
12. Loved A Dancer(1)

"Are you alright?" was said to Julia's left and she turned her head quickly to find that it was Skye. Smiling she nodded and said, "It's hard to believe I'm going to be dancing here in a little bit."

"I know what you mean," the investigator said with a smile. "Nervous?" Skye asked the girl. When she nodded she smiled and said, "That's normal. I still get nervous myself." She wasn't surprised when Julia looked up at her with her brow furrowed and told her, "I'm not a professional dancer."

"Still," Julia said, smiling at her. She stood up when the investigator did and said, "We're finished?"

"Yeah, time for lunch," Skye said, smiling at the other three kids who were coming over to them across the dance floor. "All set?" she asked them.

"Yep," Peter said first.

"Are we going home? I'm starving," Clive then asked.

Laughing Skye said, "Yes, yes, we're going back now. But I need to speak to… you."

The kids looked at each other before they looked at the dance floor and saw that Derek was walking towards them.

"Same time?" Skye asked when her partner was close enough to hear her.

"Of course," Derek replied. "When do the other three parents get here?" he asked.

Looking at her watch Skye said, "They land at three."

"Alright, I guess Rick and Kate will need to help them," Derek said. "But they'll be let backstage to see you before then."

"Good," Mari said.

"I'm taking them back to eat, so we're heading out now," Skye commented with a slight smile.

"Yeah, we're all hungry," Julia said. After they'd said goodbye to Derek they walked together out to Skye's car where she said, "Why didn't you let Mary come to watch at least?"

"I suppose I just wanted you four to be here," Skye replied, making sure the children were all in their seats with their seatbelts on. Getting into the driver's seat she said, "Plus I wasn't sure if Mary sitting there would make you a bit more anxious."

Julia wanted to say it wouldn't, but she kept quiet as the investigator was backing out of her parking spot and driving to Santa Monica. Since she was sitting diagonally from the woman she studied her and said, "You wanted her to come though."

"Oh, look who's quite observant," Skye said teasingly, smiling when the kids laughed behind her. "And of course I did, but I didn't mind her staying at home. And really I like her being with our kids."

"Did you know you were going to have five kids?" Clive asked from the back of the car.

"No, we thought we'd just have Marie and Kath so Fleur and the twins were quite the surprise," Skye said. She was a little startled when the car was quiet and said, "What's wrong?"

"No, we just want to see our parents," Mari told her.

"And you Julia?" Skye asked.

"I'm fine," the girl said slowly. She wasn't surprised when her friend squeezed her arm and said, "I'll see mine in a little bit."

"Very soon," Skye replied as she was getting off the freeway at that point.

"It's funny it hasn't rained at all while we were here," Mari commented, looking outside the window and up at the cloudless blue sky.

"It won't for a time," Skye replied. "It would be back at your home wouldn't it?"

"Yeah but not all the time," Peter said. They were quiet again as the investigator needed to navigate through some traffic and he then said, "Are you going to have a party in five days?"

"A party for what?" Julia asked in confusion as he'd asked her.

"Your sister, she's going to be half a year old," Peter pointed out.

Julia laughed softly and shook her head saying, "My parents won't do anything until her first birthday."

"What did you do for Eliza's?" Clive asked her.

"It was just us," Julia said. "Our friends in the Hamptons and from the city too. But it wasn't anything that big, she was only a year old and could barely talk and walk and everything."

"When's she gonna crawl around?" Clive asked.

"She'll start doing that soon," Skye commented, turning onto the street where her home was. "But she'll do it on her own time. And now we can have some lunch."

Julia was relieved when they pulled down the driveway and then got out of the car. She waved at her mother, as she was coming over to them, and said, "Hi," once she had reached her and she'd taken her bag that held her practice clothes.

"Hello, how was it?" Beckett said, kissing the top of her head.

"Fun," Julia replied.

"But we had to do our steps over and over," Mari said.

"The cameras need to get the best shots," Beckett said in amusement as she wasn't surprised the four looked a bit annoyed at what the girl had said.

"I told them the same but…" Skye said as they were walking together over to the house. She glanced ahead of them and asked, "Where's everyone?"

"Inside, putting the last touches on lunch," Beckett said.

"There're just sandwiches right?" Skye asked, as she, her wife and their friends had discussed what they'd make.

"They are but there was a change to the original plans," Beckett explained.

"Mary," Skye muttered.

"She made it grilled cheese and tomato soup," Beckett explained. "Your dad's in the kitchen making the tomato soup."

"Alright, let's get in and eat because right now I'm starving too," Skye said.

Beckett smiled when the kids laughed and wrapped her arm around Julia's shoulder, hoping the girl wouldn't find out she'd been jealous of her friend for sharing that moment with her daughter. Her thoughts were shaken when Julia hugged her, and she looked down at her as she said, "I missed you Mom." She smiled and said, "I missed you too," she told her, hugging her before they disappeared inside to join everyone else for lunch.

"Come on, give that back Josie," Castle said to the baby.

"She's preparing to teethe Rick I don't think you're getting that back," Beckett said in amusement as their daughter had the foam shape to her mouth.

"Yeah, looks like it's happening soon," Castle said pulling the item from her and then quickly picking her up so she couldn't start crying. He cradled her in his arms and then blew gently on her cheek, hearing her laugh before he handed her to her mother. "Are you okay?" he then said to his wife.

"I am," Beckett said in amusement.

"I saw how she was when you were nursing her," Castle said seriously.

"It's alright," Beckett replied firmly. She then spoke in Irish telling him, "But it's getting close to the point where I'll start to wean her."

"She's doing the same as Eliza?" Castle replied.

Nodding Beckett said, "I expected it."

Castle then smiled and said, "Bittersweet?"

"Of course, but it was painful the first time I tried when Eliza had her teeth," Beckett said, shrugging.

Castle didn't say anything to that, merely nodded to her as he knew she couldn't really brush it off as she was trying to do. But since her experience had been as painful as it was he'd urged her to stop nursing and after her doctor had told her the same she'd done so. He was glad she wasn't going to think she could continue but he reminded himself to make sure she would be alright. He had been so deep in thought that he was startled when he noticed she was looking at him. "What?" he asked her, frowning slightly.

"You were a hundred miles away… thousands," Beckett asked with a smile. "Tahiti?" she said.

"No, just, thinking about you," Castle replied, speaking in Irish. When she looked at him with a slight frown he said seriously, "Really. I just want you to be okay when you stop."

"I won't be exactly," Beckett said simply. "But I promise you I'll stop."

"Thank you," Castle said, though he was speaking slightly apologetically.

"It's okay," Beckett said gently before they leaned into each other and started to kiss. It was gentle, but they started to linger until their baby's hand was nearly grasping at her jaw and they parted with a laugh as it moved to tap against Castle's.

"Good thing," he said, not surprised when his wife looked at him in surprise. He nodded over to the entry and then watched together as their middle two daughters walked over to them. "No more P.E.?" he asked them jokingly.

Wrinkling her nose playfully at him, since she and her friends didn't have to do that with their rehearsal that morning and dance that night, Julia said, "We wanted to see Josa."

"Not much to see," Castle said, speaking absently as he was trying to hold Josie firmly since the baby was kicking.

Eliza giggled as she went over to her sister and squeezed her foot gently before the baby was laughing. She took her from their father and kissed her cheek before she asked, "What was she playing before?"

"Nothing really," Beckett said. "We let her play with her shapes she has, as usual."

"Maybe we can play with the dogs with her," Julia said with a smile.

"How?" Beckett asked.

"Help her to throw the toys," Eliza said, bouncing on her knees a little and hearing the baby make a gurgling sound.

"Why don't you throw the toys so she can watch?" Castle asked her.

"Kay," Eliza said. "Watch the doggies Josie," she told the baby, kissing her temple before she let Beckett take her.

"There's not much she can do," Julia said once she and her sister had gotten some toys for the dogs.

"I know, but she's a little too small to be throwing anything," Beckett said.

"I'm afraid of her putting her hand in her mouth after touching those toys," Castle commented.

"We touch them," Eliza said, throwing the toy she had and watching the dogs go together before JoJo was first.

"But you're not putting your hands in your mouth," Beckett pointed out with a smile.

"At least I hope not," Castle said in amusement.

Julia shook her head and then took her turn as some of the dogs were coming back to them. She turned to her mother, and seeing that Josie's eyes were wide, said, "She can see better now?"

"She can," Beckett replied. "She's nearly at the same eyesight we have."

"Already?" Eliza asked. "She's still so little."

"She's growing though," Castle said, watching with the girls as Beckett put the baby down in front of her to help her sit up. "A lot," he said with a smile.

"Yeah," Julia said though she needed to turn her attention to the dogs as they were coming to her for the toy she was holding. She then threw it and was going to ask her parents if she could throw a toy while holding her baby sister when her father was speaking first.

"Skye said you were asking about Josie," Castle said. "When you were driving on your way back."

"Well, not me too much," Julia said. "Clive was asking mostly, but Peter wondered too… I guess since they don't have a brother or sister themselves." She thought for a moment to ask her parents if they thought her friends would ever have siblings but stopped herself at the last minute when her sister squealed as Rose was licking at her chin.

"Rosie!" Eliza cried happily before she laughed and hugged the Deerhound tightly.

"How much more time is there Mom?" Julia asked as she recalled it was getting later in the afternoon.

"We need to go soon," Beckett said, checking her watch. She then smiled and said, "And we're going to be going with Skye and Mary."

"Really?" Julia asked.

"You four need to be ready early too," Castle reminded her.

"I know… I didn't think it was that early," Julia explained.

"Go," Castle told his wife. "You'll have to help."

"And you Rick," Beckett said, looking over to the entry where her father was walking to them. "The boys will need your help."

"Sure," Castle said, as he hadn't been all that sure if he would need to go with them.

Once Josie was with Jim, Beckett kissed Eliza and then the baby before they were going to the guest house to change while Julia stayed with the others. Though she wasn't sure if it was the best idea, they went into the shower together. Luckily her husband kept himself under control though through his touch she knew that he was struggling. She didn't comment on it, as they needed to hurry, and she dressed in the bathroom while her husband was in the bedroom. Walking out she saw her husband standing from the bed and she asked, "Did you just finish?"

Castle wasn't speaking for a moment, just staring at his wife as she made her way to the armchair with her shoes. When she looked at him he exhaled roughly and then said, "Yeah… you look amazing."

Smiling Beckett said, "Thank you, but we need to go," slipping her feet into her black heels. "Now."

When he had reached her, Castle took his wife's hand before she could go down the stairs and carefully pulled her up against him. "Just this," he said as she started to open her mouth to speak.

Though she didn't want the kids to be that late, Beckett responded to his kiss as soon as his lips were on hers and wrapped her arms around him tightly. They were slow and sensuous, and when she felt the way her husband was holding her back she stopped him. "Rick we…" she started to say before she licked at her lower lip briefly.

"I love you," Castle said firmly.

"I love you too," Beckett replied with a smile before he could continue. "And yes, when we're back."

"I didn't want to ask," Castle said. He took her brief kiss when she gave it to him before he said, "But I was hoping you might want to as well."

"I do, but not now," Beckett said. She wasn't surprised when her husband ran his hand down her side and said, "I was hesitant," smiling when he looked confused.

"Wh- oh, I don't think you need to worry," Castle told her, studying the lace that was her dress. "The lace on your other dress is different… and a different blue."

"Rick," Beckett said, making him tilt his head up by putting her fingers under his chin. "Don't do that once we leave," she added as he'd been looking at her cleavage though there wasn't much.

"I won't," Castle said, following her down the stairs. He was surprised when she stopped him and asked, "What is it?"

"Why were you looking?" Beckett asked him.

"If I could touch them I'd show you," Castle replied swiftly.

"Pervert," Beckett told him.

"I still want you," Castle said simply. He smiled when she leaned against him and met her kiss before they soon parted. "Good."

"Don't be so sure," Beckett said wryly, knowing he was jokingly saying he knew she agreed with him. She was startled when he took her right hand and she was soon after biting at her lower lip as he kissed at her palm and then her wrist. "We… we need to go," she told him.

Castle leaned over, kissing his wife tenderly before he opened the door for her and they went out into the yard where they met with everyone gathering by the cars. He wasn't taken aback by the fact that their good byes were quick, and he and Beckett were soon getting into their car with their daughter and Mari as the boys were going with the other couple. He was driving, and he and his wife were listening to the girls talking together, hearing them whispering. When they were near the studio he frowned as they continued to do so and he was about to ask them what was wrong when he felt Beckett's hand on his arm.

"Girls?" she said, looking into the backseat. "Are you talking about your dance?"

"Yeah, we're saying our steps," Julia answered.

"Why are you whispering though?" Castle asked.

"So you won't hear," Mari said.

"It'll be a surprise, don't worry," Beckett told them in amusement as she looked back at them again.

"I know," Julia said, not surprised when Mari nodded next to her. She looked out the window as she saw her father was slowing down and she breathed out saying, "It's time."

"Easy you two," Beckett told them as it wasn't hard to hear Mari sighing at the same time. "We have a lot of time until the show starts so we can take it easy," she said before they started to get out of the car.

"They're all barmy," Skye said with a soft laugh.

"Does that really apply?" Beckett said in amusement.

"It does," Skye said. "Barmy with nervousness," she added. "But they'll do well… though not sure how many more times we can tell them."

"You'll have to once they go backstage," Castle commented.

"Did our families land yet?" Clive asked.

"They did," Skye said, looking at her phone. "Two minutes ago, but they have time until the show." She looked at the three kids and smiled slightly saying, "We'll be allowing them backstage though, I know you wouldn't be happy until you saw them." She shared a smile with the other two when the three gasped at nearly the same time and then said, "Come on, we have a lot to do to get to before we head out into the ballroom." She and Mary followed Castle and Beckett who were walking after the kids into the backstage area where they split up and went to separate dressing rooms so the five of them could change.

"That looks good right?" Julia asked her mother once they were in their dressing room and she and Mari had gotten their costumes from the garment bags they'd been hanging in.

"They look beautiful," Beckett said reassuringly and with a smile. "Do either of you want to go behind the screen?"

"We can change here," Julia said.

"Yeah," Mari said rapidly. "That way you can help us if we need it Kate."

"Go ahead and start," Beckett said with a smile. She folded their clothes hurriedly, so she could make sure they were getting the costumes on correctly. "You two look like you're ready for school," she said with a smile, making sure Julia's skirt was straight. "Are you comfortable with your shorts?" she asked them since they were wearing them under the skirts.

"Yeah, I'll spin but I don't care if anyone sees that," Julia said.

"I know," Beckett said with a slight laugh. "Okay, I'll have to do your hair in turns so Mari you're first."

"Do you know how to?" Julia asked her.

"Derek told me," Beckett answered. "Though he said it was Skye's suggestion."

"We talked about it earlier this morning," Mari said before she realized something and then shared a look with her friend.

"Why did you talk to Derek?" Julia asked curiously.

"We wanted everyone to sit in the front row tonight," Beckett said.

"The parents?" Mari guessed.

"Yes," Beckett replied as she helped the girl sit in the chair at the vanity. "We're not all going to be in the front, but we'll be across from the judge's desk like we were last week."

"We're staying backstage for the whole show," Julia said, watching her mother brushing Mari's hair.

"We know, your parents know Mari," Beckett directed to the girl in front of her. "And Clive and Peter's parents know."

"Everyone's really nice to us," the girl said, shivering when Beckett used the end of the comb she had to part her hair. "Sorry," she giggled. "That tickles."

"I know," Beckett replied. "And everyone was the last time you were there?"

"Yep," Julia said as her mother started to braid the pigtails in Mari's hair. "I don't know if they really think we can dance that well."

"You'll show them tonight," Beckett pointed out to her with a smile.

"I know, I can't wait," Julia said. She waited patiently until her mother had finished with Mari and then got up into the chair where her hair was braided in the same way. "Cool," she said.

"Where are your fake glasses?" Beckett asked her.

"I… I don't know," Julia said as she looked around the room as she was off the chair. "Um… I guess I'll have to ask Derek when we see him."

"That's your dad," Beckett said when there was a knock at the door. She smiled at the girls and told them, "And time for you to get your makeup done." She let Julia go first and she and Mari stepped out to find it was her husband and the two boys before the four started to speak eagerly to each other.

"Oh," Peter eventually said. "Your glasses were with mine in the dressing room," he told his partner as he handed them to her.

