
Chapter 18 - FBI Agents

The following day unknown individuals arrived in the small town of Puente Antiguo, stopping by the station in a black van. From it two people stepped out— one was a male who seemed to be in his early 30s while the other was a female that seemed similar in age.

As they entered the police station they naturally drew the attention of the receptionist as they were dressed in black suits, making them easily stand out from the casual wear of people in town.

Not only that, they weren't from the town to begin with, which she noticed right away due to being familiar with almost everyone here.

However, she did her job and waited for them to approach the desk, however before she could speak and say anything, the male of the group did first.

"Morning, I'm Agent Miguel and this is Agent Frea— we are FBI Agents that have been sent to check out a recent report made about a girl believed to be connected to a trafficking case. As this is related to a case of our own, we would like to speak to the officer in charge here."

His words were very direct and left no room for the woman to interject until he had finished— he even took out his badge and showed her their FBI credentials to prove he was in fact as he claimed.

She didn't know how to reply, and it was a good thing she didn't need to— as when he finished speaking she told him to wait one moment and just called the sheriff to deal with this.

It was his job after all.

And with this, in less than 10 minutes the man had arrived at the station from his home— once again having to rush due to an incident at the station.

Recently this has become far too common.

But as he entered he noticed the two individuals sitting in the waiting area— approaching them he greeted them.

"Hello, I am the sheriff of this town, and the one in charge of the girl's case, please follow me to my office."

He said— and as such, they moved from the lobby into the man's office, with all three of them taking a seat to speak.

Miguel was the first to speak as he explained the situation to the man the best he could without giving away their case information.

"Recently the FBI has been following a case that has to do with the kidnapping and trafficking of young individuals and we believe that this girl may be involved with the case— as such, we would like to speak to her to learn more."

He wasn't asking for much— they simply needed to speak to the girl in order to have a basic understanding of what had happened to her. This way they could tell if this was in fact related to their case or not.

"I've already written all the girl was able to remember in the report, she currently can't remember much and I don't think she's in the right state to speak to people right now."

The Sherif explained as he didn't feel right making a girl that had just been through such trauma speak to even more people related to it.

Yet— he couldn't be too direct about this either as they were FBI Agents and he was a mere Sherif, there was a certain level of pressure from their power he couldn't overlook.

"There is no need to worry, we simply wish to speak to her in order to confirm if what she said is true, we have means of doing this that you do not."

Spoke the female of the two— after having not said anything this entire time.

No matter how much the man tried to wiggle his way out of this situation they kept pushing— until eventually, he had to just give in and bring them to the hospital where the girl stayed.

The girl in question had been resting since the night before and had only just woken up. While she didn't need a lot of sleep— her body was still rather new currently and she had to rest every so often to rebuild lost energy.

So when she woke up to the two people entering her room— two people she didn't know— she was confused.

They introduced themselves as FBI Agents to the girl and that instantly made her realize that her plan had gone off-trail and something unexpected had happened.

She didn't plan for the FBI to get involved— she didn't even plan for the government to care— but it seemed something outside of her expectations had happened.

It was still fine though, she didn't have to worry too much as long as she stuck to her story, everything would be alright.

"Please try to answer all of our questions truthfully, it would really help our investigation into this matter."

Spoke the male as he took a seat to the side, however, it was the female that took the seat in front of her and was going to do all the questioning.

She found this odd given the fact that the man had done all the speaking so far— but she paid it no mind.

"Firstly, What is your name?"

She thought about just telling them her real name since it wouldn't matter, but then she decided against it in case something happened later down the line.

Instead, she decided to make up a name, Lily Garcia would be her fake name from now on.

"I can't remember my entire name, but i remember being called Lily often."

This was true, she was often called Lily in her last life by friends so she didn't even need to lie about this fact.