
Ross wants to be Roasted!!

Senator and others looked toward the source and found General Ross.

"Your fan?" Tony asked, looking at Ross.

"A bug," Max said, and Tony nodded.

"Mine was here; you got yours here too," he pointed a hammer and said.

"What do you mean, General Ross?" Senator asked as Ross reached to him and passed him a file.

"As I said, we took his threats lightly. Even without his technology, this young man is quite a danger," General Ross looked at Max and said.

"Why is that fool there?" Fury asked, looking at the screen from where he is seeing how Max compromised or the USA compromised for Transformer tech.

"He seemed to be interested in Max's bodyguard and his butler," Maria passed him a file which contained the activity of General Ross.

"He is tracking both of them," Fury said and looked back at the monitor.

"Am I right, Mr. Potts?" Ross looked at Max and asked.

"Who is this clown now?" Max looked at Senator and asked.

"Mind your language, Mister Potts. Unlike you, this man has given his whole life serving our nation," Senator banged his hammer, not Justin Hammer but the order hammer, and said.

"Well, then I have to find about him myself," Max shrugged and then tapped his watch, which transformed into a laptop.

Tap, tap, tap.

Everyone fell silent seeing this while Tony did his best not to laugh amidst the keyboard clicking sound of the laptop.

"Okay, now I know about this General Ross, we can continue." What Max did was to get all the black history of Ross.

Senator glared at him and then asked General Ross, "General Ross, why don't you clarify what you meant?"

Ross nodded, and then he took a pendrive and inserted it inside the screen and tapped the remote and... nothing happened.

"Ahem, let me help," Justin Hammer stood up and started fixing the wires which he unplugged earlier.

"Just get another one," Senator said as Justin failed to fix the monitor.

Max shook his head and fixed the monitor and made a please gesture towards Ross.

"Thank you, Mr. Potts," Ross said, and then a video appeared on the screen.

It was of Abomination wreaking havoc on New York streets.

"As you all see, this monster, which we failed to subdue even with the most advanced tanks, lost his life to Mr. Potts' bodyguard," Ross explained as the monitor showed how Max's car was on the same street as the Abomination and how Bucky and Edward came out of the car, helped citizens, and killed Abomination in one shot.

"Mr. Potts, do you have anything to say?" Senator looked at Max and said.

"Am I getting any reward for that?" Max asked.



Everyone started laughing.

Bang, bang, "Order, order."

"You not only have dangerous technology but also such dangerous mutants working as your bodyguard and butler. Now do you have anything to say?" Senator asked.

"What do you want from me?" Max asked, but everyone started gasping as Max involuntarily emitted Overlord Haki.

Pepper stopped him, and Max took back his Haki.

"What was that?" Senator said as he looked around.

Everyone also looked around, puzzled, including Ross. Earlier, the amount of Haki was small, but since everyone is a normal human here, their minds went blank momentarily, and hence they missed the source.

"Teach me that later," Tony, leaning in, said to Max.

Max nodded and once again asked, "What do you want from me?"

"We want those technology and your butler and bodyguard, Mr. Potts," Ross was the one who answered.

"We can make our nation secure using that, like now, when some unknown psychic mutant tried to control everyone here," Ross said with an anger-filled face.

"Don't shout at me, Ross," Max stood up and said.

He then reached the monitor and plugged in another pendrive.

"Why don't we see the so-called purpose of the USA military for my tech and my men?" Max said and started the monitor.


"It was his doing?"

Everyone gasped as the screen showed the origin of Abomination, aka an army man under Ross.

"Don't tell me you were going to use him to secure your nation, Ross," Max sneered at him and said.

"This is another proof of what will happen if my or Tony's tech falls into government hands," Max said as he showed another picture where Bruce Banner was living peacefully, and the army entered the scene, waking up an uncontrollable monster.

"A total of 3,871 men died that day," Max said as he displayed the images of those who died.

"And guess what, blame was put on other countries in the name of war," Max said, and the sound of clicking increased.

Ross sat back, knowing he lost.

"I would rather destroy my tech than give it to you," Max said, looking at Senator, and left the court.

"Where are you going?" Senator yelled.

"We are done, Senator," Tony said as he winked and left too.


"I can't believe you played according to the script," Sunset said as she joined Max.

"I was too lazy to make up bullshit," Max shrugged.

"Those were your lines?" Tony asked.

Sunset nodded, and then Tony said, "Leave him and come and work under me. I will pay double what he pays."

"I like my work there at Potts Tech," Sunset said without looking back.

"My charm has decreased," Tony felt absurd a beauty rejected him.

"You're getting old," Pepper, amused by Tony's reaction, couldn't resist teasing him, her laughter ringing out as they made their way to the car.

Max and Sunset laughed too, and they merrily left the court.

While Ross looked at them, and a glint flashed in his eyes, their sound of laughter felt like they are mocking him.

'First Bruce and now them, I will pay back all this humiliation surely' Ross thought as he left too.


"Seize all the research of Ross and arrest him," Fury declared, closing the screen.

Maria nodded, acknowledging the order, before leaving the room. As she departed, Fury remained focused, a thoughtful expression on his face. With a subtle gesture, a glass of water materialized in his hand, lifting off the table.

"Consider this as payback for this wonderful ability, Max," Fury mused, a smile playing on his lips as he admired the skillful manipulation of the water-filled glass from a distance of ten meters away.