"Thanks," Julia said, putting the pair into the pocket of her uniform blazer she was wearing. She and Mary had matching costumes, a school uniform with a white blouse, dark blue blazer with the crest of the 'school' on it and blue and white plaid pleated skirts that went a few inches below their knees. "I wondered if you were going to wear plaid too," she told the two boys.

"I did too," Peter said with a smile. "Luckily it's not too much," he said since the uniform that he and Clive were wearing only had plaid along the piping of the lapels of the blazers. Besides that, and the fact they were wearing trousers, their costumes nearly matched the two girls' in color and style and he said, "They almost look like our uniforms back at the Academy."

"Yeah," Clive began. "But you guys have different uniforms now."

"Hello everyone," Skye said as she was walking down the hall with Mary.

"That's your costume?" Beckett asked her.

"Not the Samba," the investigator replied hurriedly. "Theirs."

"Are you going to be at the beginning," Castle said.

"We told you," Skye replied, dressed in what looked like a graduation robe though she was wearing a woman's cut suit under it in a charcoal color.

"So we're in school in England?" Julia asked in amusement since they hadn't known how she and Derek would have costumes.

"Essentially," another voice said. Derek smiled when the group turned to him almost as once and he said, "I feel like I'm in a Monty Python sketch," holding the side of his robe that was identical to Skye's.

"Or movie," Castle couldn't help commenting.

"Or that," Skye said laughingly. She asked, "I'm guessing it's time for makeup?"

"Wait," Beckett said suddenly.

Castle looked at his wife next to him and seeing she was looking past the kids, followed her gaze. "Guys," he said to three of them.

Turning with her friends, Julia smiled when she saw their families there and watched with the others while they ran down the hall towards them. They were soon hugging each other and she went to her mother, wrapping her arm around her waist before she said, "I'm glad they made it before they had to sit."

"So are we," Castle told her, squeezing her shoulder.

"We are so glad to be here," Genevieve was saying after she and her son had let go of each other.

"We are," Rebecca said, smoothing her hand over the back of Mari's head. "You did a good job."

"We're going to be chased out of here soon," Beckett said, smiling as she knew the woman didn't mind she'd done her daughter's hair.

"That's why we were literally running," Isaac said. "Even if we're only here for a few seconds." He looked closer at his son and said, "Let me take care of this."

"He wouldn't let me," Castle said.

"I knew you'd come in time Dad," Clive said as his father was fixing his tie.

"I'm really glad I did now," Isaac said in amusement. "Okay, I'm guessing you two are taking them?"

"We are," Skye said with a nod. "But they'll see you after the elimination." She watched with her wife as the parents hugged their parents one last time and then said to Mary, "Grá I think it's your turn."

Hugging her wife as tightly as she could, Mary said, "Have fun waiting."

"I will," Skye said in amusement. She shared a swift kiss with her wife and then said, "Go on." She wasn't surprised when her wife hugged her tight one more time before she let go and walked away from them. Turning with Derek to the four kids, she couldn't help smiling as they seemed to be looking at them with wide eyes and was about to speak when Julia was doing that first.

"Did Stella give you that?" the girl said.

"Give me what?" Skye replied as she and Derek were ushering the kids to the makeup room.

"Your suit," Julia explained.

"She did, it's a new cut," Skye said. "So she wanted to see how it looked on TV."

"It looks nice," Mari told her.

"Thank you," Skye said before she got them to the room finally and they could get worked on for the show.

"If we dance more," Peter said as he and Clive were watching the girls getting makeup last. "Will we have to do this all the time?"

"Just like me," Skye said.

"But you wear makeup… don't you?" Clive asked, his voice hesitating at the end.

"I do," Skye replied with a smile. "Not that much but I do. Luckily here I can get away with only a little too."

"Like my mom," Julia said.

"Mine too," Mari said, getting off the chair with a wide smile.

"Mine too but it's uncomfortable," Peter commented as they were leaving the room.

"I know but luckily you've only got pancake on," Derek told him.

"How do you do it?" Peter asked.

Julia smiled at the question, as she knew her partner was thinking of if they continued dancing when they were older and in competitions, and she joked, "You have to learn."

"You get used to it," Derek said with a smile as they were making their way up to the Sky Box. "Now you guys will have to stay up here," he told them once the kids had hurried out to the railing.

"And your parents will be watching you," Skye told them. "But we have a bit of time, so we'll stay here."

Julia smiled at the investigator before she looked down at everyone that was dancing and easily spotting her parents together before she began to frown. She was about to turn to Skye when she jumped a bit and looked at her friend who'd touched her arm.

"What's wrong?" Mari asked her.

Turning fully Julia saw that the investigator was back a little talking to Derek and she waited for her to look towards her before she waved her over asking, "Do you know if my mom's dress is by Stella?"

A little surprised, Skye peered down at the dance floor and then said, "I don't think so, but I wouldn't know for sure. Why didn't you ask Mari?"

"I don't know either," the girl herself said quickly.

"You'll have to ask her mother yourself," Skye said with a smile. She heard Derek calling to her and she said to the four kids quickly, "Stay here and we'll be right back."

"When are you dancing?" Clive asked the pair as they were walking to the other side of the box.

"Second to last," Derek said. "You'll dance after Gerry and Tristan, but we'll let you know."

Watching them leave, the four kids turned to look back down at the dance floor to find that it had emptied out. They spotted their families waving to them and they responded before the show was starting soon after.

"She's alright," Castle murmured to his wife while the intro was beginning.

"I know," Beckett said with a smile before the couples were coming out onto the dance floor. She then realized something as she watched Skye and Derek step out and she murmured, "They're going to confuse everyone," since the other pairs were dressed for Latin Night and the two were very conservatively attired.

"What are they wearing for the Samba?" Castle asked Mary who was to his wife's right.

"I don't know, but it won't be like what the other women are wearing," the doctor replied.

Beckett smiled at that, as the dance floor was clearing while the intro to Oliver and Peta's dance was playing. She glanced up at the Sky Box again, trying not to laugh when she saw the kids were practicing, getting Castle's attention before they needed to watch the first dance.

"How are they going to introduce us?" Julia asked Skye as they were walking to the dance floor just before the show was going to commercial again.

"You'll find out," the investigator said.

"You don't know how?" Mari said.

"Not really, something about your class," Skye replied. "Derek?"

"Tom's going to say that you asked for them to have some exhibition dances, joke about giving the troupe a break," the pro said.

"They won't mind, will they?" Clive asked.

"No, they were told and they're fine with it," Derek assured the kids. "And they'll have a lot of chances to dance."

"Remember everything he's told you," Skye said to the kids as they walked directly to the dance floor. "And you do know it already so just enjoy your dance." When they were at the chalkboard and desks that had been set up in the middle she watched as the kids rushed to their families, hugging their parents tightly while she and Derek waited for them.

"Break a leg sweetie," Beckett said as Julia was hugging her last. She let her go as Derek was calling to the kids and she took her husband's hand tightly while they watched their daughter sit at one of the desks. When she heard one of the crew members counting down she shared a look with Castle and they braced themselves as Tom was beginning to speak.

"We have a special performance tonight and to give our troupe of dancers a break," the co-host said before he paused as there was some laughter from the audience. "Representing the Grey Dance Studio from Long Island, New York are some familiar faces. You might recognize them from Skye and Derek's Salsa three weeks ago and they're here at her invitation."

Castle smiled as the pair waved from behind Tom and listened to the co-host continue by introducing the four kids again.

"And they're dancing the Jive tonight," the co-host was saying. "There'll be no judging, a pure exhibition dance Len." He had to pause as the audience was laughing as the judge in the middle of was raising his arms though he was smiling at the same time. "So take it away."

"Detention class," Skye was saying, walking back and forth once someone from the crew had pointed to her. "You are here for the afternoon, so you should get started on your homework that you forgot to do that brought you here to this room in the first place." When the four pretended to grumble she hit the first desk with a yard stick saying firmly, "And be quiet!"

When they were pretending to write Derek walked over and said, "Professor? The dean would like to speak with you."

"Very well," Skye said, looking at the kids again. "Alright you lot, stay where you are and do not get into any shenanigans." And with that she walked into the shadows that were around the desk, turning to stand with Derek facing the kids that were starting to talk with each other.

