
In Marvel with the Perfect Body...

I woke up in a new body in a weird universe, that's all, with some boons... EDIT: This story is SLOW-PACED, and WILL be a harem. However, and don't expect a dumb harem story either. WARNING: NO ORIGINAL WORKS MENTIONED IN THIS STORY ARE OWNED BY ME OTHER THAN MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER. I AM JUST A CREATIVE GUY USING THE STORY IN A CREATIVE WAY. ALL RIGHTS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS, RESPECTIVELY?

PettiaMius_6689 · Cómic
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36 Chs


~ Omni Pov ~




"Jean, could I~ speak with you for a moment?" Ororo asked somewhat hesitantly, not going unnoticed by her friend.

"Um, Sure, what do you need?" Jean responded happily.

Looking around the area for a little, Ororo made sure that that was there everyone was far away enough... She quickly asked, "I just wanted to ask you, if you don't think something was a little odd back there?"

"Hmm? What do you mean? Like, With Alex?" Jean questioned. But the Ororo shook her head in dismissal, saying "No, it's about Anna, don't you find her reaction bit, lacking?"

Jean looked slightly confused at what her friend was trying to say, but did notice that Anna was a little quiet, but not necessarily off, as what Ororo might be trying to hint her to...

"No, I don't. She was quiet about it his rather, sudden departure, but that's all, what are you getting at?" Jean asked.

"That's what I'm getting at, the silence. Don't you find that a little weird? They have been, together, recently..."

'-That came out a lot harder than I anticipated...' Ororo thought, but continued... "I've seen the look on her face from a far, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that's the face of a young woman in love..." She finished.

Jean looked at her friend for a moment. Realizing that this conversation was more than just, weird. Almost borderline unthinkable for Ororo...

There was no mistaking it anymore, 'There's definitely something up here...' Jean noted to herself.

"Yeah, you're right, but... Wait, are you trying to say that she already knew about this?"

She nodded, "Yes, or she doesn't care, which the latter is the less optimal option, I think it's more likely the former." Ororo added.

With a raised eyebrow, Jean said "Even so— what does that matter to you? Listen, I don't get mentor vibes from you right now, in fact, you're actually freaking me out... Ororo, are you ok?" she finished.

Ororo didn't respond for a moment.

"Yes, I'm fine... Just, never mind.", 'She's right, what does this have to do with me? I'm practically a bystander...' 

Jean could sense the swirling emotions from her friend. Emotions and feelings, that she knew of all too well...

"Ororo, you... Do, you, like hi-"

"Impossible!" Ororo shouted, causing the windows to be forced open swiftly by sudden fierce winds... Jean, feeling the current, shielded face eyes quickly to be safe, but thankfully nothing came flying towards her...

The notion got rejected before she could even finish her sentence, Jean picked up on her reaction...

"Sheesh! I get it! You don't like him; So, what is it then? Because, for all my years of knowing you, you haven't acted like this, ever." Jean added. However, she Realized her friend had a mixture of emotion written on her face...

However, Jean knew for a fact that Ororo had likely developed some surface level of affection for the boy. She was an empath, so it was easy for to her to spot. But she wouldn't dare announce it openly like she tried a second ago to do...

"I-I'm sorry for that just now, I'll be in my room..." Ororo quickly walked passed her friend.

'I can't like the boy; He's practically 7 years my junior... It just, can't be...' She chanted to herself, continuing to her room...




~ Omni Pov, with Alex and Xavier ~




"Here..." Xavier handed Alex the money, a stack of ten thousand dollars. "That's 10 thousand dollars; it should be enough to get started on whatever you plan to do."

Alex smiled, a confident glint in his eyes. "Yeah, it is. More than enough, actually."

Xavier hesitated, concern now etching his features. "Still, are you sure you don't want to think this through a little more? You have a home here, and people like yourself to communicate with," he suggested gently, hoping to plant a seed of reconsideration in Alex's mind.

"*breathes out* I appreciate the offer, Professor, but I've thought about it thoroughly. This is something I need to do..." Alex replied with firmness, his gaze unwavering, and Xavier could see it.

The professor sighed, realizing the difficulty of changing Alex's mind, "I hope, it's not just about the money, Alex. You have a place here, a purpose. You're not alone, and we can help you through whatever challenges you might be facing."

