
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit! ( finished)

Qian Yu crosses Mist Shinobi and becomes the Snow Clan who will be exterminated. Start off with Frozen Fruit and develop to Ultimate! 100 levels of Ice Age, freezing the entire Kirigakure! 200-level frozen space, even time-space ninjutsu cannot escape! Level 500 freezes time, stops the flow of time, and the world of ninjas is at my disposal! Bai: Compared with my brother's Ice Escape, mine is not worth mentioning at all. Terumi Mei: Bastard Qian Yu, Mizukage is yours now, let me go! Ōtsutsuki Kaguya: Why can't I move? You, what do you want to do? ! ______________________________________________ Note - This is a Chinese fanfiction. i am just translating it . i am just changing name and some grammer like he , she ,her ,his , it etc . i am making it understandable . also read chapter first don't let the synopsis let you think i am just copy pasting . join my patreon if you want to read chapter in advance and Support me ↓ patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Cómic
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240 Chs

chapter 100

Kuzan is now facing two major events.

One is of course Tsunade's matter, and the other is the Hyuga clan's request for help.

Both of these things seem tricky.

But for Kuzan, it happened to be solved together.

If Tsunade is subdued, and the entire Hyuga clan rebel against Konoha and submit to Mist Shinobi, it will undoubtedly be a fatal blow to Konoha Village!

And for Kirigakure, it's another surge in power!

Kuzan naturally wouldn't let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Terumi Mei said: "Kuzan, what are you going to do?"

Kuzan said with a smile: "These two things seem to be mixed together very complicated, but I feel that they have achieved each other."

"Just wait and see, this time I'm going to take care of both things together."

Terumi Mei smiled sweetly and leaned into his arms.

She naturally trusted Kuzan 100%.

Since he said it can be solved, then he can definitely go.


Jiraiya is thinking about the next course of action.


Sensing a few Chakras, he immediately opened the door and walked out.

Soon, several Anbu ninjas from Konoha Village appeared.

Jiraiya knew that this was the person Sarutobi Hiruzen had been sending to follow her.

While Jiraiya is loyal to Konoha Village, the current Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't trust anyone.

Jiraiya sighed: "Why, what's the matter?"

The leading Anbu ninja said: "Master Jiraiya, Master Hokage asked about the progress of finding Master Tsunade."

Jiraiya is not hiding.

Tell me what happened yesterday.

Immediately, Anbu's ninjas were taken aback.

" Mizukage Kuzan is also recruiting Master Tsunade?!"


Several Anbu ninjas looked at each other.

Everyone knows that Konoha Village's biggest rival today is Kirigakure.

The previous Uchiha genocide incident, such as the above Five Kages Conference against the Konoha Village Anti-Konoha Alliance House.

Coupled with the alliance with Iwagakure, it is clear that there must be a battle with Konoha Village.

And now, Kuzan even started to win over Master Tsunade, one of the Sannin!

If you report it to Master Hokage, it will definitely make him even more furious!

The leading Anbu ninja said: "Master Jiraiya, in your opinion, will Master Tsunade be persuaded by Mizukage?"

"Or, to put it bluntly, she..."

"Would you betray Konoha Village?!"

Jiraiya's expression changed slightly.

He glanced at the Anbu ninja, and said solemnly: "Tsunade will not betray Konoha Village."

"This is where she grew up, not to mention, Mr. First Hokage, who founded Konoha Village, is her grandfather!"

"I absolutely trust her!"

The Anbu ninja looked at each other, although they wanted to believe it, they didn't know what Hokage-sama would think.

"Understood, but, Master Jiraiya, this matter is serious, we must immediately report to Master Hokage, let him make a decision."

Jiraiya sighed, "I understand."

"Go ahead."

"Yes, from heaven!"

The Anbu ninja immediately informed Sarutobi Hiruzen of the information in a special way.

In Hokage's office.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen received this secret scroll, his expression changed dramatically!

Standing up abruptly, he slapped the table hard.


Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu who were beside him were startled.

"What's wrong Hiruzen?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen handed the information scroll sent by Anbu to the two.

When Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu saw it, their faces changed instantly!

"Hmph, this Kuzan is even trying to win over Tsunade now!"

"Instigating Uchiha's rebellion, the aggressiveness at the Five Kages Conference, not only the Hyuga clan, but even Tsunade wants to provoke Konoha to defect, he really wants to make Konoha Village completely unusable!!!"

Even Shimura Danzō couldn't help frowning.

"If Tsunade also defected from Konoha and joined Kirigakure, not to mention how much we have lost, how much advantage Mist Shinobi has, just the embarrassment is enough to be thrown into the world of Shinobi."

"She is the granddaughter of First Hokage, and a disciple of your Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

How could Sarutobi Hiruzen not understand this truth.

All of a sudden, the hatred towards Kuzan intensified thousands of times!

Utatane Koharu sighed, "Tsunade, she will not betray, right?"

"Jiraiya is right, she grew up in Konoha Village after all, and, moreover, she is the granddaughter of Master First Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "Is there anyone who can be completely trusted?"

"Didn't Orochimaru, my most valued disciple back then, betrayed Konoha Village too?!"

Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu fell silent.

Indeed, Sarutobi Hiruzen originally planned to train Orochimaru in the direction of his successor.

It's just that Orochimaru is too ambitious, and is more obsessed with various Forbidden Technique experiments. He even captured ninjas and children from Konoha Village for human experiments, and was exposed.

After the incident broke out, even Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't protect him from such a frenzied crime.

What's more, even before that, Sarutobi Hiruzen was already wary of Orochimaru because he got too close to Shimura Danzō.

When the Fourth Hokage was elected, Shimura Danzō elected Orochimaru, and Sarutobi Hiruzen even gave up his disciples and chose Namikaze Minato.

Because even Namikaze Minato, who has a foreign surname, has a relatively distant relationship with him, but he is more trustworthy than Orochimaru and Shimura Danzō colluding with each other.

Utatane Koharu sighed, "Then, Hiruzen, what are you going to do?"

"In case Tsunade really has the idea of betrayal..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "Even if it is my disciple, even the granddaughter of Master First Hokage, if he betrays Konoha Village,she will be killed without mercy!!!"

"Isn't this also what Master First Hokage left behind?!"

Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu were taken aback.

"You, you are going to Tsunade"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Did you just watch her betray?!"

"Don't talk about her own strength, do you know how many Konoha Village secrets she has?!"

"If you betray, what kind of loss will be caused to Konoha Village, you should be as clear as I am!"

Shimura Danzō and Utatane Koharu fell silent.

"However, Hiruzen, it is not yet certain that Tsunade will betray. If you insist on doing this, you will instead try to scare the snake away and force her to fall to Kirigakure."

"So, it's better to be cautious."

Sarutobi Hiruzen calmed down a bit.

"I understand, as long as she doesn't betray, why would I want to get rid of her?!"

"After all, she is also my disciple, and the current Konoha Village is dying, and it is the time when her strength is most needed..."

Shimura Danzō said: "Then, how to test her loyalty?"

"Besides, if she really has the intention of betraying, even if you want to kill her, few people can do it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Indeed."

"However, there is one person who can do it."



Shimura Danzō frowned, "He's Tsunade's companion and best friend, and he's always been against Tsunade...will he kill Tsunade?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "That's because you don't understand Jiraiya."

"He seems to be only lustful and carefree, but he is actually more loyal to the village than anyone else."

"Perhaps, he is more like Master First Hokage. As long as he threatens the village, even his friends, relatives, and even children will not let go."

"Of course Tsunade is the same!"

Utatane Koharu said: "Indeed, Jiraiya is indeed such a person."

"However, let him kill Tsunade, I'm afraid he will have a hard time doing it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Hmph, of course I understand, but as long as he can counter Tsunade's power, I will send Anbu to attack.

"As for how to judge Tsunade's loyalty, I will also ask Anbu to follow her closely. If she takes the initiative to meet and communicate with Kuzan, and even has a little intention of falling for Kirigakure, I will make Anbu and Jiraiya take her down !"

"Okay, that's the only way to do it."

"By the way, what happened to the Hyuga clan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff from his pipe shaking his head and said: "There is still no movement for the time being."

"I don't know if Hyuga Iron's information is wrong, or the Hyuga clan is really calm."

"The Hyuga clan descended from the patriarch Hyuga Hiashi, and none of the clan members showed any hint of betrayal. Even Hyuga Neji, I sent Anbu to track them down, but I didn't find any clues."

Utatane Koharu nodded: "Well, maybe the Hyuga clan really didn't mean to betray."

"Also, even if Hyuga Tetsu( iron ) is telling the truth, Kuzan has contacted Hyuga Hiashi, it doesn't mean that Hyuga Hiashi will accept his instigation and betray Konoha."

"After all, the Hyuga family has also joined the elder family of the village since the establishment of Konoha Village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at her.

There is some irony in the eyes.

Utatane Koharu was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the Senju family, the Uchiha family, which are older families than the Hyuga family, and what happened now?

Shimura Danzō said: "Whether it is Tsunade or the Hyuga clan, we must strengthen surveillance. I will let the root ninjas also pay close attention to them."


Soon, the order of Sarutobi Hiruzen was passed on to the Anbu ninja...

At the same time, a secret order was also handed over to Jiraiya.

When Jiraiya opened it, her expression changed immediately!

Sarutobi Hiruzen wrote that if Tsunade shows signs of betrayal, shoot him immediately!

Anbu ninja will cooperate with you to shoot together!

Jiraiya never imagined that Sarutobi Hiruzen would be so unfeeling.

But he also understands that if he becomes Hokage himself, maybe he will do the same...


Jiraiya sighed and said with a wry smile, "I'm really not Hokage material..."

But he can't disobey Sarutobi Hiruzen's orders.

What's more, those Anbu ninjas have been following him.

"Tsunade, I just hope you don't do something stupid, otherwise..."

"I can only ignore our companionship for so many years."

the next day.

Tsunade didn't sleep well all night, thinking about things all the time.

She was not in the mood to eat the breakfast that Shizune brought.

I just washed my face in a hurry, and I was going to continue to go to the casino to let off steam and relax.

Shizune had no choice but to walk away with her holding Tonton.


As soon as she arrived at the casino, Tsunade found that familiar figure.

It was Kuzan!

There is no doubt that Kuzan has been waiting here for her to appear.

Tsunade frowned, and wanted to leave, but then grunted stubbornly and strode in.

Shizune knows her.

Temper, can only sigh.

Kuzan and Terumi Mei, are playing with other gamblers on the rise.

Although the two are not interested in gambling itself.

But since we have come to Baanchu Street, there is nothing wrong with playing around a bit.

Of course, the main purpose is to wait for Tsunade.

Tsunade sat down, and the other gamblers moved out of the way.

Although she is the legendary big fat sheep, but the terrifying power after she got angry yesterday made everyone else stay away.

Terumi Mei also smiled and stood up.

As a result, only Kuzan and Tsunade were left on the entire gaming table.

Kuzan smiled: "You are here."

Tsunade snorted coldly: "It seems that you are blocking me on purpose?"


"What do you want to do?! As I said, I will not betray Konoha Village, let alone join Kirigakure!"

Kuzan smiled and said, "Don't jump to conclusions so quickly."

"Also, let's not talk about these business matters today, how about we just have a good gamble?"

Tsunade's face softened a little.

"Okay, exactly, we haven't finished the last bet yesterday!"

Kuzan smiled and said, "I hope you brought enough chips today."

"Don't worry, if you kill enough, you won't leave a piece of armor!"


The two fought again.

This time, there were more people watching around, and the bets between the two were getting bigger and bigger, which made all the gamblers startled and stunned.

Shizune and Tonton watched this scene with horror and helplessness.

Of course, Kuzan's technique is not very good.

However, after encountering the legendary big fat sheep, it seems that technology is not needed much.

With her luck of losing every gamble, she is simply trying to make money.

Soon, Tsunade lost again.

Moreover, his temper became more and more irritable, and it was obvious that he was on the top again.

She roared angrily: "Let's gamble one last time!"

"This time I'm going to bet everything!"

"do you dare?!"

Of course Kuzan dared to bet on them all at once.

This is an even crazier gamble than yesterday.

For a moment, everyone in the entire casino did not dare to vent their anger, and stared at the two with bated breath.

Just as Tsunade was about to drive, Kuzan smiled and said, "Wait a minute, it's the same as yesterday, my money here seems to be much more than yours..."

That's a matter of course, after all, Kuzan won most of Tsunade's money.

Tsunade also knew he was wrong: "Then, then I raise!"

"You still seem to be the same, there is nothing to add?"

Tsunade looked back sharply at Shizune.

"Hey! I don't have any money, Master Tsunade!"

Tsunade immediately looked at Tonton.

The porpoise was so frightened that it let out a pig cry.

Kuzan said with a smile: "Is this good, if you win, of course all the money will belong to you."

Tsunade suddenly smiled.

Kuzan continued: "But, if I win..."

"How about it?"

Kuzan smiled and said, "It's not that bad, I want you to drink with me, you won't refuse, will you?"

Tsunade's heart skipped a beat.

Is this instigation, or dating?!!!.