"What should we do?" Clive asked, nudging Peter in the side.

"Not homework," the boy replied, reaching into his blazer.

"Is that your phone?" Mari asked.

"Yep, ready?" Peter asked the other three.

"Play it," Julia said, getting up quickly from her desk. She focused on the phone as Derek had told her she should do, even though her heart was pounding heavily in her chest. When music began she began to bounce a little on her feet; not what Derek had told her to do but she couldn't help it; and then she grabbed Peter's hand before he was giving his phone to Clive.

The pair, at the first verse, immediately began their kicks and flicks until the second to last lyric where Mari ran over with a tissue and playfully dabbed at their cheeks before she stepped back. As soon as she had, Clive slid up to her before he wrapped his arm around her waist and Peter was doing the same with Julia while they did some kicks and flicks to the first two lyrics of the second verse. At the third line they were facing each other and dancing together before the boys helped the two girls slide between their legs and they helped them back up. As they were standing and then turning; still holding onto their partner's arms; Julia and Mari kicked out their legs.

With the heartbreak openSo much you can't hidePut on a little makeup, makeupMake sure they get your good side, good side

If the words unspokenGet stuck in your throatSend a treasure token, tokenWrite it on a pound note, pound note

In a line, the four kids began to do more kicks and flicks over the two lyrics of the chorus until they were splitting up and moving to dance to the next verse.

Goody two, goody two, goody goody two shoesGoody two, goody two, goody goody two shoes

On the first lyric of the verse, Peter was spinning Julia while Clive was doing the same with Mari in the opposite direction. When they stopped they hooked their arms together and then began to dance around in circles while they were doing just kicks. The last two lyrics the two pairs slid away from each other and then went to the dancer next to them.

Look out or they'll tell youYou're a superstarTwo weeks and you're an all time legendI think the games have gone much too far

Julia and Mari were dancing on their own for the first half of the verse, switching between their hands that were holding each other while they did a few kicks and flicks. Peter and Clive grabbed them a second later and they were soon dancing together again, making their way back towards the desks since they were getting to the last verse.

If the words unspokenGet stuck in your throatSend a treasure token, tokenWrite it on a pound not, pound note

With a little bit of an instrumental at that moment, the two pairs began to go faster as the music was speeding up. Just before the last verse the boys helped the girls slide down between their legs and that time turned them around while they were coming back up. After the girls kicked out their left and right legs they were getting back into kicks and flicks again, much faster as the music stuck with its slightly sped up tempo until the very last lyric and the kids were running to the desks. There was a last bit of music and at that all four put their heads on their desks as Skye walked in quickly.

He said no drink, don't smoke, what do you do?Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?Subtle innuendos followThere must be something inside

Beckett stood with her husband and the rest of the group as soon as they were sure the music was over, and she smiled as Julia stood up with the other kids, looking around in surprise. She waved when the girl looked over towards them and blew her a quick kiss as Skye and Derek were ushering the four to the judge's table.

"Now," Tom said. "You're not being judged, but they wanted to say a few words to you four."

Julia suddenly became nervous, even more than she'd been before, but she turned her attention with the other three to the three at the table in front of them.

"We'll start with you Len, I think they'd want to hear from our British judge first," Tom said.

"Well, they just came from their professors," Len replied, smiling when the kids did so slightly. "Now don't worry," he told the four. "You have fantastic footwork. Your teacher is back home, isn't she?" When they all nodded he said, "I think she should be proud of you, especially for learning these moves at your ages. Eleven and ten?" The four nodded again and he said, "Wonderful job."

"Alright, Carrie-Ann?" Tom said to them.

"I was pleasantly surprised," the woman said, smiling at the kids. "I was told you've been dancing for a while, but I didn't expect you to obviously enjoy it so much."

"We like the song," Julia suddenly said, feeling her cheeks heat up as soon as she'd spoken.

"I could tell," Carrie-Ann said to that with a laugh. "And Len was right, you have good footwork and you were watching your posture, some kids have trouble with that. Good job."

"And some last comments Bruno?" Tom asked the man.

"Oh, well I agree with them," he said. "You've paid close attention to your choreographer which is always important. And Julia?" When the girl looked at him with wide eyes he said with a smile, "You wanted to start the dance a little early didn't you?"

"I was ready to start," Julia replied, blushing deeply.

"I could tell," Bruno said with a laugh. "And that helped you. Wonderful dance all of you."

"Alright next…" Tom started to say before he trailed off. "Why don't you guys read this," he told them.

"There?" Peter asked, indicating the teleprompter.

"Go ahead," Tom said with a nod.

"Next is actor Eddie Izzard and Emma Slater, dancing the Rumba," the four read off the prompter together. "Eddie!" they called, turning to him.

Castle wasn't surprised that the co-host was laughing as he read the rest of his intro for the next pair to dance and as it began to play he was relieved when the kids were running across to them. He watched as Julia went straight into her mother's arms, smiling as it hadn't surprised him she'd done that. He then kissed the back of the girl's head saying, "You were perfect."

"Thanks," Julia said with a soft laugh before she pulled away to look at them both. She laughed outright when her parents kissed her cheeks at the same time and said, "We really did that good?"

"The judges wouldn't lie kiddo," Martha said in the next row.

Though she had to get on her father's lap, Julia hugged her grandparents before she went to her little sister who'd been waiting. "Did you like it?" she asked when they finally let go of each other.

"Yeah," Eliza said before she heard Mari calling to her big sister since they needed to get off the dance floor. "Do you have to wear glasses like Daddy now?"

"No," Julia said with a laugh. "I'll see you after!" she called before she was running to the stairs up to the Sky Box. She went to her friends as soon as she was there, leaning against the railing next to Tristan and the photojournalist to watch Eddie and Emma's dance. "Did he do well?" she asked the pro with them when they'd finished.

"I think so," Tristan said with a smile. "But he did lead with the wrong foot one time."

"Oh… hopefully his score will be good still," Clive said as the actor and his partner were talking to the judges then.

Peter turned to his friends, murmuring to them until they all nodded to each other just as the audience was beginning to applaud. They went together towards the stairs, waiting until Eddie had come up to the top and they hugged him or held onto his hands, telling him at the same time that he'd done great.

"Well, I think you have some young fans here," Erin was saying.

"I call them the little imps," Eddie said with a laugh. "I suppose they're alright with that title."

Letting go of him, the kids went over to where Skye and Derek had entered the Sky Box after changing into their outfits for the Samba. They all felt more relaxed since the dance was over, but Julia murmured to them that they didn't know what everyone else would think of it yet. Sharing a nervous glance, they turned their attention back to the dance floor as there was another introduction playing, trying to remember they still had the Samba to come.

"I almost forgot that we had to change," Julia was telling her mother.

"I think we all did," Beckett said with a smile. "Luckily Derek reminded us."

"Yeah, what do you think?" Julia asked eagerly, turning around once.

"I wasn't expecting this," Beckett said. "But you do look very tropical."

"It doesn't look weird?" Mari asked, coming from behind the screen with her mother.

"No, it's tropical but you're still properly dressed," Rebecca commented.

"Do you mean we aren't naked?" Mari said to her mother in confusion.

"Wearing less than you should," Beckett told her.

"Oh, yeah I'm glad we aren't too," Mari said, laughing when Julia wrapped her arms around her.

"Me too," the girl said with a smile. They hugged one more time and then went to look at themselves in the mirror. They were wearing dresses that had ruffles at every hem and the pattern of the fabric was of palm fronds. Julia looked at her mother and said, "They wear less in Brazil, don't they?"

"Sometimes they do, but not everyone," Beckett replied. "Now I'm really wondering what Skye's wearing."

"Me too, we should head out though, they are ready," Rebecca said. "I'm surprised you're still wearing pigtails."

"Skye said they would work for this dance too," Julia told them.

"Okay, then we can go…" Rebecca commented. "Wow, nice boys," she said.

"Thanks, I want to go to Brazil now," Clive said, he and Peter wearing white trousers and polo shirts that had palm fronds that matched the girls' dress pattern.

"You'll stay here," Isaac told his son though he was smiling down at him. He then squeezed his shoulder and said, "What about Skye and Derek."

"We're here," the investigator said.

"Oh, you finally took off that weird coat," Castle said, walking to his wife and daughter from the other end of the hall. He hugged Julia and said, "It's almost time."

"No wise ass remarks?" Skye asked in Irish.

"Not really," Castle said simply and in English.

"Alright, let's go," Skye told the kids.

After they'd said goodbye to the kids, Beckett walked with her husband and said, "I'm not surprised she's wearing what she is."

"I know," Castle said in slight amusement.

"She wanted something comfortable," Mary said in amusement when she saw the way Castle and Beckett were looking at her. "But I didn't design it."

"Stella?" Castle asked.

Shaking her head Mary said, "Skye worked with the costume people here."

"They did a good job," Beckett said, smiling as she thought of the outfit the pair had. They had on white pants and long-sleeved tops that went to their ankles with a pattern of waves. Skye's top hugged her body slightly while Derek had had the neck of his opened a little. She squeezed her husband's hand as they sat down and were able to listen to the end of Elijah and Lindsay's scoring before the show was going to commercial after Skye, Derek and the four kids were dancing around together on the dance floor.

"She looks adorable," Jim said to his daughter while he leaned over to speak to her.

"I know," Beckett said, smiling back at him. She felt Eliza coming to her and turned to say, "What's wrong sweetie?"

"Are they going to dance next?" the little girl said hopefully.

"Yes, but your sister won't be dancing really," Beckett told her.

"She's just there for the beginning and end," Castle said.

"Oh… but she does dance a little," Eliza said.

"That's true," Castle said, looking at his wife.

"Sit in your chair sweetie," Beckett told her, squeezing her hand.

"I can't sit here?" Eliza asked pleadingly.

"They want you to sit in your chair okay?" Castle said. "Come on," he then said with a little more urgency as he could hear one of the crew members counting down.

With the show back on again Tom said, "Welcome back. Next on our dance floor tonight is Skye and Derek, dancing a Samba that she has been ready to try out."

The large screen at the end of the dance floor showed Skye and Derek together in one of the studios where he was telling her what they'd gotten to dance to.

"Ah, grand song that," Skye was saying. "I've sung this one before actually."

"Haven't you sung to everything?" Mary; sitting on a chair in that room; said.

"And you," Skye said jokingly.

Beckett smiled as the audience was laughing while the footage showed the pro helping the investigator with her dancing.

"I've always been interested in this dance," Skye was saying in a voice over. "I think because I've wanted to try out Samba rolls, and now I can do them."

"I'm really hoping that Skye's height won't hinder us at all," Derek was saying to the camera in another studio.

"I'm not that tall," Skye said wryly as she came up behind her partner. "We'll do them. Come 'ead, we need to get started."

"Help!" Derek said jokingly as she pulled him off the screen.

It changed to the pro speaking while the pair were practicing with him saying, "Luckily Skye's enthusiastic so we're able to do those rolls. The other steps however we've gotta work on. But with her love of the song and that dedication, we'll do well."

The footage ended then with Skye completing a step correctly and she and Derek exchanging a high five before they were laughing together before the footage stopped. On the dance floor the pair were in front of a set of false rustic homes, the kids chasing each other around in front of the two while they were leaning against the 'walls' right before the announcer was saying their names and dance.

"Dancing the Samba, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough," the man said before Skye was starting to speak.

"Não brinque na rua," the investigator said, the translation of don't play in the street appearing on the screen behind her. She then switched to English and said, "You'll miss the parade if you're in it."

Beckett shared a look with her husband at that, but she looked back to the dance floor as Derek was playing an acoustic guitar. She smiled as Skye stood up and went to the fountain in between her and Derek, getting some water in a pitcher before the music started for the song. She smiled when the kids paired off and danced in front of Skye and Derek and the two walked out to get them back to the buildings before they turned to one another as they nearly ran into each other.

At the first lyric Derek took Skye's hand and spun her before they danced together, with their feet appearing to twist while they were moving. She held her breath; as it was that move that had given her the most trouble; but she made it to the third lyric and they began to move down the dance floor in the opposite direction. They were moving back and forth with their steps until they finished the verse and they were separating to let the kids go in between them.

Daddy loved a dancer, though she never gave an answerHe used to follow her all aboutStill, she couldn't shake him, she didn't seem to make her mind upTill he took her to the waterspout

At the next verse Skye and Derek danced a few basic Samba steps across from one another with the kids flanking them before they were coming back together. The second and third lyrics they were remaining in place, swinging their legs out in turn before Derek was spinning Skye and holding her against his chest.

Love comes in, love comes outAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspoutWhoa, whoa, whoa love comes in, love comes outAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspout

The first lyric had Skye leaning back into Derek while he raised her arm and they went into their Samba roll, spinning around twice more before they were swinging their legs as they were dancing until the second to last lyric of the chorus. There they went across the dance floor with their move of going across by moving their feet so they appeared to twist. That time though Skye was raising her arm every other time they completed a step and they did that four times before they were coming towards the end of the song.

Only love can get you at it and in a minuteYou will find yourself swimming in it, only loveCatch you up today, take your breath awayMake you want to say what you're thinking of, it's only loveDown at the bottom, down at the bottom of the waterspoutLove comes in, love comes outAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspout

Castle and Beckett looked at each other in surprise when the kids were dancing with Skye and Derek, as they hadn't known they were going to do that. They squeezed each other's hands while they watched their daughter perform the roll and pivot that had been in Jennifer and Derek's Samba they'd made a mistake on. They were both holding their breaths for any mistakes as in season 11, but all three pairs were going into the same move of swinging their legs until they parted at the judges' table and the kids stood there together while Skye and Derek soon got to the chorus that would end their dance.

Said love comes in, she said love comes outAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspoutWhoa, whoa, whoa love comes in, love comes outAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspout

Beginning another Samba roll with the first lyric, Skye and Derek did that twice more before they were moving back to the building façades by twisting their feet again. After they had stopped in front of them they swung their legs before they stopped, and the song's volume went down though the chorus was still going.

Only love can get you at it and in a minuteYou will find yourself swimming in it, only loveTake your breath away, catch you up todayMake you want to say what you're thinking of, it's only loveDown at the bottom, down at the bottom of the water of the waterspoutWhoa, only loveAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspoutWell, love comes in, said, love comes outDown at the bottom, down at the bottom of the waterspoutWhoa, whoa, whoa love la, la, la, la love comes outAt the bottom, at the bottom of the waterspout

Cupping her hands over her mouth Skye yelled out, "É Carnaval!"

Beckett was laughing slightly as the kids hurried over with some troupe members following; dressed in more elaborate costumes; and they all started to dance a Brazilian Samba together for a short period of time to different music until streamers shot out across the stage. She stood and applauded as Skye and Derek were hugging each other and then doing the same to the kids and troupe members.

Hugging the kids last, Skye and Derek pulled the four with them over to the judge's table and they were standing with the four in front of them as the co-host said, "A very… enthusiastic Samba. Let's hear from you first Bruno."

"Hey, it's Carnival!" the judge said, standing up. "You embraced that fully and you were set on those moves. There was an issue with your steps from the last Samba roll nothing that would look wrong, but I noticed you had to correct yourself quickly." Bruno saw that Skye was nodding and he said, "You realized that. But what you did do very well were the Samba rolls themselves. I can tell you wanted to do that," laughing as the investigator was nodding again. "But very nicely done, and you four as well."

"Len?" Tom said to the judge in the middle.

"I think you enjoyed this dance," he said at first. "But I wonder if your little story didn't cause the correction." He looked around as some of the audience members started to boo and he said, "I can't ignore that."

"They enjoyed the story," Skye said quickly. "But you're right."

"Overall it was a good solid Samba, Derek you had some very nice choreography," Len continued. "And very good dancing from the children as well."Beckett smiled, as she could dimly hear the four saying thank you to the judge, and she looked at Carrie-Ann as the judge was speaking next.

"I actually really enjoyed the story," the woman said with a slight laugh. "And I'm guessing you know how to speak Portuguese." When Skye nodded Carrie-Ann continued saying, "I did notice the steps you needed to adjust but it was so minor that I don't think it took away from the dance. And you kids are very cute, I hope you'll come back. Good job everyone."

"Let's go ahead and get your scores here," Tom said. "We've got just one more dance to go."

The dramatic music began, and the announcer was soon saying, "Will the judges reveal their scores." A second later he was speaking again and saying, "Carrie-Ann Inaba."