Alex quickly shook his head, a sense of resolve in his voice. "I know you mean well, Professor, but I need to do this on my own. It's something I have to figure out for myself."

'I've read enough of DC and other comics to know where large groups of heroes like yourselves would only get me into more problems than what I can account for...' He thought...

Xavier nodded, acknowledging the young man's independence, even though it was a little sudden... "If that's truly what you believe is best, I won't stand in your way. But remember, the X-Mansion will always be here for you, should you of course; Ever decide to return."

Alex nodded appreciatively, "Thanks, Professor. I won't forget everything you and the others have done for me, even if it was for a short time... It's just that it's best for me to find my own path..." With that, he walked away, not looking back, leaving Xavier with a sense of resignation, and slight concern for the journey ahead for the young mutant...

Xavier's eyes grimed for a moment...

Alex had a small smile on his face, he was free to do what he wanted, and powerful enough to not let anyone trample on him easily...

"Alex wait for a moment; I understand your need for independence, but before you go, there's something important you should be aware of," Xavier spoke, his expression shifting to a more serious tone.

Alex turned to face him, curiosity in his eyes. "What is it, Professor?"

Xavier sighed, choosing his words carefully. "There are, forces out there, organizations and individuals, who are constantly monitoring mutants like us. With your abilities, you might draw attention. Some might see you as a threat or an asset, and they may not have the best, intentions."

Alex continued to listen carefully, it was wise to, if he would be getting some advise...

"In fact, that fight you had earlier with the green beast might have put you on their radar already, they have access to tech that even we can't even comprehend at the moment."

Alex furrowed his brow, a hint of concern replacing his earlier confidence. "What kind of forces are you talking about?"

Xavier leaned forward, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Government agencies, private corporations, and even those with nefarious motives. They're interested in mutants for various reasons, and you, with your unique abilities, might become a target. Especially now that you've basically gone rogue... You wont have our protection as much..."

Alex's gaze hardened as he processed the information. "So, what should I do? Stay hidden? I already knew that much..."

'More than you could ever know professor...' Alex thought to himself.

Xavier nodded, "It might be wise to keep a low profile yes, at least until you have a better understanding of your own, capabilities. The X-Mansion has resources and expertise that can help you navigate these challenges if need be. We can provide guidance and support as you do what you need to..."

He hesitated, absorbing the gravity of Xavier's warning, "I- didn't realize it would be like that. Thanks for letting me know, Professor." However, Alex knew of it all, even though he didn't specifically know about the marvel universe, he knew how paranoid fictional universes could be...

And he was lucky enough that Xavier wasn't like that when they had first met, at least, he wasn't the evil kind...

Xavier smiled, a mix of understanding and concern in his eyes. "You're welcome, Alex. I just want you to be aware of the world you're stepping into. If you ever find yourself in trouble or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. The X-Men are more than just a team; we're a family, and we look out for one another."

Alex nodded, leaving...

Closing the door, he decided on some surface level objectives 'First, I'll need to get some new clothes, then I need to head down to old my school to register that I'm leaving. Next, I'll get my own home, then for future prospects, I can look for more advanced ways to grow stronger.' With a mental nod.

He had done it, Alex had finally left the Island...

Now, in the city, seeing the crowed of people around, he smiled. 'It feels like I'm as light as a feather,' He didn't think he would be this refreshed. When he was there, he had to make sure to not volunteer in responsibilities, and wouldn't have to feel bad when he didn't do anything, he could live.

"Now, where can I find the nearest shopping center?" Alex muttered to himself, scanning the surroundings. Given New York's bustling nature, he knew he didn't necessarily need a grand shopping center. In fact, any of local clothing stores would suffice, and he wasn't particularly aiming for anything extravagant either.

His current attire felt loose, and a bit uncomfortable uncomfortable, signaling the necessity for a change. After a brief survey of the area, Alex quickly spotted a store that seemed a little promising.

Entering the store, he observed the limited space, but it didn't deter him. The shelves were neatly organized with a variety of clothing items. The soft hum of a bell announced his arrival as he started browsing through the racks, searching for something more fitting.

A friendly sales associate approached, ready to assist. "Finding everything okay?"

Alex nodded appreciatively, "Yeah, just looking for a few things. Nothing too fancy, you know?"

