
13. Those Of Sharpest Mind(1)

"This is smaller than we saw before," Eliza commented.

"Do you want to go on my shoulders?" Castle asked her with a smile as he was holding her hand.

Shaking her head Eliza said, "I have to put on my robes Daddy."

"I know but that's not until we get over to the gates," Castle told her. He saw her thinking that over seriously and he picked her up to her cry, placing her on his shoulders.

Beckett smiled at the two before she was turning her attention to Julia and Mari who she was walking with. "You two are so lucky," she told them.

"No school?" Julia asked then.

"And that you get to do this for a third time," Beckett replied. She was smiling again when they looked at each other eagerly, and then said, "Have you told the boys about the wands?"

"Yeah, their mom and dad said they could get one," Julia replied. She thought about what she'd said and then corrected herself saying, "One each."

"Of course," Beckett replied.

"Is it okay if I go with my family?" Mari then said to Julia.

"Yeah, go!" the girl said urgently. She smiled as her friend rushed to her parents and little sister and said, "I'm glad they stayed longer."

"So am I," Beckett replied, squeezing her daughter's hand. She glanced at the other parents, the Fosters, Genevieve and Isaac had managed to arrange to stay longer that week, so they could go with their children to the theme park that day. Thinking of the date, the fourteenth, she let Julia go over to the Fosters while she went to her father who was pushing Josie's stroller. "I'll take it Dad," she told him. "You'll have to push it around the park today."

Nodding, Jim then watched his daughter reach down into the baby's carrier with one hand before she was tickling Josie's neck. He smiled as the baby was smiling back at her mother and he then said, "It feels a little like we've done this before."

"Very close," Skye commented as she stopped at the end of the Citywalk they'd been going through to reach the front gate of the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park. "Alright, everyone get your robes on."

"What about everyone else?" Clive asked.

"There," Marie said, pointing to the Universal Studios gift shop that was at the end of the promenade.

"Oh, they got robes!" Julia exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah… he said he was just going to grab a scarf," Skye said.

"Oh, don't give me that look," Derek said jokingly as he reached his partner and they hugged for a moment. "It's a nice day and-"

"I'll take the blame for this," Eddie said, with Derek and his own partner. "I was taken in by these robes."

"You're a Slytherin?" Mary asked with a smile.

"Oh sure… quite cunning I suppose," Eddie replied with a smile before they turned to look at the fourth person that had been with the three of them that cleared his throat.

"I hope you won't mind me joining you," Sasha said.

"Not at all," Skye said first. She was going to speak but had to stop as the others were agreeing with her. She then asked with a smile, "Where's Daisy?"

"Just buying her robes," Derek commented, looking back at the store.

"Hold on," the photojournalist said as she was coming out to them, putting on a Gryffindor robe. "I told you we'd come with."

"Have you all been here before?" Castle couldn't help asking.

"I think I'm the only one who hasn't," Daisy said.

"Where do you live?" Peter couldn't help asking.

"In San Francisco," Daisy replied.

"Mom, we couldn't go there while we're here?" Julia asked suddenly.

"I don't think we'll have the chance," Beckett said gently. "I wish we could go, but we have a lot here right now."

"Speaking of that, we need to get in or we'll lose our hour," Mary told everyone.

Walking together to the security before the entrance, the group went through the metal detectors and once they were all checked out they were making their way to the large gates.

"Is this weird for you?" Julia was asking Emma shyly. "This Harry Potter stuff in America?"

"I'd never really thought about it before," the dancer said with a smile. "But you have a lot of space to put things like this and a lot of people too." Emma then looked down at the girl and asked, "You've been to the one in Florida, haven't you?"

"We went this summer," Mari said as she was walking with them.

"You don't mind going to the same park again?" Eddie asked. When the two girls smiled at each other he said to his partner and Sasha, "I suppose not."

"No, we love the Harry Potter stuff," Mari said first.

"Are you guys going to get wands?" Julia then asked.

"I don't think so," Daisy said. "I probably won't be down here too often."

"You can use our wands if you want," Marie said from in front of them.

"All our wands," Clive commented. He then shared a look with Peter and said, "Once we get ours."

They had reached the entrance and were going through the turnstiles, stopping to take a group picture at the statue past the gates. Once they could go Skye and Mary stopped the other adults, about to ask them how they wanted to go through the park when Beckett was speaking first.

"This is your turn to direct us," she said, smiling when Skye sighed.

"I have to agree," David commented, smiling himself. "This is your park."

Pretending to sputter, Skye then said, "Not our park, but I suppose since we've been here long enough…"

"We should go," Isaac said, looking down at his son.

"Okay, Hogsmeade first," Skye said, looking at the kids herself and noticing they appeared to be growing antsy. She led the way with her wife through the buildings and shops of the Upper Lot section until they came to the plaza and continued to the right of it.

"There it is," Julia said eagerly when she saw the familiar entrance to Hogsmeade. She looked over at Peter and Clive and then remembered the three youngest McDouglases and how they hadn't been there yet. Glancing over towards them she soon saw the older twins were talking to their little sisters, smiling when the three youngest soon responded.

"It's a lot smaller than we saw in Orlando," Marie was saying.

"But it's still really cool," Kathleen added.

"And there are spells," Marie said.

"But not as many as over there," Kathleen added.

"The rides are fun and there are a lot you can go on too," Marie said.

"But we have to go up and down," Kathleen said before she realized they'd stopped walking and it was quiet. "What?" she and her twin said at the same time.

"We know all of that already," Ivy said first.

"You told us that while we went in Orlando," Fleur added.

"But we do want to go on everything," Iris said eagerly.

"I think we should get going now," Mary said, sharing a smile with her wife.

"We have something special first," Skye said, smiling at the two boys.

"Oh! I know what that is!" Eliza said eagerly, squeezing her mother's hand tightly.

"So do I," Beckett replied, gently tugging her with them as they were walking again. She then said to Eddie, who'd ended up next to them, "Are you going to stick with us for the day?"

"I'd like to," the actor replied. "Never really been here before. And it's always fun with the children."

"I'm just here for pictures," Daisy said in amusement when Skye looked at her. "And rides."

"I was waiting for that last bit," the investigator said, smiling. "What do you think?" she said, directing that to everyone who hadn't been in Orlando with her family, the Fosters and the Castles that summer.

"There's snow," Peter said.

"Weird snow," Clive said, trying to fix the hood of his Slytherin robes and then letting his father help him. "But still, it's cool. Is that a candy store?"

Before the kids could start lingering, the parents got them to head over to Ollivander's store where nearly all of them got into a line on the side. The boys; who were the only two who hadn't been to that section of the park before; asked the other kids about what they'd be seeing, but they were soon heading into a room, looking around as an employee started to speak. They then went into another room where there were boxes of wands and their group stood at the front before a man came through a door and began to speak.

Beckett looked at her husband as the man soon called Peter and Clive up to the counter, telling the former to try a wand that was Holly. She smiled when the boy jumped as he waved it and some boxes fell above them into an open space.

"No, no, definitely not the right wand," the worker said, waving his wand and 'fixing' the damage. "Try this, elder with a unicorn hair core."

Peter waved it again and then jumped as he broke something in a shelf above, quickly handing the wand back to the man.

"Not to worry," the worker said, turning behind him again. "Try this, alder wood and with a phoenix feather core," he then said to Clive, handing him the wand. When there was more damage on another shelf, he said, "I wonder…" before he switched the wands the boys were holding

Julia smiled at Kathleen; as the alder one was the same wand that she had; and then watched Peter take the wand before the light shown down on both boys. When the show was over, and they were let out into the wand shop itself, she tried to go to the two to ask them if they liked their wands before she felt her mother's hand on her shoulder.

"They needed to talk to the worker about buying those wands," Beckett told her.

"Oh," Julia said, looking over at Kathleen.

"I don't care," the girl said, shrugging her shoulders. "They said they didn't want someone else's wand from the books."

"I think mine is cool," Clive said as he and Peter had come out to the shop with their parents. He was looking at his own wand which had a skull at the handle and glanced at his friend's which had a snake at the end.

"Even though that was the evil one?" Marie asked him.

"Dumbledore had it," Clive pointed out to her.

After their parents had urged them out of the store Julia said, "We're doing the spells first?"

"We are, and then we'll start out on the rides," Skye said. "Girls?" she said to hers and Mary's older twins.

"We remember," Kathleen said before she and her sister led the way over to the beginning of the spells.

"Are we going in?" Clive asked hopefully as they'd come to Honeydukes and he saw the large Chocolate Frog box in the window display.

