
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit! ( finished)

Qian Yu crosses Mist Shinobi and becomes the Snow Clan who will be exterminated. Start off with Frozen Fruit and develop to Ultimate! 100 levels of Ice Age, freezing the entire Kirigakure! 200-level frozen space, even time-space ninjutsu cannot escape! Level 500 freezes time, stops the flow of time, and the world of ninjas is at my disposal! Bai: Compared with my brother's Ice Escape, mine is not worth mentioning at all. Terumi Mei: Bastard Qian Yu, Mizukage is yours now, let me go! Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: Why can't I move? You, what do you want to do? ! ______________________________________________ Note - This is a Chinese fanfiction. i am just translating it . i am just changing name and some grammer like he , she ,her ,his , it etc . i am making it understandable . also read chapter first don't let the synopsis let you think i am just copy pasting . join my patreon if you want to read chapter in advance and Support me ↓ patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Cómic
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240 Chs

chapter 109

I like to express my gratitude to " Kyros " for his support and becoming a patrons on my patreon.

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there are 150+ chapter there .


With the Tsunade and Hyuga clan joining Kirigakure, the power of Kirigakure has really reached its peak at this moment!

It can be said that it is at the height of the sun, incomparable!!!

And soon, Kuzan also settled down the residence of the Hyuga clan, including the residence of Tsunade and Shizune.


Kuzan didn't stop there, and immediately called all Kirigakure's high-level leaders to discuss.

This time participating in the Mizukage meeting, in addition to the previous elders and - elite ninjas.

More Tsunade, and Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan.

Kuzan first welcomed the addition of the Tsunade and Hyuga clans.

The other Kirigakure ninjas were also very curious and joyful.

Tsunade looked a bit complicated, but still showed a smile.

It is indeed difficult for her to change her identity and posture immediately.

Kuzan didn't care either.

Hyuga Hiashi, on the other hand, is determined, and there is no turning back.

Facing everyone's welcome, Hyuga Hiashi nodded and smiled, but then also showed a bit of worry.

"Mizukage-sama, this time Tsunade-sama and our Hyuga clan rebelled against Konoha and joined Kirigakure. Although it is expected by everyone, but..."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen and Konoha Village will never rest on their laurels."

"I'm afraid that this time Sarutobi Hiruzen will be forced to go to war with Kirigakure. "

Kuzan smiled and nodded, "Indeed."

"I think so."

"If I were Sarutobi Hiruzen, if I don't fight to the death at this time, I'm afraid he and Konoha Village really have only a dead end."

Terumi Mei said with a smile: "The Tsunade and Hyuga clans are probably the last straw that crushes Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Don't talk about these two things, how embarrassing he and Konoha Village are in the whole ninja world. Just because of the huge losses caused by Mizukage-sama . Hokage can't sit still. "

"If this continues, Kirigakure will become stronger and Konoha Village will decline more and more. At this time, launching a desperate battle is probably his best and last chance."

Master Yuan also nodded: "I also agree. From the perspective of the enemy, Konoha Village may indeed have reached the limit of patience."

"However, the current Kirigakure has already made all preparations."

"Although Mizukage-sama has only been in charge of Kirigakure for four or five years, he has made Kirigakure leap from the blood mist on the verge of collapse to become the most powerful ninja village in the entire ninja world, at least one of them."

"Moreover, because of Mizukage-sama's superb skills, he only experienced one battle with Sunagakure, and he won a complete victory without losing any troops."

"Afterwards, through the diplomacy of the Five Kages Conference, we obtained a large amount of compensation and resources from Konoha Village."

"The comprehensive strength of Kirigakure has already surpassed Konoha Village, so this battle is almost inevitable."

Ao said: "It is true."

"However, Konoha Village is Konoha Village after all, and its comprehensive strength has far surpassed the other four major ninja villages."

"Although it is weakening day by day under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen, after all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and we cannot take it lightly."

Terumi Mei nodded: "Especially, the current Konoha Village still has Sunagakure as an ally after all, plus Orochimaru's sound Village, Jiraiya also has the forces of Mount Myōboku behind it."

"This time in the battle with Leaf Village, although Master Mizukage summoned all the power of Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru also showed his own means of Impure World Reincarnation. Jiraiya also summoned the sky toad from Mount Myōboku."

Hoshigaki Kisame smiled: "That is one of the legendary Sannin after all, in terms of name, it is much better than our Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

Mengetsu Hōzuki said: "Well, but now we also have a Sannin, besides there is Lord Kuzan around, there is no need to be afraid of their power."

Kuzan nodded: "Despise the enemy strategically, but pay attention to the enemy tactically."