"Nine," the woman said, holding up the paddle.

"Len Goodman," the announcer then said.

"Nine," he said quickly, smiling when the kids cried out loudly.

Skye and Derek were hugging each other tightly before they turned back to hear Bruno's score as the announcer said his name.

"Nine!" the Italian judge said loudly.

"That gives you a twenty-seven out of thirty," Tom said. "And I can tell you now…" he started to say before he turned to the audience and did his best to quiet them. When they were relatively silent he said, "You are safe."

Throwing her arms around her partner, Skye realized there were loud cries next to them and they looked down at the kids to find they were waiting to hug her. Since the show had gone to commercial she sent them to their parents, telling them to head up to the Sky Box when they were finished.

"Good?" Derek asked as they hurried to the stairs.

"Yeah, great we got a good score and got through," Skye said with a smile. "I'm just hoping they can too." She wasn't surprised when Derek nodded, and they stepped into the box, heading to the railing to watch the very last dance of the night before they would learn who would be going home next.

"I'm so sad Gerry and Tristan were voted off," Mari said to Julia as they were with their partners, parents and Mary in a studio for practice.

"I know," she replied with a nod. "But at least Skye and Derek are still going to dance."

"And so are you," the pro said as he walked into the room with his partner. He smiled when the kids and parents looked at him and told them, "People have been commenting on you guys too and the show says with this response you can stick around for good."

"After only one dance?" Peter said in surprise.

"After just one," Skye said. "I talked with the heads of the show too and the comments were positive. And he didn't mention it but there were some that were asking you back as well."

"Cool so… what're you dancing?" Clive asked.

"You guys first since your dance will be before ours in the episode," Derek replied. "And no envelope this time, next week there will be. Parents, it's the Viennese Waltz to the song Loveliest Thing by Paul McCartney."

Covering her mouth with her hands after a squeak had left it, Julia laughed quickly and then told everyone, "I know that song." Something came to her then and she said, "Wait, the lyrics-"

"I chose the song," Skye interrupted her. "And with that I chose it because of the music, not the lyrics. I'm not trying to say you two pairs are in love with each other."

"Oh good, I'm glad they think that," Castle commented as the kids were making sounds of disgust in response to that.

After they'd all stopped laughing Derek said, "Do you four know more of the dance besides the basic steps?"

"Yeah, we've practiced that a little bit," Julia said. "But we don't know them for sure…"

"That's why I'm helping you guys," Derek replied.

"What is it Mari?" Skye said to the girl that had raised her hand.

"Tom said it was Destination Night next week," she replied. "But… us?"

"In this case I'm telling the costume designers to have you dress in authentic Viennese ballroom gowns," Derek said.

"Um, what does that mean we're going to wear?" Clive asked.

"Tuxedoes," Derek replied. "I expected that," he said to the parents when the two boys were groaning loudly.

"I think we all did," Beckett said. "Is there a chance they'll be able to change after?"

"That brings us to our dance I believe," Skye said, smiling as Derek was going over to the envelope that was on the chair against the wall. She was surprised when he opened it and took out the paper inside, handing it to her without a word before Julia was speaking eagerly.

"What is it?" the girl said so eagerly that she was jumping up and down.

Laughing Skye said, "It's the Foxtrot," before she stopped there.

"What song?" the four kids said at the same time though they were joking and laughing soon after with the adults.

"You Belong to Me, Ringo's version," Skye said, looking at Julia and Mari.

"We danced that while she sang it," Mari said first.

"While we were in Japan," Julia added.

"Great, so you two are aware of the music," Derek said.

"We learned to dance to it too," Julia said. "For a competition but Ms. Grey didn't really like the song so we used another one."

"That's alright," Derek said. "I'm not going to be using the dance, I'll get us fresh steps since we need to do something about the destination theme next week."

"Is everyone else doing a dance themed to a location?" Skye asked her partner.

"Did you think of something already grá?" Mary asked her wife.

"Is she right?" Derek said, looking at her.

"An overall theme of traveling," Skye replied. "And we're the parents to our four children." She saw her partner was about to speak when she said with a smile, "You were about to say something about four children being a lot weren't you?"

"Your five aren't here," Derek said. "But I'm not sure if we can include them in the dance."

"I was thinking the same myself… to a degree," Skye said.

"Should you just say what you've thought of?" Genevieve asked slowly.

"She's right, this is really confusing," Isaac added.

"Sorry, I'm thinking this out," Skye explained. "I would say have us in front of a railing, as if we were on a ship. They're on either side of us before we 'teach' them the steps before the music begins and we dance together."

"I like that," Peter said. "But it's not going to be the Titanic movie is?"

"No," Derek said with a laugh. "We're going to be dressed in khaki to go with the traveling of course."

"Ah, Stella gets a break again," Skye replied. "Can you figure something out with that?"

"I'm already thinking that but first we need you to get the basic steps," Derek told her.

"We know that already," Mary said.

"Will and Grace?" Beckett asked her.

"Yeah," Mary replied with a slight laugh, about to speak when Derek was first.

"I know the episode you're talking about," the dancer said. "And we'll start with it and go from there."

Nodding, Skye went with her partner to the middle of the room before they started to dance the box step. Since she and her wife had watched the episode of the show with two characters dancing that she picked it up faster than she thought she would.

"Perfect," Derek told her after he had them go through the steps one last time. "Now we can build from there and I should have told you before-"

"You needed to listen to both songs?" Skye interrupted.

Smiling when the kids laughed softly, Derek shook his head and then told her, "No, the dance may seem like the waltz but they're separate."

"I know but watch I don't start dancing like we did for our waltz," Skye said. "But seriously, listen to the songs."

"I'll start with yours first," Derek said to the kids. "If you want to dance at all feel free to okay? I'd like to see if you come up with anything."

"Sure," Julia and Peter said at the same time.

"You two don't have to do anything if you don't want to," Derek was telling Mari and Clive. "But don't be afraid to show us anything that comes to mind." When the two nodded, smiling to his relief, he said, "Alright, here we go."

While the song was playing, Castle took his wife's hand and they watched the kids listening. He wasn't surprised when their daughter and her partner started to dance only after a couple lyrics, watching Derek looking at their moves closely. He smiled, squeezing Beckett's hand as he was relieved for Julia's sake that she was finally going to get to do something she had always wanted to as the music continued.

"Better?" Mary asked with a smile as she looked up at her wife walking out of the bathroom.

"Oh of course," Skye replied. "Slightly easier dance," she added before she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her hair dry. "Though grá?"

"What?" Mary said in surprise at how serious her wife was being.

"My leg," Skye confessed.

"Oh… Rose why didn't you mention it?" Mary asked. She got up off the bed and said, "Have you told Derek about it?"

"He knows but…" Skye started to say.

"You didn't mention what happened today," Mary commented as she paused where she was. "And you didn't say how bad it was."

"Sore," Skye said honestly. "But nothing that serious." She watched her wife nod and then disappear into the bathroom before she was removing her robe. "I don't think there's much I can do tonight grá," she told her wife when she was walking back into the room.

"I wasn't expecting it," Mary said reassuringly though she couldn't help admiring her wife's body as she was naked under the robe. She sat next to her and told the investigator, "Plus you need to sleep after I do this."

"I will," Skye said, yawning. "I'm just tired grá," she said defensively when she saw the way her wife was looking at her.

"It's not that late," Mary said. "But," she continued quickly as Skye was opening her mouth. "You do need to get up early and you need to get your rest."

Skye couldn't reply to that, her wife rubbing the medicated crème on her left leg, and she groaned before she said, "I hate you having to do this."

"Don't worry," Mary said with a smile. "It's better I do this than you by yourself." She looked pointedly at her wife and when the investigator groaned and covered her head with her arms she smiled and said, "Now stay still."

Though she knew she could comment on that, Skye let it slide and just waited for her wife to massage the crème over her until she felt it wasn't as stiff and sore as it was before. "Thank you," she told her gratefully as she watched Mary get off the bed. When her wife merely smiled at her she frowned and then pushed herself up, so she was sitting up, not moving as she watched for her to come back.

"Do you want me to get your pajamas?" Mary asked, pausing when she saw her wife still nude on the bed.

Shaking her head, Skye reached out to her and once her wife had taken her hand she pulled her onto the bed. As soon as she was on her knees next to her she wrapped her arms around her and kissed her deeply before her wife was responding. She caressed her hair before they had to stop for some air and she said, "You did want something," studying her closely before the doctor groaned and bowed her head.

"I do… I was watching your hips," Mary told her honestly, speaking in Japanese. "They're tantalizing."

Laughing, since her wife had switched to French since she knew Mary loved that last word in that language, Skye cupped her face in her hands and said, "I'm glad, it means they worked for that dance." She wasn't surprised when her wife kissed her tenderly and she responded eagerly before they slowly parted. "Hmm," she said with a smile on her face. "You should have told me."

"You said you were-" Mary began.

"We can do something quickly," Skye replied, speaking in French herself that time. "Very."

"Yes we can," Mary said. They were looking at each other and she thought she might have moved first but wasn't sure as she and her wife were crushing their lips against one another at nearly the same time. After they had finally parted she nuzzled her lips against the investigator's and whispered into her ear.

Shuddering in pleasure at what her wife told her, Skye nodded rapidly and then watched her getting off the bed. She could feel her arousal rising while Mary began to undress, loving that she affected her with so simple an act as she was getting her clothes off. "I thought I saw those," she told her teasingly as her wife climbed back on with her.

"Yes, I know," Mary said in mock annoyance as her nipples were erect. She lost that tone of voice as her wife cupped her breasts with her hands, using her fingers to gently twist the nubs while she was moaning in pleasure. She pressed the mounds against her palms and told her, "We need to hurry."

"We do," Skye said, knowing that her wife had forgotten about them sleeping and she genuinely wanted her to go quickly. She moved her right hand then and reached down her wife's body, caressing her until she brushed her fingertips against her clit. Hearing Mary crying out, she pushed on her back gently and waited for her to straddle her legs to give her better access. She was going to pleasure her again when her wife grabbed her hand and stopped her. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," Mary replied easily. She leaned over her and had her sit up a little more until she could fix some pillows behind her back. Once she was sure her wife was set she sat back up on her knees and then told her, "Watch."

Nodding, though she was a little surprised her wife wanted that instead, Skye looked on while she was rubbing at her clit herself. She shifted a bit, affected by the sight of her wife pleasuring herself, and she soon reached up to help her before Mary was stopping her by holding her hand still to her surprise.

"Here," the doctor told her wife, moving it down between her legs. She was pleased when Skye quickly slipped her fingers inside of her and as she began to move on them she moaned while her wife was watching her.

Skye wrapped her arm around her wife, placing her hand on the small of her back to hold her. She did her best to reach up with her thumb, rubbing her clit to push Mary a little more until sometime later she could feel her faltering in her thrusts. While her wife was going through her orgasm she was biting at her lower lip, her own sex throbbing though nothing was directly stimulating it. After Mary had stopped moving she carefully withdrew her fingers as her wife moved to sit on her knees next to her.

"Thank you," Mary told her as she kissed her temple lovingly. "I really should have done that for you first though."

Shaking her head Skye replied, "My leg needed some time."

"How is it?" Mary asked.

"Good," Skye said as she was moving it a bit to test it. "So-" she started to say before her wife was crushing her lips against hers. Even with as passionate as that kiss was, she still was able to realize when her wife made her lay down.

"Is there anything you want?" Mary asked. When her wife shook her head, she smiled and leaned down, kissing her gently on the lips before she got up. She then reached down and started to rub Skye's clit, watching her closely while she was reacting to her. She did that for a while, and then moved to lay in between her wife's legs to begin pleasuring her with her mouth. She was a bit concerned about her left leg, but her wife was making sounds of delight instead of pain, so she continued.

Writhing on the mattress, Skye reached down to her wife's head and tangled her fingers through her hair so she could cup the back of her head. She arched her hips up against Mary's mouth, feeling soon after her wife's fingers going down to her clit and she was letting out heavy cries. She lost all track of time as the endless pleasure through her body was distracting her and she was a little startled when her orgasm hit her and strong while she was calling Mary's name. she had no idea how long she was going through that, only aware when it fully stopped. "Oh… grá," she said, reaching for her wife to pull her up to her.

As they kissed, Mary ran her hand over her wife's abdomen and when she pulled away she told her, "Good?"

"Yes," Skye said simply before she pulled her down to her for another kiss. After they had parted again she said, "More?"

Brushing her lips against her wife's, Mary shook her head and told her, "You need some sleep. You're getting up early."

Sighing Skye waited for Mary to lay down with her and once she was she quickly wrapped her arms around her saying, "I'm not staying all day though."

"We'll see how your leg is," Mary replied simply. She laughed when her wife playfully attacked her neck before she pulled away slowly. "Alright."

"Oh… not much protest there," Skye said teasingly. They smiled at each other before she leaned down, kissing her deeply on the lips. Their tongues rolled together a few times before she was pulling away and saying, "I love you grá."

"I love you too Skye," Mary replied. "Come on, sleep," she told her, pulling her down to her.

The two women covered themselves with the bed sheet and relaxed, closing their eyes but pressing their bodies close so they wouldn't lose their touch as they fell asleep together.

Watching her hair tumble past her shoulders, Castle couldn't stop himself from grabbing his wife and pulling her to him from behind. He buried his face into her locks and murmured, "You're so fucking gorgeous."

Biting at her lower lip for a moment, Beckett turned around carefully so her husband would let go of her and she could wrap her arms around his neck. "Bhí mé ag iarraidh ort gach oíche," she told him, speaking against his lips. She wasn't surprised when his grip tightened on her; as she'd told him she'd wanted him all night; and after they had kissed she then said, "We have all night."

"We do," Castle said, staring into her eyes. "Beidh mé ag adhradh duit," he told her seriously.

Smiling, as her husband had told her the phrase I will worship you, Beckett was about to respond when he was suddenly kissing her. She moaned deeply as he was passionate immediately and she did her best to respond to it though it took her a moment to match his fervency. She could feel his hands roaming around on her back and she pressed a little closer to his chest in response to that. When he moved to kiss at her neck she sighed, reaching up to cup the back of his neck with her hand until he was going back up to her lips. "Rick… please," she whispered.

Castle's response to that was to kiss her again, doing so sensuously and slowly as he was touching her again. He did his best to avoid her breasts and forced himself to by cupping her ass gently just before they parted. He smiled at her as she leaned against him slightly and he asked, "Okay?"

"Yes," Beckett replied, putting her hands on the back of his head and kissing him as hard as she could. They were grasping at one another at that point, rough in their touch until they were taking a brief gasp of air and starting over again. She could feel her lips were growing swollen from the force, but she didn't stop until they absolutely had to.

Though he knew he needed to tell his wife what he was going to do, Castle reached for the zipper on her back and tugged it down firmly before he stopped quickly to check her reaction. When she let go of him to start unbuttoning his shirt, he moved his hands to help her by getting his blazer off. He pulled his shirt out from his trousers and said, "Who's first?"

Beckett smiled and said, "I think you." She wasn't surprised when he was looking at her questioningly and she told him, "I have less on."

Castle pretended to think that over before he nodded and said, "Okay."

"You should have just said it right away," Beckett said wryly. But before her husband could respond to that she was unbuttoning his shirt as fast as she could without ripping any of them off. Once it was opened fully she slid her hands underneath the fabric, pushing it off his shoulders before she allowed him to take it off himself. She smiled and said, "You have a lot more."

"I won't now," Castle said before he paused.

"What?" Beckett said as he was looking at her.

"I just want to make sure; am I doing this by myself?" Castle asked her.

Beckett's reply was to incline her head slightly and she watched him finish undressing which didn't take long. She had a moment to give his erection an appreciative glace before he was reaching around her, unzipping her dress fully. She stepped out of it, wondering if he minded caring for the dress so studiously as he was completely naked. But he was draping it on the dresser and coming back to her swiftly, so she wrapped her arms around him, not surprised when he was picking her up. Her heels had come off the second they'd come to the top of the stairs into the bedroom and she only had one item left to remove before he was reaching for it.

"I know you can do this yourself, but I can't wait," Castle said, slightly desperately as he'd caught a glimpse of how her arousal was darkening the fabric at her sex.