"Not yet," Mary said after the two boys' parents were looking at her and her wife. "Your first spell is here."

Standing on the marker on the ground, Marie waved her wand in an R shape saying, "Revelio," making the lid of the large box rise and reveal the chocolate frog inside. She smiled and then stepped aside so her sister could take a turn, watching Julia usher the two boys to go after Kathleen.

"But Eliza-" Peter started to say.

"I did this already," the little girl said with a smile.

Though he wasn't sure, Clive stepped forward and raised his wand, looking at Julia.

"Make the same shape but not that big," the girl said. "You saw how Marie and Kath did it."

Nodding, the boy turned to the window and waved his wand, grinning widely as the lid of the box raised and he looked to his right to find his father was taking pictures with his phone. "Dad," he groaned.

"I couldn't help it," Isaac replied, putting his hand on his son's shoulder and leading him out of the way of Peter and Genevieve.

"This is cool," the boy said after he had taken his turn.

"There's more," Marie said with a smile.

"I know, I looked at the map that came with my wand," Peter said.

"Me too," Clive added as they were standing together. He looked over at the other kids who were going before he recalled something. "Dad, you didn't get a robe."

"I don't think I really need it," Isaac said slowly.

"No, you should," Peter said. "My mom said she'd get one too."

"You know your house?" Beckett asked the woman.

"I did the quiz last night with him," Genevieve said, nodding to her son. "Ravenclaw."

"I told her she was going to get that," Peter said with a wide smile. "Has your dad ever done that?"

"I have," Isaac said. "And I got…"

"Gryffindor, Dad," Clive said, rolling his eyes as he knew his father was teasing him.

"We can go to Gladrags over there," Skye told the two parents.

"After we get near it," Genevieve said.

"What's the next spell?" Eliza asked eagerly.

"Here, at where we're gonna get lunch," Marie said.

"Girls," Mary said.

"What?" the two said at the same time. "We always eat here for lunch," Marie said.

"And I don't think the kids would let us get away with not going there this time," Rebecca said wryly.

"Here," Kathleen said. "The next spell. Incendio."

"Go in order of age," Beckett said quickly. "And fast we have a lot of other spells."

"Wait," Julia said suddenly. "You guys didn't get to cast spells yet," she said to their guests.

"Go ahead," Eliza said, going to Emma and holding out her wand.

"Which one is this?" the dancer said with a smile.

"Holly, like Harry Potter had," Eliza replied.

"The shape of the spell is on the ground here," Julia then told the pro. She watched with her sister as the woman cast the triangle shape and they smiled at each other when the lights in the window display turned on.

"Thank you," Emma said with a laugh as the kids were applauding. "Do you want to try?" she asked her husband.

"Not that one," Eliza said before Sasha could take her wand. "Jules."

With a smile, as some of the adults were laughing softly at her sister, Julia handed her want to Sasha saying, "This one's Vine, like Hermione's." She watched with the others as he waved it and she smiled saying, "It's pretty cool."

"It is," Sasha replied. "You four are dancing next week we heard," he commented before he watched the girl blush before she answered.

"Yeah, we're hoping we do well," Julia said.

"Did you want them to practice right now?" Derek asked in amusement as they went over to the next spell.

"No, I'll see them while we're all practicing," Sasha replied. "And this?"

"Herbivicus," Julia said. She saw the two dancers were looking at her and she took her wand back from Sasha saying, "They have this in Orlando, but it's not the same."

Beckett, having been listening to their conversation, watched as her daughter went over to the window with the other kids. She felt her husband's hand on her back and smiled at him for a moment before she said, "What?"

"We have our wands," Castle reminded her.

"I know, but we should let them have their turns," Beckett said.

"There are a lot of them," Castle said, nodding his head. He watched the purple flower open as Peter was waving his wand at that moment, and he then said, "Think we'll split up?"

"Maybe," Beckett replied. "But we'll have to see how things go."

"You mean how the park is?" Castle asked her. When she nodded he couldn't help it, leaning over and kissing her cheek before he pulled away as they went to Madam Puddifoot's.

Stopping in front of the shop Beckett smiled when the kids made the plates in the window there move before making them stop, looking around them and hearing the cries of a ride in the distance. "Do you think it's the same roller coaster in Japan and Orlando?" she asked her husband when she saw he was looking in the same direction.

"I hope so," Castle replied. "That way Eliza can go on it too."

Nodding Beckett stayed with her husband, though she was soon getting the stroller so Josie was with them as they went through the different spells until they'd finished with the last one across from The Three Broomsticks. "Rides?" she asked Skye and Mary as the kids were looking at their parents.

"Yes, come on," the former said before she led them to the back of the area where there was the roller coaster and Hogwarts Castle across from it.

"I went on this one," Eliza was telling Fleur eagerly.

"In Japan," Skye told her daughter. "So that means you can go on it as well." She smiled when the little girl took her hand before they were getting into line after making sure Martha was alright with Josie and Dani at a bench near the shops.

Since he was sitting with Marie during the ride, Castle asked at the end of it, "Do you feel weird?"

"Kinda dizzy?" the girl asked. When he nodded she smiled and said, "Mum said it's all pressed together so it's a tight squeeze."

"That would explain it," Castle said with a nod. "Luckily the other ride is a good one."

"Yeah," Marie said with a smile before they were getting off the train.

Castle went to his wife once they were walking across the path to the ride in Hogwarts Castle and said, "Sit with me?"

"Of course," Beckett said with a smile before they were waiting for her father to take the three youngest McDouglas children and Eliza to Martha and the two youngest. She leaned against him while they waited, watching their daughter practicing their Waltz with her friends before they made their way inside to the ride.

"Luckily we're early enough," Skye commented as she sat down at the table she and her family were sharing.

"Very early," Mary said with a smile.

"How crowded does it get?" Derek asked the two women.

"Very," Skye said. "There's a reason the line inside is fairly long and winding."

"The food is good though," Kathleen was saying.

"Dessert is too," Marie quipped with a smile.

"Ah, don't be thinking about that sweetling," Skye told her, playfully pinching her cheek. "We have to eat first."

"Here it comes," Beckett said, spotting the others coming over to them with the food they'd ordered. She glanced at the girls and said, "Stop drinking your pumpkin juice, you need to save it for your food."

Though she didn't want to, Julia set aside her cup and waited until she had her plate of bangers and mash to take another sip of the juice. She started cutting her first sausage and ate it with the mashed potatoes before saying to Mari who she was sitting next to, "This has been so cool."

"I know, it's fun," the girl was saying, looking across the table at the older McDouglas twins. "It doesn't matter how many spells you can do," Mari added.

"You went to Florida," Kathleen said. "We were hoping you'd still like here."

"Yeah," Mari added. "And we haven't gone to everything yet."

"We only went on two rides," Peter commented as the older kids had been allowed to sit together at a table. "There is more right?"

"There are," Marie said with a nod. "And we can go around now to walk."

"Cool," Clive said.

"There are things to see," Kathleen said before she recalled something. "Mum, Mom, what about the shows?"

"Hmm, we need to ask everyone else," Skye said, thinking that over. "There are just three, but they take time of course."

"What are they?" Isaac asked.

"The WaterWorld one," Mary said. "Girls," she told them as the twins were wrinkling their noses.

"They don't like it all that much," Skye commented. "And we're a bit tired of it, we've seen it so often of course. Then there's the animal actor one-"

"We like that one," Kathleen interrupted.

"And a special effects one," Mary finished, glancing at the twins.

"I think the animal actors show would be better," Genevieve said. "Since I think we all like animals."

"I don't mind. Pictures," Daisy said.

"I'd like to see it," Sasha said.

Seeing the dancer's wife nodding, Skye smiled and said, "Alright, we'll go there after lunch and then go to the main attraction of this park. The reason the park is here."

Castle bit at the side of his mouth as the kids; except for the older McDouglas twins; clamored with questions about what that reason was. Finally he told them, "Guys, they're not going to let us know until we go to it. So let's wait until we finish and see the show before we get to that point."

Beckett squeezed her husband's hand as the kids finally went back to their food and returned to her own meal. She had an idea of what Skye was talking about, but didn't say anything, wanting hers and Castle's daughters to be surprised as she finished the last of her pumpkin juice.

"Can we teach our doggies to do that stuff?" Eliza asked her mother.

"I don't think so sweetie," Beckett said, squeezing her hand while they were walking away from the outdoor theater for the animal actors show. "They're a little too big for some of those tricks."

