
12. Loved A Dancer(2)

"I'm not sure how we wouldn't," Beckett said, smiling for a moment. She leaned into him and kissed him that time, but unlike her husband she was more passionate, and they were fighting in her mouth in their tongues for some time before they parted and she tilted her head back. He attacked her neck for a moment before she was begging him with a roughly spoken, "Touch me Rick."

Castle knew immediately what his wife wanted, but instead of going to her breasts he moved to her side, running his hand down it firmly. Since there was only the sound of their breathing, they could both hear his skin sliding over hers and he felt his member throb once. He was freezing for a moment, wondering if his wife had been able to tell what it had done as her hand curled around his length. "Kate…" he breathed out heavily in pleasure at her touch though she was only holding him. He carefully moved so he could cup her sex and he shuddered hard telling her, "You're so hot… and wet…"

Biting at her lower lip, Beckett only did that for a moment before he was kissing her and hard. She parted her lips to his tongue immediately and moaned as they were gently touching one another, just barely moving their fingers and hands. When they stopped kissing eventually they kept their hands still and she told him, "I wonder if we'll really be able to hold out that long doing this."

"I know," Castle said. "But you realize we were quick sometimes. One time we nearly took twenty minutes before you dragged me on top of you and I was thrusting out of control."

"It's what I wanted," Beckett said with a smile before they kissed gently. They rubbed at each other carefully while they were doing that, and when they stopped their bodies were trying to press together instinctively. "Rick?" she asked him as they looked at one another.

"Yeah?" Castle asked, nuzzling his nose against hers for a moment. When she didn't respond he pulled away and looked at her, seeing she was biting at her lower lip. Their lips met again shortly after and they were pleasuring each other for some time until they stopped and he followed her while she laid on her back, taking his erection gently so he could enter her shortly after.

Beckett's eyes squeezed shut tightly until she and her husband were coupled, and she pressed her legs the best she could against the outside of his. She was gasping for air as he was thrusting, taken aback by the fact that he was going so slowly. But she was enjoying it immediately and she bit at her lower lip before he was taking them with his own. The kiss matched their pace, slow, but he was a little rough with her tongue which she was greatly enjoying. She started to rub her legs against his and when she heard him grunt against her neck he'd moved to she moved her legs, changing their position every so often until her husband was speeding up.

"Love you…" Castle started to gasp out in pleasure. He took a moment to get his breath back and then said, "You're going to kill me love."

"I know you're… doing the same… to me," Beckett managed to moan out loud as he was moving faster. She placed her feet as flat as they would go on the backs of his knees, using it to move with him and causing their hips to slap louder. She was breathing hard and feeling the friction between their bodies she knew she wasn't going to be able to last. "Rick… I…" she tried to say before she had to stop.

"Come for me love," Castle said firmly. "I told you I would worship you… I'll keep taking you… until you tell me to stop."

Letting out a heavy moan and tilting her head back, Beckett just let herself feel what he was doing to her in that moment. With her feet flat on the sides of his knees, she felt her clit being struck in rapid succession. There was no chance for her to resist and she was nearly screaming for a moment before she cried out to her husband, "I'm coming… Rick don't stop! Oh, fuck me harder… Rick!" She was crying his name again heavily in her ecstasy until he was joining her, making her freeze before she was climaxing a second time to her shock.

Castle wasn't sure how he was able to join her in that second orgasm, but he was, nearly yelling her name into her neck as he felt his heart thudding wildly in his chest. She was making his entire body burn in pleasure and he was sure she could feel how hard his was throbbing in his effort to give her all evidence he could of his desire for her. He wasn't sure how long he still thrust while his wife was limp beneath him but when he gave his last one he was literally shaking from the effort he'd made. "Kate," he breathed against her neck lovingly when he could speak.

"Okay?" Beckett asked with a smile, caressing his hair. She laughed softly when he grunted in response to her and she said, "That was amazing."

"Yeah," Castle breathed, raising his head so he could look down at her. He studied her for a moment and lowered his head so they could kiss one another deeply. When they stopped they parted slowly and he said, "We're going to keep doing that."

"You're so sure," Beckett told him teasingly.

"I am, but I didn't mean we'll do the exact same thing," Castle replied.

Though she didn't want to, Beckett gently pressed her hand to his shoulder so he would withdraw from her. Once he had she sat up with him she wrapped her arms around him tightly before they were kissing deeply. It was a hungry kiss and she could feel her lips growing swollen again before he was moving away from her. She looked on while he was kissing from her collarbone down her shoulder before he pulled away. She became concerned as he stared at her and she cupped his cheek, about to ask if he was okay when he was taking her hand firmly.

Pressing his lips to his wife's palm, Castle leaned over and took her lips, kissing her deeply before he then laid her down gently again. They were continuing to kiss in that position before he pulled away and said, "You looked stunning tonight."

Running her hands over his back Beckett told him, "You looked amazing."

"There's only so much I can do with a suit," Castle commented. He jerked against her when she suddenly grabbed his ass and said, "Okay, thank you."

Beckett laughed softly and then said, "I wasn't doing that to make you agree with me."

"Are you sure?" Castle asked.

"I'm sure," Beckett said. She realized then that her husband was holding himself still and asked, "What is it?"

"If you want to… hit me feel free to," Castle said slowly.

"Why did you hesitate?" Beckett asked.

"I don't know," Castle groaned, pressing his face into her shoulder. He felt her caressing his hair and he sighed saying, "Maybe we need another rest."

"I'll slap you after," Beckett said, watching him shuddering in pleasure. She moved to his side as he lay on his back and said, "We need to go back tomorrow."

"We have plenty of time," Castle told his wife hurriedly as he knew what she was thinking about. "But for now, what would you like to do?"

Beckett moved so she was laying on her stomach, to be able to look at him, and she said, "You have something in mind."

"I have a lot of things in mind," Castle replied.

"Pervert," Beckett said, pinching his side lightly. She propped her face on her palm and said, "I wish you would share what those things are with me."

Rubbing his hand over the small of her back Castle said, "You'd be calling me pervert constantly."

"I think I basically do already," Beckett said in amusement.

"That's true," Castle said, nodding his head. He smiled when she did at him and he reached up, tucking some of her hair behind her left ear. "But the most basic thing I want?" he then asked her. "You."

"Funny," Beckett said, brushing her fingers against the hair that was falling on his forehead. "I just want you too."

Castle grabbed his wife so he could kiss her, not surprised when she was there to meet him. When her tongue slipped into his mouth he welcomed it, tangling his own around it before they were dueling. When they'd stopped he pulled away and was going to speak when he moved them, turning so his wife was above him. He wasn't sure how exactly he was able to do it, but he managed to push himself; which meant them both; to the edge of the bed. Placing his feet on the floor he placed his hands on his wife's back telling her, "I love you Kate."

"I love you too Rick," Beckett said. They moved together to help him enter her and once she could feel his length still firm within her she whispered, "I gcónaí."

"I gcónaí," Castle said, immediately echoing her utterance of the word always.

Kissing passionately once more, Castle and Beckett began to make love again as they let their desire for one another take them over. They were sure they wouldn't be stopping for a while, unable to let go of the insatiable need they felt to join everything of each other as much as physically possible. They let go of any sense of time and let themselves accomplish that repeatedly, their world becoming nothing but one another as the night continued.