"It's always been my style."

"If Konoha Village goes to war, it will definitely learn the lessons of the last Sunagakure Failure."

"They all now understand Kirigakure's great advantage in naval warfare."

"It will definitely not be a decisive battle with us at sea again."

"Then, they only have two options, one is to lure us to fight on land, and the other is to sneak into our Kirigakure to fight inside."

Tsunade frowned, "Indeed, Sarutobi-sensei...I mean Sarutobi Hiruzen has many flaws, but he's not a fool, he won't be as reckless as Sunagakure."

"In my opinion, he may adopt the second method, sending people to sneak in here quietly to start a war."

"In this way, firstly, Kirigakure can be caught off guard and suffer heavy casualties, and secondly, hatred can be stimulated so that Kirigakure can take the initiative to attack Konoha and achieve the goal of a decisive battle on land."

Kuzan glanced at her, nodded and said with a smile: "Tsunade is right."

"I also think Sarutobi Hiruzen will do that."

Hyuga Hiashi said: "However, it is not easy to sneak into Kirigakure quietly. It is surrounded by sea and is a country of archipelagos. It is completely different from the unobstructed plains of Konoha Village, the country of fire."

"No matter what, you have to cross the sea by boat to get there."

"And we only need to deploy manpower in all ports, detect and be vigilant in advance, and we can prevent them from sneaking in."

Kuzan said with a smile: "Of course these things must be done. However, Konoha Village will definitely not sneak in with great fanfare. If the target is too big, it will definitely be discovered."

"If I were Sarutobi Hiruzen, I'd probably just let one or two people sneak in in a small boat."

Everyone frowned and said, "One or two people?"

"But in this way, it's basically like coming to die."

The current Kirigakure does have the confidence and strength.

Kuzan said: "One or two people is indeed not enough to fight against Kirigakure, but if it is Orochimaru who is good at Reanimation Jutsu, and Jiraiya who can Summon Mount Myōboku, it will be different."

Tsunade nodded and said, "That's right, if it's the two of them, they can definitely summon an army.

"Orochimaru's Reanimation Jutsu, although the accuracy is not enough, but if he cooperates with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he will definitely be able to get information about many dead strong people in Konoha Village."

"At that time, maybe an entire Impure World Reincarnation army will be created."

"Not only Grandfather First Hokage, but also Second Hokage, as well as many powerful people who died in Konoha Village, may be summoned by Impure World Reincarnation."

She glanced at Uchiha Yatsushiro, representing the Uchiha clan, and Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan.

"With all due respect, the deceased ancestors of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan may all become pawns in Orochimaru's Impure World Reincarnation."


Uchiha Yatsushiro and Hyuga Hiashi froze for a moment.

Then I couldn't help being furious!!!

"That bastard Orochimaru, if he dares to do that, I will definitely tear him to pieces!!!"

"That's right, absolutely impossible!!!"

Tsunade smiled bitterly: "That guy Orochimaru doesn't have these concepts of right, wrong, good and evil at all. In his mind, he doesn't care about anything other than his own research on ninjutsu theory and the development of various Forbidden Techniques."

"It's not surprising that he would do such a thing."

Of course Kuzan also knows Orochimaru well.

"Indeed, Orochimaru will certainly do so."

"I know everyone's anger, but turning anger into strength and thinking about how to deal with it is the right way."

Kuzan also has Orochimaru's research materials in Konoha Village.

Among them is the Forbidden Technique secret of the Impure World Reincarnation.

However, it is an incomplete scroll.

However, Nayu's natural electricity has been deduced to a perfect state.

However, Kuzan himself does not want to use Reanimation Jutsu.

On the one hand, this is indeed not a good ninjutsu. Not to mention digging graves and stealing human bones, you have to use living people as sacrifices to be able to call.

Whether it is the descendants of the deceased or the life of the living, it is difficult to break through this bottom line.

Kuzan is not the Holy Saint, but he still has his own persistence in doing things and not doing things.

Of course, cracking the enemy's Impure World Reincarnation is another story.

Kuzan soon revealed all the mysteries of Impure World Reincarnation to the public.

Also said how to deal with Impure World Reincarnation.

"The dead summoned by Impure World Reincarnation cannot be killed again because they are already dead."

"So, the only effective method is the trap of sealing."

for a moment.

Everyone looked in the direction of a woman.

That was the mother of Uzumaki Karin, whom Kuzan had rescued on the previous journey.

Uzumaki Meihui ( mihaya ).

Now that she is in Kirigakure, she has already settled down completely, and she has also experienced the sense of belonging that belongs to a real village and companions as Kuzan said.