"Yeah," Eliza said after she had thought that over. "What are we gonna do now?"

"That!" Fleur said, pointing ahead of them.

"The Studio Tour?" Peter asked, reading the sign for it.

"This is what the park started out with," Skye said with a smile.

"Do they still film stuff here?" Mari asked.

"They do, but the shows are for NBC," Derek commented. When the kids looked at him he said, "In case you were wondering why we weren't being filmed for the show.""Can you be here?" Clive asked.

Laughing briefly Sasha said, "Of course, but again, we're not being filmed."

"I don't know if you'll want the baby to go on this," Skye said to Castle and Beckett. "There are thematic things and noises… fire."

"Who would stay though?" Castle asked though he was looking at his wife.

"No, she's right we can't take a five-month-old for that," Beckett said.

"There isn't a height limit Mom," Julia said.

Shaking her head Beckett was about to say that she could remain with the baby when her father was speaking first to her surprise.

"I'll stay," Jim was saying.

"But Grandpapa, you should get to see it too!" Julia said, her little sister agreeing with her.

"Dad?" Skye said when she suddenly noticed him in the distance, walking from the entrance. "You made it!"

"I did," the man said, having been planning to join them though later as he'd had a meeting with a pilot's association from Britain in the city that morning. "And you're about to head on the tour?"

"We are, are you coming?" Marie asked with a slight frown.

"Is anyone watching the baby?" Liam asked.

"I will, you can go with your granddaughters," Jim said with a smile, though Eliza was holding his hand tightly.

"I won't," Liam replied. "I've never enjoyed this tour and I promised the girls I'd join them on any other ride."

"The minions," Fleur said with a giggle.

"Thank you," Jim told the man.

"You're very welcome, I hope you'll enjoy it," Liam said. "Girls?" he said to his granddaughters. "The rest of the park."

Smiling as all the kids were laughing at the man's exaggerated voice and widened eyes, Beckett took Julia's hand before they made their way over to the sign for the tour. They reached a railing and she wasn't surprised to hear the exclamation from the kids that hadn't been there before Skye was speaking quickly.

"We're on a hill, if you couldn't guess," the investigator was saying with a smile. "And we need to go down."

"It's cool, but…" Kathleen started to say before she looked at her mothers.

"We'll show them," Mary said reassuringly. When they headed over to some escalators she said, "Liam will be pushing Josie around."

"We knew," Beckett said with a smile. "He's done that at the Promenade."

"And it's fine," Castle said, speaking absently as he was looking down at his robes to make sure they were alright while they were on the escalator.

"Are we gonna be in the movies Mummy?" Iris was asking Skye as they headed to their line for the ride since they had passes for the front of the line.

"No, but we'll see things from the movies," the investigator said, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. After she straightened up she was taking one of the 3D glasses on a tray they were passing by, urging the others to do the same. "Like I said, we'll be seeing things," Skye said jokingly.

They were let onto the tram that was parked at the loading station, having to divide as the tram seated six across. But Castle and Beckett were able to sit with their daughters and parents, trying their best to keep the former two from putting on their 3D glasses.

"We'll use them soon I'm sure," Beckett said reassuringly to the two as they were starting to move. She looked at the TV screen in the tram but then looked out at the view, taking a picture of her daughters looking at it before she took a picture of the view itself.

"It's pretty," Julia said. She grunted as the tram bounced yet again; though it had just started; and said, "Is it going to do that the whole time?"

Beckett put her hand on her daughter's shoulder; since she was sitting next to the girls; and shook her head as they were starting to go down and going past movie posters. She wasn't surprised when Eliza turned to her; knowing the little girl was going to ask what was special about the movies; when the tour guide asked them to name a movie before the clip showed on the TV in front of them.

"Don't say anything," Castle said out of the side of his mouth to his mother; who was to his left. He jumped when she lightly slapped his arm and he looked at her in confusion before he realized he hadn't needed to ask. He glanced at the girls, seeing they were distracted by the fire station they were passing on the right. The scene stopped, and the tour guide was explaining the scene had been filmed on a soundstage. He wondered for a second why they'd bothered to show that when he realized they were approaching soundstages that were used.

"Look," Julia said eagerly when the tour guide mentioned some movies that had been filmed inside one soundstage. She and her sister watched the clips of movies like Frankenstein, Dracula, Scarface, Back to the Future and Jurassic Park. Though she wasn't aware of the first three she did know most of the last ones and she smiled at her parents as they'd finally let her watch the Back to the Future movies. She then was surprised when they were passing a parking lot, listening to the tour guide talking about the reality of making movies and TV shows. She looked at her little sister, wondering what she thought of everything they were passing and surprised that she was looking around interestedly before her mother wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"She's interested still," Beckett told her softly. "This is all new to her."

Julia nodded, before she looked ahead and gasped before whispering into her little sister's ear, "It's the minions."

Jim, leaning over at hearing Eliza's squealing, saw the display for the company that had made the movies with the characters. He smiled as Eliza was staring at the two minions and Julia was taking a picture before the tram stopped for a moment. He was about to tell his daughter to take a quickly posed picture of the girls when she was telling them already. "She read my mind," he said to Castle's mother.

Nodding Martha said, "I'll want a copy of that."

"Me too," Jim said as they were passing different trailers for some filming on a soundstage.

After passing some offices and then a large mural of NYC on the side of a building, Beckett saw Skye; with her daughters in front of them though Marie was behind them with the Fosters; turn around. "I knew," she said.

"How?" the investigator asked with a smile.

"I watched Hairspray; we all did," Beckett said, turning to look behind her at Derek.

"Hey there," the dancer said, waving, making some of the kids laugh since he'd been in that production.

"Good thing no one's recognizing you guys," Julia whispered, looking back as well.

"That's what hats are for," Emma commented since she, her husband and Derek were all wearing them and had been before they'd gone on the escalators.

"Face forward sweetie," Beckett told her daughter, making her turn around before they looked at the different streets that looked like NYC. She looked back at the TV screen in surprise when the tour guide began talking about Hairspray and she grabbed Julia before she could look back at Derek, knowing it might alert the people not with their group in the back of the tram car.

Julia smiled over her shoulder at the dancer when he squeezed her shoulder while some clips from that TV movie played briefly and then looked at Courthouse Square they were passing on the left. She frowned, as it looked familiar, and when the tour guide said it was used in the movie Back to the Future she looked at her mother who leaned down to her ear.

"There was a fire about twelve years ago," Beckett said. She wasn't surprised when Julia nodded, and they watched the quick clip about that movie before they were moving again and they were passing through the NYC style streets, learning more about their construction.

When they were going up a hill, Eliza looked over and could see a foreboding structure, grabbing her mother's hand as the tram turned. She couldn't help whimpering at the sight of a tram car like theirs, destroyed, before her mother held her to her. "What happened Mommy?" she whispered.

"It's King Kong," Castle said. "And we need to put on our glasses soon." He was a bit dismayed when the little girl cuddled against her mother a little more at that and he looked at Beckett questioningly.

"We'll see," she said simply before they were entering the building. Beckett was dismayed that it was so dark, but luckily the footage on the TV was distracting Eliza enough before they were instructed to put on their 3D glasses and Julia was talking to her sister excitedly.

"This is going to be really cool," the girl said. Julia couldn't see her sister, so she reached for her hand and just managed to find it before squeezing it tightly as the screens went dark and a movie started to play on the walls on either side of them and they went through jungle before they were suddenly driving. She cried out with her sister, as the tram wasn't moving, but it felt like they were since the movie on the screens was.

Castle leaned over to look at Eliza as the tram was moving, but she was laughing before a t-rex came up on each side. He had his arm around his wife, watching as King Kong came up and tossed the dinosaur aside before it 'climbed' over the tram to fight with the other on the left. The tram was moving around, and the dinosaur seemed to pull a car from the back of the tram off it before it fell, and they were falling too. He was worried about both girls for a moment, as the sensation of falling was very real, but they were laughing together and seeing their arms were up he knew Julia had helped Eliza with that.

At the end of the experience, and as soon as they were out in the sunlight, Beckett was quick to check on Eliza, helping her with her glasses. "Are you okay?" she asked the little girl.

"Yeah, that was fun," Eliza said, looking outside the tram. "Are we gonna go again?" she asked since it appeared they were heading back to the front of the building.

Julia was about to say they wouldn't when the tour guide was talking about cars which they were passing on the left. She was reading the boards behind each car but didn't recognize the first two until she saw the third. "Back to the Future!" she said eagerly when she spotted the cars they were passing.

After they had gone by the row, Eliza looked up at the screen as it was showing a clip from Jurassic Park. She looked at all the cars and items they were passing, from the movie she guessed, and asked, "Can I watch that?"

"Not just yet," Beckett said with a smile, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. She looked up as the tour guide was talking about it being quiet before a dinosaur popped up and squirted water towards them. She laughed as she heard Genevieve cry out two rows back and looked ahead as they continued driving until they stopped in front of what looked like a Mexican town from the past. She was startled when it suddenly began raining in front of them, seeing the girls looking to the left where the rain was in awe before the tour guide was telling them how the rain was being made by the overhead sprinklers. She wondered for a moment if that was all they would see; though she was suspicious of the incline far back; when water started to rush down towards them from the hill and from a building as well.

"We're gonna get wet!" Iris cried out before the water stopped on the bridge the tram was on, though she was hit by spray as were some of the others on the left side of the tram.

"That was cool," Julia said when they were driving again. "What's next?" she asked her mother.

"I'm not sure," Beckett replied, feeling her husband squeeze her hand while they were going through Wild West sets. After they went through outdoor sets that were explained as being used for a TV show and monster movies. She took some pictures of what she recognized from the classic monster movies until they were coming up to another soundstage and Eliza was tugging her robe sleeve.

"What's next?" the little girl asked.

"We'll find out right now," Beckett assured her quietly as the tour guide was talking about a set designed to look like a subway station. At first, she thought it was supposed to be the subway in NYC, but when the tram started to shake she looked at her husband.

"San Francisco," Castle said before the lights started to flicker and then the ceiling came down, revealing a street with a liquid gas truck on it.

Beckett turned her attention to the girls then, as she heard them both crying out along with some of the other kids. She held onto Eliza when the truck hit some of the posts in the station, and there was some fire near them close enough to feel the heat of it. More of the ceiling collapsed, and a second later a telephone pole fell as well making the little girl in her arms cry out again when it swung down towards them.

Julia jumped when some fire appeared on the right, near her, making her suddenly hot before the sound of metal screeching got her attention back to the left. She looked over in time so see a subway train; that looked a lot like the BART trains in San Francisco; come in on the other track and veer towards toward them before one of the posts made the front car and second one separate. She breathed out as the tour guide said the worst was over when she heard water and turned in time to see it gushing down a staircase to the right. She couldn't help laughing as her little sister squealed since there was so much of it, but they were only getting some spray and then continuing. "That was scary," she said to her parents. "Mom?" she asked, startled to see the expression on her face.

"Daddy?" Eliza said, grabbing his hand when she saw he looked the same.

"Rick, Kate," Martha said calmly.

"Sorry," Beckett said, shaking her head first, glancing at the Wild West sets they were passing. "I was remembering the earthquake in San Francisco," she told the girls, smiling so they wouldn't keep looking worried.

"It's hard to forget that," Castle said, smiling as well. "Look at the billboard."

"It's Jaws, Dad," Julia said with a smile before they were stopping in front of a pond of water where there was a set of a fishing village on the other side. "Look!" she gasped when she saw the shark fin cutting through the water.

Eliza gasped and covered her eyes as a scuba diver; after the shark fin had disappeared; went up and down in the water before disappearing under before there was red in it. "Is he kay?" she whispered to her parents.

"He will be," Castle said before the tram was moving again. He was a little surprised when they stopped again, and a pier moved slightly in the water. He jumped when flames shot out of a red barrel, glad that it was facing away from them as he could still feel the heat. As more flames shot through the floor on the pier he soon saw something was coming out of the water and he heard the girls noticing the shark.

"It's him!" Julia said eagerly as it rose out of the water. She cried out and tried to pull away when there were splashes of water, but they were driving away and she sighed, looking at her little sister.

"Did he stop?" Eliza asked, her face buried in her mother's arm.

"He did," Beckett said gently. She was relieved when the little girl sat up before they came to a street of houses. She focused mostly on her daughters, wanting to make sure they were both alright. But Eliza was focusing mostly on the homes, so she relaxed until they were passing an old black car that made her look at her husband saying, "1970 Charger."

Castle nodded, knowing there was a reason why the car was there as the tour guide was calling security. But they drove past it and a second later the security called back, showing who the car belonged to before he laughed as it was Vin Diesel. "I know what's next.""Me too," Beckett said with a smile.

"Oh, that's not next," Julia said when she saw what they were approaching.

"Whoville!" Eliza squealed as they passed the set from the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Beckett smiled at how happy the little girl was, but when they went around the set she couldn't help groaning as the music from the movie Psycho played and a second later they could see the Bates Motel with the Bates home above it. She wrapped her arms around Eliza as someone came out of a room at the end of the hotel, carrying what she knew was supposed to be a body to the trunk of a car before the man turned to the tram.

"What's he gonna do?" Eliza asked before she gasped as the man that the tour guide was calling Norman pulled a knife from his jacket and ran towards the tram as it was moving. She breathed out in relief when they were past him and said to her mother, "That was close."

"I know… can I see that movie?" Julia asked.

"Not yet," Castle said as they were driving past the Bates house before they were coming around it to another set. He shared a look with his wife, not surprised when she leaned over and touched Skye's shoulder.

"It's alright, I've told her," the investigator replied with a slight smile behind her at her friend. They were driving through a set for the movie War of the Worlds and it featured a real 747 that had been torn up for wreckage for that part of the movie. She had Fleur against her side; intentionally sitting next to her as she'd known they would be going to the set. She felt Mary's hand on her shoulder before she smiled at her wife as they were passing the cockpit and part of the fuselage with the roof torn off and the other piece of it split slightly away from it. She expected Fleur to be trembling but the little girl was looking up at her and she asked, "Are you alright mon petite?"

The little girl nodded and asked, "Ce n'est pas vrai?"

Smiling, as she'd asked it wasn't real, Skye nodded herself and told her, "La maige des films."

"The magic of films?" Julia asked her mother, as they'd been listening.

"Movies," Beckett said with a nod.

"That was creepy," Castle said, squeezing his wife's shoulder as they could still hear one of the plane's engines rotating.

Beckett nodded, having thought the same as she'd been recalling their incident at JFK, but shook that from her mind before they were leaving. She looked at the large pool of water with a blue wall behind it, not surprised it was used for ocean scenes in movies. She recognized the house in front of that water from the movie The Great Outdoors, looking at her husband as he liked that movie. They were pausing past the water and house, coming to what appeared to be a dilapidated warehouse, and she was about to say what they were going into next when hers and Castle's second oldest spoke first.

"Is that the Fast and Furious ride?" Julia whispered, just remembering to so the people who hadn't been on it at all before wouldn't hear her. She sighed when her parents nodded, as she'd liked the King Kong experience more. But as they were in the building and going through it eventually, she laughed as she could hear her little sister crying out in excitement. They came to the loading station after that and when they were going up she asked, "What's next?"

"I'm quite thirsty," Skye commented as she'd heard her since she and her family were ahead of theirs. "I could do with some Butterbeer."

"Cold?" Eliza asked hopefully.

"Or frozen. And then we can look over at a special part of the park," Mary said.

"What?" Ivy asked, taking her mother's hand once they were off the escalator going up.

"You'll see," Skye said simply before they met up with Liam and Josie.

Beckett, holding Eliza's hand while Castle held the little girl's right hand, squeezed it gently. "We'll find out soon enough," she told the little girl.

"I know," Eliza said with a sigh before she smiled seeing the gate to Hogsmeade again.

The group got their drinks before they were sitting on a wall and drinking them, watching the people passing by until they were finishing. Just as they were standing and about to leave for the next part of the park Josie began to cry, making her parents immediately freeze.

"Does she need to eat?" Julia asked.

"No," Beckett said. She quickly checked the baby's diaper and said with a smile, "I think she wanted out of her carrier," as she set her on her hip. "Let's go," she told the others before they walked out of Hogsmeade.

"Maman!" Fleur exclaimed when they walked across the park, past the theater where they'd seen the animal show, and were walking by buildings that looked like they were from Paris.

"I know mon petite," Skye said with a smile. "They're showing how good their sets are for movies. But we're about to see here."

Looking ahead, Castle laughed when the youngest kids squealed in pleasure as they saw a purple gate with a plaque on it reading Super Silly Fun Land, the area next to the Despicable Me ride. He could feel Eliza kicking at his chest, and then put his hands on her legs to stop her saying, "Is it time to go down?"

"Yeah," Eliza said happily before her father took her off his shoulders. She raced to Fleur and they hurried together to the minion dressed as Napoleon's soldier on the right side of the gate, standing on either side of it before they looked expectantly at their mothers.

"I guess it's time to take pictures," Beckett said to Skye in amusement as she brought her camera up to take one.

"I suppose it is," the investigator said with a smile, glancing at her wife who was taking a picture. "There's a ride we can go on now."

"The Despicable Me one?" Derek asked.

"Not yet," Skye said. "That one."

"I think we'll pass," Emma said as they looked at the ride. "It looks more like it's for the younger kids."

"It basically is," Mary said. "But this'll give them the chance to digest a bit."

"Plus, the games," Skye said before she turned to the other kids. "Everyone go join them, we'll have a big picture of all the children."

After the parents had had enough pictures of their kids, they allowed them to lead the way inside that section. The kids saw the games first, but the adults turned their attention to the ride that was going at that moment to distract them.

"What is it called?" Eliza asked, holding onto her grandmother's hand tightly.

"Silly Swirly," Julia, with Mari just ahead of them, said.

Giggling, Eliza looked up at Martha and asked, "Will you go with me Gram?"

Looking up at the ride for a moment, Castle's mother looked back at her son and daughter in law before she smiled and said, "Okay, but don't move us around too fast kiddo."

"I won't," Eliza said.

"Are you gonna go on Mom, Dad?" Julia asked the two.

"We'll stay with Josie," Beckett told her. "Have fun."

"It's funny how Derek got roped into going on the ride," Castle commented.

"Well… there are three shorter kids and only two mothers," Beckett said with a smile as they sat and watched their family and friends getting on the cars of the aerial carousel. "But Sasha and Emma got a break," she said, glancing back towards the section that looked like Paris where the couple had gone. She heard Josie whimpering and turned in time to see Castle pulling her out of the carrier which made her sigh playfully. "We can't carry you around every second Josie," taking her as she wasn't stopping. She set her on her lap and gently bounced her, not surprised when she started to laugh. She couldn't help it and leaned over, kissing the side of her head before she heard someone calling to the baby.

"Your sisters are up there," Castle said, pointing to try and get Josie's attention there. He wasn't surprised when she baby tried putting her fist into her mouth and he laughed, pulling it away gently before he kissed the top of her head. "Well… at least the older kids are having fun," he said, watching the ride then.

"Did you really think they wouldn't on this kind of ride?" Beckett said. When her husband shrugged she said simply, "Rick."

Turning to her, Castle leaned over as she quickly gestured to him and they kissed one another firmly. They weren't together for too long and he said, "It's a little annoying," speaking in Irish.

Smiling, as she knew he was referencing the length of that kiss, Beckett handed him their baby and said, "We'll have more time tomorrow." She couldn't help laughing softly when he nodded before she kissed his cheek and they played with Josie until they would be going through the park again.

"Here they come," Jim said to his granddaughter as he could hear the tell-tale sound of a boat.

Eliza clapped her hands just as the boat for the ride came out of the drop, sending up a wave of water though it didn't reach them. "Can't we go over there Grandpapa?" she asked him.

"Your mom doesn't want you to get wet," Jim replied. "Or your dad either. So stay with me and we'll wait until we can see them." He couldn't help smiling as the little girl sighed and said, "Are you mad you couldn't go too?"

"Yeah but… that's scary," Eliza said, gesturing to the building that held the eighty-five-foot drop.

"I know," Jim said. "But they'll have fun."

"Yeah," Eliza said, nodding her head rapidly. It was later in the afternoon and she was with her grandparents, Josie and Dani while the others were on the Jurassic World ride. She remembered that some weren't, and she looked behind them saying, "Do you think they had fun upstairs?"

"Probably," Jim said, kissing her temple before she turned to him and hugged him tighter around the neck. "Here comes another," he said as they could hear the boat coming down.

Watching the boat that came down then, Eliza looked for her mother's blue blouse but couldn't spot it as the boat went by. Sighing she said, "What's taking them so long?"

"Hold on Dani," Martha said suddenly, making Beckett's father turn and Eliza gasp. "She wants to see as well," she explained when the toddler had reached the railing.

"I can't really pick her up," Jim said, looking at Eliza.

Opening her mouth to speak, the little girl heard a familiar voice behind them and saw that it was Mary with the three youngest McDouglas girls. "How was the ride?" Eliza couldn't help asking them.

"Good," Fleur said with a smile. "Did they come down the drop yet?"

"No," Eliza said, squeezing her grandfather's shoulder so he would put her down. She went up on the step so she could see over it and said, "Does your mom really like this ride?" to the McDouglas girls.

"Yeah, the drop," Mary said with a smile as the four looked at her. She carefully got her hair out of Dani's grip and told them, "She likes drops like that. I don't know why but she does."

"Is that why you let her go?" Ivy asked.

Mary nodded and then said to Jim and Martha, "I couldn't really stop her."

"Of course not," Castle's mother replied. She was going to say more but there was the sound of another boat and they looked over at the drop to find it coming down into the water.

"There they are!" Eliza cried as she quickly spotted her family in the front row. She waved furiously as the three were doing the same back to her and after the boat had passed by she said, "They look like they got really wet."

"That would happen," Mary said with a slight grimace.

"Did you go on that Mommy?" Iris asked.

"Once," Mary said. "And that was more than enough."

"How did that happen?" Martha asked.

"We were engaged," Mary replied. "And we came here one day and… I went on the ride for her since she obviously wanted to go."

"Did she know you didn't?" Jim asked.

"I didn't really hesitate for all that long," Mary said with a smile. "When we got off the drop she looked at me and said…" She paused, as her fiancée had spoken in Irish and had cursed herself out in that language, and then said, "That she'd been stupid to force me to go." She ran her hand over the back of Ivy's head and said, "And that was the last time I've been on it. But luckily your mum still married me," directing that to her three youngest.

"She loves you," Fleur said quickly.

"She's quite right, I do," Skye said suddenly. She smiled when her daughters rushed to her and told them warningly, "Better not, I'm quite soaked through."

"I'm not worried," Mary said, walking to her wife and embracing her tightly.

Laughing Skye asked, "You told them about our ride, didn't you?" as she was hugging her back. When she felt her nod, she squeezed Mary a little harder and then said, "They enjoyed it."

"Everyone?" the doctor asked as she moved back.

"They did," Skye replied, nodding.

"I'm wondering," Beckett told her friend as she hugged Eliza the best she could after checking on Josie who was on her grandmother's hip. "Is that it?"

"We are the first park. We're on a hill and we've seen everything," Skye said.

"Except…" Liam told his daughter.

Groaning, though she smiled soon after Skye said, "The last thing is the two shows, and I'm alright with the special effects one but WaterWorld…"

"I can pass on those," Beckett said. "I'll stay with Josie."

"I'll stay with you," Skye said quickly.

"Rick, go," Beckett said as she could see the hesitation in the expression on his face. "If the girls want to go too I'd like you to be there with them."

Though he wanted the chance to be with his wife and their baby, Castle looked at their other daughters and said, "If they want to go I'd love to."

"I'd like to see it," Julia said, glancing at her mother.

"Go," Beckett replied. "Skye and Mary say it's alright, there's some gunfire-"

"And fire," Skye interrupted.

"Can't have Universal without fire," Mary quipped.

"Alright, let's go upstairs and get to the theater," Skye said with a laugh.

Once they had reached it, near the entrance, Beckett and Skye were joined by Jim and the older McDouglas twins. They watched the rest of their group head into the theater before Skye turned to her daughters.

"Well you lot," the investigator told them with a smile on her face. "What should we do while we're waiting for the rest of them?"

"Walk around Hogsmeade?" Kathleen said after she and her twin shared a look.

"What about the games at the Simpsons?" Skye asked.

"I guess that's okay," Marie said.

"Why couldn't we walk around Hogsmeade?" Jim asked.

"Well… I guess they could," Skye said. "I mean we could. But I would hate for your sisters to get jealous."

"But we're not doing anything new," Marie pointed out to her.

"Oh, I know why Mum said the Simpsons," Kathleen said. "She wants us to say we'll stay here and that way she'll be close to Mom."

"We'll still be close," Beckett said, reaching to Josie to gently rub her stomach.

"I know, sorry just…" Skye started to say before she shook her head. "Let's go."

Beckett wasn't surprised when her father took the twins ahead of them and she said, "I don't blame you," in Russian.

"I'm surprised that Rick didn't stay out," Skye said. "Though I'm guessing he enjoyed the movie?"

"No, he just likes action," Beckett said before they both paused.

Shaking her head Skye said, "I knew what you meant but thanks for making me think of that."

"Not a problem," Beckett said before they laughed together.

"Would it be alright if we did spells?" Marie asked her mother once they'd reached the gate to Hogsmeade.

"Go on," Skye told them, smiling. She looked down at Josie as the baby was vocalizing suddenly and she said, "She's getting close."

"We noticed," Beckett said with a smile as she and Castle had noticed Josie's gums seemed to be turning a little red in a couple places. "And that means she's moving in with us.""Martha will disagree with that," Jim told his daughter.

"We know," Beckett replied. "But there are kids in the house that'll need to get sleep and they won't be able to do that if Josie's there."

"You'll have to talk with her," Jim said.

"I don't know if she'd be that loud, the walls and doors are soundproofed," Skye pointed out to her.

Beckett sighed, looking down at the baby, before she said, "We'll talk to her."

"Mum!" the twins said at the same time.

"What is it?" Skye asked the two.

"We couldn't get more Butterbeer?" Kathleen asked first.

"Now that's too much," Skye told them, smiling at the same time. "Come back over here, there's not much time left to the show and we need to meet them at the gates to discuss what we'll do the rest of our time here."

"How much time is left?" Jim said as they went to a window with musical instruments behind it.

"Only seven minutes," Skye replied after she'd looked at her watch once her robe sleeve was out of the way. "But they'll have enjoyed it," she said to Beckett.

"Yeah, it's fun to see a couple times… in a row," Marie said before she and her twin were rolling their eyes. "Oh! Mum, where are we gonna eat?" She and Kathleen looked at each other when their mother was still looking at her watch and then exclaimed at the same time, "Mum!"

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Skye asked with a smile. "We're not eating at the park. At Citywalk."

"Cool, we wanted to," Kathleen said first.

"Good, I'm sure Julia will love it there," Skye said, smiling at Beckett.

"Let's keep going," she said before they went to the last of the spells. Beckett was relieved when the investigator let them know they could head to the front gate and she pushed Josie's stroller, spotting her husband and their daughters first in the group. She smiled at the three of them, not surprised when the latter two ran up to her and were telling her about the show together and excitedly to her amusement while she listened closely.

"There were jet skis, but they were all dark and they were riding around to get the people wet in the front-" Julia began.

"We weren't there but we saw the water and there was fire-" Eliza then took up.

"And there were guns and stuff, but the set was really tall and there was a ship that even went around in the water-"

"Oh! Don't forget the plane that flew in and there were big exposions," Eliza said before she was smiling as her big sister laughed.

"Explosions," Beckett gently corrected her. "So you liked it?"

"Yeah, it was… cool," Julia said slowly.

"I don't know if you would have liked it love," Castle told his wife. "But it was fun to watch."

"Did you have fun?" Eliza asked.

"I did, but we don't have that much time left until the park closes so we can go on the rides again," Beckett said. "But," she said when the girls looked at each other in excitement. "I hope you'll let your grandparents go with you."

"On all the rides?" Julia asked, looking at her grandfather.

"You want me to go on Jurassic World with you?" Jim asked. When the girl nodded he laughed and said, "Alright, I'm sure Skye will want to go on it again. Should we start now?"

"We need to," David said. "There isn't that much time left."

"Really not a lot of time left," Derek said, holding up his arm where his watch was.

"Enough for the rides one more time," Skye said.

"Are we going on the tour again?" Sasha asked.

Shaking her head Mary said, "We usually just go on it once when we're here. Unless anyone wanted to split off from us and do that."

Skye looked around at everyone and then said with a smile, "Let's go."

Castle took Josie's stroller when they were walking again and said to Beckett, "If you want to go on any of the rides I'll take her."

Shaking her head Beckett said, "We've been on these in Orlando, so I'll let our parents go."

"Chaill mé tú," Castle murmured to her though he was telling her he missed her in Irish.

Beckett smiled and then said, "Rinne mé freisin," which meant the phrase I did too. She squeezed his arm and kept it looped through his until they reached the roller coaster in the Harry Potter section and then moved to find a bench to watch the ride.

"Is there anything you'd like to do before we leave?" Castle asked his wife once they were settled and he was looked in on Josie who was moving her Tigger doll around.

"One more ride with the girls," Beckett replied.

"Which?" Castle asked.

"I'll let them choose," Beckett said simply.

"Good idea," Castle said, nodding his head before he leaned over and kissed her temple. "This has been fun."

"It has," Beckett replied. "But I'm eager to go to Disneyland more."

"For Eliza?" Castle asked. He was startled when his wife merely smiled in response to that and he asked, "What?"

"We're taking her on the Dumbo ride," Beckett said, nodding to the baby.

"Oh, really?" Castle asked.

"Yeah, I want that to be her first ride at the park," Beckett explained. She wasn't surprised when her husband looked a little confused and she told him, "Skye and Mary took the girls to that ride their first time at Disneyland; their older girls."

"But the younger three-" Castle started to say.

"Will be going on that first too," Beckett said. She smiled and added, "We're going to detour from their normal route to the Jungle Cruise for that reason."

"Okay," Castle said. "I just hope the older kids won't mind."

"I don't think so," Beckett replied. "We'll be heading to the Jungle Cruise after," she ended swiftly as their family and friends were coming over to them.

"With this last bit," Skye said to the pair still sitting on the bench. "We're going to split up and meet at the Studio Store at the front before the park closes. It's large so text us once you're there; they're going to do the same," she told them, gesturing behind her with her friend. "And after we'll head out to the Citywalk and dinner."

"And dessert!" Kathleen said.

"And that, but after we shop a bit," Mary said, shaking her head as she was smiling.

"What can we go on now Mom?" Julia asked as they remained where they were while the others left.

"That's your pick," Beckett said. "Though I think we should go on the rides down at the bottom first before we come back up to leave."

"What about the Mummy ride?" Julia said, turning her attention to her grandparents.

"I'll go," Jim said. "Since I've been on it already…?"

"It's different," Beckett said first.

"And it goes backwards but no drops or anything," Castle said.

"I'll go," Jim said. "But what about you two?" he directed to Martha and Eliza.

"Do you want to go on that Transformers ride?" the little girl asked her big sister.

"You can go on that," Julia said. "You'll like it Gram."

"Alright," Martha said with a slight laugh. She took the stroller, as her son and daughter in law were taking their daughters by their hands and took Josie over to the elevator down to the lower level of the park. When they were stepping out at the bottom she was about to ask the pair where they would wait with Josie when her son was speaking first.

"We'll be by the drop for Jurassic World," Castle said. "Do you mind staying here while they go on that ride?" he asked as they stopped by the entrance of Revenge of the Mummy.

"No, I like to see the boats," Eliza said with a smile.

"I'll stay with Josie so you can watch," Martha said with a smile.

"Have fun," Beckett told them, taking their robes to put them away. Once they were set in a bag under the carrier she and her husband went to the railing at the ride, watching as one boat came out of the drop once they stepped up to it. "You can go on this if you want to," she told him.

Shaking his head, Castle waited for her to take Josie out of her carrier before he kissed them both on the cheek. "I'd like to stay with you guys," he told her. "Let Julia and your dad have time together."

Beckett smiled at him, wanting to kiss him, but she needed to wipe some drool that was going down Josie's chin. She wasn't surprised when the baby made a slightly distressed sound and she leaned down, kissing the top of her head before she let Castle take her. She watched him lightly bounce the baby before he nuzzled her temple, realizing he was telling her something.

"I know you're still too little to go on this ride but it's a lot of fun. The dinosaurs look so real and not all of them want to attack," Castle said. "Now, at five years old you're tall enough-"

"Rick," Beckett said simply.

"But that's too young so you'll be older like Eliza will. What?" Castle asked, looking at her.

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, Beckett was about to speak when another boat came down the drop and they watched before she heard Josie vocalizing.

"Can she see that?" Castle asked in surprise as they turned to their baby.

"Maybe," Beckett said. "Her eyesight is nearly twenty-twenty," she added.

"And it looks like she might want to go on this ride," Castle said.

"More than likely," Beckett said.

"How old?" Castle asked.

Looking at the drop as she let Josie wave her index finger back and forth, Beckett said, "Maybe six or seven, it depends on how they are," indicating both Eliza and the baby. "And how much they'd want to go on this."

Castle nodded before he and Beckett took turns holding Josie and watching the boats before the rest of their family came over to them. Once Jim and Julia were heading for the line they turned their attention to Eliza who was standing in between them.

"It looks very tall," the little girl said suddenly, after a boat had gone.

"It is, eighty-five feet," Castle commented.

"Jules says I'm tall enough to go on the ride," Eliza said, looking up at them.

"You are but I really want you to be a little older for this," Beckett said.

"We do," Castle corrected her.

"Really?" Eliza asked, glancing up at him.

"Of course, it's a big drop," Castle said seriously. "You've only just started going on Splash Mountain. So we want you to grow up just a little more before you get to these rides." He was surprised when she suddenly frowned, and he was going to ask her what was wrong when his wife beat him to it.

"Did you want to go?" Beckett asked her.

Shaking her head Eliza said, "Will Josa get to go?"

"One day, but not for a while," Beckett told her. They watched another boat and she said, "We'll go back up after this."

Eliza, not hearing her father reply to that, looked up at her mother and said, "Did you talk to me?"

"I was talking to you," Beckett told her. "And I'm letting you know this is the last chance for the rides here."

"I went on them," Eliza said before she paused. "The Transformers ride."

"What do you want to go to upstairs first?" Castle asked.

Shaking her head Eliza said, "I wanna ask Jules."

Looking at the next boat that was coming down the drop, Beckett smiled and said, "There they are," as she quickly spotted Julia in her grey shirt.

"Did she go there on purpose?" Eliza asked her parents after they'd been waving to Julia and Jim, the pair on the furthest two right seats of the first row.

"Probably," Castle said, turning around to lean against the railing.

"What is it Daddy?" Eliza asked him, a wide smile on her face.

"I'm trying to think of the ride you two will pick," Castle said.

"I've been thinking of that too," Beckett said, taking Eliza's hand when she came to her. She squeezed it gently and told her, "Is it the roller coaster?"

"No, we went on that already," Eliza replied. "The minions."

"I thought it might be that one," Castle said, looking at his wife.

"Me too," Beckett said with a smile before their daughter was hugging her around the waist.

"Hi!" Julia said, jogging up to her family once she could see them. "That was a lot of fun. Are we going back up?"

"Yeah," Eliza said before their parents could say anything. "I said the minions."

"Cool, me too," Julia said before she and her sister laughed together, wrapping their arms around each other.

"Let's go you two," Castle said, smiling at them before he looked at his wife. He wasn't surprised when she was lowering her camera from her face and murmured, "Got it?"

"I did," Beckett replied. She walked with him while they were watching their daughters in front of them, surprised when the two paused by the elevator. "What's wrong?" she asked the two.

"Could we go up the Starway?" Julia asked, her sister squeezing her hand.

"Did you tell them?" Beckett asked her husband.

"Tell- the name?" Castle asked to say in surprise. At her nod he quickly said, "No, that was probably Marie or Kath, right?"

"They both said," Eliza replied.

"Just this once?" Julia asked.

Beckett wasn't surprised when her husband looked at her and she sighed before saying, "Okay, since we're going up. "But once we start I don't think we can get the elevator, it goes straight to the top."

"It does," Jim said. When the others looked at him he said, "I asked Mary about it. She said there used to be a shuttle for people who were in wheelchairs and since their older twins weren't they had to go on this until they built the elevator last summer."

"It scares them both," Julia said. "Going down the most."

"Then we have to ask are you sure about going?" Castle said to the girls.

"I want to go," Julia said. She was surprised when her little sister tugged her hand and she looked down at her. "You don't want to now?" She smiled when Eliza shook her head and she said, "That's okay, it's really steep."

"But you still want to go," Beckett stated.

"Yeah," Julia replied. "Just once."

"Then we need to take off our robes, so we'll be okay," Beckett told her daughter and her husband.

Though she wanted to protest, Julia looked up at the first escalator and saw why her mother wanted them to do that. Since she wasn't wearing them; after the Jurassic World ride; she waited for her parents to get theirs off. She smiled and waved goodbye to the rest of their family before they made their way up the first set of escalators.

When they were halfway through Castle said, "Are you doing okay?"

"I am," Julia said. "I'm not going to look up."

"Good idea," Beckett told her as they made it to the third escalators. She wasn't looking anywhere but right in front of her; as Skye had advised her to do that if they were going up the escalators that day; but wanted to see the view so she told the two to stop.

"It's pretty," Julia said with a smile as they were looking out on everything.

"It is, but I like it back at home," Castle commented, standing with his arm around her shoulders while Beckett was taking pictures.

"The city home or the Hamptons?" Julia asked.

"The Hamptons," Castle said.

Wrinkling her nose Julia said, "But you grew up in the city."

"I did, but I've come to appreciate the Hamptons," Castle said.

Julia nodded, though she wasn't sure if that counted as being more out in the country, but her mother got their attention and they went together to the last set of escalators. Seeing her sister waiting with Jim near where they stepped off she hurried to her and cried, "I made it!"

"Me too!" Eliza said before they held hands and started to jump up and down.

"Girls," Beckett said before she had to stop as she couldn't keep herself from laughing.

"You're going to wear yourselves out for the rest of the rides," Castle said when he'd managed to get control of himself enough to speak.

"We can go to the minions?" Eliza asked eagerly when she and her sister stopped.

"Yes," Beckett said. "But before we do…" she said before she waved to her father and mother in law.

Castle, knowing what she wanted to do, flagged down an employee who was walking by to ask if he would take a picture of them. He then hurried to get Beckett's camera and once he was with his family at the railing they stood with the girls in front and Josie in his arms. After his wife had her camera back he kept the baby with him, carrying her over to the Despicable Me area with their daughters laughing and skipping together in front of them while he held Beckett's hand tightly in his own.

"Where are we going?" Eddie asked Skye as they were led up the stairs to the second floor of the Hard Rock Café.

"Up," the investigator said. Skye smiled when the actor gave her a look before she felt a hand tugging on the sleeve of her robes. She glanced over her shoulder at Julia and was about to ask what she wanted when the girl was speaking a moment later rapidly.

"Are we going to sit by Beatles stuff?" Julia said eagerly.

"I think we are," Eddie said, reaching to her to help her up the last step so she was first.

Beckett hurried the last few steps at the cry she heard before she saw that her daughter was standing in front of a Hofner Violin Bass that was hanging on the wall. She looked at Skye with a smile and asked, "Where is he right now?" in Russian.

"He has one last pair of concerts in San Francisco this Friday and Saturday," Skye replied in the same language, speaking in a low tone as they got out of the way of the others coming up the stairs behind them. "And then he has the next two weeks off before he's performing the last concerts in Anaheim and LA."

Nodding, Beckett went to her family who was sitting at the table closest to the Beatles items and she said, "Are you sure no one else wanted to sit here?"

"I think they were expecting her to," Jim told his daughter with a smile as Julia was giving them a slight pout of her lips.

"Look at the menu you guys," Beckett told the girls while they were laughing. Before she sat down she quickly unclasped her robe and let her husband hold it while she got her arms out of the sleeves. "Thank you," she told him before she sat on one of the two empty chairs together. Josie was to her right and she leaned over, kissing the baby's forehead before she said, "Skye said once we order you and the other kids can walk around. But just on this floor, I don't want you going around downstairs where all the other people are."

"How did we get tables up here?" Emma asked.

"That was me," Skye said. "Which was a surprise, but they gave me the tables here."

"I'm glad it worked," Eddie said. "Would have been difficult to move around downstairs. And it's only a Wednesday."

"It's popular here?" Rebecca asked.

"It can be," Mary said. "Obviously it is tonight."

"Are we ready to order?" Skye asked as their waitresses were coming over to the table.

Beckett, after making a quick look at the entrees, was able to order and she helped Eliza as well before they were left alone again. "Go ahead," she told both girls when she saw they were looking at her and Castle.

"You don't want to go?" he asked when he noticed the girls weren't getting up.

"We do, but come with us," Julia said as her sister looked at her, waiting to see what their parents would say to that request.

"We'll be back," Castle said to his mother and father in law while he and Beckett were getting up from their chairs.

"They have a lot of stuff here," Peter said as they were walking, looking around at the different items.

"I don't know who these singers or bands are though," Mari was saying. "Well… most of them."

"I'm not surprised," David said to his daughter. "Most of them are from before you all were born," as they were looking at some outfits in a glass case. "But they're good music."

"I'm glad you got to sit by the Beatles stuff," Marie was saying to Julia.

"Me too," Mari said quickly.

"I know," Julia said, smiling at her friends.

"Mum and Mom said they used to have a lot of different things downstairs, but they took it off," Marie then continued.

"Oh… at least they have the stuff up here," Julia commented. She wasn't surprised when the two she was walking with nodded in agreement and they made their way back around to their table.

"How was everything?" Martha asked them.

"Cool, there's an outfit over there with fringe," Julia said. "Is it from the seventies?" she asked her parents.

"Yes," Castle said slowly.

"What?" Julia asked since he'd been looking at her.

"I was waiting to see if you'd ask if I'd worn anything like that when I was a kid," Castle commented.

"Dad," Julia said with a sigh though she soon smiled. "Did you wear fringe at all?"

"No," Castle said quickly.

"He didn't," Martha said, her voice heavily tinged with amusement as the girls had both turned to look at her. "His costumes never were fringe related."

"Not even regular clothes?" Beckett asked.

"Hey!" Castle said. He was slightly mollified when his wife kissed his cheek and he told them all, "No, it was a lot of itchy sweaters in the winter and polyester shirts with very big collars and polo shirts for spring and summer."

"Here comes our food," Beckett then told them as the waiters were coming over to them. "Please eat but slowly."

"Mum-" Kathleen started to say.

"After dinner lass," Skye told her firmly.

Once they had their food, the group started to eat, talking about the park and then the upcoming episode of the show until they were finishing the meal.

"You're not going to stay and walk around?" Julia was asking Derek as they were getting up from the table.

"I'm afraid not," the dancer replied. "And remember you need to get some rest too for practice… actually get the others, I want you to show me your steps really quick."

"All of them?" Mari asked as she hurried over with the boys.

"Let's say the first two verses," Derek replied. He then waited for the pairs to get into hold in an empty space between the tables and chairs, proceeding to count them off. He watched them with the others, nodding when they stopped at what would be the end of the second verse. He was about to speak when the others started to applaud, and he smiled before he told them, "Great job. But you're both having problems getting back up after the boys dip you," directing the last to the girls.

"Oh… sorry," Mari said, her cheeks red.

"That's okay, we'll work on that tomorrow," Derek said, and he moved to say goodbye to everyone before they went downstairs and out of the restaurant.

Watching the three dancers, Daisy and Eddie leave, Eliza spun around to her mother and grabbed her hand, about to tell her she wanted dessert when Skye was getting everyone's attention.

"Okay, we didn't really have dessert earlier after lunch because there's something out here we thought you might like to try," the investigator was saying.

"It must be some dessert," Isaac said suddenly.

"Why?" Mary asked in surprise.

When the man nodded to their oldest, Skye looked with her wife to find the two were crossing their fingers, their eyes closed tightly. "Girls," she said simply to get their attention. When they looked up at her she said, "What are you doing?"

"We're hoping," Kathleen said first.

Laughing softly Mary said, "You better tell them grá," to her wife.

"Alright," Skye replied. "It's Voodoo Donuts."

"I know that place," Genevieve said as they were walking to the right of the restaurant. "I've never been," she then said quickly. "But in Seattle I saw some ads for it in the paper."

"It's in Portland," Skye said. "Well, the first one I should have said. But they've opened here and the girls love it."

"You will too," Marie said, speaking to Julia and Ivy.

Hurrying over to her mother, Julia said, "We can get one, right?"

"We usually get two each," Skye began when Beckett looked at her. "But since we're eight of us now we'll have to adjust a bit."

"One for tomorrow?" Castle asked as they approached the bakery that was pink outside with a tall donut statue shaped like a voodoo doll outside it.

"That's the plan," Skye replied before they were heading inside. "They have the donuts in the front there, in the display, but here's a menu."

Looking at all the choices, Beckett wasn't sure the girls could be able to pick when she realized something. "Do you two want the Voodoo Doll donut?"

"Yeah!" "Yes please," Eliza and then Julia told them.

"They can split it," Castle said, seeing his wife looked hesitant.

"I think the four of us should split it," Beckett replied. "But that makes it a little uneven-"

"I'll only take one donut," Martha said.

"And a piece of the doll one too," Julia was quick to remind her.

"Are you sure?" Castle asked her. When she nodded he then said, "What would you like?" to his father in law.

"Yeah, what're you gonna get Grandpapa?" Eliza asked him eagerly, looking at the menu.

"A… Chuckles Donut I suppose," Jim said, frowning slightly at the name. "And the apple fritter."

"Okay," Castle said, putting that on his phone so they wouldn't forget. "Mother?"

"The Double Chocolate," Martha replied quickly. "And I'll take Josie for you."

"Just outside," Beckett told her. "I think we're going to be eating one donut outside."

"Eliza, what do you want for your donuts?"

"The M&Ms one," the little girl said eagerly. "And the peanut butter and jelly one."

"Sounds good," Castle said. "Julia?"

"The M&Ms one too," she replied quickly. "And the Grape Ape."

"I'll take the Blueberry Cake and the apple fritter one too," Beckett said.

"What're you gonna get Daddy?" Eliza asked quickly before the two could move to get in line.

"I know," Julia said before she smiled at her parents.

"Oh really? Which one?" Castle said with a smile.

"The one with bacon," Julia said easily.

"She knows you well," Beckett said with a smile.

"She does," Castle said. He felt Eliza tugging on his hand and he said, "And the Memphis Mafia one."

"We'll be outside," Martha said, going with the girls.

"Dad?" Beckett said to her father.

"I'll join you," Jim said simply.

"Dad-" Beckett began.

"My treat," Jim interrupted her before she could continue. "But you two share one and we'll share with our granddaughters."

"I had a feeling that's how it was going to go," Beckett said before she heard a baby crying. She turned with the two men and saw that Julia was jogging in to them. "Her diaper?" she asked once the girl had stopped.

Nodding her head Julia said, "Gram is taking her, Lizzy's going too to help."

"You'll stay with us?" Castle asked as they moved forward in line. "Make sure the donuts get to us okay?"

Beckett smiled when Julia laughed and said, "And don't eat any of them yet."

Laughing again, Julia made herself stop before she said, "I won't, I know you won't let me."

Squeezing her hand, Beckett pulled her with her down the line until they were at a register and she let Castle tell the worker their choices. She looked at her father, who'd remained in line behind them and then said to her husband, "We'll be outside."

Castle nodded, focusing on paying before he waited for their donuts to be ready. He looked over at the entrance and could see his wife and their daughter standing next to a table. He couldn't tell if they were with his mother and their other two daughters, but he had to turn to the worker who was holding two pink boxes out to him.

"She'll get to sleep soon," Beckett was telling her mother in law. "It's been a busy day for her."

"Here are the donuts," Castle said as he and Jim walked out to them.

"So many boxes?" Martha said.

"Yeah… I'm not sure why," Castle said slowly.

"We should check," Beckett told him. "Make sure the right donuts are there."

Castle nodded and then opened the larger of the two boxes he'd been given before he paused. "I think…" he started to say slowly before he stepped aside so his wife could look at the donuts.

Looking inside Beckett paused for a moment and said, "Now I see why," to him.

"What's wrong with the donuts?" Eliza asked, trying to go in between her parents.

"Here," Castle said, leaning it over to her so she could see.

Her eyes widening the little girl said, "The donuts are big!"

"Very," Skye said with a smile as she and her family went to the table next to them. "Those should last for a while. But we're going to eat at least one now."

"So are we," Beckett said.

"The Voodoo Doll ones, right?" Julia asked.

"Exactly, I'll get us some napkins and some knives," Beckett told them before she headed inside. She wasn't sure if they had plates but still asked for them, relieved when they did. "Here," she said as she handed the knives and plates to her husband. "Eat your half slowly okay?" she told the girls.

"Kay," Eliza said eagerly as her father was getting ready to cut one of the donuts.

"Should we be worried?" Martha asked.

"She seems to want him to be cut," Jim pointed out.

"It's just a donut," Julia said.

Beckett squeezed her husband's arm tightly as he began cutting the donut in half, hoping he'd get her unspoken message not to make any noises or comments. He luckily had and she watched him get it split before he handed it to his mother and Eliza. "It's jelly filled," she said to the others.

"Cool," Julia said. She watched her father cut the second donut for herself and her grandfather and she asked him, "What half do you want?"

"You can pick yours," Jim told her.

Julia took the half with the face and said, "I can't help it, I love the arms too."

"I'm not surprised," Jim said with a smile before he took his first bite of donut since his daughter and son in law were eating their own.

"Well… I see why they wanted to come here," Martha said. "Marie and Kath."

"I like it too," Eliza said quickly. "It has chocolate."