"Easy," Beckett replied, taking hold of his hands. She smiled when he stopped and she pushed herself up on her hands, kissing him tenderly before they pulled away. Laying back down, she raised her hips, watching him remove her panties carefully before they were going to the floor next to the bed. She reached for her husband when he turned back to her and she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him hungrily before he was moving to lay on top of her enough so their hips were pressed together.

"What do you want my love?" Castle asked when they stopped, a little breathless.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, Beckett pressed on the small of his back with her heels until he was shifting slightly. She gasped as he slid into her body, and once he'd stopped she told him, "Not like this though."

"How?" Castle asked quickly as he knew what she meant immediately. He took her left leg that she raised up, moving down slightly so she could drape it over his shoulder. After it was set she squeezed her muscles around his length, making him groan heavily before he made his first thrust. As he was doing that he realized he should have asked her again what she wanted, but with her short gasp of pleasure he had his answer already. He proceeded to set up his rhythm, a fast and rough one that he knew wasn't going to last that long, but she was obviously enjoying it and he wished she could move a little easier as he could tell she was struggling to thrust with him.

Beckett was enjoying how deep he was getting but she was becoming more and more dissatisfied with him so far away from her. She grabbed his arms, though doing so with his right arm was a little harder with her leg in the way, and a moment later he was thrusting hard. She cried out once before he was moving so he could get her leg down and she wrapped it around his waist instantly. The second she pulled him down to her he was kissing her and a moment later he was thrusting again. She was eager when he was fucking her again and she started to use his body for leverage so she could move as well.

Groaning heavily in pleasure as his wife was thrusting enough so their hips were slapping together loudly, Castle did his best to move even faster against her. He could feel his muscles screaming with the effort and realized that they were dangerously close to it becoming a quickie. With that in mind he stopped and gasped out, "Too… fast…"

"No," Beckett told him tenderly, caressing the back of his head. "It's what I want." She wasn't surprised when he looked at her in shock and she told him, "It is, we can do more if we're this fast."

Castle breathed out hard against his wife's shoulder before he then kissed her skin and said, "It's what you want…" When her response was to simply nod he kissed her on the lips and then began thrusting as hard as he could as he had been before. They had to part shortly after and when they had it allowed him to focus on his thrusts. He knew she wouldn't want him to stop, so he did his best not to do that though he suddenly did. He breathed out heavily and apologized and said, "I need to…"

"Don't worry," Beckett assured him though she was straining herself in frustration. "You've been… thrusting very hard." She smiled slightly when he nodded rapidly, and she told him, "This is alright. For now."

Shuddering heavily Castle said, "You're a fucking vixen."

"Because I want you," Beckett told him firmly. She watched him pull away so he looked down at her and told him firmly, "I still do."

"I won't stop," Castle said in a firm promise before he leaned down and kissed her again. After he had pulled away he made sure her arms were wrapped around his neck and began to move once again. He was going rapidly immediately once more, breathing heavily as he stared at his wife, wanting to watch her as he pushed them both to the edge. When he was feeling her moving with him he started to waver but soon made sure the two of them were thrusting together easily. It took a bit to do that, so it allowed their lovemaking to last long, but it wasn't very long as they were both being affected by their pleasure and he groaned, "Love… are you…?"

"Yes!" Beckett cried out heavily, her nails starting to rake over his back. She threw her head back hard and was feeling the waves of joy rushing through her. She finally broke fully and started to chant her husband's name, her ecstasy nearly making her scream it. She could feel him shortly after joining her and she was nearly pushed over the edge again at the sensation. She wasn't sure if they stopped at the same time but feeling him still above her eventually she held onto him tightly, kissing at the side of his head. "Rick…" she murmured into his ear. "That was incredible."

"It was," Castle breathed out heavily. He pulled away slightly and said, "But I'm making love to you next."

Beckett was about to tell him he didn't need to do that when her husband was suddenly thrusting. She gasped and held onto him, not too startled feeling that he was aroused again, and because he was going so slowly she could feel it rising rapidly in herself. She did her best to move with him again until they were orgasming and when they had calmed down she held him to her tightly. "I know why you did that," she said.

"No you don't," Castle said in mock self-defense. He smiled when she laughed and leaned down to kiss her hungrily before he was withdrawing from her carefully to lay next to her. Wrapping his arm around her he said, "It's more than just sex."

"Of course," Beckett said seriously before she smiled as she turned to him and told him, "And you wanted me again."

"Of course I did," Castle replied. He hissed out his next breath when his wife wrapped her hand around his erection and said, "Yes, there's… there's proof," stammering as she was rubbing her fingertip around the very tip of him.

"I can't touch?" Beckett asked in amusement.

"Yes… yes you can but," Castle started to say before he pulled her hand away carefully. "I'm going to literally explode if you do that.""Pervert," Beckett said simply before she waited for him to lay on his back. She got on top of him and tracing her fingers over his lips said, "We can do that in a little bit."

"Am I doing the same to you or are we just working on me?" Castle said slowly.

"Whatever you want," Beckett said, biting her lower lip. She let out a soft laugh when her husband turned her onto her back and she wrapped her arms around him tightly before their lips were meeting. She caressed his hair after they started and shortly after ran her nails over her scalp. She wasn't surprised when he shuddered immediately and pulled away, making her say, "Too much?" though she was eager to do that again.

"No," Castle said quickly. "I do enjoy that but…"

"You want me to rest?" Beckett guessed smiling. She kissed him as he nodded and told him, "I appreciate that. But if things get to be too much you need to tell me, and I'll tell you if it's the same for me."

"Okay," Castle said simply. When his wife touched his shoulder, he moved so he was on his back again and wrapped his arms around her to hold her against him. He caressed her hair since he had the chance for that, but shortly after he was running his fingers through the locks. After doing that for a while he was slowing down until he could feel her moving, making him look up at her before she was giving him a lingering kiss and then telling him what she was thinking at that moment.

"Grab your phone," Beckett told him. Once he had she opened the internet and was tapping on the screen until she said, "We've never looked at these for long."

Raising his head, Castle's eyes widened when he saw the woodcut on the screen of a pair coupled in sex and he said, "I Modi?"

"It is," Beckett replied with a smile at his expression. "Keep looking."

"What happened to that rest?" Castle said, his voice a little distorted as she had swiped to the left and the next picture in the manual appeared.

"We still can," Beckett said, not surprised when her husband suddenly sat up and kissed her, wrapping his free arm around her tightly and pulling her to him. After they had parted she remained sitting up as he got enough pillows propped up for them to lean back against. She watched him swipe through each picture and she said when he'd reached the last, "Not arousing?"

"It is but some are a little… oddly drawn," Castle replied. He closed his phone and put it back before he said, "We enjoyed the one of Ovid and Corinna the most."

"We did, and we did try them all," Beckett said. She turned so she could partially lay on him saying, "But I'd prefer just looking this time around."

Castle nodded before he reached up, running his fingers through her hair and telling her, "What's a little disappointing is we only had the… sixteen or so positions."

"We'd improvise our own," Beckett said with a smile. She watched him think that over before he breathed out hard and she said, "It was fun, but I think I was the same as I am now."

"You preferred me on top," Castle stated. He was finding it hard to breathe again as his wife was smiling at him with half-lidded eyes and his hand on the small of her back clutched at her.

"You were a big six," Beckett murmured. She leaned over and kissed him, shivering as both his hands grasped her back and then proceeded to rub it while their tongues were doing so to each other. When she pulled away she studied him and said, "You still are." Though it was exactly what she wanted, she couldn't help letting out a slight gasp when he rolled her onto her back. She quickly recovered, wrapping her arms around him securely as they were kissing, passionately, once more.

When he had pulled away from her, Castle went to her neck, kissing at it until he moved back fully to look at her. "I adore you," he breathed, staring into her eyes intently.

"I feel the same about you," Beckett replied, reaching up to brush her fingertips along his chin. "Show me," she told him. She watched him interestedly as he moved so they were both on their sides and they could reach one another. "At the same time?" she asked him.

Castle thought about that for a moment and then told her, "I didn't want to do it too quickly. It's not a rest," he told her swiftly before she could speak. "More that we can take our time with it."

"Alright," Beckett said with a smile as she knew they'd done that in their past life as well. They'd done it a few times in their current lives but not as often as before, though she suddenly felt the desire to that time. She had her arm underneath his neck but with her free hand she reached to place it on his hip. She rubbed it gently and said, "How much sleep would we get when we used to do this?"