The associate smiled, guiding him through the store. "We've got a good selection of casual wear right over here. Anything specific you're looking for?" However, the associate looked at Alex more carefully. However, before he could respond, he was interrupted.

"Wait; sorry to be a little informal man, but you're absolutely jacked, nice!" He gave a slight thumbs up. Alex swore he could the guy's sparkling eyes too...

"Hahaha, thanks for the compliment?" Alex felt a bit odd, but good. His clothes might have been be revealing too much skin though...

"I- just need to get a pair of large and comfortable jeans, and maybe a couple of shirts, and I'm looking for strong underwear as too," Alex replied, grateful for the gesture...

After selecting a few clothing items, Alex made his way to the checkout. The sales associate rang up his purchases and handed him a bag. "Thanks for shopping with us. Have a great day!"

"Yeah sure, you're welcome!" He replied and waved happily ...

"Alright, that's one thing off my list for now. Next, I'll need to get these all washed up, so a trip to my old home then." Alex contemplated his next move, thankful that his previous residence wasn't too far from his current location.

However, the realization struck him – using his ability to traverse at maximum speed was easily out of the question; It would draw obvious attention, and potentially create complications for himself. So, he resigned himself to the more, mundane option: walking...

As Alex made his way through the city streets, he observed the flow of everyday life. People hurried past, engrossed in their own affairs. The familiar sights and sounds of the city resonated with him, and for a moment, he felt a twinge of nostalgia.

'It still feels weird how everything just seemed so, normal. The people here are no different than they were in my previous life, it's, scary,' This however cemented it for him totally, that this really was a, his transmigration... 

The journey to his old home was a mix of familiarity and change. Buildings he remembered stood tall, but new businesses had taken residence, and the cityscape had evolved since he last walked these streets... 

Arriving at his former residence, Alex took a moment to collect himself before entering. The place held memories – both good and challenging. It was a chapter of his life that he had closed when he joined the X-Men.

Unlocking the door, he stepped inside. The familiar scent of the place enveloped him. It was a curious feeling, like stepping into a version of his past. Dust had settled on surfaces, and the air felt stale. 

'I've been away for a little over a month, yet it feels like I haven't been here in a year...' He remarked.

Alex began the process of gathering his belongings, making mental notes of what to keep and what to discard.

While he was sorting through the items he couldn't help but look around his home, quickly memories resurfaced – moments of joy, laughter, and also moments of struggle, not of his previous life's memories, but this life's memories. This was the place where his initial grind had began.

It was a bittersweet experience, and Alex couldn't help but reflect on how much he had grown in the last month alone...

With a bag filled with some essentials, Alex quickly went up to the washing machine, using whatever soap, and bleach he had left to wash his new set of clothes. Fortunately, the electricity and water were still up and going; Though, he didn't know if he should feel depressed or happy about it...

"Time to take a well-needed stretches, bath..." Alex murmured to himself as he ascended the stairs. The weight of the day's decisions lingered, but the prospect of a moment of relaxation offered some respite.

Upon reaching the bathroom, he stripped off the clothes he had worn throughout the day. Passing by the mirror, Alex paused, taking a moment to scrutinize himself.

"I really have changed, huh..." he mused, studying the nuances of his new physique, a transformation that had transpired just an hour ago. The words of the store associate echoed in his mind – he had indeed become more muscular.

Alex carefully examined his reflection, noting the subtle alterations that had taken place. His chest was fuller, shoulders broader, and leg muscles more full and defined. His overall physique had taken on a more sculpted appearance. While he might not consider himself super aesthetic, the changes were undeniable.

As he continued his self-assessment, Alex realized that even his face had undergone slight, modifications. His eyes had become sharper, the green hue more vibrant, and his jawline a touch more defined. It was a transformation he hadn't anticipated, and he couldn't help but smile at the changes...

He ran his hand through his hair, feeling its texture and the subtle increase in its length too. The changes were subtle, but unmistakable, and in his eyes, it sort of added an air of mystery to his looks...

With a deep breath, Alex accepted the upgrade he had undergone. Change was a constant for him now... Stepping into the bath, he allowed the warm water to envelop him...

Opening his eyes, his thoughts wondered, 'What will I really do after all this?" he contemplated, the journey ahead was going to be rough, that he knew for certain...











Alright lil homies, run some ideas

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts