
11. Skies Of Azure Blue(2)

"I have magical ways," Rick replied, closing and locking the door behind him while his wife was walking to the bed. He'd placed a vase of roses on her nightstand and had thrown some petals of the bicolored yellow and orange flowers on the bed.

Turning to him, Kate wrapped her arms tightly around him and kissed him, feeling his arms around her tightly. When they stopped she tried to press a little closer to him, telling him, "I love you Rick."

"I love you Kate, so much," he told her earnestly. He leaned down a bit and then picked her up to carry her the final steps to their bed before he set her on top of the petals so they could begin to make love.

"You didn't do that too often," Beckett told her husband when he stopped there. She could easily see in her mind she and Castle making love then and knew they needed a distraction from it before it started to affect them. "I don't care, I'm just stating that," she told him quickly when she realized how he could take it.

Nodding Castle said, "It seemed like the best thing to do that night. Our first night there." He thought for a moment before telling her, "We settled in quickly.""We did," Beckett said with a smile. "But we wanted to be married and you wanted to be a father."

"We never talked about kids before you told me you were pregnant," Castle stated after they were silent for a while.

"No, like we were this time," Beckett said with a sigh. "But it didn't take long for us to do that."

"You do make a good point," Castle said, smiling down at her. He felt her hand on his cheek before he leaned down and they kissed, keeping things calm as he knew they could easily start needing each other more than they could control. When they parted he couldn't help himself, kissing her again but keeping it brief before he said, "Don't hate me but I was extremely proud that we were pregnant so fast."

"Us both?" Beckett asked. When her husband nodded rapidly she leaned into him and shared another kiss with him. "You're lucky it's us."

"And I was happy, very happy," Castle said before he was laughing as she playfully pushed at his chest. When they were quiet he sighed and said, "I'm still eager to get to Tahiti."

"I am too," Beckett assured him. "But for now, what about after?"

Castle was about to speak when he stopped himself and then nodded before he began telling her about what they'd done after they'd managed to stop making love that night.


"Hmm?" he asked, tightening his arm around his wife.

"Tomorrow we should decorate the home. We'll come back right after Christmas, but it'll be hard for Julia to see everything bare," Kate told him.

"We're lucky we have some things," Rick replied, sitting up to grab the covers for them. "And we'll do that with her."

"Of course," Kate said, smiling at her. When they were under the covers she lay against his side again telling him, "Thank you for the roses."

"Anything for you love," Rick said. He rubbed his hand up and down her back and told her huskily, "You're a Sheba."

"And I'm yours," Kate said, pushing herself up to get on top of him.

"Ab-so-lute-ly," Rick replied tossing aside the covers before he sat up and they were coupled yet again.

Pausing Castle then said, "I didn't recall us doing that until just now."

"I know," Beckett said in amusement. "Don't worry," she then told him as the slightly panicked expression wasn't leaving his face. "We were the same we are now."

Nodding Castle said, "We were. Now we really need to go to sleep."

"Are you sure?" Beckett asked him with a smile.

"Kate-" Castle started to say. When she got off his lap he breathed out heavily and said, "Sorry but this was going to get out of control."

"I realized," Beckett assured him, still smiling at him. She kissed his cheek and then said, "I love you Rick."

Wrapping his arms around her, Castle kissed her deeply as he tried his best not to get too out of control. But it was pointless, and their tongues were soon fighting together before they slowly parted. "I love you Kate," he said seriously as he looked into her eyes. "Goddess," he breathed to her.

Beckett kissed him for that but was able to keep it short before they were parting and she waited for him to lay down. She was about to join him but paused and seeing him looking at her questioningly she told him, "Our clothes."

"For tomorrow?" Castle asked before he realized what she was talking about. "Are you sure?" he said.

"Very," Beckett said, getting off the bed and then pulling off her pajama shirt as fast as she could. Once it was on the floor she removed her pants and panties together and got back under the sheet, her husband joining her a second later. She kissed him as soon as they were pressed together and when they could part she told him, "In the morning."

"I can't wait," Castle told her seriously, smiling when his wife was doing the same to him.

The two shared one more kiss before they made themselves part and then laid down so they could sleep. Since they were nodding off feeling their bodies pressed together it was quick to influence what they saw as they dreamed. It would help them in their intimacy the next morning, their passion nearly explosive. But while the night continued they stayed close as they enjoyed what they saw while they dreamt blissfully of each other.