Hearing Kuzan and everyone talking about Sealing Techniques, Uzumaki Mihaya's heart was already moved.

She nodded and said, "I do have some Sealing Techniques of the Uzumaki family."

"Although it is not as powerful as Uzumaki Kushina, it is definitely enough to seal the souls of the dead summoned by Impure World Reincarnation."

Kuzan agrees.

Although Impure World Reincarnation is very powerful, but to seal the enemy, the most difficult part is to defeat the opponent first and restrain the opponent's actions.

But the requirements of Sealing Techniques itself are not high.

Whether it's the seal squad in the Ninja Alliance in the Fourth Ninja World War, or Sai's eye-catching bullets, Gaara's desert-level burial seal, they can do this perfectly.

What Kuzan has to do now is to promote and perfect Sealing Techniques.

He smiled at Uzumaki Meihui: "Next, I will perfect the Sealing Techniques with you, and then promote and teach everyone. You don't mind?"

Uzumaki Meihui sighed: "The Uzumaki clan has long been exterminated, and Uzumaki Village has become a ruin."

"It's all caused by Sealing Techniques."

"The Uzumaki family had a powerful sealing technique, but they didn't have the power to protect themselves, so they died."

"I wandered around with karin and suffered a lot. Only Master Mizukage and Kirigakure accepted us. The sealing technique and keeping secrets are meaningless to me."

"Master Mizukage, I will hand over all the sealing techniques I know, but I hope I can make some contributions to Kirigakure."

Kuzan smiled and said, "Okay."

Afterwards, Kuzan discussed various other coping strategies with everyone before ending the meeting.



Together with Uzumaki Meihui, Kuzan studied the Sealing Techniques of the Uzumaki clan.

Although Uzumaki Meihui's sealing techniques here are not many, and most of them are incomplete.

But it was enough for Kuzan.

It only takes him a few minutes to deduce the incomplete sealing technique to perfection!!!

Kuzan couldn't help feeling that in the world of Hokage ninjas, the technique of sealing barriers has developed to a very high-end level, and it can be called rich and colorful.

For example, just for Sealing Techniques, there are four-element seals, five-element seals, Eight Sign Seals, fire-sealing seals, and dead seals.

Covenant Seal, Seal of Evil, Seal of Elimination of Evil, Adamantine Sealing Chains, Sealing of Ghouls, Heavenly Covering Circle and so on.

If you count the power of other ninja villages and families, it also includes the iron armor seal of Cloud Shinobi Village, the transfer seal of Sharingan, the seal of Shimura Danzō's tongue disaster eradication, the seal of self-inflicted curse, etc.

wait wait wait.

The same is true for the enchantment Technique.

From the Four Purple Flame Formation, the Four Black Fog Formation, the Four Red Yang Formation, to the most powerful Six Zhiyang Formation.

Jiraiya's enchantment sky cover magic circle, toad ladle Technique, Uchiha flame circle and so on.

Of course, there is also a large-scale perception defense enchantment that protects Konoha Village.

And when it comes to the sealing enchantment Technique, there is no force in the entire ninja world that can compare with the Uzumaki family.

Although what Kuzan got was only a part of the incomplete sealing technique.

But soon all the deduction was complete, and it was promoted to a perfect state.

He also quickly spread these sealing techniques, giving almost all ninjas in Chongyin Village enough to use sealing techniques.

He himself also enveloped the entire Kirigakure with a perception enchantment similar to Konoha Village.

The perception enchantment used by Kuzan has a larger range than Konoha Village, stronger perception ability, and more sensitive response.

He selected ninjas who were most adaptable and able to use perception and enchantment abilities freely, and formed an enchantment team responsible for defensive perception, always on guard against the invasion of foreign enemies.

In fact, Kirigakure certainly has its own sealing technique.

For example, become Jinchūriki's method of sealing the tailed beast and so on.

Kuzan integrated all the powers and carried them forward, making the Sealing Techniques of the entire Hidden Village more than ten times and a hundred times stronger.

Not everyone can use, or be good at Sealing Techniques.

Of course, Kuzan also selected the best ninjas among them.

The sealing class and enchantment class are formed, which can not only be used for perception and defense, but also for offense, sealing and so on.

everything's ready.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the east wind.

And at this moment.

Konoha Village didn't know it at all, and had quietly prepared a boat to cross the vast sea secretly.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya, together with several Konoha elite ninjas, are approaching the country of water, Kirigakure.

The decisive battle between Konoha Village and Kirigakure broke out.

And this is the fuse of the entire ninja world war.

The peace and stability that the ninja world has maintained for many years is finally coming to an end.


Welcome to the chaos of war.