in front them as they were dancing together. The three singers walked towards the stage just before the next verse and the kids ran together after them.

At the first lyric the kids were jumping around towards the three singers before they paired off again. The second lyric had the taller kid lifting the other and turning around before the shorter child of each pair was being spun.

Everybody's gonna dance tonightEverybody gonna feel alrightEverybody gonna dance around tonight

With the first lyric of the next verse, the pairs were taking turns jumping to the lyric, doing that until the second lyric. On that one the other kids made circles around Julia and Peter, and another around Mari and Clive. The boys were picking up the girls, spinning them around rapidly before they were setting them back down. On the last lyric the two pairs stood in between the kids that were around them and they were skipping together the rest of the distance between them and the singers.

Everybody gonna jump and shoutEverybody's gonna sing it outEverybody gonna dance around tonight

When the next verse started, immediately after the previous one, the pairs came back together and were leap frogging over each other one time. When they were standing up again the kids were moving forward together, extending their right arms while they were pointing their left legs at the last lyric of the verse.

Well you can come on to my place if you want toYou can do anything you want to do

On the very last verse the kids spread apart in their pairs and they were helping each other as they were spinning while doing that. When Paul and Skye sang the second lyric, they walked forward with Ringo as the kids were gathering around them in a circle. Finishing the verse, the kids were jumping up and down in turns again, those not jumping moving as was done in the music video. They continued doing that until Paul was playing a final flourish on his mandolin, bringing the song to its conclusion before the audience started to applaud; their families doing so immediately.

Everybody gonna dance tonightEverybody gonna feel alrightEverybody gonna dance around tonightEverybody gonna dance around tonightEverybody's gonna feel alright tonight

Julia and the other kids ran towards each other, going into a big group hug before she realized she was crying. She tried to stop but; knowing it was their last dance on the show; she couldn't do so before Tom was calling to them.

"Are you kids okay?" the co-host asked in some concern when he saw the tears on the two oldest girls.

"Yeah," Julia said first, just remembering not to wipe away her tears.

"It was the last dance," Mari explained while they walked over to the judge's table.

"Alright… everyone's here," Tom said, glancing around. "And I mean everyone. Just some quick comments from you three."

"I think we're all in agreement," Len said as his fellow judges nodded to him. "It was a very fun song."

"And well-choreographed considering you younger children still aren't in dance classes," Bruno said. "Well, except for you… Eliza?"

"Yeah," the little girl said shyly and with a giggle, hiding behind her sister a bit.

"It was fun too," Carrie-Ann told them. "You had fun right?" She laughed when they all chorused a loud, "Yes!" and then said, "Whose idea was the Victorian setting?" Seeing Julia raising her hand she asked, "What made you think of it?"

"Well," the girl said, hoping her makeup was covering her cheeks enough as she knew she was blushing. "It's more like The Addams Family. But not creepy."

"That was an interesting theme," Carrie-Ann said. "Great job, all of you and for keeping in unison."

Julia breathed out a little when Tom was then talking about Oliver and Peta performing next and they stayed until it went to a clip the pair had. She ran down the side of the dance floor the table was on and hugged her mother tightly saying, "That was so fun."

"I know, but you realize it's just the start," Beckett told her firmly.

"Yeah," Julia said, smiling as she pulled away.

"Come on," Beckett told her. "Let's get you changed."

Nodding, Julia went to hug the rest of her family; as her sister was doing; and she embraced her father last before she and Eliza took their mother's hand and went backstage to change for what would be the very last dance of the season.

"Are you nervous?" Mary asked her wife.

Giving her a mock glare Skye said, "I'm trying not to look."

Laughing Mary said, "Come here," pulling her wife to her. They were in the investigator's dressing room before her Fusion dance and she knew her wife was a bit anxious about it. Once she was close she cupped her face with her hands and kissed her, letting her tongue tease against her wife's.

When she felt Mary's hand grasping her breast firmly, Skye jumped and ended the kiss saying, "Really grá?"

"Mmm-hmm," the doctor replied easily, smiling at her wife's obvious arousal. She brushed her lips against hers briefly and said, "You'll remember your steps."

Sighing, Skye went to grab her hat and said, "You'd best hope." She couldn't help smiling at the way Mary laughed and they left the room with their pirate hats in their hands. Luckily everyone that had been on the show and the two other couples still competing against her had agreed to be part of the 'crews' they were having. However, hers and Mary's daughters and Eliza were joining them as well as the show had told her and Derek people were asking on social media for the rest of the kids to join in again and they were going to be part of the crews. Since just she and her partner were dancing it hadn't taken long to get the costumes which meant everything was ready.

"Wow, that's a cool costume!" Clive said as the two women walked out onto the dance floor.

"Thanks, you guys look great too," Skye said with a smile as the kids were all in various forms of pirate ensemble that was meant to look more realistic than costume-y. She herself was wearing a shirt that had billowing sleeves but tight cuffs, the middle unbuttoned down to just above her breasts. She was wearing black trousers but they were loose and ragged at the ends with a bright blue scarf tied around her waist so the ends would swing while she danced. Over that; and only for the beginning of the dance; she was wearing an elaborate coat that was a blue hue. Seeing Derek she smiled, his outfit basically the same as hers though his scarf was only at his waist and was red while his coat was the same color. "We're ready," she stated instead of asking.

"Yeah, everyone's gathering so… let's go," Derek said.

Walking over to the 'ships' that were set up on opposite ends of the dance floor, Skye and Mary went to the one by the stage. "All set?" she asked the kids on their boat.

"Yeah," Julia said first with a smile. "You?"

"I am," Skye said. "Who am I giving this coat to?"

"Me grá," Mary told her.

"Okay," Skye replied.

Studying the investigator, Julia quickly discerned that she wasn't nervous, just recalling her steps for the dance. Looking down at herself then, she couldn't help smiling as she recalled earlier that day when they'd gone to Disneyland for the rehearsal footage before the Fusion dance though the visit had only lasted a few hours.

"How come we're here?" Julia asked Derek as they were walking after the cast member that was leading them.

"You're part of our crews," the pro said with a smile. "And you're small still."

"So we won't damage anything?" Peter asked.

"Exactly. Now Skye and I need to be careful," Derek commented.

"Oh, that's rich," the investigator herself said with a laugh. "But I can see why someone would go after their phone."

"Here we are," the man said, opening a door. "You guys can go anywhere here but don't walk past this scene okay?"

"You mean near the Jack Sparrow figure?" Skye said to make sure. When the cast member nodded she looked at the Mari and Clive who'd be on that side with Derek.

"We'll stay with him," the boy said first.

"Okay, let's go," the pro said before they were led across the water.

"Let me hear your pirate voices," Skye said to the kids once they were in place at the loot auction on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It was just before eight in the morning and they were getting ready with the camera crew from DWTS to film a little scene for their rehearsal footage. They were wearing their costumes for the Fusion dance that night and would stay there for about fifteen minutes to get enough footage and then allowed to go on the ride. They would stay until eleven and have lunch together, still in their costumes.

"Arrr!" Peter said.

"Oh, too high," Derek said as they all started to laugh. "Arr," he then said.

"Belay the arrs," Skye said then. "If you want to be a pirate you mangy scoundrel, you have to speak English."

"King's English?" Mari quipped though she couldn't help blushing. She then groaned with the others and said, "Where's the rum."

"Wait," Derek said, laughing and dropping his accent. "It's better if you kids don't mention rum since…"

"We're kids?" Clive suggested.

The group was laughing before the cast member that had brought them let them know the first bateaux was on its way. The kids grew serious before they were looking at Skye or Derek to see what they would say as a final instruction to them.

"We know what to do," the former said first, smiling at them. "So just be ready."

Since they had no props, Julia sat next to the red headed pirate while Peter went down a little further from her. Skye was on the steps to their left and readying her prop sword she'd been given for the ride.

Julia, turning back to the water, could hear the first bateaux coming towards them and she stood back up quickly, reaching for the 'crate' the crew member had told her she could set on the floor next to the red headed pirate since it had the word rum painted on it. She took a deep breath, setting it on top of a stack of crates that had been created for their time there before she allowed herself to look at the boat that was going by. She wasn't really surprised to find it was their families but was when she realized that Eliza wasn't crying out her name; or Dani for that matter. She focused her attention on the pirate animatronic next to her as Derek on the other side was responding to what she was saying.

"We'll gets our rum," the pro said. "Won't we?"

"Aye!" "Aye!" both Mari and Clive said as they were sitting on the steps. They were holding daggers and the former was holding hers up before she lowered it.

Julia tried not to smile as the bateaux left them and she turned her attention to Skye as she was calling out to them and she needed to focus her attention on the scene.

"Oh, wasn't that amazing," Martha was saying to her son and daughter in law as they could hear Julia back at the scene calling "Gold and silver for rum! No cheatin' the captain or you walk the plank!". "Our little girl's become an actress."

"A pirate… but she's gotten good," Castle commented.

"She has," Beckett said in agreement as she was smiling. She looked at Eliza next to her and told her, "Sit straight sweetie, you won't be able to see her."

"She's so lucky," the little girl breathed. "Looking at the pirates up close and everything."

"Yeah," Dani said behind them.

They all started to laugh before they were getting to the town burning scene and eventually made it to the loading platform. After they had gotten off they walked together around New Orleans Square, waiting for the kids, Derek and Skye to rejoin them.

"Hey!" Julia said, coming up to her parents looking at the window of a store.

"Hi sweetie, how was it?" Beckett asked, wrapping her arms around her.

"Good," Julia said simply. She then started to laugh, and she said, "I think people were really surprised and weren't sure about us."

"Cool… did they take pictures of you though?" Castle asked.

"Dad," Julia said, rolling her eyes though she was smiling. "That's why we had on bandanas and had our faces dirty."

"Okay," Castle said with a sigh before he hugged her to him when she walked over to him.

"So can we go on rides now?" Julia and Eliza asked as soon as the former had let go of their father.

"Yes, but when we say it's time for lunch we need to go," Beckett told them.

"We know, any rides will be good," Julia said. She smiled when her mother playfully pinched her shoulder and she took her hand as they walked over to Thunder Mountain for their first ride.

"Well," Castle said as he watched Josie to make sure she was okay drinking from her bottle that he was giving her. "Considering this was a short trip; a very short trip; we got to go on all the good rides."

"Yeah, that was fun," Eliza said with a smile. "And we could go on them with you 'lexis."

"I'm glad I came," Alexis said. "Though I wish you could have gone through the park for longer," she said to her boyfriend. "And the other park."

"Well, we got to see a good part of it," Louis told her reassuringly. "We could always come back some day."

Julia wanted to ask her parents when they would do that, but she hesitated seeing the way her sister and her boyfriend were looking at one another. She guessed that they were talking about them going by themselves and she smiled a bit before finishing her food. "We really need to go?" she asked.

"We can stop one last time at the gift shop on Main Street," Beckett said. "But don't get anything too big since it needs to go in your carryon."

"Okay," Eliza said eagerly.

"Just one thing," Beckett said, shaking her head and smiling.

"That's okay," Julia said. "I didn't think you would let us go."

"She's done love," Castle told his wife as he gently pulled the bottle from the baby. He tried to set it down on the table hurriedly as Josie was whimpering but before he could get her Jim was taking her out of her highchair.

"I've got her," Beckett's father told his son in law. He allowed Castle to put a towel over his shoulder and said, "I'll carry her so we can go."

"Sorry Lizzy," Julia told her sister with a smile. "But I have to practice…"

"Ooh," Eliza said in mock annoyance before she was smiling at her big sister. She got up; as the rest of her family was doing; and went over to Julia saying, "I can't wait."

"Me too," the girl said with a smile. Julia took her sister's hand and they walked with their family and friends, eager to go to the store and get to the show that night when they would get to dance together again.

"I'm ready," Julia said looking up at Skye as she realized the woman was looking at her.

"Good, we're… about to start," the investigator started to say before she paused when a crew member started to countdown.

"Break a leg," Julia and Peter said together before Marie, Ivy and Eliza said the same almost at the same time.

Laughing, Skye squeezed the shoulders of the kids not related to her before hugging her two daughters for a moment. She only had time for that and turned her attention to the dance floor in front of them where Tom was speaking.

Beckett was only half listening to the co-host as he was introducing the investigator, looking over at Eliza to make sure that she was behaving as they would need to wait. But she was soon looking at the screen as the rehearsal footage was starting and her husband had quickly touched her knee. She wanted to give him a look; since her knees were slightly bared with her blue lace dress on; but he took her hand so she paid attention to what they were showing.

"We're dancing the Tango and Salsa together," Derek was saying to Skye. "And to the song Atlantic Ocean."

"I immediately got something for this one," the investigator said in a voice over as it was showing her partner trying out steps. "Pirates, a bit obvious perhaps but hopefully it'll help Derek."

"I'm having some trouble," the pro then said. "I get her idea for this theme… but it's not helping me with steps."

"I have an idea," Skye said, she and her partner in the studio. "When you're speaking of pirates there's only one place you can go."

Eliza giggled and looked at her sister as the footage suddenly jump cut to the investigator and dancer in front of the ride.

"Disneyland!" Skye said, raising her arms.

The screen then showed the pair and the four kids in the ride at the scene, talking and moving like the robots were.

"I don't know why," Derek said as they were off the ride; filmed before the group had gone to lunch as the producer had asked them to get more. "But this has inspired me."

Julia smiled when it then had the pair practicing their steps still in their costumes before Skye was talking.

"With a little more practice," she said while the footage cut to them standing in front of the sandbar and parrot at the queue for the ride. "And these fantastic costumes we'll take over the seven seas!" Skye finished with, putting her hands on her hips and tilting her head up. When Derek leaned over and whispered into her ear she then pouted her lips and said, "Or win the trophy, either way. We'll have some fun mateys," winking at the camera before the logo went across the screen and the music began.

Beckett was glad to hear the audience laughing as the announcer then said, "Dancing Fusion, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough."

"What say you my band of scallywags," the investigator was saying to her 'crew'. "Shall we find our treasure?"

"Aye!" the kids and adults said together.

"Then-" Skye started before there was the sound of a cannon and water splashing. She turned to look across the dance floor and saw that Derek was waving his sword and she went to the edge of the platform of the ship as he spoke.

"Belay that order captain," the dancer called. "We have the map."

Skye looked back and said to Derek, "Let us parley and see whose map is real."

As soon as the investigator finished speaking, the music began and she and her partner were taking off their coats before climbing down from their 'ships' and they walked towards each other. They met at the middle of the floor and the second verse of the song began as the show had wanted it to start there. On the first lyric they were getting into hold and walking towards the stage before Derek dipped her. As the second lyric was being sung, he then picked her up and spun her while he held her before setting her down. The third lyric had them back in hold and Derek dipped Skye and the rest of the verse; with the same lyric repeated three times before a different final one; they were going around the dance floor in their Tango steps.

British pirate ruled the seasFrom Trinidad to BiminiNow he has eternity to feelFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm, the rhythm

When the next verse started, Skye walked away from Derek, but he hurried after her and then began dancing with her. They were dancing the rest of the verse in Salsa steps and at the end he was lifting her up before she went into the splits and she was dancing away from him.

Ocean liners come and goSending sailors to and froWhale and dolphin down belowListen to the rhythm

The next verse Skye and Derek were alternating between Tango steps and then Salsa steps. At the beginning they were dancing side by side before Skye went into sliding splits and her partner picked her up so they could dance the Salsa. They danced slight variations on that until they were finishing the verse.

Foreign artist stows awayWants to reach the USALives to paint another dayAnd feel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanListen to the rhythm

The next verse started immediately after and on that first lyric Derek spun Skye before getting her into hold and they were using Tango steps for the next two lyrics. On the fourth lyric, with a heavier beat, they had parted and were walking together in time to it. When they got back into hold they were dancing the last lyrics as the Salsa though going back into hold for a Tango step at the very end.

"Think he's enjoying this?" Castle murmured to his wife.

"Shh," Beckett said, trying not to laugh as she wasn't really surprised at the fact that her husband was asking since Paul was on the other side of her. She was watching the pair on the dance floor, after glancing quickly at the girls, before the singer was murmuring something next to her.

"Odd not to perform," Paul said jokingly. He smiled at Beckett when she glanced at him and then turned back so he wouldn't miss the dance.

Off the bus from Penny LaneYoung musicians took a planeGot invited back againUh, uh, uhTo feel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanUh, feel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm, uh-uh

On the last verse of the song, Skye and Derek were again alternating between their Tango and Salsa steps. The first and second lyrics they were dancing forward in a Tango step before Derek spun his partner. Dancing the Salsa face to face, they ended the song, with instrumentals and vocals from Paul, with Derek picking up Skye as she extended her legs into the splits.

The rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythm of the Atlantic OceanFeel the rhythmUh, uh uh-uh-uh

When the music ended Skye was being held by Derek with her right leg up and she had taken a piece of paper from his pocket before that point. "We're going after the treasure mates!" she called to her 'crew' before the audience started to applaud in earnest. "Why did they wait?" she asked Derek laughingly.

"I don't know," he replied, laughing as well. He hugged her and said, "Great job."

"I don't like the look on Len's face," Skye then said.

"We'll see what he says," Derek said. When she nodded he took her hand and let her wave to everyone on the two ships before they were heading to the judge's table.

"Alright, Len let's hear from you first," Tom was saying.

"I have to admit there was something with your last bit of the Tango I wasn't too sure about," the British judge said. He looked around as the audience was booing and then said, "I think it was your feet, but before that I quite enjoyed it. You dance very well for a pirate."

"Thank you," Skye said, nodding her head.

"Carrie-Ann?" Tom said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said to Len. "I thought it was amazing and a lot of fun. You managed to blend the two dances very well and the steps suited you Skye. Great job."

"Bruno, very quickly," Tom added.

"I think you were fantastic; your foot placement was spot on and you are a merry band of pirates!" the judge said exuberantly.

"Okay, let's get your scores," Tom said with a laugh.

Beckett, wrapping her arm around Julia as the girls had come to them, watched as Carrie-Ann was holding up a ten for the first paddle. She smiled as her daughter was jumping up and down before Len was called on to give his score.

"Shh," Castle said, trying not to laugh too hard as both girls were yelling at the nine on the paddle. "Even if she gets another nine she's tied with Eddie," he was quick to remind them. He was relieved though when the last paddle from Bruno was a ten and he hugged Eliza since she was with him. "Go," he told the girls since they needed to change for the flight after the show. He squeezed his wife's hand in passing, watching her go with their middle daughters with a smile before he leaned over to speak with Paul and Ringo over the commercial break.

"After ten weeks of competition the winner is…" Tom began to say with Skye and Derek to his and Erin's right and Eddie and Emma to their left. Jonathon and Whitney had been eliminated at the halfway point of the show and the episode was nearly over, the winner needing to be announced.

Beckett could feel her daughter's hand squeeze at hers and she glanced over at Julia, trying not to smile at the slight anxiety on her face. But she knew how she felt as they were all hoping the investigator could win. She turned her attention back to the dance floor, hoping that the winner would finally be announced as it was taking far too long.

Tom let that go on for a bit longer before he finally said, "Skye and Derek!"

The investigator couldn't help the scream that left her lips as she nearly knelt on the floor and she turned to her partner as she quickly stood. Hugging him as tightly as she could she said, "I didn't think…"

"Luckily you were wrong," Derek told her before they let each other go.

"Skye deserves to win," Eddie was ending his interview with Erin then. He laughed when the investigator rushed over to him and he embraced her back. "Congratulations Skye," he told her honestly.

"Thank you, but I really thought they loved you and Emma," the investigator said.

Eddie merely smiled and he turned to Derek while his partner was sharing a brief hug with the investigator.

"How are you feeling?" Tom said once he was talking to Skye and Derek, standing in front of the small table where the trophy was.

"Exhausted but very happy," the investigator said, swiping away the tears that had been in her eyes and finally spilled over. "And thank you to my wife, our family and friends. The judges for the scores since that was part of the purpose," she added with a laugh. "And of course the voters, we would not be here right now without you all."

"Congratulations and I believe this is yours," Tom said, lifting the mirror ball trophy and handing it over.

Her tears forgotten; Skye raised the trophy with Derek as the audience was reacting. She could see her family and friends, including everyone from NTSB West who were behind her family and the Hamptons kids' families. She waved at them all as Tom and Erin were talking about the next season and they could lower the trophy. She cried out when she suddenly felt someone lifting her up and smiled at Val who was doing so with Keo helping. She waved before Tristan and Artem were doing the same with Derek and she gave him a high five before they were waving to the cameras and singing with the song playing over the credits.

"Oh Mom, I'm so happy," Julia said when the cameras were off.

"Us too," Kathleen said jokingly near them.

Laughing Julia hugged her and said, "Now you're gonna have the trophy in your house."

"I know…" Marie said as she had been listening to them. "Mom-"

"We'll think about that later," Mary said with a smile. "Come on."

As they made their way over to Skye and Derek, Beckett held onto her daughter's hand to keep her from running. But as she got the chance to hug her friend she couldn't help feeling the same excitement she knew the investigator was going through as she let her hold the trophy. It was only briefly, but because Skye allowed Julia to hold it; along with basically everyone in their group; she didn't mind and knew they'd have more time once they made their way back to New York City.

"Come on," Skye was saying to Julia.

"What?" the girl asked in surprise.

"The four of you will come with us," Skye said.

"Don't worry," Eddie told the kids as they were gathering at the door of the bus as it was slowing down. "They love you little imps."

"Thanks Eddie," Julia said, smiling at him. She looked ahead at the door, a little shocked at how it was Wednesday, the twenty-fifth and they were back in the city. "This should be fun," she said to her friends.

"Yeah, and at least we're close to home," Clive commented.

"And at least we're not here for the whole show," Peter said. "So we can go back faster."

Julia laughed before the doors were opening and Jonathon and Emma stepped out first. She was surprised when Skye was urging her and her friends and they stepped out onto a red carpet in pairs. She was a little shocked at the people that were on either side of them but remembered to wave and smile as the investigator had told them quickly before they managed to go through the cheering people inside the building.

Beckett was with Castle and Eliza and the rest of the McDouglases last off the bus, but she was surprised when the people were still cheering before she realized it was for the kids. She smiled and looked at her second youngest, seeing her waving before they were going inside.

"Did they know me Mommy?" Eliza asked as they were being led to where they needed to go for the show.

"I think so," Beckett said before she let her husband pick her up. When they had gone through halls after getting off an elevator they came to the studio of GMA and were pointed to some chairs near the ones set up on the clear space.

"Josa's okay, right Mommy?" Eliza asked.

"She's fine," Castle answered before his wife could. The baby was back at the loft, Jim and Martha taking her as they were exhausted after the late flight and would watch the show as they were watching the baby and dogs.

"Why are we here?" Julia whispered to Skye as they were sitting on chairs too with the four couples.

"It's alright," the investigator told her soothingly before they looked in front of them as the show was being counted back in.

"We have here the final four of Dancing With the Stars," the entertainment anchor, Lara Spencer was saying.

"And we have four special guests," the co-head anchor Robin Roberts added. "The Hamptons troupe!"

Julia could feel her cheeks were flushed as the people in the studio applauding, but she loved the fact their families were doing that too. She watched as the two women were talking to the other three couples, wondering what they would say to Skye and Derek once they got to them.

"Before we get to our winners," Robin said. "We want to speak with the troupe. Would you introduce yourselves and your ages?"

"I'm Marianne Foster," Mari said first, smiling at Julia when she had to start over since she'd nearly whispered at first. "And I'm ten."

"I'm her partner, Clive Lennox," Clive said with a wide smile. "And I'm ten too."

"I'm Julia Beckett-Castle," Julia said, wondering what her parents would say about that since the show had only used her father's name. "And I'm eleven."

"I'm Peter Waterson," Peter said. "Her partner and I'm eleven too."

"Yes, give it up for the little imps," Eddie called out before they were laughing.

"So you're all dancers here in New York," Lara said. "How did it feel getting to dance on the show?"

"Really cool," Julia said, not surprised when her friends looked over at her. "We've all watched the show so… it was great. And great to work with Derek," she hurried to say at the end.

"And how was it for you," Robin directed to Derek. "Working with kids this season?"

"It was fun," the dancer said with a nod. "Not just them but Skye's five daughters and Julia's little sister. They were all eager to learn so I had no problems."

"As opposed to me," Skye said slyly before they were laughing again.

"Is it alright if we meet the other children too?" Robin asked. "Just an introduction," she added as the investigator was looking over at the people watching.

"Sure," Skye said, seeing her wife nodding and beginning to urge their daughters over to her.

Julia, watching her parents, saw that Eliza was hugging their mother and she smiled as she came over to her. "It's okay," she whispered, holding her hand as soon as her little sister reached her.

"Okay, these are the six children," Lara said to the camera once the McDouglas girls were around Skye. "That joined the Hamptons troupe for their Freestyle last night. Let's start with the youngest."

Feeling her sister burying her face into her shoulder Julia whispered into her ear, "Don't worry, just say your name and how old you are."

"I'm Eliza," the little girl finally said shyly.

"She's five," Julia said with a smile as she saw the way her sister was biting her lower lip.

"Thank you for telling us," Robin said with a smile. "What about your daughters?" she then asked Skye.

"I'm Ivy," the little girl said. "I'm seven. And this is my twin sister Iris."

"I'm Fleur," the little girl said next. "I am the same age."

"I'm Marie-" the girl began.

"And I'm Kathleen," she interrupted, smiling at her twin. "We're almost ten."

"Have any of you had any experience with dance like the troupe has?" Robin asked them. She saw one hand raising and she said, "What have you done Eliza?"

"I dance with my sister," the little girl said with a smile.

"In the same class?" Robin then said. When the little girl nodded she smiled and said, "It showed. But none of you had that experience," she directed to the other girls.

"Which shows you how good Derek is," Skye commented with a smile, laughing when her daughters all nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we're going to take a break and when we're back we'll direct things to Skye and Derek," Robin said to the camera. "And stay tuned for special performances from the Dancing With the Stars finalists."

While the show was on commercial, Skye took her daughters back to Mary and Liam before Mary stepped forward to get a mic. Eliza; at the same time; was going back to her parents, wrapping her arms around Castle's neck tightly once she'd reached them.

"You did a great job," he told her, hugging her tightly and helping her onto her chair in between him and Beckett.

"Thanks Daddy," Eliza said shyly though she was smiling at the same time. "When will they dance?" she asked.

"Soon," Beckett said, smiling herself when her daughter immediately turned to her and hugged her tightly. She then looked over at Julia, seeing that she was talking with Derek and Peter at the same time before Mari and Clive joined them. She managed to get the chance to wave to her daughter, watching her hurry back to her chair as they were told they were coming back from commercial.

"Welcome back to our Dancing With the Stars After Party," Robin said when it was motioned to her that they were back. "We're talking right now to NTSB Investigator and singer; who was the champion last night; Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough. I mention the NTSB," she said, directing the last to the investigator. "As we have a special message for you Skye."

Her brow furrowing, the investigator looked over at the screen that was near them and she watched as it went from the logo for GMA to Doug Feith and three of her colleagues.

"We're very proud of you Skye," Feith said first. "And we're more than happy you were able to win."

"You were the best dancer," another man that was there said.

"And we have something for you," a woman with the four men said.

Skye broke out into heavy laughter as she watched her colleagues holding up an NTSB jacket, though the yellow letters had been bedazzled with sequins.

"Will you wear that?" Lara asked when the footage ended.

"No," Skye said, laughing again. "I wouldn't hear the end of it from DC. But that was so sweet of them to say, thank you so much, all of you."

"They were in the audience last night, weren't they?" Robin then asked.

"Most everyone who's an investigator," Skye replied, smiling. "They weren't hard to spot."

"Yes, we have a picture from last night," Lara said.

"Hmm… Skye I'm having some trouble," Eddie said jokingly as the picture on the screen was of everyone from NTSB West, with their jackets on. "Where are they?"

"They're a grand bunch," Skye said with a wide smile.

"So the trophy," Robin said as the picture went off the screen. "What are you going to do with it?"

"No clue," Skye said with a laugh. "When we get back home we'll definitely look around."

"And that brings us to your wife," Robin then said. "Also, the fact that you're the first gay woman to win on the show."

Nodding Skye said, "I'd thought of that, but it was more to win for my wife and children."

"And how was it dancing with your wife?" Lara said. "For your Flamenco?"

"So fun," Skye said earnestly.

"I feel the same," Mary said with a laugh as Robin and Lara were looking at her. "I didn't think we'd have the chance so… I suppose it was a dream come true though that is a little cliché."

The two women then began speaking with Derek before they went to a commercial again and everyone was getting up so the crew could take the chairs and leave a space for the dances. The kids waved at their parents during that time, before they stood with the other stars and dancers.

"Welcome back to the After Party," Lara said.

"We have some performances from the finalists of the show," Robin took up. "First will be Daisy and Sasha, dancing their Argentine Tango."

Julia watched with a smile as the pair were dancing, to a recent song by Sia, before Jonathon and Whitney went next. She was cheering everyone but she and her friends; along with Skye; were a little louder with Eddie and Emma. When they had finished she went with her friends to hug the actor before rushing to be ready when the show came back from another commercial.

"And now our special performance," Lara said. "Skye and Derek plus the Hamptons troupe. Very quickly," she said to the four kids at the end. "Which was your favorite dance that you did."

"Jive!" the four said before the music of the song started.

Beckett shared a smile with Castle as Eliza was squealing since the group had practiced when they'd been in the airport and they knew the song was from Queen. But seeing it all together she had to admire Derek's ability to choreograph so quickly as the three pairs were dancing until the first verse.

On the first lyric the six were dancing together in unison, mostly kicks and flicks all the way through to the instrumental between that verse and the next.

This thing called love I just can't handle itThis thing called love I must get round to itI ain't readyCrazy little thing called love

When the music stopped all three pairs did the same before the other two left Julia and Peter there and the two spent the first two lyrics dancing some kicks and flicks. After that they started to walk forward together before he was helping Julia into a sliding split before she came up and kicked out her right leg. That brought them to the last four lyrics and there Mari and Clive joined them and the boys spun the girls on the fifth lyric. With the sixth they were shaking themselves before going into their kicks and flicks to finish off the verse.

This thing (this thing)Called love (called love)It cries (like a baby)In a cradle all nightIt swings (woo woo)It jives (woo woo)It shakes all over like a jelly fishI kinda like itCrazy little thing called love

Skye hurried over to the girls as the boys had left them and they linked arms, walking to where Derek was standing with Peter and Clive, his hands on their shoulders while their arms were crossed over their chests. Skye and the girls turned together to the left of them and walked away, letting go of each other's arms. That was the first two lyrics of the verse before Derek and the boys were following them. Once they'd caught up with them on the third lyric they were grabbing their partner's hands and then spinning them towards them so they could hold them. On the last lyric they were dancing a couple kicks and flicks before they stopped.

There goes my babyShe knows how to rock and rollShe drives me crazyShe gives me hot and cold feverThen she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

Skye and Derek, alone then as the kids had left them, came together on the first lyric and they danced close, rocking their hips before they did some slower kicks and flicks into the second lyric. When they reached the third they were back in hold and for that one mimicking a Tango before they were rocking their hips as they spun around for the next lyric. They did a kick and flick before standing side by side and doing the same thing before they came back together for the last lyric, kicking and flicking until the kids were rejoining them.

I gotta be cool, relax, get hipAnd get on my tracksTake a back seat, hitchhikeAnd take a long ride on my motorbikeUntil I'm readyCrazy little thing called love

There was an instrumental then and the six were dancing it all the way through. When the beat changed, Skye and Derek started to clap their hands in time to it as they walked around. The kids were doing the same, walking around everyone at the edge of the space before they were too. That continued as Skye and Derek came together and they were dancing the same as they had the verse before; though at the 'ready Freddie' lyric they were stopping and nodding to each other.

I gotta be cool, relax, get hipAnd get on my tracksTake a back seat (ah hum), hitchhike (ah hum)And take a long ride on my motorbikeUntil I'm ready (ready Freddie)Crazy little thing called love

On the last lyric, Mari and Clive were dancing on their own but the other two pairs were coming back to them and they danced their kicks and flicks through the rest of the song though Derek and the boys were spinning their partners once. As the final lyric of the song was being repeated until it faded out, Skye and Derek were left alone to dance which were kicks and flicks before he grabbed her and dipped her a bit as she bent her right leg up towards him.

This thing called love I just can't handle itThis thing called love I must get round to itI ain't readyCrazy little thing called love

Crazy little thing called loveCrazy little thing called loveCrazy little thing called loveCrazy little thing called loveCrazy little thing called love

As the audience and the others from the show were applauding, Robin called out, "We have a surprise for the kids."

Julia, having heard that, looked over in surprise and gasped when she saw that Eddie and Daisy were walking over to them with four tiny versions of the mirror ball trophy in their hands.

"These are for you," Derek said. "Made by the same people who make the larger one."

"Congratulations!" Skye called.

Taking her trophy, Julia could feel tears of joy welling up in her eyes and she whispered a thank you to Derek. She was relieved when the show went to commercial then as she was able to take the trophy over to her parents and sisters.

"Wow, that's really cool," Alexis said, seeing that her sister's name was on the small plaque on the bottom along with Season 27 etched underneath.

"I know," Julia said. "Could I put it with my other trophies?"

"Of course you can," Beckett said, hugging her. She kissed her cheek and then said, "Did you hear what Robin said?"

"No," Julia replied, looking confused.

"She's gonna sing!" Eliza said eagerly.

Julia looked at her parents but before either of them could say anything she was rushing back to her friends, startled as she was going to see the rest of the O'Dells were there. She got there just in time to watch Robin as she welcomed the audience back and then explained what her parents had just told her about.

"For our second special performance," Robin said. "We have with us the band The Rambling O'Dells." She smiled as the audience was applauding before she said, "And we have a request via Twitter."

Skye shared a look with her wife and Jackie before they were looking at the screen as Robin was reading it.

"Loved the performance of George's song in concert," the co-host anchor said. "Would you take on See Yourself. And that is from Oliva and Dhani Harrison, who are here right now in the studio with us via satellite."

"Hello again," Skye said, waving at the two on the screen that had appeared.

"Hello," Olivia said, her son echoing her. "We've been watching your performances and we would love to hear you sing something from George again."

"Especially that one," Dhani said.

"Can you?" Lara asked them.

"Oh sure," Skye said easily, smiling. She then turned to Raj, watching to make sure that he had everything ready with his keyboard; that and Barry's drums set up during the commercial. "Okay, one two three!" she called to the others before they began to play the instrumental until she stepped up to the mic in front of her and began to sing.

It's easier to tell a lie than it is to tell the truthIt's easier to kill a fly than it is to turn it looseIt's easier to criticize somebody elseThan to see yourself

It's easier to give a sigh and be like all the restWho stand around and crucify you while you do your bestIt's easier to see the books upon the shelfThan to see yourself

Looking at each other, Castle and Beckett didn't say anything to the glances they were getting from some people around them at the second to last line. They knew the song already; from Julia; and they hoped the others wouldn't turn to them again as Skye started to sing again with the others joining her.

It's easier to hurt someone and make them cryThan it is to dry their eyesI got tired of fooling around with other people's liesRather I'd find someone that's true

It's easier to say you won't than it is to feel you canIt's easier to drag your feet than it is to be a manIt's easier to look at someone else's wealthThan to see yourself, ooh

During the instrumental, Skye stayed close to her mic as she sang, "See yourself," shortly after before she was focusing on playing her guitar. She did her best not to look at the screen where Olivia and Dhani still were, as she only had one more verse before the song was over.

It's easier to see the books upon the shelfThan to see yourself, oohIt's easier to criticize somebody elseThan to see yourself, ooh

Julia was applauding with the others around her, smiling when she saw that George's wife and son were doing the same. She felt disappointed the show was almost over and the 'after party' was probably over but Dhani was soon calling over the satellite link.

"I wonder if there's enough time for one last song," he said.

"There is," Robin said as the band all looked at her at the same time.

"True Love?" Dhani said.

Skye laughed and said, "Right, quick one that. We've sung it how your dad covered it before." She looked at the co-host anchor and when Robin nodded she talked quickly to the rest of the band and then grabbed a guitar slide from Raj. When she was back at her mic she nodded to the others and they played in together a second later. She was playing the slide over the guitar until she turned her attention to the lyrics, seeing hers and Mary's daughters and the Hamptons kids were dancing together.

You give to me and I give to youTrue love, it's a true loveSo on and on it will always beTrue love, it's a true love

For you and I have a guardian angelOn high with nothing to doBut to give to me and to give to youA love forever true, it's a love forever true

Playing her slide guitar more prominently, Skye smiled at her wife before they were stepping to their mics to sing the next, short, verse together before they were singing the last verse of the song.

True love, it's a true loveTrue love, true love

For you and I have a guardian angelOn high with nothing to doBut to give to me and to give to youA love forever true, a love forever trueIt's a love forever true

Taking the end of the song as far as they could, Skye said while they were playing out, "Thank you Olivia, Dhani. And thank you George!"

As the show was going to commercial, Derek and the other three pairs went over to Skye and standing together they thanked the show before Robin was talking about what would be next.

When the cameras were off, Julia hurried to her parents and sisters and said, "Can we go home?"

"Soon," Beckett said, smiling when her daughter frowned. "I know how you feel," she then whispered into the girl's ear. "But it'll be as soon as we can leave." She was relieved when Julia nodded and she looked for Skye to see if they could go, wanting to get back to their house after nearly three full months gone.

November 25 th , 2020 5:40pm

Hello again from home Diary!

Oh, I'm so, so happy to be back in my room (though I miss Mari already, it was so great to get to spend the night with her so much)! And guess what?


Sorry about the yelling but that's something that needed it. Oh it was so close, but they got a little more than Eddie and Emma on the last night and her Freestyle was awesome (well… they all were and they all got perfect scores that night). And I'm not just saying that 'cause I was in it. I did get to meet Maria Menunous because of Skye and Derek's Freestyle and she's so nice. And she's okay, she was dancing with us and everything. But the minute they said Skye's name was… amazing I guess is the best word I can think of. And Skye was crying a little bit when that happened, but I don't blame her.

After that we basically went to the airport right away since we had our things in the cars already. We ate dinner at ¡Lotería! Grill (we really went there, I'm not just putting it 'cause of the upside down exclamation point, but I do think it's cool), one last time having Mexican food while we were in California (but Mom and Dad say we'll go back to the state, I think we have to, we remember it now so much from our past lives). But the coolest thing was we were with Derek, Eddie, Emma, Jonathon, Whitney, Daisy and Sharna! I had dinner with pro dancers!

When we got to our gate we had a while before the flight so we had a lot of fun dancing together to practice our stuff and then we flew. It was so funny, the flight attendants let Eddie do to the safety thing where we sat, and they were all laughing. But then he announced Skye and Derek were there and the winners and everyone was applauding for them. At the start once we took off people came over to them to get autographs (a couple asked Mary and Mom and Dad, plus one girl came up to me which was nice, she asked about our next book and luckily it'll come out next month!). But the rest of the flight we were sleeping which was hard 'cause I was really ready to go home.

When we got to the city there was a bus there; the one they always use to take the stars and dancers to the studios for GMA. We got to go too and we started dancing around when we were closer to the building since there was a camera there. But we got there and of course they talked to everyone before talking to Skye and Derek. There they had me, Mari, Peter and Clive introduce ourselves and say our ages and then had Lizzy and the McDouglas girls do the same. So we were on TV! And then we did our Jive to the Queen song, Crazy Little Thing Called Love. That was so, so fun to get to do since we were dancing with Skye and Derek too. After that The Rambling O'Dells sang two songs that Olivia and Dhani asked them to sing (they were on the TV since they're in England still)- See Yourself and True Love. Both songs are sooo good and the band sang-no, performed them sooo well!

I almost forgot! After we did that Jive they gave us little mirror ball trophies of our own. They have our names on them and everything. I have mine already with my other dancing trophies and it looks so cool, right in the middle of the bookcase.

And then after the show we got to come home!

It was fun to get to take our clothes out and put them back in our own closets and dressers. And not have to pack for a long time! (Oh… I just remembered Mom and Dad are going to Tahiti on Sunday so they're going to have to pack. But since they're gonna be alone and it's only until Friday that same week I don't think they'll care) I can't wait to sleep in my own bed and I know Lizzy is happy too. I almost forgot about 'lexis and Louis, they're going to stay at their townhouse of course, but we're going to have dinner all together. And Gram is staying too until after the New Year since her classes aren't starting up again until then. And the McDouglases are here until Sunday (they're leaving at JFK to fly with Mom and Dad) and we're all here for Thanksgiving.

I have to go (remember the time I put up at the top?), it's time for dinner and it's with everyone so I want to go. I'll write soon diary!

Setting her diary back in her desk drawer, Julia smiled at that before she shook herself and hurried out of her room. "I'm coming Gram," she said as her grandmother was standing at the bottom of the staircase. "I didn't think I would have so much to write," she said once she'd reached her on the first floor.

"Well… I think a lot happened," Martha said with a smile, wrapping her arm around her. "Dinner hasn't been delivered yet, but your parents will let you feed Josie if you want to."

"Oh! Sure," Julia said eagerly, hurrying over to the kitchen.

"Did you finish your diary?" Eliza asked when she saw her big sister.

"Yeah…" Julia said, looking around. "Where are Mom and Dad?"

"In their office," Alexis said as she was taking two jars of baby food over to the table where their baby sister was sitting in her highchair already with a bib around her neck. "But they'll be out soon."

"What's Josa having today?" Eliza asked eagerly. "I wanna tell her." When Alexis showed her the two jars she said, "You get butter…"

"Butternut," Julia whispered to her.

"Butternut squash," Eliza said, looking over at her sisters. When they nodded she then said, "And for dessert apples."

"Abab," Josie vocalized before she squealed.

"You better feed her," Castle said as he was following Beckett out of their office. "She sounds like she's hungry."

Trying not to roll her eyes when the girls were playing Roshambo for their turns, Beckett said, "Okay, you won Eliza, you can feed her the squash." She looked for the wet towel they used to try to keep the baby's face a little cleaner when she saw Alexis walking over with it.

"I'm fine," the young woman said. "I'll keep an eye on them."

"Thank you," Castle told her. "But we have nothing to do."

"Like the song," Julia said with a smile, looking over from Eliza feeding another spoonful of food to Josie.

"I'm surprised they did that," Castle said.

"And that they picked the second song," Alexis said. "That's just a cover song and a lot of people don't know about it."

"That's likely the point," Beckett said. She heard Louis calling her oldest's name and she said, "Shouldn't you go with him."

"Yes," Alexis said with a smile as she handed the towel to her mother. "Thank you, Ma."

"You're welcome," Beckett replied, watching her go before she sat in her chair. "Hold still Josie."

"Guys," Castle said to Max and Molly. "She's not giving you anything. "Or you guys," he added when he saw the other dogs coming over from their water bowls.

"Careful," Julia said suddenly. "Don't let her take the… spoon," she began before the baby was doing just that.

"Okay, so she'll give you a little bit but that's it," Castle said as the dogs were licking at the floor together.

"Rick, get them another spoon," Beckett said, taking the one Josa was still holding. She kissed her cheek and then got up to put it by the sink before her husband was handing her a new one. They shared a quick kiss and she went back to the girls so Josie could finish her dinner.

"How come she doesn't make a mess with you?" Eliza said in a slightly complaining tone.

Shaking her head Julia said, "It's because she knows it's sweet."

"I don't think so," Beckett said with a smile, smoothing down a lock of Josie's hair that was sticking up slightly. "She knows you're a little more serious."

"Can I take her?" Eliza asked eagerly when Beckett told Julia to stop.

"Yes, but make sure Julia walks with you," Castle said. He was about to speak again when the chime for the gate rang and he said, "Actually give her to an adult to put back in her chair."

"I'll get it," Beckett said, smiling at her husband since he was wiping off the highchair. She hurried down to the entry, pausing for a moment when she saw that Skye was about to open the door. "Rosie," she said swiftly.

"Oh… don't do that," Skye said as she looked back at her. "You scared me."

"That was the point," Beckett said simply before she was opening the door and paying for dinner.

"I wasn't about to pay," Skye said once the deliveryman had left. "You were adamant about that."

"Dinner's here," Beckett called as they were passing the family room. She and the investigator took it into the kitchen and they were setting it out together as Castle was sitting at the table with Josie.

"Kate-" he started to say uncomfortably while watching the two women.

"Someone needs to watch the baby love," Beckett said simply, smiling at him.

"And she seems to be having fun with you," Skye commented.

Looking at Josie, since she was holding onto his index finger, Castle said, "I guess you're right. But you don't need any help?"

"We're fine," Beckett said. "Girls," she called.

"Let my oldest help Julia," Skye told her quickly. When her friend nodded she then called, "Marie, Kath. Help Julia set the table."

After the kids had set the dining room table, which just barely fit them all, they got their food while some adults helped carry Josie until they were going to the large table.

"To you guys coming here for Thanksgiving," Castle said as a toast before he glanced at his wife.

"It's okay," Beckett said soothingly as she'd gotten word from Darnley that he and his family were going to stay for the holiday in DC since his in-laws had decided to stay instead of going on their trip. "I'll see him at Christmas and that's only a month away."

Castle wanted to say something about that, but he found she was right and Darnley would still be working. So he nodded and said, "I am sorry though."

"I'm aware," Beckett said, taking his hand and squeezing it. "And you don't need to be but it's sweet." She then turned her attention to the others and said, "How's the food?"

"Good," Mary said first. "When are you going back to San Francisco?"

"Why are you asking me that? That's been my daughter's job lately," Beckett said jokingly, smiling over at Julia at the end of the table with the kids, laughing when the girl wrinkled her nose at her.

"I get the feeling you think about this with having Dim Sum," Mary said.

"Chinese is your favorite isn't it?" Skye asked her.

"It's always been," Jim commented.

Though she wanted to say that didn't mean anything, Beckett merely smiled before she said, "And yours?"

"That and Mexican," Skye said. "Though I have lived both lives in California so… that would stand to reason I believe."

"I think we should talk about something," Castle said as he'd been watching his wife. He knew she wasn't uncomfortable but was aware she wanted the change in subject and when she smiled at him he knew that for sure.

"How's the weather supposed to be while we're here?" Liam asked.

"Cold of course but sunny," Martha said. She smiled when her son and daughter in law looked at her and she explained saying, "Our younger guests were wondering if it would snow."

"Not yet?" Beckett asked, as she'd meant to check on the weather but hadn't found the time for it.

"No… there was a chance on Monday but that's not for sure of course," Martha said.

"Are you riding tomorrow morning?" Skye then asked.

"We are," Beckett said with a nod. "Only join us if you want to though."

"Girls," Castle then said to Julia and Eliza. "If you're too tired then you shouldn't come."

"He's right, we can go another time of course," Beckett said. "I just need to see the horses."

"Mom," Julia said softly after they were quiet for a while. When she looked at her she smiled a little and asked, "Can I go for sure? I need to see Lottie, the pony is gonna be born any day now."

"I was going to tell you, you should come," Beckett replied with a nod. "So that means we can't stay up that late."

"I know, I don't mind," Julia said.

Castle was expecting more after that but when the girl was silent he picked up some chow mein with his chopsticks before Julia was saying, "We will tomorrow night anyway," which made him start to laugh. "Sorry," he said when he noticed the others were looking at him. "I had a feeling she'd say that."

"What do we get to do tonight?" Marie asked.

"You can play," Skye said.

"But let Julia and Eliza lead you," Mary then commented.

"We know it's their house Mom," Kathleen said, rolling her eyes before she smiled.

"But we'll go to bed at your normal bedtime," Skye was adding. "Never mind we're three hours behind at home."

"I think they realized that already lass," Liam told his daughter when his two oldest granddaughters rolled their eyes.

"And they knew I was joking already," Skye said.

With some laughter the family went back to their meal and just when they finished Josie was starting to fuss. Castle and Beckett stood up immediately but before the latter could reach for the baby Martha was speaking.

"Allow me," she told them.

"Are you sure?" Beckett asked, getting the baby out of the chair and handing her over to her mother in law.

"Of course," Martha said. "Are you giving her a bath?" When both her son and daughter in law nodded she smiled and said, "I'll bring her back down."

"Let us clean up," Alexis said, she and Louis standing.

"We'll pitch in," Mary said then.

Beckett wanted to protest but she stopped herself, knowing that they wouldn't take no from her so she allowed them to do that before she and Castle helped get the plates over to the kitchen and they got the things ready for the baby's bath. She was waiting for Martha to come back as her husband was putting away the food with Louis and she walked over to the stairs.

"Here she is, warm and safe," Castle's mother said, showing her youngest granddaughter in her warmest bathrobe.

"You undressed her?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"Oh of course," Martha said. "Would you mind if I held her until the water is ready?"

"No, do you want to give her her bath?" Beckett replied with a question.

Shaking her head Martha said, "She wants her mother."

"She told you?" Castle asked, coming up behind his wife.

"Of course she did," Martha said, watching as the others were walking by to head into the family room. "Here, I'll join my other granddaughters."

"Thank you, Martha," Beckett said as she made sure Josie was secure in her arms.

"I'll get the water ready," Castle said, hurrying to the sink which Skye had cleaned for him after everything from dinner had been washed. He set up the tub and filled it with water once a towel was on the counter next to it and the baby's things for the bath were there as well. He watched his wife open the bathrobe on Josie and said, "It's a shame." When Beckett looked at him he hurried to get the matching booties off the baby's feet and said, "She makes such a cute giraffe."

Beckett shook her head, smiling at the same time, and then let her husband take off the robe that had a hood to make it look like the animal along with the pattern on the rest of it. She set the baby into the water and motioned to her husband, not surprised when he looked startled for a moment.

Recovering quickly, as he knew she was serious, Castle hurried to the tub and stood where his wife had been. He then started to rinse Josie off, smiling when she did so back at him and he couldn't help leaning over to press a kiss to her forehead. "You can tell we're at home, can't you?" he asked.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" Beckett said as the baby let out a gurgle.

"Of course it is," Castle said, letting her squeeze out some of the baby shampoo onto his hand. He washed Josie's hair gently, telling her all about how if she wanted to learn to dance with her sisters he would be very happy. "I know it's not a for sure thing," he said as he rinsed her hair when he finished with the conditioner for her. "But if you did we'd be happy." He then started to wash her body with soap on a washcloth and asked his wife, "What about her tomorrow?"

Shaking her head Beckett said, "I'd like her to stay here; get used to the weather a little more until we take her outside for very long."

Nodding Castle told Josie, "You'll have a lot of fun. I'm sure your gram will stay in at least; you can play with her." He smiled when the baby yawned and said, as he was picking her up out of the water, "But first you should get some sleep."

Watching her husband drying Josie off, Beckett got the robe ready for him and she asked, "Do you want to get her dressed?"

"Sure," Castle said. "Bring her back down?"

"No," Beckett said, speaking absently as they were watching the rest of their family coming to them. She watched as they were saying goodnight to Josie and once they had finished; saying I love you to her; she said, "We'll be back once she's in bed."

When they were going up the stairs, Castle wasn't surprised to find Max and Molly trailing them before they were going inside the baby's room. "Should we leave the door all the way open?" he asked his wife as he took Josie to the changing table. He let her put a fresh diaper on her and handed her a pajama onesie with clouds all over it.

"No," Beckett said, finally answering his question but whispering since Josie was asleep. "Just slightly open."

Nodding, Castle leaned over once she had Josie in her arms and kissed the baby's forehead temple gently murmuring, "I love you Josie. Sleep tight back in your bed tonight ceann beag."

Beckett smiled at his words before she turned her attention to the baby, kissing her temple gently and whispering against it, "I love you too. Sweet dreams Josie." After that she went over to the crib and set her down after Castle got the blanket out of the way for her. Tucking Josie in, she gently smoothed her hair off the baby's forehead and she and her husband watched her sleep for a while before they went out of the room, leaving their youngest with Max and Molly. When they were out in the hallway and had made sure the baby was still asleep before they started to walk, she wasn't surprised when they only made it to the door of Eliza's room before her husband was making her turn. But she was taken aback slightly when he held her by her arms and speaking instead of kissing her as she'd been expecting; and hoping for as well.

"This is a weird time to do this," Castle said. "But it's been driving me crazy and I want to ask before we go to bed." He looked down the hallway in both directions; though he would have been able to hear anyone approaching them; and turned back to his wife asking, "Did you want to be celibate until we're in Tahiti?"

"Completely? Yeah, I did," Beckett replied. She smiled a little at the face he'd made when she'd said completely and said, "I'm sorry but…"

"It's alright," Castle said quickly. "I know why you're asking that and I'm looking forward to it myself now I'm thinking about it."

"Pervert," Beckett said, stepping closer to him so she could wrap her arms around his neck.

"Yes," Castle said simply. He smiled when his wife laughed softly and then leaned down, kissing her gently at first. When she deepened it, he was quick to follow her lead and their tongues were rubbing around each other before they stopped abruptly as they could hear someone coming up the stairs from the first-floor hall.

"Hey, is Josa asleep?" Julia asked, seeing her parents letting go of each other.

"She is," Beckett said. "We needed a second to talk," she told her, looking at her and daring her to say anything to that. When their second oldest merely smiled at them both she and Castle went over to her at the top of the stairs before she stopped her. "Sweetie are you sure-" she started to say.

"Is this about Tahiti?" Julia asked. When her mother nodded she took her hand and said, "Don't worry, we want you to go."

"But it's your first day of school on Monday," Castle said, since he and Beckett were unsure about the trip for that reason.

Shaking her head Julia said, "We had our first day of school."

"Yes, but you're going to middle school and your sister is going to spend a full day in the first grade," Beckett reminded her.

Shrugging Julia said, "She's excited, we'll meet in the quad and then go to dance class. Don't worry." She then saw how her parents were looking at her and she said, "What?"

"That's really strange you know," Castle commented. "She at least would want us to be here for her first day at the school."

"You're coming back the afternoon when we'll be at the dance class," Julia said. "So you can see us then. And the next week too." She heard the sighs coming from both and smiled saying, "We're fine with it but… could we Skype once we're home on Monday?"

"Of course; every day actually," Beckett said firmly. "You didn't convince your sister that-" she started to say.

"No," Julia said firmly, not mad at her mother but wanting her to know for sure that she hadn't told her sister their parents needed to go. "What time will you call us?" she asked.

"It'll have to be the other way around," Castle said, looking at his phone quickly. "And it's in the morning… about ten thirty by the time you get home so after breakfast?"

"We'll see what we're doing then love," Beckett said, shaking her head.

"Mommy?" Eliza asked, at the bottom of the stairs.

"We're coming," Beckett said, going down first. "Are you excited for Monday?"

"Yeah, Miss Thurston is really nice," Eliza said. "Emmie says."

"I'm glad she's in your class too," Julia told her sister, the girl a new student Eliza had befriended at the end of her kindergarten class.

"Yeah," the little girl said with a smile. "We're gonna play games now."

"You weren't doing that before?" Beckett asked, looking at her watch to make sure she knew how much time there was until Eliza's bedtime.

"Now we wanna play UNO," the little girl replied.

"I'm not surprised," Castle said, watching his wife stopping the little girl from continuing into the room.

"Your sister said you guys want us to Skype with you once you come home from your dance class on Monday," Beckett told her.

"Yeah!" Eliza said eagerly before she frowned. "But what if you're sleeping?"